Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2973: Night Mozu

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The young strongmen of more than a dozen night demons all rushed toward Xiangyang. When they faced Xiangyang, they did not change immediately, but they sneered with each other. "Human ants, even if you are more than What other powerful human beings are, after all, is just an ant."

"It seems that the origins of your night demon are extraordinary."

Xiang Yanghehe smiled, and reached out and pointed out a finger. Suddenly, when the youth of a dozen or so nights had a smile on their faces, they could not move in the void.

Xiang Yanghe smiled, and his mind was moved. All the comprehensions in the room felt that the seals in the body were released. Their strengths recovered. They all stood up and couldn’t help but burst into tears. "We recovered." ”

"Ha ha ha, we recovered, my repair is restored."

"The evil black-walled village, I want to kill you, eat your flesh and drink your blood."

"Ha ha ha ha... finally, finally recovered."


At the same time that these comprehensions were all squatting, Xiang Yang’s face had a faint smile, while the faces of the princess and other night demon people below the night were solidified.

The seals of these human comprehensions are personally set by the strongmen of the night demon. Moreover, the cultivation of the strongmen who led this time is not comparable to those of the young people. If it is in accordance with the realm of immortals, it is big. Luo Qiang.

However, Xiang Yang actually lifted all the seals of the people between the thoughts, and also let the dozens of night demon people can not move, it is clear that they met the super strong.

"Human Luo Jinxian."

The night demon's palace master stood up, her eyes staring at Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang's appearance is very attractive in the eyes of any woman, and Xiang Yang understands the chaotic avenue in the deepest void of chaos. At this moment, he is full of rhyme, which is a natural attraction. Even if this woman is the princess of the night demon, even if it is in her heart, human beings are just food, but when she is facing Xiangyang, she still feels that Xiangyang has a strong attraction, so she only makes people Xiang Xiang lived to catch, to make Xiang Yang become her guest.

However, she did not think that the human man she was looking at was actually a super strong.

This is a cultivation that transcends her existence.

However, she is not afraid, because this is the field of the night demon, the night demon has long been operating here for an infinite number of years, the so-called black wind village, is the field of the night demon, the number of experts is numerous.

"Human, let's leave quickly. Otherwise, after the arrival of the strongman of the night demon, you will die without a place to die."

When the words were spoken, even the princess of the night demon felt that they were in a position, and the other party controlled their own hands and untied the seals of these people. However, the princess of this night demon was not the first time. The shot is taken by the other party, but the other party is rushed to run.

She couldn't help but tremble in her heart, but when she saw Xiang Yang's appearance, she raised the idea of ​​reluctant to kill the masters of Xiangyang.


At this time, in the black winds of the tens of millions of miles away from the veins, when the seal of these comprehensions was lifted by Xiang Yang, the face of a strong man of the night demon changed greatly, and he shouted coldly. A lot of courage, there are human beings who dare to save people, come and kill them."

While he was squatting, he had disappeared in the same place.

At this time, Xiang Yang heard the words of the night demon princess, his face with a strange color, eyes looking at the princess of the night demon, said with a smile, "you night demon is the gods of the race ?"

Since the other party did not start first, Xiang Yang was naturally happy not to do it, but first asked about the origin of the other party.

When asked if the night demon is a person of the realm of the gods, Xiang Yang’s heart has already raised a killing intention. In fact, when he saw these night demon people, his heart has already been affirmed. These people are the strongest in the West to the high gods.

What he did not expect was that the Divine Realm not only allowed all the Lord Gods to enter the fairy world, but also sent some strong people into the universe of comprehension, which is intended to completely destroy the heavens and the universe.

"you know too much."

After listening to the princess of the night demon, it was cold and snarled. "Now it will roll, or you will not be able to go."

"The master of your family has come. I can't walk even if I want to go. But why don't you want to kill me, but want me to escape?"

Xiang Yang still smiled and asked.

After the princess of the night demon listened, he groaned, and then his face showed a shy red color. "Because I don't want you to die."


After Xiang Yang listened, he stunned. He didn't expect the race between the two to be different. The princess of the night demon could still look at himself. This is really interesting.


However, before he asked in detail whether the other party was a god-level race, there were several powerful and incomparable breaths. The first breath was terrible and reached the level of the Great Luoxian.

"I rely on you, your gods are too much, and you have to deal with the self-cultivator. You have sent a fairy king, so that among the entire realm of comprehension, who is your opponent?"

Xiang Yang couldn't help but shout.


The strongman of the fairy king class of the immortal king came instantly, and the other person became a middle-aged man with a horrible atmosphere. It was a fairy king.

Moreover, if it is placed in the fairy world, it is absolutely comparable to the existence of the title of the king.

He looked at Xiang Yang with a strange color on his face. He did not expect that Xiang Yang knew the fairy king. So, it must be the strongman of the fairy world.

Xiang Yang said with a smile, "Okay, you should be a **** man. It’s a coincidence. I am thinking about going to the Western gods to find your supreme **** to play."

