Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2962: my brother

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"Hahaha, life is really a good thing. Not long ago, I was worried that you would be in danger. Fortunately, you have the gas shield of Tongtian Group, so that you can insist on confronting me. This is really good. As a teacher of your teacher, I can breathe a sigh of relief." Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the green.

Before that, he was really worried about Qinglan. After all, although Qingyi had recently retired, he got the key training of Tongtian Group and realized the six Dalu rules. He has the power of the King.

However, compared with these old enchanting, the green scorpion is nothing.

Prior to this, Xiang Yang was really afraid that the Qing dynasty would encounter purple thunder and demon dragons, and Chi Meng and others. If they really met these monks, the green crickets would be delaminated even if they were not dead.

After all, for these old enchanting, even if you can't kill, there are countless ways to deal with people.

Fortunately, Qing Lan actually encountered himself.

On the opposite side of Xiang Yang, Qing Yan’s face was very ugly. He did not expect that he would encounter Xiang Yang. Originally, although his heart was a bit awkward, he was afraid to encounter old monsters such as the dragon and dragon, but he did not want to. It’s the encounter with Xiang Yang.

When I met Xiang Yang, I certainly wouldn’t have any danger. However, every time he heard Xiang Yang call himself a ‘big scorpion’, he would like to slap it.

"What do you want?" Qing Yan Tieqing looked at Xiang Yang.

"What do you say?" Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Xiang Yang, I know, you are my uncle's wife, and it is my friend, so you will definitely care about me in your heart. I really worry that I will be in danger. In fact, I originally planned to quit. ”

At this time, Qinglan did not regenerate, but whispered.

"Well, isn't that just right? If I am here, you can recognize it directly." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"No, even after I admit defeat in you, I have two chances to come to power." Qing Yan shook his head and said.

"I am going, I actually looked down on you." Xiang Yang couldn't help but stared at the green eyes. This kid is really amazing. Although it doesn't look like a mountain, but can persist. It is really not easy until now.

After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, Qing Yan rolled his eyes and his eyes looked at Xiang Yang. He said with helpless smile. “Well, don’t say it, the more I say, the more uncomfortable I am. At the time, you followed me. The same level of existence, now you have surpassed my uncle, which makes me very uncomfortable."

In the face of Xiangyang, Qingyan’s speech was very casual. He continued, “I think about it too. I know that my strength is not in the top 100 in this million-day real fairy war. Even if the first thousand can't be put in, so this time after the battle with you, I will break through to the situation of Da Luo. At that time, I will follow the uncle to the Tongtian Group to practice well, although I am not Your opponent, but when I re-enter the customs, I will definitely not be much weaker than you."

While speaking, his face showed a firm color.

Xiang Yang looked solemnly and nodded. "Come on, I believe you can definitely."

This time, Xiang Yang is not a young man. The talent of Qing Lan is indeed very good. If he can retreat well, he may have great achievements.

Moreover, Xiang Yang can understand the uncomfortable feelings in Qingxin's heart. After all, Qingyi is the first person in the last million-year-old real fairy war. In order to get the first place in the ultimate battle, he also tried to suppress himself. The repair, the result, in exchange for this is actually the result, anyone will be a little unbearable.

"Come on, this time, I want to see your true strength, I hope you can satisfy me." Qing Yu said to Xiang Yang.


In the face of the green, Xiang Yang was hard to be serious.

He didn't make a joke, but said to the younger brother, "You take it out, you only have one chance to shoot, otherwise, if I burst out of all my breath, you don't have any courage to shoot."

"You look down on me?" After listening to it, she suddenly became angry. "Xiang Yang, I know that your strength is very strong, but you can look down on my strength, but you can't look down on my heart, even if you reach it." How is the degree compared with the sacred strong? You can draw swords against the sacred strong, and I dare to shoot you."

"is it?"

Xiang Yang smiled. "Then I will fulfill you and see if you really have the courage to take it under my momentum."


At this moment, Xiang Yang broke out with a violent breath, and he still stood with his hands in his place, but his black hair fluttered, his body was hunting, and a horrible breath broke out on him. Come out, he is like a sacred, standing on this platform, not to mention that he is directly opposite the green, even if the two people who are fighting in the ring next door are also affected by him and his face changed greatly, they have to stop. .


At this moment, when Qinglan felt the weather of Xiangyang, the whole face changed greatly, because Xiangyang’s breath was directed against his suppression, which made him not even touched.

His whole body is shaking.

"No, I don't believe it. Under your momentum, I don't even have the courage to do it." Qing Yan bit his teeth, biting his lips, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, but he completely ignored it, but his anger With a loud bang, the figure suddenly rushed toward Xiangyang.

However, his rushing past did not use the slightest power, but it was like an ordinary person rushing toward Xiangyang.

"Oh, ah..."

Qing dynasty roared, although a force was suppressed by Xiang Yang's breath, but he really braved the courage to rush toward Xiangyang, at this moment he only felt that he had defeated an invincible myth in his heart. With his rushing toward Xiangyang, his face could not help but reveal a happy smile.

