Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2838: Soul King campaign

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"Okay, don't cry, am I not good?"

Among the Holy Land of the Soul, the soul seventy-seven while crying and holding Xiangyang tightly, she is very hard, and even used her half-step soul of the soul as a soul, if not Xiangyang If the strength of the flesh is strong enough, I am afraid that it will be possible to be shattered by her at this moment.

Xiang Yang cried and looked at the soul seventy-seven, gently patted her back, this girl, the truth is revealed at the moment, although the crying is very ugly, but Xiang Yang is very moved.

The soul seventy-seven tightly holding Xiang Yang, as if he did not hear Xiang Yang’s words, still crying. "You scared me, I thought you were just like my father, if you have an accident, What should I do, hehe..."

"Do not worry, I will not have an accident. There are no treasures and anyone in the world who can kill me." Xiang Yang said with a confident face.

"No, you don't be too confident. It's just really horrible. My father has reached the half-step soul san, and the souls of the past have almost reached this level, but they all died here. These black and white fires are terrible, oh..."

The soul seventy-seven still crying.

"I am not okay? Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, come, let me go, I am strangled by you." Xiang Yang said with a smile.


At this time, the soul seventy-seven really reacted. After inheriting the power of her father, she has become a super invincible strongman in the half-step sub-holy environment. She is so strong in holding Xiang Yang, how can Xiang Yang’s body be able to Can bear it?

"Xiang Yang, are you okay? Have you been hurt by me?"

"Sorry, I forgot that my strength has increased, I am sorry..."

The soul seventy-seven nervously looked at Xiang Yang, a pair of things that did the wrong thing, like a child, so that Xiang Yang could not help but smile after seeing it. "I am fine, you don't have to be nervous."

"Are you really okay?"

After listening to the soul seventy-seven, she was relieved, but her eyes still looked at Xiangyang tightly.

"Of course, my physical strength has reached the peak of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. That is to say, now I am the body of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. Although your strength is strong, it has not yet reached Feel free to hold me and I will crush me." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Ah... you, your body has really become so powerful?"

The soul was seven and seven, and looked at Xiang Yang. However, when she remembered that Xiang Yang passed on her own temperament, she was relieved. Xiang Yang had an infinite number of treasures, if it was used to practice this door. The physical exercise method is sure to be able to use the fastest time to raise the body to the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. It is also normal.

Xiang Yanghehe smiled and looked at the soul seventy-seven. "Well, let's see if this soul sacred place has become the original look. Is there any baby that can charge you, and then take it away and take it away? Otherwise, I want to get here later, but it will take a long time."

"There is no treasure. The holy land of the Soul is only a place of practice. Moreover, although this place has gradually recovered, there are many runes that have not really recovered to the past. Now it is useless to stay here. of."

While talking, she looked at an altar in front of her, whispering. "This altar is the place to go to the soul ancestral land. Only the soul of the soul can start the altar. Maybe you can start the altar." ”

"Start the altar to the ancestral home of the soul?"

Xiang Yang smiled softly and moved with the soul seventy-seven. He instantly came to the edge of the altar and looked at the altar. He carefully studied the situation of the altar. Sure enough, this altar is still a one-way transmission and can only be transmitted by people. In the past, it was impossible to send people back. This made him very confused. Where is the soulland of the soul family?

"Yeah, the legendary ancestral land, only the descendants of the souls who have been trained to reach the holy world are qualified to go back." The soul seventy-seven sighed and said, "These ancient legends, only the contemporary soul and soul The only remaining souls in the family know that, but unfortunately, after my father left, many things, if you want to know, can only wait for the new soul emperor to be in the position, the new soul emperor is qualified to know. ”

"Do you want to know?"

Xiang Yanghehe smiled and looked at the soul seventy-seven.

"Do you know what?" The soul looked at Xiang Yang inexplicably.

