Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2943: Threat (six more flowers)

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"You want to stop me?"

Although this sword was blocked, Xiang Yang did not feel very strange. His eyes looked to the front, and he saw a man standing beside the old man. It was the woman who won the snow in white.

The other party is the ‘master sister’ in the mouth of a great sanctuary. At the same time, Xiang Yang can also sense the strength of the other party is definitely the strongest among the dozen or so holy powers.

Facts have proved that the opponent easily blocked the sword of Xiangyang, it is enough to see that the strength of the other party has definitely reached the very terrible degree of the Yasheng peak.

Between the silent and the restless, the remaining dozens of sacred strong men all appeared around Xiangyang, directly surrounded by Xiangyang.

Their faces are calm, but if they are really hands-on, it will be enough to form a siege against Xiangyang.

However, Xiang Yang did not fear at all. In his body, various means have already been prepared. The tyrannical clock has even appeared in his dantian, and under his skin, the demon armor The defensive armor, which is comparable to the chaos to the treasure, is quietly lurking. If someone sneak attacks, the demon **** armor bursts out, and Xiang Yang is confident that no one can hurt him.

His face was lightly colored, and the sword stood there, looking at the master sister. The other person’s face was with a strange color and whispered. “I didn’t expect you to be in the real fairyland. With such a strength, it is a descendant of that pulse. This time, the first person in the Million Island is not yours."

Xiang Yang rolled his eyes and didn't feel anything about the other's praise. The first place in the World of Immortals was his. Of course, he wanted him to do it. If he didn't want it, he didn't mind waiting. At the last moment, I sold this first place in the Million Chapel to the others.

"Missy, he...he... is he really a fairy?" At this time, the old man was still looking at Xiangyang with a look of horror. Before she was facing When Xiang Yangzhi was very arrogant, she was almost directly killed by Xiang Yang. She was already terrified in her heart.

When I heard that the ‘master sister’ said that Xiang Yang was only a true fairy, the look of the old man’s face was too shocking.

Xiang Yang almost killed her **** of the sacred sect. It turned out to be just a true fairy. Can Zhenxian have such a terrible strength?

Her heart trembled and she only felt that the whole person was not good.

At this moment, this old man did not look at Xiangyang because Xiangyang was only a true immortal, and even the fear of Xiangyang in his heart was deeper.

She is very clear that Xiang Yang, who is in the real fairyland, can have such a terrible strength. If Xiangyang breaks through to the state of Da Luo, or even stronger, then is it possible to achieve the invincibility of the Holy Land?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but take a breath.

‘Master Sister’ and others also looked at Xiang Yang with a dignified color on their faces. They also realized that they could not treat Xiang Yang with the attitude of treating the true fairy.

"We are not enemies."

The master sister said.

"You started to swear at me from the beginning. Now I can't beat me. I told you that we are not enemies. Are you kidding?" Xiang Yang turned his eyes and said.

"What do you want?" ‘Master Sister’ did not ask Xiang Yang to go deep into this issue, but asked with a frown.

"If it’s not the sister of the palace, I will be even lazy to see you. I don’t have any interest in who you are. But I want to know that when I was separated from my sister, she It is clear that in the retreat to break through to the state of Da Luo, why is it that in only 20 years, she will appear in this fairy world, and has not yet broken through the situation of Da Luo?"

Xiang Yang had a cold color on his face, and his eyes looked at the ‘master sister’, cold voice. “You are the teacher of the Xuan Nugong in the fairy world?”

"Exactly." 'Master Sister' nodded, "I am a mysterious woman, it is the creation of my sacred nine heavens mysterious woman, and the lower dynasty of the mysterious palace is the same as the upper line. Once I was waiting for Xuan Su to receive the fairy world, there was nothing wrong with it."

"But after she was received by the world, she did something she didn't like to do. You are forcing her."

Xiang Yang’s face said coldly, “The sister of the palace is my own, no one can force her to do anything, even if your so-called mysterious girl is the same as the nine-day mysterious woman.”

Having said that, at this moment, Xiang Yang’s heart was shocked. He did not expect that the Xuan Nugong’s pulse was actually created by the nine-day mysterious woman. It’s no wonder that there are more than a dozen holy people.

Nine-day mysterious woman, the congenital sacred power in the legendary ancient times, did not know whether it became a chaotic saint, or she was absolutely a powerful power in ancient times.

The strength of the pulse created by such a supreme strongman is absolutely amazing. Moreover, in the past few years, Xiang Yang has never heard of the existence of a nine-day mysterious woman in the fairy world.

This is a hidden superpower.

But what about that, even if it is so powerful, it can't force the sister of the palace to not know herself.

Xiang Yang’s eyes were cold and cold, and he looked at these sacred strong men. Although surrounded by them, he did not fear everything.