"Ha ha ha, I still have the courage to take it, Xiang Yang, you said that I have no courage, but I still shot, hahaha..."


With the laughter of the green screaming, the breath of his body rose, and a big Luo Dao rhyme appeared on him. Obviously, he actually broke through at this time.

This is not a special breakthrough, but unnatural, because after breaking through the shackles of the heart, his breath reached its peak, his courage reached its peak, and unconsciously broke through.

This is a natural breakthrough, and it is the best state for anyone.

"Yes, it is a breakthrough."

Xiang Yang’s face had a faint smile, and his body’s breath also dissipated, and did not affect the breakthrough of Qinglan.

At the same time, with a flash of light, the whole person was sent away from the ring. When he appeared outside the ring, the avenue of the avenue descended, and the avenue Jinlian also rotated around him.

The Yasheng of the Tongtian Group has already appeared guarded around him, in case someone breaks when he breaks.

Xiang Yang smiled softly, stepping out of the ring, quietly watching the breakthrough of Qinglan, and then, when the atmosphere of Qinglan reached its peak, the whole person directly broke into the realm of Da Luo, his hand appeared Ten drops of quenching spirit liquid, he thought of a move, directly to the ten drops of quenching spirit liquid to the past.

"this is..."

The Yasheng strongman who guarded the Qingtian group, after seeing it, frowned, and the instinctive wanted to stop this drop of liquid from flying toward the green. But, looking at Xiangyang’s face with a smile, no In the slightest malicious manner, he finally did not shoot, but let Xiang Yang bombard all the ten drops of the quenching spirit into the body of the barley.


At this moment, the breath of the green scorpion is more prosperous, his blood is brewing, and his whole body cells are undergoing a transformation.

At the same time, the rules of the rhyme surrounding the green scorpion are also stronger. The avenue Jinlian is one after the other, and there is a ninth-eighth avenue to the golden lotus, and there is a golden light descending from the sky, surrounded by green The turbulence turns.

Although the situation of Qinglan breakthrough can not be compared with the adult master, but compared with other people's breakthrough state, he is already strong and do not know how many times.

Obviously, at the time of the breakthrough, the quenching of the quenching spirit liquid was obtained, so that the strength of his body can also be ascended to the sky, and directly stepped into the territory of Da Luo, which is a great opportunity for the Qing Dynasty.

"Xie Xiaoyou, thank you very much." The Yasheng strong man with a surprise color on his face could not help but bow to the Xiangyang line.

"Green is my big sister, I should be good to him, the seniors are welcome." Although the strength of Xiangyang is definitely not weaker than the Yasheng Group of this Tongtian Group, but in the face of this strong, he But polite.

"Haha, well, if you have time, you can go to my Tongtian Group to be a guest at any time. My Tongtian Group welcomes you to the extreme." The Yashengqiang was very happy to say.

"Thank you for your predecessors."

Xiang Yang smiled and did not bother this Yasheng strongman, but turned back to the head of Da Laohei.

"Boss, thank you." After Xiang Yang came back, Yan Wang also looked at Xiang Yang with the same color on his face. Qing Yan is the young master of Tongtian Group, and is also a relative of the Qing Dynasty. Now he is from the Xiangyang. The benefits are in the hands, and Yu Wang is naturally very happy.

"What kind of polite, you and I are brothers." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Yeah, we are brothers, brothers forever." Wang said solemnly.

"Boss, your wine is still not cool, come and hurry up." Little bald head was laughing and interjecting.

Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled and took it over. He looked at the young man who was breaking through. After hesitating for a long while, he looked at his brothers again. "Can your physical strength reach the realm of Da Luo?"

"It is comparable to the situation of Da Luo, but it has not officially entered the level of Da Luo, and today Tiandao has not allowed the appearance of Da Luo." Wu Wuji said.

"Me too." The king and the sword king also nodded.

"In this case, there are ten drops of quenching spirit in the bottle. After you take it back, find a place to retreat, swallow the ten drops of quenching spirit, you can make a body repair, if you still have time. And I want the power of the flesh to reach the realm of the big Luo Jiu Tian, ​​you can arrange other things to come to me again."

At the same time, Xiang Yang said that he directly handed a bottle of quenching spirit to Wu Wang, Yu Wang and Jian Wang. The quenching spirit contained in it was just enough for the three of them to break through to the body.

Although he is not sure in his heart whether the three will be the main gods of the gods, but he believes that his own vision, since it is his own brother, even if the Lord God is separated?

What I do is just what my brother should do for his brother.

Nowadays, an unprecedented change is about to unfold in the heavens and the world. After the birth of many old monsters, and this time, the strongest of the millions of continents will enter the realm of the gods, then Xiang Yang believes The power of the gods will also not be willing to give up, the next is the era of war.

He hopes that his brother will survive forever, not in the midst of war.

"It seems that we need to go to the lower bounds as soon as possible."

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