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"Oh, I am going, how come this time, it’s my turn so fast?" Xiang Yang looked at the brand in his hand with an incomprehensible color. He thought he should be able to take turns many times. Who I thought that this time I didn’t have such good luck, and it was my turn to take the stage.

Moreover, I have not solved these guys yet.

Xiang Yangxuan looked at the brand in his hand, and then looked at the women, and couldn’t help but say, "Let’s wait, wait a little longer to clean up, I will go to the battlefield and come up again."

At the same time, Xiang Yang said to the three women, "You are all careful, don't go with me."


The reason why the three women came into the void was because Xiangyang was here. At this moment, Xiangyang had to leave, and they naturally did not want to stay here again.

What's more, the white woman who said that she wanted to be a substitute for the teacher made them feel a little bad. The three of them said that the sang had smashed each other. The other party is a strong sacred person. If they suddenly attacked them?

The three women are not stupid. If Xiang Yang is absent, they know how to protect themselves more cautiously. Although they have the protection of big old black and small gold, there is no need to stay here.

"The big old black, the little gold, let's go."

The three women directly greeted the big old black and the small gold, directly escorting them and Xiang Yang flew down. Xiang Yang smiled and said to the dozen or so strong people. "Please wait a moment, wait. I will call you after a fight."


After the old man listened, he almost blew up. If it wasn't for the woman in white who didn't speak, she didn't dare to rush to deal with Xiangyang. She had already rushed straight up.

The other women also sank their faces, and even the young white woman didn't look good.

Her eyes looked at Xiang Yang, with a dignified color on her face, whispering. "Is this kid so emboldened, do you really think that he is the ancestor of that pulse can do whatever he wants?"

Originally, she did not feel so angry with Xiang Yang. Instead, she thought that if she could accept Sun Qingya’s three women to enter the division, their teachers would be very happy. Even, she could not care about Xiangyang’s offense.

However, Xiang Yang actually said that he would go to fight a fight and then fight them up. This is to treat them as people who can squeeze at hand.

They are really mad. ’

"Master, what are we going to do next?"

Then, other white women looked at the woman. They looked at Xiangyang’s back with a killing effect. As long as the woman spoke, they would kill it in desperation.

"He is the creator of that pulse after all, we are not good at first."

In the end, the master sister sighed and said.

"But, do you make him so crazy?" These women are very angry, they are the sacred strong, inexplicably by Xiang Yang to find the door to not say, Xiang Yang threatened some of them, and then swayed I left, and still face the face of countless powerful people in the Eastern Tianyu. If they don’t get this scene back, how can their mysterious women be able to stand in these days?

"He will come back later."

The master sister looked indifferently and looked at the back of Xiang Yang’s departure with a sigh of coldness. “If this kid really does not care, then we have a reason to take it, and he dares to be private with Xuan Su. Love, that is more intolerable."

"Yeah, our mysterious woman is a vein, and absolutely does not allow the disciples under the door to have any affair with any man. This is the rule that the Master has personally set. Whoever dares to violate, the disciples must bear the pain of being suppressed forever, the man. It is to go to Sendai."

The other women nodded after listening to them, and their eyes looked at the direction of the head of the palace, with a cold eyes.

The heads of the palace are not their pro-disciples, but the inheritance of the mysterious women in the lower bounds. In those days, they only accidentally passed the lower bound and found the palace master who was breaking through to the state of Da Luo. Breaking through the unprecedented degree of the nine-order scent of the ancients, the heart shakes, check it, and discover that the talent of the palace master is extraordinary, so I will bring back the entire Xuan Nuong Palace.

Later, after some training, the masters of the palace masters made rapid progress, and they reached the level of being able to compete for the first place in the million-day real fairy wars, which made them very surprised. This time, the million continents are really immortal. The war was even escorted in person.

However, if the adults of the palace really have an affair with men, they are absolutely impossible to tolerate.

At this time, the Lord of the Palace has also participated in a battle of the same stage. Her strength has long been compared to that at the time of the next session. When she shot, she was shocked and instantly smashed the other side. I am still in white and wins the snow, and I am resting on the rest area.

Her gaze looked at the void with a worried color, and when she found out that Xiang Yang came back, she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Xiang Yang’s body shape flashed, and he was dragged by the branding on his hand. He instantly reached the ring. He stood on the platform and waved to the three women like Xiner. “You must be careful, big old black. And protect them with little gold, otherwise, I will kill you at that time."

"Don't be embarrassed, hurry up. In this ring, your beasts of the holy places can't help you, you still admit defeat."

However, when Xiang Yang’s opponent saw this scene, it was a bad opening.