Before, his strength has not broken through to the present level. Even, even an Asian saint can't beat him. He has the courage to face hundreds of Yasheng strong people. At this moment, he has been able to kill him. Are you still afraid of these dozens of people?

"Xuannv Palace does not force Xuan to do anything. As for what you said she pretends not to know you, it is because of the restrictions imposed by the sect of the sect. This is the rule of my teacher who respects the nine-day mysterious woman. Disciples must not have any connection with any man. Otherwise, the female disciple must be imprisoned in the division. The man must be on the Sendai."

‘Master Sister’ said.

At this moment, she finally understood that the reason why she would go against Xiang Yang was because Xuan Su showed that she did not know Xiang Yang in front of Xiang Yang, which made Xiang Yang angry, thinking that Xuan Su was received after the fairy world. I have been treated with unfair treatment.

Her heart was helpless, and she felt like she was being innocent.

Of course, the master sister and others can no longer feel the helplessness of the old man. The old man feels that he is a bit unlucky. She was a character problem. When she saw someone rushing to murder, she wanted to teach. Xiang Yang, then, the result turned out to be that she was almost killed by Xiang Yang.

Although at this time, her physical injuries have been restored, but she did not even dare to look at Xiang Yang.

"What do you mean, I want to go to Sendai?" Xiang Yang sneered out after listening.

"No, but, look at the fact that you are the descendant of that pulse, what I can tell you is that today, I can wait for it to happen, and will not tell me the Master, but after that, you are not good. Goodbye, and I can give you a promise. After I go back, I will ask my teacher to accept Xuan Su as a disciple."

‘Master Sister’ said.

She feels that what she has done is enough to satisfy Xiang Yang. After all, the pro-disciple of the congenital sacred nine-day mysterious woman from ancient times, this is not something that anyone wants to be able to do when they are present. The old man was surprised, and everyone else was a pro-disciple of the mysterious woman.

There are not many disciples of the mysterious woman, only a dozen, but each one is a master of the sacred world. If Xuansu can become a disciple of the nine-day mysterious woman, it means that she can properly become a strong sage in the future.

Will such a good thing Xiangyang disagree?

‘Master Sister’ has a smile on her face. She feels that after Xiang Yang’s listening, she will not only be very happy, but she will even feel that she owes a favor.

After seeing the strength of Xiang Yang, she already knew that Xiang Yang’s achievements in the future were absolutely terrifying, but now she is selling to Xiang Yang, and she will be worthy of using Xiang Yang in the future.

"Are you looking for death?"

However, in the smile of the master sister, Xiang Yang’s look was cold and cold. He suddenly angered and shouted. “Humanism is better than destroying ten temples. You don’t want to split a marriage. You want me to separate from my sister-in-law. Still laughing so crazy, do you really think that I can't kill you or kill you?"


‘Master Sister’ was a bit arrogant. I didn’t expect Xiang Yang to suddenly become angry, which was a bit too different from her imagination.

She couldn't help but look at Xiang Yang. "I am not very good at this arrangement? Xuan Su can become a pro-disciple of the Master. In the future, the Holy Land can be expected, and it is not to punish her. Are you still not satisfied?"

It is really difficult for her to understand what is the marriage of Xiang Yang. As a disciple of the nine-day mysterious woman, she rarely had contact with men since she was a child. Moreover, the rule of the mysterious woman is that she cannot have any relationship with any man. Intersection.

She has never touched the opposite sex, how can she understand the feelings between men and women?

"I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you. From now on, Xuan Su has no connection with your nine-day mysterious woman. After the end of the Wanzhou Immortal World War, she will not follow you, if you dare to force her to leave. Don't blame my swordsman for being ruthless."

Xiang Yang was cold and cold, and did not talk nonsense with them. Instead, after the cold was finished, his body flashed and he left the chaotic void. He knew that he wanted to kill these dozen or so holy masters. Possibly, and the other party is a pro-disciple of the nine-day mysterious woman. If it is really provoked by the nine-day mysterious woman, it is estimated that even if she can't eat it, she will not be able to take it.

Anyway, I also taught the old man once, let these guys know that they have the strength to kill the masters of the Holy Land. At that time, they absolutely dare not come.

If they really want to force themselves to shoot, then wait until time.

Moreover, Xiang Yang clearly felt that his mark was lit up, and one force led himself to go to the battlefield to participate in the war. He knew that it was his turn.

Since I want to see the first place in the Million Chau Immortal World War, Xiang Yang naturally cannot give up so easily. It is impossible to deal with these dozens of sacred masters and not go to power. At that time, if judged by the referee If you lose, it would be a pity.

Author Meng Yu said: Today is six more finished, ask for flowers...

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