Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2845: Magical little black tiger

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"What is the Xihe Incident?"

Seeing the reaction of the soul seventy-seven, Xiang Yang and Ming Tian’s faces all looked at the soul seventy-seven with curiosity, while the middle-aged man who stood up on the other side saw Xiang Yang even ignore him. It is awkward to sit down with a helpless look on his face.

He originally wanted to evoke the curiosity of Xiang Yang, and then he can take the opportunity to get some monkey drinks from Xiangyang. Unfortunately, the soul seven seven seems to know the weird legends on the ship, which makes Xiang Yang turn his attention. To the soul of the seven seven, no longer pay attention to him, so that even if you want to get monkey wine from Xiang Yang, it is more troublesome.

The soul seventy-seven is drinking a bite of wine, but her face is still not getting better, but Shen Shen said, "In ancient legends, when the night moon falls, the West River will change, everything will be included in the material cycle change. Among them, as long as this night of the moon changes, the ship will become back and forth, and everyone on the ship will be completely with this ship as long as they stay on the ship for seven or forty-nine days. The West River has become a boat, and since then it has only become a part of this West River boat forever, drifting on the West River forever."

"There is such a thing?"

This time, not only the face of Xiang Yang and Ming Tian showed a shocking color, but even the group of fairy kings who were laughing and drinking while they were drinking were also changed their faces.

The group of Xianwang stood up at the same time and came to the table of Xiangyang. They looked at the soul with a dignified color on their faces. The middle-aged man who spoke at the beginning asked quietly, "This ...predecessors, what are you talking about?"

She originally wanted to call the soul seven or seven as a friend or a fairy. However, after a closer look, it was only shocking to discover that the strength of the soul of the seventy-seventh was much stronger than him. When he was shaking, he only called the soul seven. Seven are seniors.

The soul seventy-seven did not care about the other party's name, but Shen Sheng said, "Nature is true, I am the first seven princesses of the soul family. These legends are all seen in the books of the soul family. You think I need to Lie to you?"


After everyone listened to the identity of the soul seventy-seven, all of them took a breath, and their faces were shocked. They didn’t think that the strong seven of the soul was actually the seven princesses of the soul, which confirmed the soul seven. The Xihe incident mentioned by the Seventh is definitely true.

"Don't ask the seven princesses, how did the Xihe incident come? How should we crack?"

The middle-aged man, Xian Wang, asked after a ceremony for the soul seven or seven.

"The Xihe incident is difficult to crack. According to the records of the classics, there are only two ways to break the Xihe incident. On the one hand, it is to repair the level of the peak of the holy world, and it is possible to break the law and detach it from the Xihe River. In addition, the other method is to study the law of the Xihe incident. In the legend, all this is because the Xihe incident has a special law when it changes, and if it can be thoroughly understood, it can be thoroughly Cracked open."

The soul said seventy-seven.

At the same time, she looked at Xiangyang and whispered, "Xiang Yang, we still have to seize the opportunity to find a way to leave. Otherwise, the longer it stays on this ship, the more likely it is to be assimilated into the West River. Part of it, when it is time, it can only flow along the West River forever."

Others worried that they could not leave the Xihe boat, but she did not worry because she knew very well that Xiangyang’s soul power really reached the peak of the holy world. It was not difficult to leave the Xihe boat. As for the others on board, That is not her business.

"Yeah, if there is a way to leave, I still have to leave as soon as possible. According to the Seven Princesses, I have heard of this Xihe incident. It seems to happen once every million years, every million years. Time, the West River boat will appear, and then disappear again." At this time, the sky is sighed.

"Have you heard that?" Xiang Yang turned his head and looked at the sky.

This guy should be a sacred strongman, no one else will be afraid to leave the West River boat. What is this guy nervous?

Xiang Yang’s heart squinted at the same time, on the surface, he was curious and asked about the sky. “Since you know this event, do you definitely have a better solution? At least, I believe that you definitely have to leave. ?"

"This, the method is nothing more than the two kinds of princesses mentioned by the seven princesses. Unfortunately, although I ask myself for talent, it is not so simple to understand the power of the law on the West River."

Sighed and said tomorrow.

Xiang Yang frowned, and more and more sure that this guy is fearless. Of course, Xiang Yang himself is also fearless. Anyway, his true spirit has reached the peak of true sanctuary. When he wants to leave, as long as the power of the holy world breaks out It must be possible to leave. For this, he is not in a hurry.

"When I figured out what the West River incident is, I want to leave." Xiang Yang was stunned and didn't think about leaving right away, but asked the soul seventy-seven, "Seven, seven, and so on." Is it the way?"


The soul seven seven seven shook his head.

"The young master had not sensed anything before, and when the night came, there was indeed an incredible force of law. I didn't expect it to be so serious."

"No, you must tell the young master right away."

"We have been on the boat for nearly seven days. If we drag it down, it will be very unfavorable for us."

"Thank you for the seven princesses, let us first leave."

Then, the group of fairy kings quickly left, they want to tell these young things to them, as to how to decide next, it is to see their young master.

