Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2955: The only way out (five more flowers)

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"If you don't die, you won't die."

When Xiang Yang saw that his opponent had used his fist to resist the sword of his own demon sword, he could not help but feel the emotion. At the same time, the power of the magical blade in his hand was more powerful.

He went out of this sword, fluttering, and even had no effect on the void, but only Xiang Yang knew what kind of terrible power this sword contained.

Opposite Xiang Yang, the Tianjiao of the Devil World did not know what his "Iron Fist" was facing. He still took the look of credit and felt that his fist could be shattered into the treasure. The sword in his hand was shattered, and then Xiang Yang was killed.

Although there is no way to integrate the whole person's refining and transformation into the body, the feeling of hitting Xiang Yang by a fist is definitely very refreshing.

He laughed happily, his fists flashed with black gold, and a chain of avenues wrapped around his fists made the power of his fists more powerful.


Then, his fist directly hit the sword of Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang smiled leisurely. In his ear, he heard the sound of his own sword cutting tofu. He only felt light and fluttering. The demon battle blade easily cut the other's fist, and then it was thousands of times. A sword gas swept through and instantly smashed the other's entire arm.

At this time, this guy has not felt that something is wrong, because the demon battle blade is too sharp, this is like when the ordinary person is cut, he will not feel pain at first, he feels the same. He even thought that he had already smashed the sword of Xiangyang with a punch.

However, when this sword slammed into his body, he reacted and widened his eyes with an incredible color. "No, how is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible, this sword will kill you."

Xiang Yang sneered, and the demon battle blade swept past, and the guy was split in half, and then there was a **** flash on his body, and the 'Heavenly Oven' appeared on the other's head. Directly downside down, instantly turning the other party into two halves, and also wanting to reintegrate the flesh into it.

"Do not..."

The roar of the Devil's Powerhouse came from the **** ‘Heaven and Oven,’ but it was useless, and no one could escape after being swallowed by the “Heaven and Earth Oven”.

Xiang Yangyi held the sword and volleyed it. After feeling that the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' entered his body, a majestic energy poured in. He knew that this was the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' refining the other side. The 'power of the spirit'.

The nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods in his body all rushed to **** these energies. In the end, one of the most powerful gods was actually robbed of the most powerful force at this moment. Change.


At this moment, Xiang Yang only felt that there was a loud roar in his body, and then there was a powerful energy bursting out. The power of this **** has already reached the realm of Da Luo.

"it is good."

After Xiang Yang met, he couldn't help but reveal the color of excitement. After practicing for so long, the power of the first **** was finally reached to the extent that he could compare with the Da Luo strong.


However, the next thing that surprised Xiangyang was that there were other gods who also made breakthroughs in succession. In the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of gods who broke through to the state of Da Luo.

"It's not bad. As long as I can get more power from all the spirits, these gods in my body can all break through to the state of Da Luo. At that time, the 9,999-year-old Da Luo strong people shot together and broke out. Power is absolutely earth-shattering."

Xiang Yang’s face is full of excitement. I have imagined that if nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods in his body can have the power of saints, then at that time, he’s punched, it’s time to have What a horrible power?

However, it is too difficult to get the power of the saints, or let the gods in the body all break through to the state of Da Luo.

Xiang Yang smiled and glanced at the superpowers who were preparing to enter the competition. The eyes on his face were very weird.

At this moment, especially those superpowers who came from the devil world, all of them all had strange colors on their faces. Especially when they sensed Xiang Yang’s gaze, they felt a bit wrong and there was a cold. The feeling of millet rose.

"What is going on here, is this guy going to be my opponent?"

"Yes, this guy's strength is so strong, as long as he doesn't die in the middle, I want to get the first place, or I want to be with him. However, although he is strong, I am not weak. At that time, who is better? It’s not necessarily the same."

"Oh, the so-called descendants of that pulse are just gimmicks."


These peerless arrogances, which can exert the power of the holy people in the real fairyland, are too strong. They have invincible self-confidence in their hearts. Even if they have seen the power of Xiangyang’s horror, they are not at all fear.

Xiang Yang whispered back to the big old black head and looked at the Tianjiao strong people in the devil world. He sighed and said, "This battle is really my blessing."