"Nature is the thing that the Emperor of the King can know." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

With the strength of the soul of the seventy-seventh now, it has fully qualified to become the soul emperor of the soul family, and she is still the seven princesses of the soul family, is the successor of the soul emperor, can be said to be the most appropriate candidate for the new soul emperor, The only way to take away the physical training of the millions of real fairy peaks in Xihezhou is to make the soul seventy-seven become the new soul emperor of the soul family.

"I, I can't be the Emperor."

The soul seventy-seven glanced at Xiangyang, then shook his head and said, "The Soul of the Soul is just a shackle. Among the souls, the real person who handles everything is only the 18 elders of the Soul. I am even The soul emperor, in the end, is just the same as the fall of my father, and I still have to enter the holy land to practice. If I can break through to the soul of the holy land, I can naturally enter the ancestral land, but once I enter the ancestral land, maybe again Can't come back, if there is no breakthrough to become a soul holy, you may die here and become an energy of the Holy Land."

"The soul king is just awkward?"

After Xiang Yang listened, it was a dull color on his face. He did not expect that there was such a situation. He originally thought of letting the soul be a soul, so that he could take it away with ease. Millions of bodies have been repaired.

However, as a result, it seems that you want to take away the physical training of the millions of real fairy peaks.

"If you want to take away the physical training of millions of immortals, I can help you negotiate with the 18-year-old elders of the Soul. As long as you give them a smelt, I believe they will promise." It is said softly.

"Are you sure?" Xiang Yang asked.

Although Xiang Yang does not see this practice, if the fusion of the body is to get a force with very strong ambitions, especially the soul of the soul is too mysterious, where is the so-called ancestral land? It is also a mystery.

In the unlikely event that the souls have been reconciled, all the souls of the souls will devour all magical powers to practice this magical power. Although there will be no harm at the moment, in the future, after a long time, the whole soul If the tribes are all practicing, they all devour the infinite magic weapon, and they may eat out all the magic weapons of the heavens and the universe.

"If you can give this practice to the soul family, you are absolutely sure that you can succeed. But, are you sure you want to give this practice to the soul family? You know, this practice is very horrible, if it really makes The Soul got it, maybe not a good thing."

The soul seventy-seven eyes look to Xiangyang, the eyes with a dignified color, she is a soul of the people, in fact, the first time to get this practice is to pass this practice to all the people of the soul family However, later, after entering the holy land of the soul, she saw the death of her father, and did not know what her father passed to her, so that the soul seven seven seems to be no longer the pure one wants to be everything. To the little girl of the soul family.

At the moment, she is more concerned about Xiangyang.

"If you give the complete exercises to the souls, it is really possible to have some problems, but if I only give the souls the ability to practice the magic of the true fairy, then even if the souls are going to develop, Can't reach a very terrible degree."

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the soul seventy-seven.

He already wants to understand that the exercises can be given to the souls, but they cannot give the complete exercises to the souls. Otherwise, they may be very dangerous to the heavens.

What you need is the physical repair of the realm of the millions of real fairy tales. It is appropriate to exchange the practice of the soul of the soul to the peak of the true fairy.

"This is a good way."

After listening to the soul seventy-seven, it was the eyes shining, and couldn’t help but look at Xiangyang. "Xiang Yang, I found that you are really too powerful. I can think of such a good way, just like today’s big change, everyone Everyone knows that it is almost impossible to achieve the Daluo situation. We only need to hide the cultivation of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak that you are already. At that time, you can practice to the Soul. They will definitely agree on the practice of the real fairyland."

"Of course..."

Xiang Yang’s face was smug, and then he discussed the details with the soul seven seven before launching the power of reverse transmission and pulling the two out of the holy land of the soul.


"The millennium has arrived, the soul emperor enters the holy land to practice, unfortunately failed to come out, then, today, we should choose a new soul emperor."

At this moment, outside the altar of the Soul, the souls of the Souls are gathered together. The Eighteen Elders of the Soul are standing under the altar. They have a faint smile on their faces. They have not left the Holy Land from the Holy Land. I have been used to it already.

