Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2915: Drastic change, the danger of Ning Yu

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"who are you?"

When the people of Ningyu Dao were very upset, there was a figure like the gods, and the figure that burst into the incomparable power appeared from the void, and instantly blocked all the voids. The face of Ning Yu Dao suddenly changed.

Although the other party said that he wants to help Ning Yudao people, but Ning Yudao people are very clear that the other party is not the people of the fairy world, but the foreign strong people of the Western realm.

"A big courage, the strong man of the Western gods dare to go deep into the fairy world at this time, are you looking for death?" Ning Yu Dao people look cold, and the weather erupts.


At this moment, his whole person seems to be connected with the fairy world under his feet. The vast energy burst out, making his entire explosive atmosphere even worse than the other party.

"Ning Yu Dao, your strength has grown so much?"

The other party is a strong man with a height of ten feet and a tall man. The other person’s body is covered with a fierce flame, and the whole person seems to be a supreme saint.

In the face under the flame, he was shocked. He did not expect that the strength of Ning Yu Dao was so powerful that he definitely surpassed his imagination.

"You have already noticed me already?" Ning Yudao's look changed.

Being watched by the strong people of the Western realm, this is definitely not a good thing. What he did not expect is that he has been paid attention to it for a long time. If he did not temporarily bring his sister, Zhong Yushuang, to this yin and yang, the Taoist practice, and comprehend If you have your own words, I am afraid that your cultivation is in the hands of the other party.

Nowadays, although Xiangyang said that his own fairy fruit is actually flawed, the premise is that the fairy world will be broken, and he will only have an accident. As long as the fairy world is not broken, everything will be No problem.

"This road leader was told by Xiang Yang that he could beat me ten. I was very upset in my heart. Now that you are coming to the door, you will die."

The next moment, Ning Yu Dao people are arrogant and dry, and there is a murderous murderousness in the body. The whole person directly kills the flame giant who is ten feet tall.


Although the space has been blocked, it does not affect the power of the Ningyu Taoist. When he shot, the power of the avenue was accompanied by a direct blow through the void, as if to destroy the heavens, the power of the avenue was in his The hand of the hand came, so that the power of his attack has surpassed most of the Asian holy.

"Interesting, I haven't seen you for a while, your strength has actually increased so much. If it is not the power of the deity to fall into the next 50%, I am afraid that it is not necessarily your opponent. However, the way you practice is The broken avenues of the heavens and the thousands of circles, even if you are ignorant of the avenues of the Tao, are useless. The Word of God is truly supreme, let you see the power of the Supreme Way."


At the same time, the ten-foot-tall **** man said that he had a powerful flame. He grasped it with a virtual hand. The force of the flame directly condensed into a spear. The spear penetrated the avenue and instantly moved toward Ningyu Dao. Boom up.

Although Ning Yu Dao is very strong, but this flame **** is actually very horrible, the power of a flame spear burst out, and as the other party said, his way seems to be essentially the way of Ning Yu Dao Stronger on the general, so that when he shot, although it is only the way of the flame, but it can suppress the Ning Yu Tao people.


The more the two people are fighting, the more the Ning Yu Dao people are in a state of mind. This is because the reason has already condensed the fruit, and the strength has increased greatly. Otherwise, if he was a few days ago, he would never be the opponent of the other party.

And as the other said, the other's way is too strong, actually suppressing him in essence.

"It is no wonder that the aliens were so powerful in the past, and our strong players finally tried everything to block the aliens." Ning Yudao said to himself, his face with an unparalleled shock.

"However, now, although I am comparable to you, it is only a matter of time to kill you."

Ning Yudao’s eyes are filled with self-confidence and screaming, “The fairy wheel turns nine times and destroys the gods.”


The next moment, Ning Yu Dao people surrounded a fairy wheel, the fairy wheel rotates, burst out with the power of terror, and crushed toward the other side.

"The area is a fairy wheel. Xiandao has long been out of date. Only the road of the gods is the strongest."

The flame giant sneered, and a real spear appeared in his hand. This is a magic weapon, no longer from the time when he was condensed with flames.

When the spear came out, the horrible atmosphere broke out, as if even the Zhoutian Avenue could be penetrated by it.

Although the strength of the Ningyu Dao’s fairy wheel is strong, when it was hit by this spear, it was instantly pierced. Even this pole spear was worn in the void and instantly bombarded in Ningyu. On the body of the Taoist.


In the end, if it wasn't for Ning Yu Dao, there was a defensive treasure that blocked the other side's blow, and he could be pierced.

This is the case, he is also squatting, his mouth vomiting blood and retreating toward the back, with an incredible look on his face. "How is this possible?"

Ning Yudao people were shocked to see this Western **** powerhouse. "The strength of yours is even the strongest among the Western gods. Who are you?"


After the other party heard the words of Ning Yudao, they couldn’t help but laugh. "The Lord God wants to be the strongest, but strength is not allowed."

He seems to be very sighing. "Although it is the main **** of flames, but in the realm of the gods, under the throne of the flame of war, I am not the strongest, even a little weak, not right, I tell you so much to do. You are a sub-holy of the immortal world in your district, and this **** will destroy you."


Then, this strong person broke out. The strength of the flame spear in his hand was too strong. Every hit contained terrible energy. Even Ning Yu Dao sacrificed his sword. It is also useless to display his strongest sword. He has been retreating, and his injuries have increased a little.


Ning Yu Dao people constantly spit blood, his heart is terrified, this is the main **** of the Western gods, and is not the strongest of the main gods, and even can be said to be relatively weak, so strength can already make you feel desperate The other party is only weaker?

"No, this is in the fairy world, in the fairy world, it is my main battlefield. My fruit is formed by the combination of the fairy world. It is impossible for you to kill me in the fairy world."

