Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2957: The Gorefiend ancestors came true

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Soon after, countless people have completed the breakthrough, and their cultivation has almost reached the peak that they can achieve, that is, the realm of the Great Luoxian.

Millions of real fairy wars to the present, can hold on to the players of the Xian Wang level.

The rules of the Da Luo that they have learned generally have five or six rules, and even the seven Da Luo rules have chosen to break through.

However, after they broke through, the strongest is only the realm of Da Luo Xian Wang, even if their talent is stronger, it is not easy for you to become a fairy when you want to cross.

"There was finally a breakthrough."

"Next, I don't have to go on the stage, I am alive."

"Yeah, it is finally alive, and it has become a strong king since then."


Those who broke through the presence were all lamented.

Before they reached the finals of the Million Chau Immortal World War, they were filled with arrogance, and they were full of their own thoughts. This time, the first place in the Million Chau Immortal World War is absolutely their own.

However, when they actually participated, they found that their price was only a dream. What is the first place in the World of Immortals is everything. Everything is virtual. Every time they are worried that they will meet after the downfall. Those super enchanting, just ask yourself to protect your life.

Now that they are better, they have broken through to the king of the king, and finally they have completely got rid of the danger of this time. They no longer have to worry about going to power.

As the saying goes, there must be something wrong. For those Tianjiao who have the power of Xianxian’s strength before, it’s very good to be able to save their lives. You must know that the war has been destroyed. There are countless powers of respect, not to mention them.


However, when these broken kings gave birth to a feeling of restless life, they were sighing. Suddenly they felt something was wrong. They looked up and suddenly stopped.

I saw the sky, the majesty of the heavens continued, and it was getting stronger and stronger. The golden light was everywhere, and the golden lotus was covered with the sky, and the fairy sounds bursting with brilliance.

They have clearly become the realm of Da Luo, their heavenly blessing has already ended, and the things that Heaven gave them, they have already got it. Others, Tiandao has not given them.

However, looking at the posture, they found that the first adult of the palace master broke into the realm of Da Luo, but at this moment, she did not end her heavenly blessing. There is still a strong and unrelenting light flowing between the heavens and the earth. The sound of the sounds of the sounds, the avenues of the golden lotus emerged everywhere, the main body of the palace is full of golden light, the whole person looks like a dream.

They were shocked.

Because the breakthrough of the palace master has not yet ended, although the adult master has obviously become the strong king of the king, but she still has a horrible atmosphere around her, the rules of the road still surround her, it seems, because she has not completely After all these rhythm rules are absorbed, the power of heaven will not dissipate.

"This is too unfair."

Finally, there is a strong man of the Great Luoxian who spoke out the hearts of all people with unwillingness.

It is really unfair.

The avenues they get are poor, and all this is because they are the reason of Tianjiao. If ordinary people break through the situation of Da Luo, there will be no heavenly blessing.

However, it is also Tianjiao, and the main adult of the palace can enjoy special treatment.

"She must have walked the back door, and she must have bribed the heavens." There is a hateful king who was born in a business family.

However, after his words are finished, others look at his eyes like a fool, bribing the heavens? It’s really wonderful to think about it. If Heaven can make a bribe, then can it be called Heaven?

As a practitioner, one thing that everyone knows is that Heaven is ruthless, and all beings are ants.

Who can bribe heaven?

However, the situation of the Lord of the Palace is really a bit unbelievable.

At this time, Xiang Yang’s face was smiling, and he smiled and looked at the main man of the palace. He obviously felt that the body of the Ms. Lord’s body broke through to the state of Da Luo and practiced to repair at the same time. The Lord has brought too many benefits. Originally, according to the truth, the practitioners broke through the Da Luo, and they wanted to smelt their own rules of the Da Luo as in the flesh. However, Xiang Yang came out with a different kind. The road, while the main man of the palace has changed, because of the reason for the quenching of the body fluid, making her physical breakthrough.

She is not a physical repairer. However, when her body and her temperament broke through to the state of Da Luo, her body changed and she absorbed the rules of the Tao. She even engraved the rules of the heavens into the flesh.

As a result, the body of the Lord's Lord was truly transformed into a true heavenly body.

"The body of the heavens, the natural body, the awkwardness, is naturally close to the heavens. From then on, for others, the heavens are out of reach, but for the sister of the palace, the heavens are in front of you and can be touched at any time."

Xiang Yang smiled softly and only thought it was too interesting.

He is still not in a hurry. He still looks at the main force of the Lord of the Palace and refines the power of these heavenly forces into the body. It is conceivable that after the completion of the completion of the palace master, her strength will have an earth-shattering leap.

"The sister of the palace is really amazing." Even if it is Xiner, she can't help but squat. The body of Xiner can be said to be the best among all people. She is the body of the natural avenue, the natural Taoist body, than the body. Xiang Yang’s physical condition is better.

