Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2990: Frightened Guangchengzi (five more flowers)

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In the fairy world, within the sanctuary, Guangchengzi is comprehending the heavens.

For today's Guangchengzi, his understanding of the Tao has actually reached its peak, and even reached the level of not being weaker than the saint, even if his combat power is not the strongest among the saints, but His way is terrible.

He only needs to have a holy position, and he will be able to stand upright and become a chaotic saint who will never die.

However, the Holy Position is rare. Even if Guangchengzi is a disciple of the original sage, from the time of the flood to the present, he has been searching hard and has never been able to obtain a holy position.

This is the case. When Guang Chengzi has time to realize his own avenue and deduct his own way, he firmly believes that if he can walk out of his own path of sanctification, he will certainly be able to be sanctified without relying on the Holy Position.

"Xiangyang is a later generation, and can walk out of a unique path. As a sacred teacher, I am a teacher of the Three Emperors. I am also a pro-disciple of the chaotic sacred original sage. I can also walk out of my own path. ”

Guang Chengzi’s heart is talking to himself.

After seeing Xiang Yang's performance of a unique road, he was so envious of his heart. At the same time, he also determined that he could definitely walk out of his own unique path.

He wants to prove that he has opened up a unique way and become a chaotic saint.


At this time, there was a streamer flashing in front of Guang Chengzi, and an illusory figure appeared, which was the appearance of Xiang Yang.

"Xiang Yang?"

After Guang Chengzi opened his eyes, he frowned and looked at Xiang Yang.

He knows that Xiang Yang contacted himself by giving himself a token of Xiangyang's sovereign. However, Xiang Yang directly contacted the upper bound himself from the lower bound. It is not enough to have only the sovereign token. Only Xiang Yang’s own way of space A very strong degree is reached to truly connect with yourself.

His heart was shocked by Xiang Yang’s ability to reach such a level in the space, not only to open up the channel of comprehension and immortality, but also to connect himself to the lower bound with the holy lord token, but on the surface it did not show any Different colors, but asked Xiang Yang, "Xiang Yang, what is it for me?"

"I have seen the Holy Division."

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at Guang Chengzi. "A bit of doubts want to ask the holy teacher, disturb the holy teacher, and ask the predecessors to forgive me."

"No matter, you are welcome." Guang Chengzi saw that Xiang Yang was so polite, and his heart became more curious. What Xiangyang had to do, he was so polite to himself.

Guang Chengzi himself has the title of a good old man, plus he is very optimistic about Xiang Yang, and he also personally gave the sovereign token to Xiang Yang, Xiang Yang contacted him, he did not have any anger.

"I want to ask the holy teacher to know this bastard."

Xiang Yang turned and walked out from the side and pulled out a guy who was **** with a big flower. It was the guy in the ancient fairy world who was suppressed by Xiaoling.

However, Xiang Yang naturally could not let Guang Chengzi see the existence of Qiankun Chenghua Ding. He directly used this method to seal the bastard, and then used the tied rope to strengthen it, making this guy squat and the whole person was frozen. In general, the fundamental movements can't move, which makes Guangchengzi look.

"How can he be caught by you, the fire-hearted saint of the ancient fairyland?"

When Guang Chengzi saw this guy caught by Xiang Yang, his face was full of shock, and the whole person stood up directly and was shocked. "Xiang Yang, are you going to harm the ancient fairy world?"

"I am going... can you talk?"

Xiang Yang turned his eyes and turned, "The predecessor of the sage, although you are the master of the Three Emperors, the lord of the Holy Family, and the master of my wife, but you can't be jealous, what told me to harm the ancient fairy world, It was this guy who joined the other two **** and sneaked me after I hunted the **** of the gods, almost killing me."

"What, the ancient fairyland dared to do it to you, are they crazy?"

After Guang Chengzi heard it, it was even more shocking.

He had a dignified color on his face and said to Xiang Yang, "According to the truth, the heart of fire is the ancestor of the **** of fire in the ancient fairy world. You should know that you are the disciple of that vein. It should not be possible to have that courage. If you deal with you, is there any misunderstanding?"

Obviously, in the view of Guangchengzi, nowadays all the sacred masters of the heavens and the real world, even the chaos saints, are really dare to shoot Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang can be said to be a strong second generation of iron plate nails.

With the existence of his master, in this ancient chaotic world, who dares to understand the Xiangyang is to find death.

As a strong sacred place, although everyone has lived for a long time, but it is even more afraid of death, offended Xiangyang, the one who can directly kill himself with a sword, no one is willing to target Yang.

In particular, Xiang Yang actually said that after he killed the **** of the gods, the strong man of the ancient fairyland attacked Xiangyang, which is even more sinful.

"It turned out to be the first ancestor of Vulcan."

Xiang Yang finally understood the identity of the bastard. He sneered a sneer. It turned out that the road was narrow. He had not dealt with these guys who were in the same vein as the ancient gods. Before that, the fire was with the strongest of the ancient fairyland. To deal with myself, the result, after being killed by himself, turned out to be the first ancestor of Vulcan.

"You said there would be a misunderstanding?"

As for the misunderstanding that Guang Chengzi said, it is simply not a thing for Xiang Yang.

He sneered, and said to Guang Chengzi, "I am sneak attacked by three great sages, and I am beaten, if not lucky, they have already been destroyed. Do you think this is a misunderstanding?" ”


Xiang Yang once again stressed that when he was attacked by three people, Guang Chengzi also trembled. He knew in his heart that Xiang Yang was almost sneaked to death, and Xiang Yang’s character would never let go of the ancient fairy world.