For millions of years, they have witnessed too many soul emperors, but no matter how majestic each soul is, no matter how good, no one can come out after entering the Holy Land.

It is precisely because of this that the soul of the soul of the emperor's replacement is frequent, but also makes the position of the eighteen elders more stable, the eighteenth family behind them have completely controlled the entire soul, and this soul emperor, although after the stage will There is a certain power, but in the end, they are still the 18th elders.

In the West, the younger generations of the souls of the younger generations of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianjiao’s Tianjiao are all full of excitement. Before that, they have already made a lot of preparations to become a new soul emperor. .

Now, it is time for the eighteen elders to announce the new soul emperor.

There are a total of eighteen candidates for the Emperor of the Soul, each of which is the strongest of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. They are selected among the eighteen elders' families. Each background is similar, each one The strength is similar, and all aspects can be said to be the best among the younger generation, and they are enough to be the soul emperor.

And to decide who can become the new soul emperor, it is to see the mood of the 18th elders.

All the soul people in the field know that the eighteen elders can only cover everything, and the former Emperor candidate, even other family members, even the ordinary soul group, such as This time, the soul emperor who did not come out of the Holy Land of the Soul is not a family member. He was originally a very ordinary sprawl. However, his talent is excellent, his strength is unmatched, and he directly defeats all. The candidate becomes the real soul emperor.

However, just because the strength of the soul emperor is too strong, there are also similar talents. Even the 18th elders were overwhelmed by the soul emperor at that time. This time, the 18th elders decided directly. The choice of the Emperor of the Soul is selected from the 18th National Family. At that time, the Emperor of the Soul is only a shackle. In any case, the vested interests are the 18th National Family.

At this moment, the top 18 elders were very satisfied. They looked at the expectation of the eighteen Emperor candidates on their faces. They had the feeling of being in power. After the eighteen people looked at each other, they were big. The elder smiled and said, "This time, for the sake of fairness, we do not directly designate the candidates of the Soul Emperor. Instead, let the 18 candidates decide their own outcomes. Eighteen people will participate in the melee. What they can finally persist is the new one. The soul of the emperor."

"it is good."

Originally very nervous, I wondered if I could be seen by the 18th Elders and become a candidate for the new Emperor. After hearing the words of the elders, they all shouted out with excitement.

Originally, if the 18th elders decided to choose the soul emperor, their 18 candidates would not have any right to choose independently, then just give all decisions to the elders.

However, today is different. The 18th elders actually let them decide who is the soul emperor by strength, which is really fair to them.

They are very confident in themselves, feel that their strength can force others, relying on themselves, can completely become the real soul emperor.

"Brothers, this soul queen, I am determined. You should know my strength. If you are interested, let me go back and don't compete with me. Otherwise, when it is time, I will not start. It’s ruthless.” There was a young man with a confident face watching other candidates say.

"is it?"

When he just finished speaking, there is another one who asks you to stand up and express his feelings indifferently. "I would like to see if you are a man who is not merciless. With your strength, even if you are not merciless." Who can hurt you?"

Say, ignore the ugly face of the first person, and he said with a faint smile. "If you don't want to die, you will retire. After the emperor is in the position, you need to pick your own position."

"Oh, soul dragon, you are too arrogant."

When the voice of the second youth just fell, I heard a third young man standing up. He sneered and said, "Everyone has the same strength, and the treasures are similar. Who can persist until the end, everything depends on luck, but, I have been very lucky since I was a child. When I walked on the road, I could meet some treasures and descend from the sky. You can't do anything. This soul emperor, I am set.

Moreover, the person who can be a soul emperor must be a person with enough luck. During my time as a soul emperor, I will definitely lead the soul family to the peak. ”

"You don't talk nonsense, just rely on you to have a little dog, do you really think you can go against the sky?"

"That is, all rely on strength to decide who is the soul emperor, your mouth is quite powerful, but the strength is not very good."


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