Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2848: Kominato Tiger Lord

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"Bastard, do you dare to yin me?"


Under the circumstance, the whole person was directly flung out by Xiang Yang. When he landed on the deck, his face was angry and roared out, but the sound had not yet fallen. He had originally swam on the deck. The ghosts of all of them stopped, and they all turned their heads to look at the sky, and the eyes were filled with green flames.



Then, all the ghosts in all directions were violent, and they rushed toward him in an instant, and all the voids in his body were wrapped in infinite voids, and the energy of all kinds of horror was flowing.

For a time, Xiang Yang could not see what was going on in the sky. However, when he saw such a terrible situation, he could not help but be embarrassed. "It’s really horrible, even after I went up, Are you careful?"

"Boss, this heaven is not an ordinary person."

At this time, Xiang Yang Dan Tian heard the voice of Lao Wan.

"Of course I know that he is not an ordinary person. He is the master of Yasheng Peak. He hides his own cultivation and follows me. He thought I didn't know. Oh, this guy, although I was overcast, I will never die. I will be careful to face this guy's revenge later."

Xiang Yang said with a smile, since he turned his face to the sky, he was already prepared, and he must prevent the counterattacks in the future.


In the Dantian of Xiangyang, Laowan, Xiaoling and Laojiao face each other, especially Laowan is whispering, "The boss misunderstood the other party. He thought his judgment was very accurate, thinking that the sky. It is a master of the Yasheng Peak. As everyone knows, the repair of that guy is actually only the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. The reason why it is extraordinary is that the guy is just a projection of the main god."

"Would you like to tell the boss?" The old man looked at Xiaoling with a tangled face. Although he knows a lot, at this time, if you tell Xiangyang in person, isn't it equal to the face of the red fruit?

"Ha ha ha, Lao Wan, if you don't tell the boss, after the boss knows the truth, he may not let you go." Xiao Ling looked at the old glory and looked at Lao Wan.

"I, why am I so unlucky?"

After Lao Wan listened, he was stunned. He knew that Xiaoling said that it was not unreasonable. He can only point out the mistake of Xiang Yang with his scalp.

Ever since, Xiang Yangzheng looked at the sun on the deck surrounded by those ghosts, and prevented the other party from counterattacking. He heard the old Wanke cough in Dantian and said, "Boss, in fact, this meditation. Heaven is not a holy."


After Xiang Yang listened, he groaned and then shook his head and said, "Impossible, this guy gives me a very dangerous feeling. Even, I think this guy is more horrible than the Yasheng I have seen. He can't be Aya."

"He is indeed the cultivation of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak."

Lao Wan whispered, "Boss, I absolutely can't lie to you. You feel that he is very dangerous. It is because this is not his deity, just his incarnation."


Xiang Yang was dumbfounded. He did not expect that he was wrong. The other party was not the strongest of the Yasheng Peak, but the incarnation of a strong man. This is interesting.

"Then, his deity should be very powerful." Xiang Yang squats, with a glimpse of his face, it is an incarnation, then it is better to deal with, as long as the master of the sub-Sacred peak is personally to deal with himself, the other side The repair is just the realm of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, is it not easy to crush the other person?

Xiang Yanghe smiled, his face was smiling with a smile on the sky wrapped in the ghost and the wreck of the void. It is conceivable that it is definitely uncomfortable at this moment.

"His deity is not an immortal." Lao Wan replied.

"What's that?"

Xiang Yang stunned, and then suddenly remembered what seemed to be like, could not help but exclaimed, "Is it the main **** of the Western gods?"

"Yes, boss, you only need to expand your eyes to see if the other person is a Western god. Because the people in the Western realm are themselves the same as the foreign world. The energy they cultivate is the energy of the West. The rules are also different from those of the Pangu chaotic world, which are well recognized."

Lao Wan said.

"Well, I will wait and see if this guy is a ghost thing."

Xiang Yang calmly faces, although the other party is not going to deal with his own sub-sacred strongman, but when he knows that the other party is actually the main **** of the Western high gods, he is even more angry. The Western supreme gods are related to the exotic world. It can be said that it is a small foreign world. The last time you met the elf god, even this time, there was another incarnation of the Lord God, which gave him a sense of crisis.

"The actions of the Western gods may indicate that the exotic world must also act."

"However, these are not things I need to consider. Anyway, there is a tall man in the sky. I am nervous about a little fairy."

After thinking like this, Xiang Yang felt relaxed. Of course, although he would not go to worry, but when he saw the main **** of the Western High God, he could never let the other party be better.


At this time, I saw that the infinite energy on the deck seemed to have found the slanting mouth. All of them were pressed in the direction of the heavens. Even the ghosts were crushed by these horrible energy, revealing the inside. The look of the day.


"Humble ants, just want a little strength to hurt this god?"