"Ha ha..."

After watching the strongman of the night demon, he sneered and said, "The arrogant ants, even the so-called saints in your celestial world, are not qualified to compare with the supreme god, let alone you, you are still squatting. Come on."


This guy does not want the night demon princess to do so that Xiang Yang died, he directly to Xiang Yang hands-on, roaring, there is a strong and unmatched breath burst out.

He grabbed directly toward Xiangyang, and the one hand became a claw of a beast. It seemed to be able to shatter the void. Even the heavens in the universe of comprehension were forced to retreat.

However, such an attack comparable to the existence of the title of the King of the King, Xiang Yang shook his head after seeing it, he thought of a move, a golden bundle of fairy ropes instantly flew out, directly to this strong comparable to the king level Tied up.

The upper layer seal of the sacred rope broke out. It was just a blink of an eye. The guy was sealed and the whole person was directly hanged in the air. It was like a swing.


The strong man of this night demon is smashed, how can this be?

He couldn't understand it anyway. Xiang Yang seems to be just the realm of true immortals. It is reasonable to say that it is absolutely impossible to compare with his own fairy king, but why do you immediately bind and seal yourself?

The other night demon people also looked at this scene, especially the princess of the night demon, even more dumbfounded.

The person **** is her father. She knows very well that her father is the king of the night demon. Even in the realm of the gods, it is also the existence of the dominating side. According to the truth, he came to the universe of comprehension. Absolutely invincible.

But why is the man opposite the one who looks at himself and looks at the other person so much?

"What is your look?"

When Xiang Yang saw that the strongmen of the night demon all looked at themselves with their eyes open, they thought for a moment and said with a smile. "I know, you must think that I am not treated fairly, so my heart is upset, rest assured, I am not Will be thicker than this."

While talking, his mind was moving, and suddenly, all the people of the night demon were trapped by the bundle of fairy ropes, even the princess of the night demon.

"Bold, I dare to scatter on my black winds, you are tired of living... Wang..."

"Not good, people come, people grabbed the king."

At this time, there are several strong men coming in succession. They are all masters of the Da Luo situation, although they are not Xian Wang, but they are the Da Luo Xian Jun level.

Originally they were equally prestige, but when they saw that their Wang Jing and the princess were all **** in the void, they suddenly stunned and rushed back and ran back. Rescue the soldiers.

"If you are here, don't run."

Xiang Yang chuckled softly, his right hand grabbed it, and a force of time and space broke out. Suddenly, the strong men fled in the direction of desperately, but they were shocked to find that they were getting closer and closer to their king. They didn't move, but they moved faster than the void around them. In the blink of an eye, the void under their feet was moved by Xiang Yang.

They looked at Xiang Yang with horror. They never thought that someone could use the power of the void to move the entire space they were in.

At the same time, at this time, Xiang Yang’s face was with a faint smile, so he hung all of them together, then, smiling at the twelve brothers and the wolf king. “You think we are killing the past. The whole night of the demon is all over, still waiting for the rabbits here, waiting for them to come to the door one by one?"

"Boss, I think I will kill the door."

Twelve brothers said very excitedly, "The guys in these black wind villages are really abhorrent. They don't say the whole black wind star field. They also grab all kinds of comprehensions to mine them. We just accidentally be this guy. Caught."

While talking, he pointed to the ‘king’ of the night demon, with an angry look in his eyes.

"His cultivation is comparable to the fairy king of the fairy world, much stronger than you, you are not an opponent is normal." Xiang Yang said softly.

"It's so strong." Both the 12th and the Wolf Kings took a breath, and the two big men also had their eyes wide open with incredible colors.

Although they don't know what kind of existence the fairy king is, it is terrible to hear the name.

"See the Lord of the Swords."

"Thank you for the help of the sword god."

"Sword God, Sword God..."


At this time, the ones who were saved underneath exchanged information one after another, they all knew that the heroic deeds of Xiang Yang in the realm of the realm, all of them were excited to Xiangyang.

"Get up."

When Xiang Yang appeared, he had already solved all the seals. He smiled softly, gave a fairy scent, and helped everyone to heal all the injuries. He said with a smile, "Your injuries are good. I can leave each other. As for this black wind village, I will kill them."

"Thank you for the sword god, I am willing to follow the sword **** to destroy this black wind village."

"Black Wind Village and I are not sharing the sky with the big enemy. Ask God of the sword to let us see that the Black Wind Village has been destroyed."


However, when Xiang Yang was prepared to let these comprehensions disperse, these people were all reluctant to leave, just to stay and watch Xiangyang destroy the black winds.

After Xiang Yang’s indulgence for a long while, he nodded. “So it’s up to you.”

He can understand that these repairs have reached the peak of the robbery period or even stronger, but they have fallen into the miners and the feeling of being beaten. They can't wait to eat the flesh and blood of these nightly demons.

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