"Why?" A few women on the other side looked at Xiang Yang with curiosity, and even, even the Lord of the Palace refining the treasures that Xiang Yang gave her while also carrying a strange color on her face. Looked over.

Xiang Yang said, "It is definitely a great advantage for me to be able to see other people's ways. It is also useful for you to walk out of your own way in the future. For example, the big brother who just told me absolutely, he Although it has opened up its own way, it is not really going out of its own way, just using a tricky method."

"What method?" Xiaoguangtou was excited when he heard it. He quickly came forward and looked at Xiangyang with excitement. "Boss, I really want to know if I can do it that way?"

"Yes, as long as your strength can defeat a sacred strongman, refine the other's intelligence, and then seal the other party's refining and stagnation in your body, let that sacred power become your eternal power. Source, you will be able to fight against the power of the sacred master in the real fairyland." Xiang Yang replied with a smile.


After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, all the people present were shocked, especially the small bald head. I thought that I could control it. In a short time, I would be able to become a master of the Holy Land. The result turned out to be the first. A sacred master refines and enters the body, and by controlling the strength of the other, he is able to display the power of the Holy Land.

This approach is really cruel.

Wherein Kyoko, I don’t know that there is a good chance for him.

"If you forget it, I will still practice honestly, and gather all the magical demon, Tao, Confucianism, Buddhism, and demon in the heavens and the world. In the end, the law will be one, and the achievements will be golden."

Little bald head helplessly smiled, only that the world is not worth it.

"If you can combine these various methods and create your own path, it will not be weaker than anyone."

Xiang Yang glanced at the little bald head, and then looked at other people present, including Wu Wang, Yu Wang, Jian Wang and Sun Chunyu brother and sister. His face was full of serious colors. "Some of you are arrogant, if you can If you calm down and practice well, you all hope that you can open up the path that suits you best. It is a breeze to go beyond the presence of these days."

"we know."

Several people nodded with serious colors on their faces. However, although they were very confident in themselves, they did not have the slightest grasp to open their own way as Xiangyang said.

This is a too tough road, even harder than they are to become a holy sage.

Xiang Yang didn't say much. Everyone's road had to choose their own. Their own qualifications were enough. The next thing besides their efforts is to look at their luck and destiny, if their fate is enough. If you are good, you can naturally have the supreme strength, but if their fate is not good enough, then they can only practice step by step.

Next, they continued to watch the competitions. As time went by, more and more people were eliminated. Later, even everyone who came to power, the weakest have the degree to compete with the peerless king.

Moreover, during this period, the Lord of the Palace also took the stage once, her opponent turned out to be a stronger than the immortal, but she killed the other side directly with the 葫 葫 gourd, and then slammed down.

However, even so, Xiang Yang is still very nervous.

"No, you can't let the sister-in-law of the palace participate in the war again. Otherwise, the more the palace sister is, the more dangerous it will be. Even if it is the guardian of the treasure, it will be useless."

Xiang Yang was in a hurry and looked at the head of the palace. In desperation, he could only say, "Miyazaki, your sister, you have broken into the realm of Da Luo. Only after you break through, you can't continue to fight."

In today's situation, the only way to avoid continuing to go to war is to break through on the spot.

Although after the breakthrough, the increase in its own strength will not reach a very strong degree, but one advantage is that it will be excluded from the scope of this million-mile real fairy war.

80% of the people who can continue to go to the stage now have the combat power of the Da Luo Xianzun level. The other 20% have the power of the Xian Wang. However, the number of contestants who have the power of the Emperor will be reduced by one each, and almost no one can live alive. Down the stage.

In the face of the restless days of arrogance, these powerful people who have the power of the fairy king in the real fairyland are already very powerful, but they are still not enough.

The lord of the palace has a treasure, and can barely fight against the fairy **** of the big Luo Jiu Tiantian, but it is not enough. If you encounter those enchanting, even the Zhibao level knives are also not opponents. .

The only way is to break through to the state of Da Luo. Only after breaking through, will you lose the qualification to participate in the war.

Author Meng Yu said: Today, five more, ask for the basic flowers this month, I wish you all happy New Year...

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