Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2950: The secret of the sky (seven flowers, happy new year)

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"Big Brother, you are leaving a ban on me now." Black Tower looked at Xiang Yang, with a serious color on his face.

Xiang Yang looked at the eyes of Heita and found that the guy’s eyes were full of sincerity. Obviously, this guy was really sincere and wanted to leave himself in his body.

"It’s a lovely Lord God."

Xiang Yang said in his heart.

So confident that he left a ban on him, I am afraid that only the black tower, the so-called Western god, will behave like this.

Moreover, this guy is really very confident and can't wait to let Xiang Yang leave a ban on his body.

He knows that as long as Xiang Yang leaves a ban in his body, he will trust him very much. By then, as long as he follows Xiang Yang, he can accomplish many things.

When he thought that everything he wanted to do relied on Xiang Yang to complete, the Black Tower was very excited.

"Good, but it may not be very good here. So, you and I entered into my fairy house. I left a ban on you. By then, you are my brother."

In front of the Black Tower, Xiang Yang did not pretend to be a model. He felt that if he saw the first side with the Black Tower, he believed the other side very much. If he was not a fool, the Black Tower could never believe it.

His own performance is just the human nature, so the Black Tower will have no doubts about anything, and he will propose to let him leave a ban in his body.

Of course, Xiang Yang also knows that the reason why the Black Tower dares to say this is that there is definitely a means to lift the prohibition that he has left in his body.

However, what he wants to leave in his body is not a ban, but a demon that has been passed down from the beginning.

Xiang Yang sighed, with regrets in his heart. If he planted the magic species in the black tower, the black tower can still be kept for a short period of time. How good it is, you can listen to what he regrets. .

However, it is still the first to take the Black Tower into the Promise Immortal. Just plant the magic species in the Black Tower, and you can control the Lord God in turn. When, when, when did you go to the Divine Realm, is it not like a fish?

"Everything is told by the big brother." Heitai looked at Xiangyang with a look of righteousness.

"Then let's go first, don't worry about missing the battle, and my Xianfu has time to accelerate, as long as you can see it in a blink of an eye."

Xiang Yang smiled and went straight to the Promise in the Black Tower. Then he smiled and said, "Black Tower, my brother, I am going to start."

The Black Tower did not feel any shock to the Promise Xianfu. Instead, he did not need Xiangyang to tell him, but he let go of his mind and smiled. "Come on, big brother is not polite, I know that you will not harm me. As long as I don't mean to betray you, I don't have to worry about the ban that you have left on me."

"Yes, leaving a little ban on you can strengthen the brotherhood between us."

Xiang Yang said with a smile, "Let the happy god, let my ban into your body."

At the same time, he has begun to condense the magic.

At this moment, the strength of Xiangyang is not the same as that of the past. Although his realm is still the realm of the true fairy, but this does not affect the speed of his magic.

In the blink of an eye, he directly condensed 9,999 pieces of the magic species in his hands, and arranged the monsters in a certain order, turning them into a round wheel, directly toward the body of the black tower. Branding the past.

"What is this ban, I haven't seen it before, can't it be lifted?" When Heita saw the magical creature that Xiangyang condensed, his heart was a little flustered, but when he thought of it As the main **** of the gods, he has set up various magical techniques to study the fairy world, and when he has already solved all the magical techniques of the fairy world, his face will be revealed again. The color of confidence.

"I would like to see what is different about the prohibition of his descendants. If it is really different, it can be passed on to the deities of the gods. It is also a great contribution."

The black tower whispered in his heart, with a happy smile on his face, and took the initiative to welcome the magical species of Xiangyang into the body.

After Xiang Yang met, he couldn't help but sigh. "Black Tower, you are my good brother."

Yes, there are too many people who have been cast into the magic species by Xiang Yang. However, for the first time, Xiang Yang saw someone who smiled so happy to accept his own magic species.

The smile on the face of Black Tower remained unchanged, and it was very easy and pleasant to accept the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine-nine magic species of Xiang Yang. He only felt that his body was shaking and there was a wonderful feeling that he rose up. It made his instinct feel wrong.

"Bad, this prohibition turned out to be a mental ban, I can't crack it... I'm going to sink, it's over..."

Hei Tower couldn't help but exclaimed. He desperately wanted to use all the means he could use to organize his own strange feelings, but it was useless. Since the magic species entered his mind, it was already Beginning to change his view of Xiang Yang, he has become the most loyal person to Xiang Yang.

"the host..."

Soon after, Black Tower looked at Xiang Yang and his face was showing respect.

Although he is still in a respectful color, he still has a fascination, but all this is because the magic species has not fully exerted all the power. As time goes by, the confused color in his eyes is more The more it is reduced, the more unconditional loyalty to Xiangyang.

"Master... Black Tower, always loyal to you."

The Black Tower said loudly again.

"What is the main **** of the gods?" Xiang Yang asked.

"I am a **** god sitting in the gods of war, the real name is called the black tower, this is good at the power of the flesh." Black Tower replied very respectfully.

"Oh, let's just say that you are still doing your job."

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at Hei Tadao. "Your avatar contains the strength of the deity?"