"This is a bit of a meaning, I really look forward to the arrival of the night." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Xing brother is really a daring person, and others are afraid of this kind of thing when they are afraid of the night, and you feel that you are expecting." The sky looked like a smile and looked at Xiang Yang.

"Oh, although I am a weaker person, I just like to join in the fun, and I am not afraid of it, where is the danger, where to go, where is the place to go."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Haha, no wonder the brother is so young, but it is so strong."

He smiled softly and didn't know what was going on in his heart, but Xiang Yang can be sure that the other party must be a bad water.

"Maybe when the night is rewarded, it’s time for this guy to reveal his nature."

Xiang Yang said to himself, while he was drinking while drinking, he asked the soul seventy-seven. "Seven, is this Xihe incident really terrible?"

"I haven't really experienced it, and I don't know it." Soul's seven-seven face said with an incomprehensible color.

"It is also said that no matter what, it is really necessary to experience it before you can know whether these things are really terrible." Xiang Yang chuckled softly.

Next, Xiang Yang has a sneak peek at the heavens and the soul seven seven days, while drinking, while his glimpse of consciousness has entered the Promise, in the Immortal Among them, the densely packed figures are full of millions, and these are the physical repairs of the millions of real fairy peaks.

"Boss, these physical repairs are all unruly. You can't just let them become the realm of Da Luo. You must first conquer them and say."

At this time, Xiaoling, Laowan and Laojiao appeared together in the consciousness of Xiangyang. Not only that, but Xiangyang’s curious discovery, the black tiger that disappeared after being thrown into the Promise Immortal, was actually at this time. Also appeared, this little guy is looking curiously at the bottom of the real world of millions of real fairy.

Although it is black, but the eyes are full of agility.

"Where did this little guy go to this place?" Xiang Yang’s consciousness condensed into a figure, directly grabbed the little tiger and looked at the little guy curiously.

"Boss, you don't know, this guy sneaked into the tower of the body repair, and then you became the second member to walk out of the tower."

At the same time as Xiaoling said, don’t say that Xiangyang’s eyes are incredibly looking at the little black tiger with his eyes open and his face innocent. Even Laowan and Laojiao look at the little black tiger. The eyes are also surprised.

"You said, this little guy is now the strength of the body of the big body and the top of the world?" Xiang Yang asked with a wink.

"Hey.." The little guy was caught in the hands of Xiang Yang, and did not resist, but screamed a few times, with innocent colors in his big eyes, but if you look closely, you will find the little ones. There is a hidden smug in the innocent eyes.

"Yeah, it is not only the strength of the flesh to reach the peak of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng, after it came out of the tower of physical repair, its energy is no weaker than any of the strongest of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak. ""

Lao Wan sighed and said, "It is a living spirit that came out from the beginning of the world. It is too simple to repair it. It is easy to become a great master."

"How can I not sense its repair?"

Xiang Yang frowned, although he did not have all the real spiritual consciousness to enter the Promise Immortal, but it is definitely not weak. Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for him to see through the cultivation of the tiger. However, the fact is that he actually thought that the little tiger was just like the one he was born with, and he had the cultivation of Da Luo. I did not expect that this little thing has become a double-training and refining body. It’s incredible that Luo Jiuzhong’s realm of heaven and earth.

"This is going to ask this little guy, chaos, the core of the land, the land of the beginning of the original, known as the initial place, a lot of things can not even understand the world." Lao Wan said with a sigh.

"It seems that this is very interesting at the beginning."

Xiang Yang blinked and grabbed the little tiger and shook. He asked, "Have you provided the power of my practice last time to be the original source? Give me some more, let my deity also absorb a little to practice."


However, what Xiang Yang did not expect was that after the little tiger heard his words, he was shocked by him, and then ran out directly from his own hands, and there was no shadow when he slid.


Xiang Yang originally thought that he was the master of the Promise Immortal. The whole Promise is in his own control. It is very simple to know where the tiger is going. However, when he probed the Promise After the government found out that he was wrong.

With his own control of the Promise Immortal, he did not even find out where the tiger went.

"What is going on?" Xiang Yang looked at the three great spirits. Lao Wan is the most knowledgeable of the three great spirits. Since he knows that the little black tiger is from the beginning, then you should know These, as for the magical old man in the battlefield of the fairy, this guy is only born after the birth of the soul, do not understand anything, the little spirit knows more, but not as much as the vast world that Lao Wan followed with the looting.

"This is the power of the living place in the beginning. The place of the beginning is the place where all the saints want to enter. It is the real core of chaos. Even the guess is that the land of the beginning may be chaotic. The source, the creatures related to the land of the beginning, no matter what things are normal, but fortunately, the little black tiger is indeed surrendered by the boss, otherwise, let this guy stay with me, I really don’t know. It’s bad.” Lao Wan said with a smile.

"It seems that we should find a chance to teach this little guy a good meal, or else it will be a dare to reverse the sky." Xiang Yang blinked, made up his mind, and must learn the lesson when he has time. Tiger a meal.

However, of course not now, he can't catch the little black tiger now. I really don't know where the little guy went.

If the little guy can make good use of it, let the other party provide the original power of the original demon avatar of Xiangyang to Xiangyang's deity. Xiangyang believes that his deity will have imaginable achievements.

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