Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2860: When my disciple

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Seeing that Xiangyang’s dozens of runes were arranged in the direction of Jin Duoming’s suppression, Jin Duoming’s face was horrified and yelled, “Give me a break.”

A strong crisis of life and death rose, and all the defensive magic weapons of Jin Duoming broke out with the strongest power. A vast power burst broke out, and one of the treasure-level armor was worn on him. There is a shield that is also at the level of the treasure, and even a golden sword is directly on the round rim above.


The round turns, and then it collapses and turns into a dozen runes to mark the three pieces of the treasure.

At this moment, it was Jin Duoming who was holding the Excalibur toward the round rim. Suddenly, the round turned into a dozen runes, which made him feel unprepared. However, this sword still smashed up and broke out. Out of the edge, I want to break these runes with the power of metal energy.

"It's time to test the power of these exotic runes." Xiang Yang chuckled and looked at Jin Duo Ming's three swords to the treasure level of the treasure, sighed and said, "Xiao Jin, your magic weapon It is the most local of the people I know. This time, I want to kill the people."

Take out his treasure in front of Xiang Yang. Isn't this the same as giving him a treasure?

When Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at Jin Duoming, he saw Jin Duoming’s Excalibur rushing to those runes, and the metallic invincible energy could not cause any damage to these runes. However, these runes were branded. On top of the Excalibur, this sword instantly loses all its power and generally falls on the ground.

However, after the dozen or more runes were branded on the Excalibur, they never appeared again. Obviously, if you want to control all three pieces of Jin Duoming’s treasures at the same time, it’s definitely not a simple dozen. Rune can solve.

"What a pity."

Xiang Yang sighed and his body flickered, and the whole person appeared in front of Jin Duoming instantly.

"you wanna die."

Jin Duoming saw Xiang Yang appear, roaring, "Your runes are gone, see how you can be an enemy of me, give me to die."


At this moment, he directly used the golden shield as an attacking means. He directly took the shield and leaned toward Xiangyang, and he was prepared to make the impotence into a meat sauce.

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at Jin Duoming. "You are a fake, and if you don't believe it, I will show it to you."

Although he spoke, the speed was very slow, and he punched directly toward the shield in front.

"Through the flesh and blood to fight against the treasure, if you look for death, then you can't blame the Lord." When Jin Duoming saw Xiangyang bombardment, he thought that Xiangyang would use what he had to use, and he was scared. Big jump, I did not expect that when Xiang Yang actually used his fist to bombard his treasury-level defensive magic shield, he was exposed.

There was a strong ray of light on the shield, and it broke out with unbreakable, unbreakable power. In an instant, with the power of millions of gods, it rushed toward Xiangyang.


Then, when Xiang Yang’s fist slammed with the golden shield, with a loud roar, Xiang Yang’s fist and the golden shield were deadlocked in the air.

"No, how is this possible?" Jin Duoming was shocked after seeing it. His shield is at the level of the treasure, although it has not reached the level of the day after tomorrow, but this magic weapon is definitely not comparable to the fairy. of.

Xiang Yang is just a true fairy. Even the master of the legendary body of the Da Luo, can not compete with the treasure with the power of the body?

Before this, if someone told Jin Duoming, someone could use the power of the flesh to fight against the treasure, and he would not believe if he killed him, unless the other party is the super strong person of Yasheng Peak, or else, even if it is the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. The master who broke out the strongest attack power is not likely to have such a powerful force to resist the treasure.

However, Xiang Yang, who is only the peak of the true fairy, even blocked the treasure with the power of the flesh. At this moment, Jin Duoming’s world view has been changed. His eyes are wide and his face is shocking and incredible. Looking at Xiang Yang, shocked, "You, who are you?"

"I am your old man."

Xiang Yanghehe smiled, and in the fist against the treasure shield of the golden treasure, there was a vortex that broke out, and a slashed blade was looming. The direct deputy suppressed the shield to the treasure, and then the vortex flowed, as if there was a look. The big hand that disappeared came out of it, and immediately grabbed the golden shield and dragged it in. In the blink of an eye, the golden shield disappeared.

At the same time, the golden sword that had fallen on the ground disappeared in an instant.

"And this armor, smashed your clothes."

Xiang Yang looked at the armor to Jin Duoming, and sneered, "Take off Laozi."


Then, he shot in an instant, punched out, and prepared to transport Jin Duoming, and then took off the armor of the other side.

"Who dares to move him?"

However, what Xiang Yang did not expect was that when he had not hit the Jin Duoming in the fist, there was a voice full of Shengwei in the void, followed by a vast atmosphere. When it broke out, the power of a strong sanctuary instantly suppressed against Xiangyang.

After Xiang Yang met, his face changed and he whispered. "There is a master of Yashengfeng to save you. You are lucky, and you have not let Laozi take your clothes down."

At the same time, at this moment, I felt that the power of this sacred peak power was suppressed against myself. His fist did not continue to bombard Jin Duoming, but directly hit the upper air and bombarded it. At the same time, the mouth roared, "Give me a break."


Xiang Yang’s fist blasted out, and the power of terror broke out. Although it was only the power of the flesh, at this moment, the rule of force was manifested, and it was integrated with the power of the flesh. The blessing of force is definitely not as simple as one plus one and two equals, but it is a violent outburst. It even instantly slams the pressure of this sacred powerhouse.

Then, Xiang Yang's body shape flashed, and instantly arrived at the side of the soul seven or seven, and could not help but say that the soul seventy-seven will be included in the Promise.

After doing all this, he was relieved. The most worrying thing about him was that after the seventy-seventh of the soul was suppressed by the mighty power of the other sanctuary, the physical strength of the soul seventy-seven was too weak, and it was impossible to resist. At that time, the soul of the seven seven can only become the purest soul, and only the soul is true and there is no physical strength.

