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"You - that - die!"

Xiang Yang was angered, and when he saw that the guy had tied the main man of the palace, Xiang Yang suddenly became angry, no matter whether the platform allowed others to go up, he rushed straight up.

"Ha ha ha, do you have a kind of rush to the ring? Then I will break through a bag and let you see what you are like when you are hit, hahahaha... This is the downfall of the saints, who can Come up? Is your face so big that you can let the saint give you face...?...I rely on you, you and you..."

The strong man in the devil world laughed happily. He wanted to see the way the Xiangyang head was broken. However, his words had not been finished yet. He saw that Xiangyang had already rushed to the protective cover of the ring, and the whole person stood like this. In front of him.

At this moment, he was dumbfounded.

Xiang Yang stood on the ring, with a horrible murder, sneer, "What do you say?"


At this moment, Xiang Yang’s murderousness was like a rainbow, and a horrible violent force broke out. He pointed out, and a sword spurt out, and suddenly he tied the rope magic weapon of the palace master. In an instant, the palace master regained freedom of movement.

She came to Xiang Yang's side and looked at Xiang Yang with an excited color on her face. "Xiang Yang..."

"Nothing is ok, I am coming, who dares to hurt you, I want him to die."

When Xiang Yang whispered, he once again looked at the magician, cold voice, "How do you want to die?"


With the voice of Xiang Yang falling, he stepped out directly, suddenly, the void trembled, a horrible force on the ground, the super Tianjiao who understood the nine Dalu rules only felt that there was a terrible When the power broke out, his whole person was directly bombed by a force.

Then, Xiang Yang disappeared in the same place, the whole person appeared directly in the air, this guy was hit by the flying body, he suddenly stepped on his foot.


This foot stepped on, just like the power of the heavens and the earth, so that this guy all spurted blood, and his mouth screamed, only that the whole person was not only flesh, but even the gods had to explode.

Then, the whole person directly bombarded the platform, and Xiang Yang was like a supreme mountain, and he was pressed against his back. At this moment, Xiang Yang was murderous and turned into a substantial blood color. The whole person was angered with anger and anger. "You are very arrogant?"


As his voice fell, his feet lifted up, and then he stepped on it and directly slammed one of the guy's hands. The body of the guy was also very extraordinary, even though one hand was directly guessed by Xiang Yang. Mo, but, immediately, the flesh and blood are reborn and return to the original state.

After Xiang Yang met, his face had a sly smile. "Good, very good, you are very strong, you can regenerate flesh and blood. This is my favorite. Let me enjoy it. I will let you know what is better than death." I dare to make evil thoughts to my woman, let alone you, even if the chaos is coming, I will have his life."


Then, Xiang Yang shot again, stepping on his chest, and crushing the guy a little bit, causing his body to explode a little, and then he was born again and again, recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, but Xiang Yang The power is very well controlled. After the other party's flesh and blood are reborn, Xiang Yang crushes the other side a little bit and becomes a school bubble explosion.

So repeating this week, even if this guy is a super-powerful person who is comparable to the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, it will be unbearable and will make an earth-shattering scream.

"Ah... bastard, you are provoking me, you are going to die, you are **** ah..."


"Let me, let me go, I will give you everything you want, I can recognize you as the main..."


Then, this guy is still screaming, but it is useless. Xiang Yang has just burst into flames. This guy dared to bully the palace master, making Xiang Yang make up his mind that this guy must be born to die, his strength is still A little bit of crushing this guy, this guy is constantly exploding and reborn, so repeated, making this guy scream.

When the people around saw this scene, all of them changed their faces and sighed. "It’s terrible that Xiang Yang’s cockroaches are so vicious."

"This is the first time I saw him so embarrassed. In the past, although he was murderous, he was killed and he never made such a thing that would make his life worse."

"The person around this guy is definitely his anti-scale, can't move, if he wants to deal with him, he would rather deal with him directly, and he can't move people around him."


Many people are talking to themselves in their hearts. When they look at madness, they don’t have the slightest enthusiasm for Xiangyang, even if they are shaking.

It is really at this moment that Xiang Yang is too poisonous. They have already felt the pain of this guy through the mouth of the celestial world.

As a fairy, it was impossible to be so painful. Even if it was crushed, it can withstand it, but Xiang Yang’s shot is different. Xiang Yang magnifies this guy’s painful senses infinitely, making this Every time the guy is crushed, the pain is magnified a million times, how can he withstand it.

In the field, the screams of screams continued to spread, making everyone discolored, and they felt that Xiang Yang was too worried.