In the hands of Xiang Yang, he is in charge of the physical repair of countless Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peaks. Together with the dozens of chaotic behemoths, if they all enter the ancient fairy world, even if it is ancient, it is impossible to be strong. Can block the Xiangyang.

"Xiang Yang, don't be impulsive, be sure to calm down, don't go to deal with the ancient fairy world right away." Guang Chengzi's urgent forehead sweat will come out.

He looked at Xiang Yang with a dignified color on his face and said quickly, "The ancient fairy world has a great role and must not be easily extinct, especially those ancient gods. They are the key to suppressing foreign passages. In the case of the fairy world, the foreign land will directly invade directly. At that time, it will be very serious for our Pangu chaotic world."

"The ancient fairyland really exists to suppress the foreign passages?"

Xiang Yang was shocked. When Xiao Ling said this, he still felt a little unbelievable. After all, these are just the guesswork of Xiaoling. However, when he really said it from the mouth of Guangchengzi, he really affirmed all of this. It is.

"It is precisely the ancient gods in the ancient fairy world that the chaos of the heavens is specially suppressed to suppress the exotic passages. Without the suppression of these ancient gods, the seal of the foreign passages is broken, and it is absolutely unimaginable." Guang Chengzi looked at Xiang Yang with a dignified look.

"That said, I can't take revenge."

Xiang Yang looked depressed at Guangchengzi. These guys dealt with themselves. If they can't take revenge, the problem can be big.

He originally thought that as Xiaoling said, he directly entered the ancient fairy world, and destroyed the whole **** of Vulcan and the water god, and even destroyed the so-called ancient god.

It seems that it seems that this goal is a bit overhanging.

"Xiang Yang, you give me the fire heart, I will give you an account."

Guang Chengzi looked at Xiang Yang with a dignified color on his face. The sacred sage of the ancient fairyland attacked Xiang Yang. It is definitely not a simple matter. With the strength that Xiang Yang is now controlling, it may lead to the ancient fairy world. The seal has an accident.

As a sacred teacher, he is a prostitute disciple of the saints, mainly for the purpose of suppressing all the worlds and dealing with various things at any time.

Today, Guangchengzi absolutely has to take over this matter and give Xiangyang an account.

At the same time, Guang Chengzi's heart is also very puzzled. I don't know why Fireheart, the ancient saint of the ancient fairyland, suddenly shot and killed Xiangyang. According to the truth, Xiangyang could not have any hatred against the ancient fairyland.


For the requirements of Guang Chengzi, Xiang Yang directly shook his head and refused. Fireheart knew all the secret people of his own. He finally caught this guy. If he gave this guy to Guangchengzi, it was not all his secrets. Want to be known by Guangchengzi?

Guang Chengzi didn’t expect Xiang Yang to reject it all so directly. He frowned and looked at Xiang Yang. “Xiang Yang, I know that you were suddenly killed by him, and his heart is not good, but this matter is very important. You need a saint to judge, you still give me to me."

"Oh, he killed me, you have to give the saints a cut, you mean, I lied to you?" Xiang Yang sneered at the Guangchengzi Road.

"No, I know that you will not be chaos in this kind of thing. However, the ancient fairyland is really important. If you destroy the fire, it may cause dissatisfaction with the major clan of the ancient fairy world. It is very troublesome. "Seeing Xiang Yang a very unhappy look, Guang Chengzi was helpless, only to whisper to Xiang Yang."

He knows that Xiang Yang is really very difficult to get it. If he can, he definitely doesn't want to be so troublesome. However, there is no way. The ancient fairyland is really important.

If Xiang Yang unilaterally extinguished the fire, then the strongest of the Vulcan will go out to deal with Xiangyang and avenge the Holy Spirit, and Xiang Yang can’t sit still, maybe even directly into the ancient fairyland. Among them, the Vulcan will be destroyed. At that time, perhaps the entire ancient fairyland will be confronted with Xiangyang, causing great trouble.

"Oh, nothing, anyway, I have already destroyed an old guy with a water god. It is this, you see."

Xiang Yanghehe said with a smile, it was the shadow of the old man who appeared next to the wave. "This guy is really shameless. In order to let me spare her life, I still want to seduce me, especially. I was sick of dying, and I smashed her directly on the spot."

"The ancestor of the **** of water."

Guang Chengzi has not heard what Xiangyang said later. He is staring at Xiangyang, only knowing that the ancestor of the water **** has been destroyed by Xiangyang.

There was a roar in his mind, only knowing that this time the problem was too serious.

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at Guangchengzi. "Not all, a total of three sacred strongmen came to attack me, and one is this bastard. What's special, it's not very good, even dare to learn others to use swords. I was stunned by a sword."

At the same time, he also showed the appearance of the youngest of the three sneak attackers who were holding the swords of the after-the-day treasure level to Guangchengzi.

"Hey... the first ancestor of the Golden God?"

"He, he was killed by you?"

When Guang Chengzi saw Xiang Yang’s figure again, he was already stunned. This guy is the ancestor of the Golden God of the Five Elements of the Ancient Immortals. A kendo is very extraordinary, although he can’t follow Yang Wanjian. Compared with such a sword saint, it is also powerful and terrifying.

However, such a super strong person was actually killed by Xiang Yang.

At this moment, Guang Chengzi was squatting. He knew that after Xiang Yang had destroyed these super powers in the ancient fairy world, he had a big problem.

The five elements of the ancient immortal world can be said to be the strongest existence. The five elements of the clan control everything in the ancient fairy world, which can almost be said to occupy the power of two-thirds of the ancient fairy world.

Nowadays, the three ancestors of the five elements of the clan are destroyed by Xiangyang, and the five elements of the clan are absolutely impossible to give up.

"It's over..."

Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete, ask for flowers...

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