Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2985: Hunting is over (five more flowers)

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"this is..."

In front of Xiang Yang, after the main demon field of the Night Demon was broken, it just wanted to further fight against Xiangyang. However, when it found the field of Wanfa Avenue that Xiang Yang showed, he suddenly looked shocked.

This kind of heaven and earth chaotic avenue is forced to retreat. It is not the first time that it is the avenue itself, because it has been seen in the **** king of the gods.

This is the true **** that already has its own godhead, the godhead is the avenue, and it is the core of heaven and earth.

Isn't it true that the immortals of the immortal world, even the saints, need to rely on the chaotic avenue to be more powerful?

Why is this opponent like a true **** in the realm of the gods, and it is a self-contained avenue?

"You are the king of God?"

At this moment, the idea of ​​the night demon king appeared, it was shocked to see Xiang Yang.


Xiang Yang has just displayed his own field of Wanfa Avenue, and he is standing in his own field. He is the avenue of nowhere. Even if it is a chaotic avenue, he must retreat. He feels that he is too bullish, and he will definitely surpass chaos in the future. When the boulevard existed, he heard the words of the night demon king, and he stayed for a while.

"The king of God is separated?"

Xiang Yang almost laughed out. After the discount, how can he be suspicious, as a god, not his own opponent, even if he is suspicious, he said that he is a **** king, and what kind of ghost is the **** king?

"The king of gods once said that the old man also has a person who has fallen into the fairy world and is able to have his own real **** field. It must be the king of the gods."

The night demon king has a certain color. Although it has three heads, the two heads on the left and the right are quite silent. It seems that without their own consciousness, there is no open mouth. The only one in the middle is the one in the middle.

At this moment, even because it feels that Xiang Yang is definitely a prince of the gods, even the momentum that has erupted has recovered a lot. Although he did not completely abandon any defense, he has already relaxed his vigilance against Xiang Yang.

For the Lord God of God, the King of God is their ruler. If Xiangyang is really the avatar of the King of God, then even if it is a hundred courage to the Night Demon, he does not dare to do something about Xiangyang.

Even when it faces Xiangyang, it does not need to open the Xiangyang, it will surrender and do anything for Xiangyang.


Xiang Yang blinked and thought that this Xiongtai was really too smart. After playing for a while, he could still identify himself as the avatar of the king.

He meditated in his heart, should he accept this Lord God directly, um, he has not yet accepted the Holy Spirit, and if he can conquer a **** for his own use, maybe it is a very good thing.

However, now he is not sure whether the demon species is useful to the Lord God. If it is useless, it is to find a way out.

Moreover, it seems a bit difficult to conquer a god.

"God king, can you wake up?" Xiang Yang did not speak, but the night demon king looked at him cautiously.

"What do you think?"

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the night demon king. The magical blade of the hand has been replaced with the Promise Excalibur. As for the Devil's Blade, it is directly integrated with the Devil's Armor and becomes the source of power to provide its own energy.

When the night demon saw that Xiang Yang had changed another more horrible soldier, his expression changed greatly. However, when he remembered that the anode of the item might be the king of the gods, it did not show any dissatisfaction, caution. At the same time of Xiangyang, it is an open channel. "You have a real **** field. It should be the avatar of the gods and kings. This is the lower boundary. The little night child is for the sake of the king of God. Please ask the king to order."

"Cough, Xiaoyinzi..."

When Xiang Yang listened to the night demon king and called himself a little night, he almost laughed and squirted. Before he said it, he actually said it as a little night...

However, what is the real **** field?

Xiang Yang was stunned, neither acknowledging nor denying, but asking, "You make it clear, where do you see that I am a **** king?"

"The immortals of Pangu World, even if they are cultivated into the realm of saints, need to enlighten the chaotic avenue. Their strongest strength must be exerted by means of Chaos Avenue, and my great gods, especially the true gods. After possessing the godhead, it is the avenue itself, without any use of chaotic avenues. This is the realm that I and all the gods pursue."

The Night Devil said with the color of yearning.

"God? So, my way is a bit like the so-called true God of the gods."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, his face with a strange color.


Xiang Yang’s whispering to himself did not conceal the night demon king. At this moment, the night demon king changed his mind and suddenly, the whole person quickly retreated toward the rear.

However, it is too late.


After Xiang Yang knew the reason, he didn't want to continue spending time with the other party. At this time, Xiang Yang shot aloud, and the sword in the hand went out, and the sword of order suddenly broke out.

Xiang Yang merged his three swords into a set of swords. The first sword is called the infinite sword, the second sword is the one-day strike, and the third sword is the sword of order.

This sword is the strongest. It is the sword of the illusory order of the sword that appears in the sea of ​​consciousness. It is inspired by the sword of the Promise.

This sword contains the supreme order, and the sentiment is also the power of order. This is the power that transcends the heavens and the earth, not to mention the **** of the gods. Even the so-called **** king can not understand. This energy.

"not good..."

The night demon king trembled, and the colleague who rushed back toward the rear, the six hands simultaneously shot, and the magical powers of various gods broke out.

Each of its hands actually contains the power of a set of laws. A flame boulevard broke out and turned into a fire dragon to attack Xiangyang. A sword with a metallic rule gathered and went down. The earth wall was suddenly suppressed, and a water dragon roared...

Jinmu water and fire, as well as the power of darkness, a total of six energy rules broke out at the same time, with strong and unmatched rules of force to block the Xiangyang sword.

However, it is useless.

The power of order, beyond the five elements, beyond the avenue, is by no means blocked by these forces.