When everyone looks at Xiangyang, they see that Xiangyang no change, and a little bit of crushing each other's body. Then, the other's physical strength is constantly reborn. At the same time, Xiangyang also sacrifices a magic weapon. Fixing the other's gods, so that the other party can not blew themselves, can only live the death of Xiangyang.

"No matter who you are, dare to hurt the people around me, I have to make him die."

Xiang Yang still shot to destroy the other side, but his gaze looked around, his eyes with a fierce murderous, cold voice, "Don't think that the fairy can block this pain, you can regenerate flesh and blood, not afraid of my destruction Your hands and feet, okay, my favorite thing is that your flesh and blood are reborn. No matter what kind of tough guy you are, I can magnify your painful senses to a million times or even a million times. At that time, I saw how you can afford it?"


After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, all the people around couldn’t help but take a breath of cold. It’s too poisonous. Xiang Yang’s behavior made them feel scared.

Even though, there were some people who were very upset because Xiang Yang was able to rush to the ring. Those who wanted to blame Xiang Yang all closed their mouths at the moment and dared not speak.

"This kid, really enough." Rao is the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei can not help but shudder, whispered, "I just refused this kid, he will not wait for the change to be strong after the change, Looking for opportunities to deal with me like this?"

"Don't worry, this kid is not that kind of person."

Mr. Wen said with a smile. "This kid is still very good, unless he moves to someone he really cares about. Otherwise, he will never reveal such a fierce image."

"However, for his woman, he was so fierce, it was a warning to someone at the place. From then on, if someone dares to deal with him by dealing with him, he should also consider if he can’t get him, he should What are the consequences?"

Xu Wei sighed and looked at the fifteen princesses beside him. He said with a smile, "Qing Er, you can really think about Xiang Yang. This kid has a lot of women, but it is a real fit. When you are a man."

Xu Qing, the fifteenth princess, also trembled, but after hearing the words of Xu Wei, she couldn’t help but say, "Isn’t the father of the emperor already killed him as a Hummer?"

"Yeah, hahaha."

After listening to the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei, he first smashed it, and then he laughed loudly. "It seems that my baby girl really likes him, haha, good."

After the 15th princess Xu Qing listened, she licked her mouth, but did not pay attention to Xu Wei, but continued to look at Xiangyang, only to see that Xiang Yang still let the strong of the devil world die.

The other party is constantly screaming, Xiang Yang's look is light, cold channel, "I just said, you dare to move her, I will make you live better than death, you let her hurt, I also let you live better than death, Can you remember?"

"I was wrong, kill me, kill me... ah..."

"kill me..."

The strong man of the demon world is screaming loudly. He is too painful. If this time he does not die, this will definitely become a nightmare for his eternal life.

However, offending Xiang Yang, he wants to die, is it possible?

For him, only life is better than death, there is no impossible to die.

"Xiang Yang, kill him."

At this time, even the adults of the palace could not stand it anymore. They couldn’t help but say to Xiang Yang. "He has already received enough. You have to achieve the effect of shocking everyone. If you deal with him like this, others You will feel that you are too cruel."

"Well, since the sister of the palace told me to kill him, then I will kill him."

Xiang Yang nodded. At the same time, a force suddenly slammed on the bastard. Suddenly, he only heard a loud bang, and the **** exploded directly. At the same time, he exploded. When it came, it was not only flesh and blood, but even the gods and true spirits were destroyed.

The true spirit is sucked away by the book of life and death, and the refining and refining is added to the true spirit of Xiangyang.

After doing all this, Xiang Yang checked the treasures that the guy had fallen down and took all the treasures of the guy away. Then he smiled and said, "Okay, it’s okay."

The main character of the palace stood by Xiang Yang and looked at everything that Xiang Yang did. Her eyes were always looking at Xiang Yang, whispering, "Xiang Yang..."

"Is the main sister of the palace very moved, want to thank me?" The words of the palace master have not finished, just listen to Xiang Yangxiaohehe said.

“Do you think it is necessary for us to thank you?” said the head of the palace, Bai Xiangyang.

"Of course not needed, hahaha."

After Xiang Yang listened, he was happy to hug the main lord directly. Haha laughed and said, "You are back, great, hahaha, my sister, you are finally back."

He knows that the head of the palace has whitened himself, this is the sister of the palace that he knows, not the one who is close to himself because of the rules of the nine-day mysterious woman, deliberately pretending not to know himself. .


The lord of the palace did not expect that Xiang Yang would have picked up herself in the eyes of countless people. She was shocked, but when she saw that Xiang Yang was happy like a child, her face was also exposed. With a smile, his hands clasped Xiang Yang tightly.

Nice to have you.

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