Nowadays, the soul of the seventy-seventh income into the Promise Immortal, he looked up to see the chaos of the void, I saw two middle-aged men are stepping out of the chaos, the power of the other party broke out with earth-shattering Invincible, unbreakable power.

Although the other party did not re-apply, but the power of the two holy sages broke out is too strong, even after Xiang Yang met, the heart trembled.

"Without indestruction, the metal energy has been developed to the ultimate strong, the same kind of people as the fire, and the other is the strongest of the five ethnic groups."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself and understood that these two people are definitely the elders of Jin Duoming's family.

"It's a pity that my armor of the highest level."

Xiang Yang sighed, once again glanced at the armor-level armor worn by Jin Duoming. He only felt a little distressed. He knew that he should not say so much nonsense with Jin Duoming. You should give this guy directly at the beginning. It is.

It is a pity that it is not so easy to come to the masters of the two peaks of the Holy Land and want to marry Jin Duoming.

"Father, uncle."

After Jin Duoming saw the appearance of the two golden people's holy places, he was excited and shivering. He couldn't help but raise his head and shouted. "This **** is actually his hand, I am my son, I want Grab all the treasures in me, you must destroy him."

"You Lao Tzu?"

In the upper void, the two strong men who have already stepped out of the game, after one of them was furious, looked at Xiangyang with a stunned look, and the pressure of the stronghold of the Yasheng Peak was once again Xiangyang suppressed the pressure, "boy, are you tired of living?"

"Hello, you are also a sub-holy. If you ask such a level, would you like it?" Xiang Yang turned his eyes and said, "Whoever is idle will feel tired of life, even if it is tired, it is your old If you don’t die, you will feel tired and want to come to die? I am still young. How can I be tired when I am less than 100 years old?"

"Under the age of 100?"

The two sacred strong men who had heard the sound of Xiang Yang’s snoring sounded a big change when they heard the last sentence of Xiang Yang. Their eyes fixed on Xiang Yang, and the strange light in his eyes flowed. Suddenly, it was discovered that Xiang Yang actually only looked less than a hundred years old, and they suddenly felt shocked and incomparable.

"How is it possible? A strong person who is less than a hundred years old in the realm of the peak of the fairy, no, your physical strength is so strong? The **** spirit is strong, reaching the realm of Xianzun, impossible, how can someone in modern times Physical training to such a degree?"

The two middle-aged men stared at Xiangyang, and then one of them, Jin Duoming’s uncle, his body flashed, not far from the front of Xiangyang, his eyes staring at Xiangyang "Kids, when my disciple, with your physical strength, plus the method of quenching my gold family, you can definitely be sanctified and become the character of the ancient heavenly warrior Yang Lan."

"Uncle, he just killed me just now." Jin Duoming's face with an incredible color, shouted loudly.

This is his uncle, the status of the gold family is high, and the strength is extremely strong, even more terrible than his father.

I don’t know if the other party will accept Xiang Yang as a disciple. If it’s true, Xiang Yang’s identity is definitely not weaker than him. At that time, he will never be able to revenge today’s hatred from Xiang Yang. It is.

"Shut up, you are a ancestor of the big heavens, or the patriarch of the future of the Jin family, even being beaten so badly, do you mean it?"

Jin Duoming’s uncle snorted, and then, his eyes were shining, and he smiled and looked at Xiang Yang. “How, little guy, although your strength is very extraordinary, you can’t compare with the sacred strong. As long as you promise me, as my disciple, you will be able to squid to the dragon door in an instant, no matter what you have to do, even if you want to grab the other five great talents to get a warm bed, there is no problem."

"Hey, do you have beautiful and beautiful future generations?" Xiang Yang asked after a few seconds of indulging.

Is this the first few people who want to accept themselves as apprentices?

Even Xiang Yang can't remember it. If you talk about Xiang Yang before, you will be more jealous of the other in the face of the Holy Land. However, at this moment, he has no fear of the Holy Land.


After listening to Jin Duoming’s uncle, he shook his head and said, “I have been alone in my life. I have never had any future generations. However, my older brother has many descendants. Jin Duoming’s sister and sister are many. They are all beautiful and beautiful. If you want, I can give them to you."


After listening to it, Jin Duoming almost vomited blood. He knew that he was not comfortable. Now he discovered that this guy is too pit.

And Jin Duoming’s biological father, another sacred strong man, looked at Xiang Yang and Jin Duoming’s uncle with helplessness on his face, shaking his head and smiling, but he didn’t care, obviously it was gold. Domin's uncle's performance has become accustomed.

"His sister is too old, do you think it suits me?" Xiang Yangbai took a look at Jin Duoming's uncle, screaming.

"Oh, too, they are the age of your grandmother, or else, you should first apprentice, I will help you to catch a few young and beautiful, age is similar to you, how?" Jin Duo Ming's The uncle said after thinking carefully for a while.


After Xiang Yang listened, it was almost a bit of old blood to spit out. This is really interesting. I really thought that I would lie to him and become his disciple. It was just too good. .

Of course, if the other party is such a presence, Xiang Yang can still consider whether it is a disciple of the other party. However, the strength of the other party is too weak in Xiangyang’s opinion. There is no such qualification.

"Uncle, he is the sage of that pulse, how can you be his master?"

Jin Duo Ming on the other side shouted loudly. "And, he almost killed me. You even have to accept him as a disciple. You are too much."

"What kind of pulse is that pulse?"

After Jin Duoming’s uncle listened, he had a strange color on his face. He didn’t even know which pulse of Xiang Yang’s pulse was a descendant.


After Xiang Yang listened, he suddenly found it interesting.

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