"Are you talking about the power of the soul?" Heta asked.

"Yes." Xiang Yang replied.

"Because my deity is not good at the power of the soul, so under the command of the Most High God, every **** must deliver a avatar into the fairy world. The power of my detached soul is costing 50% of the deity. The power is condensed." Black Tower respectfully looked at Xiang Yang and replied.

"Do you mean that the Supreme God commands all the gods in the realm of God to cast at least one avatar into the fairy world?" Xiang Yang couldn't help but be shocked after listening. What he didn't expect was that the realm of the gods turned out to be Have such a big deal.

Xiang Yang does not know how many gods there are in the entire Western goddom. However, there are absolutely many, just like the sub-holy of the immortal world, there are at least thousands of people.

That is to say, among the fairy tales, at least thousands of the gods of the Western gods are hiding in various places, ready to shoot against the fairy world.

Going here, Xiang Yang only felt the heart tremble, and the whole person showed an incredible color.

"It’s a big deal."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but whispered.

The Black Tower is very respectful and tells Xiang Yang everything he knows. "Yes master, when millions of years ago, the Supreme God gave orders, so that all the gods will be delivered to the fairy world through the Netherland. In the middle, and also to give treasures, so that even after a hundred reincarnations, we will not lose the power of the true spirit."

"This time the gods really want to have a big deal. It turns out that the reason why the Netherland has broken the relationship with the heavens is precisely because it is controlled by the Most High God."

Accompanied by a strange voice, I saw Lao Wan, Xiao Ling and Dad, and even the spirit of the demon armor appeared in Xiangyang. Their faces looked at the black tower with complex colors. .

Even if I was old, I couldn't help but feel very shocked when I knew the plan of the gods.

"The Netherland is actually controlled by the supreme **** of the gods. But how can the chaos of the heavens agree?" Xiang Yang whispered to himself, he rang the book of life and death, and the master of the original book of life and death should be the master of the Netherland. However, nowadays life and death books are obtained by themselves, that is to say, the Lord of the Netherland has been destroyed.

However, what shocked him was why the chaos of the heavens would not care about the Netherland.

To know that the Netherland is in charge of the reincarnation of the heavens and the world, even the reincarnation channel is controlled by the supreme **** of the gods. This is equal to the life and death of the heavens and the world has been caught by the other side.

"The chaotic saints of the heavens have their own rivals, and they may have been self-sufficient." Lao Wan shook his head and said.

"So the celestial world must urgently organize the Battle of Million Island, just to quickly select a celestial cult to become a chaotic saint. At that time, as long as the other party can grow to the level of chaos, at least it can alleviate the current situation." It is the analysis.

"This thing is really a bit serious. If the strong person who cultivated is the main **** of the Western gods, then it can be a joke." Xiang Yang could not help but whispered.

While talking about it, when I think of this terrible consequence, even if he is also chilling.

"So, this first place, non-boss is none other than." Lao Wan said.

"I don't want this first. The first one is not very attractive to me, but the specific situation will wait until time."

Xiang Yang did not say much, but turned his head to look at the Black Tower. "How many heroes of the gods level are there in the realm?"

What he wants to know most now is how many gods in the realm of the gods are in this fairy world. Although they cannot all be found, at least there will be a bottom.

"I don't know, but there are at least tens of thousands." Black Tower shook his head and said.

"Oh... tens of thousands of gods are separated. If all of them provoke riots, the fairy world may be destroyed." Xiang Yang had a serious color on his face, and he realized that this matter was too serious.

From here you can see the terrible place of the gods.

Tens of thousands of sacred sages, even the number of sacred ones in the heavens and the world, may not be comparable to the gods.

"It is time to communicate with the old man of Guangchengzi." Xiang Yang whispered to himself.

Now, he really doesn't know who he should believe in the heavens and the world. Even the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei, who knows if he is the **** of the gods?

Only the sage of the sage, he is the disciple of the original saint, the master of the three emperors, absolutely impossible to be the main **** of the gods.

"Let's go out and say, remember, after you go out, just do nothing, and still call me the boss." Xiang Yang told the Black Tower.


After the black tower was planted with the magical species, it has become the most loyal follower of Xiangyang. He answered very respectfully and left Xiangyang with the Xiangyang.

Next, Xiang Yang revealed to the brothers a number of brothers, telling them that the black tower has been banned by themselves, so that they do not have to worry, but he did not tell the power of the magic.

Today, he does not know whether there are people among his brothers who hide the realm of the gods.

For the first time, he felt that things were so tricky, and he was very nervous about how to break the game. He wanted to come and think. Only listen to Lao Wan’s words and find the three mirrors.

Only when I found the Sansheng Mirror, I first determined that there was no avatar of the gods in the people around me. Even if there was a reincarnation of the gods of the gods, I could use Yulia and Yuliqin. The method of the Elven Lord God to deal with them.

But where is the Sansheng mirror?

The author said: "Today's seven chapters, ask for flowers, the last few hours of 2018, don't leave the flowers until next year, and give them to the book." I wish you all a Happy New Year. In 2018, thanks for your support, my dreams are thanks!

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