With a roaring sound, I saw the physical explosion of the sky, and the infinite blood haze was absorbed. After that, a body with a height of ten feet appeared, and the other side was covered with horrible death. It seems that the face is similar to the original one, but it has two horns on the top of the head, and the whole body is dead, as if it was returned from hell.

"What monster is this?"

Xiang Yang stared at each other.

"I am the Lord God of the Underworld."

At this time, the sky roared, his whole body rose into a horrible atmosphere, and a force that was different from the Pangu chaotic world broke out from his body, and he was able to block the void in the air. The horrible power of destruction that erupted.

"This guy is not a sub-Holy, but his strength is no less than Yasheng."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Cough, the body is the main god, although the strength of his deity is not comparable to the real chaos saint, but it should be a little bit stronger on the Biansheng."

In the Dantian of Xiangyang, Lao Wan said.

Xiang Yang frowned and found himself stared at by this guy. He whispered, "It seems that this time my troubles are big, but even if I don't yell at him, don't take him in." It is estimated that he also deliberately stared at me. It should be the last time I killed the genie of the elf main **** attached to Yulia and Yuliqin, and was noticed by this guy."

At the same time, Xiang Yang only felt more and more headaches. This Western **** world seems to be a little troublesome. Although he never thought about provoke the Western gods in the past, he did not know the convergence point for the gods in the Western realm. It.

"Xiang Yang, a humble ant, can regret to bring this **** here?"

At this time, the sky has blocked all attacks. His body is very powerful. He stands proudly and looks at Xiangyang. He sneers and said, "This God did not want to deal with you so quickly, but you are looking for death. It is impossible to blame the god, not only you, but all the immortals on this ship must bear the wrath of the Lord God."

"I said, how does your so-called **** of the underworld look like no ghosts, the main gods of the Western gods will not be like you?" Xiang Yang blinked, curiously looking at the sky.

"you wanna die."

Looking at Xiangyang coldly, the eyes, though full of cold killings, but with the high-level feeling of playing all the people in the applause.

In the face of Xiang Yang, there is indeed a feeling that it is easy to play Xiang Yang in the applause. He is the main **** in the high, even if it is just an incarnation, but it is much stronger than Xiang Yang, he believes Unless it is the arrival of a true chaos sage, otherwise, even among the celestial beings, it is impossible for a group of sages to be his opponents.

"I said, Heaven, I see your body, you are indeed the human body, and your cultivation has reached the peak of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng. So, your Master has never been there. Seeing that you are actually a little magic scorpion in the Western realm?" Xiang Yang curiously looked at the sky.

"Hahaha, how can you see the ignorance of the oriental immortals, how can you see through the power of the Lord God? The dead old man has long been swallowed up by the god." The heavenly face said with a sly smile.

"Do you even have your own master swallowed up?" Xiang Yang frowned, his heart was saddened by the strong man who taught the heavens. As a saint, he was swallowed up by his disciples, and sure enough, It is absolutely impossible for the disciples to accept the disciples. It is necessary to see the other's feet.

"Reassured, you will also become part of the Lord God, and all life on this ship will be everything of the Lord God, and it will be a part of the great Lord God of the Underworld. This is an honor for the Lord."

The sky is said in a high tone.

"What is going on, who is this?"

"God, how does he look so horrible? It seems to be the Asian Holy Power."

"This is an absolutely different system of practice than our celestial world, nor is it a soul. Who is it?"


At this time, everyone in the cabin also found the sound here and ran out. Although they did not dare to be too close to the outside, they looked at this scene behind Xiangyang. When they saw the sky, they were shocked. .

"Well, all come, then the time is right to wait for the ration of the Lord God, the humble Eastern ants, the souls of the Pangu world, can only become the food of my gods, you exist. The meaning is to be stocked. When you are fat, you should be slaughtered and eaten...hey..."

When I saw a lot of people standing behind Xiangyang, his face was still with a pleasing color. He smiled happily. However, when the laughter had not yet fallen, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. Quickly look at the back.


Just listening to the sound of the tiger cub with a tender voice, everyone saw only a scene that made them even more shocked. I saw a little black tiger appearing from the back of the sky, cautiously as if to hunt, seeing After being discovered by the sky, the little black tiger made a squeak with dissatisfaction, and then his body flashed and rushed straight toward the sky.


The little black tiger instantly rushed to the front of the sky, then opened his mouth and sucked it. Its mouth seemed to have a huge horrible whirlpool, and it was the embodiment of the Lord God. At the moment, there was no force of rebellion, which was directly disappeared by the little black tiger.

"Do not..."

On the deck, there was still a roar of anger in the void, and the energy of all kinds of horror broke out, but it could not conceal the sorrowful voice of the tragic god, which was swallowed by the little black tiger.


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