She is clearly able to feel that the physique of the Lord's Lord is changing in the direction of her constitution.

The embodiment of her avenue has not really revealed its true power. However, if it has undergone transformation, the power will certainly be terrible. However, the lord of the palace is clearly not the body of the avenue, but has already surpassed her.

There are a few other people who don't have to say it. They look at the eyes of the Lord's Lord. They have already had a strong shock. Even the sacred strongmen who are present are also a bit sluggish.

"This woman is not the same."

Xu Wei sighed, and the dozen or so holy people who had left the nine-day mysterious woman, his face could not help but reveal the color of gloating, "haha, if the disciples of the mysterious woman knew that they left After that, the disciples of their veins broke through to the state of Da Luo and caused such a quiet speech, they will definitely regret it."

"If the nine-day mysterious woman knows all this, she should come to the audience personally." Mr. Wen also said with a smile.

"This is really possible." Xu Hao nodded, and the body of Tiandao was too rare. If it wasn't for the lord of the palace, it would be Xu Yan who couldn't help but want to accept the apprentice. Others would Not to mention.


At this time, when the emptiness trembled, there was a powerful holy sacred power that broke out, causing everyone to change their face. "The powerful sacred sacred place is coming, this is coming to the disciples." ?"

Everyone knows that at this critical time, there is a holy prestige that must be drawn by the vision of the great master of the palace, so that the people who come to collect the disciples come.

However, at this moment, Xu Wei and Mr. Wen had a serious color on their faces at the same time. They stood up and looked at the void, Shen Shen, "Bloody man, since he came, why should he hide?"


At the same time, Xu Wei’s head appeared on the top of a golden slap in the palm of his hand. It was the day after tomorrow.

At this moment, the Emperor Bell broke out of the power of terror, but it was not for the sake of hands-on, but to protect people at the place, because in the void, that terrible sacred dynasty, the owner of the Holy Power is not Others, it is the true body of the Gorefiend ancestors.

"The real body of the Gorefiend ancestors is coming?"

Xiang Yang’s face is full of strange colors, his eyes are looking at the void, and he sees the void in the void. There is a vast and bloodless river with an unparalleled breath.

This **** river is still in the depths of chaos. It seems to leap from a very distant place. However, with a blink of an eye, this blood river is like a **** silk, and it appears in front of them instantly. Directly broke through the chaos of the void.

The next moment, the **** river and the sky, the incomparable magical flame broke out. In the sky above the blood river, there is a nine-type blood lotus illusion. Above the blood lotus, there is a cold look, the young man with the magic sword stands. He is the true body of the Gorefiend ancestors.

"See the ancestors."

"I have seen my ancestors."

"The ancestors Shengwei is invincible."


Then, the arrogant geniuses of the demon world who were preparing to participate in the war, all of them looked at the Gorefiend ancestors with a feverish color, and their mouths shouted at the ancestors, although the number was small, but they were loud. Move for nine days.

"The **** ancestor I saw before was just a avatar. This **** ancestor is the real deity. I didn't expect his deity to be such a cold little guy."

Xiang Yang is stunned.

The last time I saw the Gorefiend ancestors was just an old man who was going to die.

This time I saw something different.

This time, the Gorefiend ancestors broke through from the depths of the endless chaos. It turned out to be a handsome young man with cold and arrogance. His appearance, even after Xiang Yang met, felt a little embarrassed.

It is really the cold look of the Gorefiend ancestors, too tempting, I am afraid to attract countless girls to become his brain powder.

When Xiang Yang was screaming in his heart, he saw the **** ancestor volley standing, and the nine blood lotuses under his feet were spinning, and a horrible breath broke out.

This breath can be much stronger than the **** ancestors of Xiang Yang.

This is the deity of the Gorefiend ancestors. His true body is coming, and his power is unmatched. It is definitely not comparable to the average person.

"The Gorefiend ancestors are endless, the blood is not dry, and he will not die. This time, he is willing to give up the deity. He has to make a big move."

The little bald head groaned with a shocking color on his face.

"Do you know the Gorefiend ancestors?" Xiang Yang's gaze looked at the little bald head. This guy said that he was familiar with the Gorefiend ancestors, which made Xiang Yang feel a bit strange.

"I used to see his deity with the old bald head, but I am not familiar." The little bald head said very honestly.

"It seems that your master, the fat monk is really very different." Xiang Yang has a deep look at the little bald head, although he has long known that the fat monk can know his master, certainly not ordinary people, However, the last time I saw that the fat monk was only the fairy **** of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, he thought that the other party was really Xianzun. Now it seems that all this is intentionally let the other side see it.

"It's a sly vulture."

When Xiang Yang’s heart was unhappy, he looked at the nine-shaped blood lotus, which was transformed into the foot of the Gorefiend ancestors. He suddenly became happy.

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