After Xiang Yang listened to his opponent's words, he turned his head and looked at the other side. Under this look, he was shocked. The other party turned out to be a strong man, surrounded by a strong rhyme rule, and his whole body. There are also six Dalu rules circulating, that is to say, this is a true immortal that has already understood the rules of the six Dalu.

"I said buddy, have you realized that the six Dalu rules have not broken through to become a fairy king? When the real fairy came to power and was killed, don't you think this is a pity?" Xiang Yangxi looked at the other side.

"Do you think you will be my opponent?" Xiang Yang's opponent is a black young man. After listening to Xiang Yang's words, he screams and reveals a sneer.


After his sneer fell, he heard a roar, and the six-year-old rule of the young man suddenly burst out.

The six Dalu rules directly condensed into a fairy king field, bursting out with a mighty atmosphere, and instantly filled the entire ring.

He laughed and said, "The kid, under the field of the fairy king, unless you are a fairy, you are dead, you are now confessing, and all the magic weapons in your body are handed over, I can let you live. Oh, yes, those three little girls are your women, you swear to give them to me, I will let you go."

"Ha ha ha, those three beautiful women, but the real blessings, I can't think of you taking the initiative to send the door, it is a messenger of that pulse, really good, ah hahahaha."

While talking, the guy glanced at the three women standing on top of the old blackhead, with a greedy color in his eyes.

"what did you say?"

After Xiang Yang listened to the other party's words, it was calm with a look. It didn't seem to be angry because of the other party's words. However, after seeing the three girls in the distant scene, they met with pity. Look at Xiang Yang’s opponent.

"This guy is dead."

Yeah, this guy dares to say that he wants three women. Isn’t he looking for death?

The three women are very clear. If the other party only said that the threat of Xiang Yang is to hand over the magic weapon, Xiang Yang may still be merciful and let go of the other party. However, this guy is so ignorant of wanting them three people. This is simply There is no way to go in heaven, but there is no door to hell, but it is hard to break in.

When they sighed, they looked at Xiangyang. Sure enough, they saw that Xiangyang’s face was calm, but he walked toward his opponent step by step.

At this moment, Xiang Yang’s opponent did not realize that he had already had a hard time. When he showed the Xianwang field, he already felt that he had won Xiangyang.

He smiled and looked at Xiang Yang, his face was full of excitement. "Kid, you are dead, hey, give you ten breaths of time. If you don't rush to swear, then I will just kill." After that, you will personally take the three women to the hand."


When he had just finished speaking, he saw Xiang Yang move. Xiang Yang stepped out and appeared in front of him. Then, like holding a chicken, he reached out and grabbed the other.


The guy was dumbfounded, and the field of fairy spirits around him still existed. According to the truth, in his field, Xiang Yang could not use any power because he had already restricted all the rules.

However, Xiang Yang’s so easy wine directly caught him. He wanted to resist. The body of the fairy king constantly trembled and wanted to expel a stronger imprisonment force. However, it was useless. The king’s field did not have any effect. Even, he felt that Xiang Yang’s hand holding his neck with a horrible force was directly transmitted to his god, making his **** as if Grabbed the neck in general.

"No... you are not a true fairy. Your strength is definitely not just a true fairy. You are a fairy, impossible..."

The guy panicked. He shuddered and looked at Xiang Yang. In his opinion, he was able to ignore his fairy king field and did not use any mana. He grabbed his neck with one hand. The person who can seal his **** is absolutely a fairy.

"No, you are wrong."

Xiang Yang looked calmly at each other with a faint smile on his face. "You are wrong, I am not Xianzun, but I have killed Yasheng..."

The latter sentence was given to the other party with a very small voice. After that, only heard the sound of ‘bang’, and the young man exploded directly in the hands of Xiang Yang.

His flesh and the gods all exploded, and even his true spirit was directly sucked away by the ‘Life and Death Book’ in the real world of Xiang Yang at this moment.

The gods are extinct.

Who dares to have any bad thoughts about any woman around her, Xiang Yang will not have the slightest mercy, no matter who the other party is.

After easily killing a seed player of the Xianwang level, Xiang Yang took away the magic weapon of the other party and left the ring directly. At the same time, his body shape did not stop at all, and he came directly to the void, and the dozens of mysterious girls In front of the strong sage of the pulse, the face has a cold color. "Let's say, I don't want to talk nonsense. Why did the main sister of the palace come to the fairyland? What kind of origin do you have? If you don't make it clear, Don't force me to kill."

At this moment, he has not wanted to do more entanglement with these people. He wants to find out why the Lord of the Lord has come to the fairyland, and how he has been tied up. Even he does not dare to recognize himself.

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