Xiang Yang’s sword smashed through and attacked the forces of these six laws in an instant, directly on the body of the Night Devil. The body of the Night Devil instantly solidified, and at the same time, the power of these six laws was also bombarded at Xiangyang. On the body, Xiang Yang will fly out of the crowd.


The magical armor broke out with powerful energy, and a powerful defensive force broke out. The attack of the six laws was blocked by the force of the six laws. Although the power of these six laws could not be hurt to Xiangyang, but they would Xiang Yang flew out of the whole person.

"The power of the six rules of this guy is very powerful, and it can't be solved. This is really different in the law of the gods."

Xiang Yang was not injured. When he flew out, he was carrying a strange color on his face. His eyes had a variety of light flowing around him. The lotus on the top of the road was bursting with a strong suction. It was crazy. Absorb the power of these six laws.

With the absorption of these six laws, Xiang Yang had a different understanding of the Taoist King's Tao. He found that although the Taoist Tao is indeed different from the fairyland, the Wanfa is the same, and Wandao is still the same. The end of all the avenues is still the chaotic avenue. Even if the roads of the gods are different, in fact, it is essentially a chaotic avenue.

However, these differences represent different directions and have a strong reference for Xiang Yang.

His lotus of Wanfa Avenue is also growing. In the infinite light of the original, it has added six different lights. It is the road of Xiangyang formed by the passage of the night demon king.

"The journey of the gods is imperative."

Xiang Yang took a breath. From the words of the Night Devil, he already understood that the true God of the Divine Realm has also become the King of God. In fact, it is the realm of chaos and saints. They do not need to rely on the outside world, they only need the godhead.

The avenue that carries the self in the gods has a completely different practice from the saints in the fairy world. However, it is similar to the lotus of Wanfa Avenue in Xiangyang.

Although Xiang Yang was born with the tens of thousands of robes, his master, and the inheritance of the mysterious power encountered in chaos, but these are not enough.

He wants to go to the realm of the gods, and needs to understand the spiritual system of the gods, so as to integrate into his own system and perfect his own lotus.

Then, Xiang Yang looked at the distant night demon king, and the order was smashed. The body of the night demon was solidified on the spot, as if it had been frozen.

Although it seems that the night demon seems to have no danger at all, however, Xiang Yang understands that the ‘order’ contained in everything in the night demon king has been annihilated.

That is to say, the night demon king at the moment is almost dead. However, its **** and soul are still locked in the body, and its consciousness is still alive.

The energy in Xiang Yang's body circulates rapidly, supplementing the energy he consumes. Although this sword consumes most of his energy, he still has not exhausted him.

In the chaos, he practiced enlightenment, and his realm has grown to a very strong degree without knowing it. Although Xiang Yang does not know whether he is a sub-sheng now, his body contains absolutely no energy. In the beginning of the first Sheng into the strong.

Although he did not break through to become Yasheng, he even did not even become a strong man. However, at this moment, he has his own system of practice and has his own way. His power cannot be measured by the realm.

All the pores in his body are all open, madly absorbing the chaotic gas to replenish energy. In the body of Dantian, hundreds of thousands of portals are opened, and the power of the cave is emerging, making his body energy fast.

At the same time, his mind was moved, and the ‘Heaven and Earth Oven’ flew out of the body and instantly swallowed the Night Devil.

At this point, the deity of the demon king, the deity of the gods, was destroyed.

Xiangyang’s order was a successful sword.

The ‘Heaven and Earth Oven’ returned to the body of Xiang Yang, and an unprecedented powerful force of all spirits emerged, and was swallowed up by nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods.

Among his acupoints in the body, these gods are undergoing metamorphosis, and successive breakthroughs. In the blink of an eye, these gods have even broken through the level of the Daluo with the power of this spirit.

Moreover, the power of this spirit is still not exhausted, but continues to strengthen the gods in the Xiangyang acupoint space.

"It’s really an unexpected harvest." Xiang Yang’s face was full of surprises. At the same time, his eyes looked at the chaos, and some magic weapons that were fixed by the big old black and the little gold were the treasures of the night demon king.

Although the night demon king was swallowed up by the ‘Heavenly Oven,’ the treasures were still preserved. In order to prevent these treasures from being swept away by the chaotic airflow, the old black and the small gold fixed them all intimately.

"It's really two good partners, much better than the little black tiger."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but sigh. He flew in and gathered all the treasures. Although those are treasures of the highest level, for Xiangyang, the treasure can't really make his heart beat faster...

"the host."

Big old black and small gold look at Xiangyang at the same time.

"Well, there is nothing wrong with you here. Go back and practice well. When you practice to be able to change your body into a puppy, you can come out at any time."

At the same time as Xiang Yang said, he directly invested Da Lao Hei and Xiao Jin in the Promise.

The strength of these two Chaos Beastmasters is very extraordinary. The body contains horrible energy. Even the energy in their bodies is the most peak of the Yasheng. However, as a chaotic beastmaster, they don’t understand. Using the energy in the body, we can't exert the strongest strength, so that their body shape can not be reduced.

Nowadays, the two Beastmasters have their own methods and are working hard to practice. When they can reduce their size to the size of a puppy, they prove that their control of their energy has reached a very high level. By that time, It is time for these two chaotic beast kings to truly grow up and to impact the sage.

When I think of the Beastmaster who is very likely to have two saints in the future, Xiang Yang naturally cannot waste time, but let the two Beastmasters practice well.

"The hunting spirit is over, and the positioning of the gods is clear. Next, play in the lower bounds first. When you see my friends and family, it is almost time to go to the realm."

Xiang Yang whispered softly, and he was about to tear away the void.


However, at this time, the protrusions are changed.

The author Meng Yu said: Today is five more finished, ask for flowers. . .

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