Then Ning Yudao was roaring, and the fruit on the top of his head reappeared. A powerful force gathered from his feet toward the market, and instantly enveloped him.


The momentum of Ning Yu Dao is growing. After he got the help of the power of the fairy world, he was trained to climb, and what shocked him was that, opposite him, the strength of the flame-powered person also increased. .

"Yes, Ning Yu Dao, your strength is indeed good, but what you should know is that in front of the Divine Avenue, the broken avenue of the fairyland does not have any strength to compete, you still surrender."

Then, the two sides fought again together. The Ning Yu Dao’s head appeared on the top of Qingyun, and the situation of the fairy world appeared, which made his whole person stronger and stronger, and he became more and more confident.


However, it didn't take long for Ning Yudao's self-confidence to be shattered. With a roaring sound, his whole body was bombarded with a powerful force. The armor of his saga level was directly Piercing, a fist-sized wound is burning with flames, and the power of the avenue of the gods attached to the flame is invading his body a little.


Ning Yudao's population spit blood, his face looked at the other side with incredible color, exclaimed, "Your strength, no, impossible, how can you know this to me?"

Originally, after receiving the help of the power of the fairy world, Ning Yudao people can sense that their strength is climbing, even if it is not comparable to the chaos sage, but it is not far away, he is very confident that he can absolutely The other party's, the result did not expect that the other party's strength is very terrible, but also very understanding of his way, still seriously injured him.

With the hard work of Ningyu Dao, the power from the fairy world is like a tide, and the strength of his whole person is weakened a little. The face of Ning Yu Dao can't help but reveal the color of despair.

"I was seriously injured. The avenue has been invaded by the other side of the world. I can't play all the strength. It is definitely not the opponent of the other party. But who is the other party?"

Ning Yudao people are shaking in the heart.

Those who dare to sneak up on the side of the holy sect are either lurking in the sacred sect, or lurking in the Black Forest, and have long been prepared for too long.

Moreover, the other party also used the space to treasure to block the void, so that the information of his help can not be sent out, so that even if he is dead, no one knows.

"You are a disciple of the Holy Family?"

Opposite, the ten-foot-high flame **** man with a spear in his hand, step by step toward the Ningyu Dao people, Ning Yu Dao suddenly said quietly.

The other party paused, and then he sneered and said, "You think too much, this **** is the main **** of the gods, why should you be a disciple of your holy family?"

"No, you are definitely a saint, and you are very familiar with me. Otherwise, you can't understand me so much, and I can easily break my magic."

"You are definitely the seed of the invasion of the Holy Sepulchre. Who are you?"

Ning Yudao’s face is full of grief and indignation. The strength of the other party is too strong. Moreover, the other party’s understanding of his own path is too easy to deal with himself. The identity of the other party in the fairy world is very likely to be The people of the Holy Family, but also the people around them.

"Do you want to know?"

The ten-foot-tall flame **** man stepped toward Ningyu Dao, and his face was sneer. "I know that you really want to know who I am. What God can tell you is that I am in the Holy The status of the patriarch is very high. Hey, guess, maybe I am your master? Or a great elder, or your little sister, how do you think I will be?"

"No, it's impossible."

Ning Yudao people shook their heads. "I know that you must be the top of the holy sect, and they are very familiar with me. However, you can never be a master, nor a big elder or a younger sister. Then, you absolutely It is the other elder of the saint, or my younger brother."

"I know that you really want to know who God is, but God does not want to tell you this unless..."

Then, this flame **** man continued to approach the Ningyu Dao, and he walked with a smug smile on his face.

"Unless what?" Although knowing that the other party is definitely not good, but Ning Yu Dao people are delaying time, because he must expel the avenue of invasion into the body, can really have the power of resistance, otherwise, the current situation, Like the meat on the chopping board, the sooner you know who the other person is, the faster he dies.

"Unless you become a slave to the Lord God, you will know the true identity of the Lord God." The ten-footed flame Lord God came to the front of Ning Yu Dao, and looked down at Ning Yu Dao, and smiled strangely. "You Want to get rid of the power of the lord of the Lord God in your body? Don't think about it, the avenue of the Lord God is much higher than the broken avenue of the fairy world. It is definitely not what you can compare. You are still a surrender."


Ning Yu Dao seems to understand that he is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the other party. When he heard the other party saying that he wanted to surrender himself, he couldn’t help but smile. "Since you are a person I am familiar with, then you Do you think I might surrender?"

"What do you do?" After the flame Lord saw it, his face changed greatly, and he suddenly shot, holding the flame spear and directly rushing toward the Ningyu Dao.

"What to do, naturally, is on the road with you. No matter who you are, it doesn't matter. I am a big disciple of the sage, and although I am dead, but dragging you on the road, it is enough, as long as you die. Then, you will no longer have the means to harm the holy people. What am I nervous about?"

Ning Yu Dao people laughed very happily. There is a force of destruction on his body that is brewing and will burst out.

Obviously, at this moment, he was prepared to blew himself up.

"Bastard, Ning Yu Dao, you are crazy, do you not want your own life?"

After listening to the words of Ning Yu Dao, the **** of the ten-footed flame was so angry that he would kill the Ning Yu Dao.


However, at this moment, the fruit of the Qingyun in the top of Ning Yu Dao’s head collapsed instantly. At this moment, a force of destruction broke out and the flame **** was directly flew out.

However, the flame spear of the other side also penetrated the Ningyu Dao, and left a blood hole in the Ning Yu Dao.

Ning Yu Dao’s eyes widened and looked at each other. When the flame on the other side was shaken by the self-destruction of his fruit, he finally saw the true face of the other party. However, because he saw the true face of the other party, he endured Can not help the heart tremble, exclaimed, "Three teachers, are you?"

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