Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3009: Devil's Devil

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When Xiang Yang heard that this strong and obviously sanctified, he told himself and his grandson monkey with a very aggrieved look. If he went to find the ancestor again, he couldn't help but laugh.

At this moment, Xiangyang is a million-foot tall Pangu real body. When he accidentally laughs out, a violent airflow bursts out directly, sweeping away toward the distance.


The power of Pangu’s real body is too strong. Even if Xiangyang is not intentional, it is just a sneer, but it creates a very terrible movement. The original void that has already been broken is turned into nothingness and becomes a black hole. .


This demon is very angry, this is simply the face of the red fruit, although Xiang Yang is the body of the ancient body, the strength is not weaker than his just sanctification, but he is the **** of the gods. Known as immortal, the saint who coexists with the heavens, shouldn’t Xiangyang give a face?

"But it's gone, let's go to the bar, don't play with the black lotus, it's really boring. After the old boy broke into a chaotic saint, it was still so weak."

Sun Monkey was arbitrarily waved his hand, and then he ignored the angry and sturdy man who was angry and black. After his body was normalized, he waved at Yang Lan.

Yang Lan, who was originally in the void, walked out at this time. He glanced at the demon, and the latter changed his face. He did not expect that Yang Lan was also hidden in the void.

Of course, he is a demon saint. Although he can't compare with Yang Lan and Sun Monkey in terms of combat effectiveness, his realm is beyond the two. If it is normal, he can still find Yang Lan who is hidden in the void. It was only before that the movement of Xiang Yang and Sun Monkey was too big, which affected his induction, and he did not find Yang Lan hidden in the void.

If the relationship between the demon and the monkey is OK, it is not a friend, nor is it an enemy. His relationship with Yang Lan is very poor. Yang Lanben is the former **** of war, and most of them are hateful people. For this reason, once After many years of chasing the demon of the demon world, before this holy demon was not sanctified, he also used to chase and kill Yang Lan, and almost killed Yang.

The two are indeed enemies. He is really afraid that Yang Lan will deal with him at this time.

Yang Yu and Sun Monkey, as well as Xiang Yang, the existence of three invincible horrors, if they are united, can definitely kill his weakest demon.

He is very clear, not long before, Yang Lan and Sun Monkey just killed a god.

The twelve gods of the gods, each one is the invincible strongman of the sage's realm. Even, each one is stronger than the demon sacred. Even such a **** king is killed by Yang Lan and the grandson monkey. He naturally does not May be the opponent of three people.

"Let's go."

Xiang Yang also restored the size of a normal person. He whispered and greeted the two.

"it is good."

Yang Lan took a deep look at the devil, although watching the guy is very upset, but he did not start, but left with Xiang Yang and Sun Monkey three.

The devil is standing in the void with a very ugly face. When he sees the three people leaving, he is obviously relieved. "It’s a sinister, the ancestors become saints, and the sorrow is also the sage of the Promise, even in these three The junior is so nervous."

He felt that he was too pitiful, and the sage of the sages was not the opponent of three juniors.

However, as early as when he was sanctified, he already knew that he was definitely the weakest of the chaotic saints of the heavens, because his method of sanctification was not a method in the normal sense, but a sanctification of another path. The strength is weak and no one else.

"The Gorefiend's site is broken, let him deal with the things that follow. The ancestors are going to find the Taoist cult."

Then, the ancestors glanced at the broken demon world and found that it was only the site of the Gorefiend ancestors. It would not matter to him. He disappeared directly into the void and disappeared.

He felt that he was still looking for a Taoist ancestor to practice. Otherwise, as a saint, he encountered three young people who were not sanctified, so nervous. It was a bit of a saint's face.

Later, Xiang Yang did not know that at this moment, he was becoming like a normal person with Yang Lan and Sun Monkey, eating and drinking in a restaurant in the Devil.

Originally Xiang Yang thought that the devil should be filled with darkness and killing, and would not be able to have a normal city.

However, when he really entered the devil world, he discovered that the original devil world is not much different from the fairy world and the comprehension world. Although the creatures in the devil world are rarely human, but under normal circumstances, in some towns, Many times they live in peace.

For example, the restaurant they entered was very calm.

Moreover, the very interesting thing about this restaurant is that the entrant must be in the form of a human form, and if the other state is strong, it cannot enter.

Moreover, if you enter the restaurant, you can't have any murderousness and breath, and you can't make any conflicts. Otherwise, if you are discovered by the owner, you will die.

This is the rule that they got when they first entered the restaurant. It is said that the owner of this restaurant is a super strong person. The strong person who once had the level of the demon level does not believe in evil. He wants to make trouble in this restaurant. As a result, he is directly attacked by the other party. Killed.

"It seems that the owner of this restaurant should be a human race."

Yang Lan said softly.

"Yang Da Ge, in the devil world, a lot of people?" Xiang Yang curiously looked at Yang Lan.

"There are not many talks, and there are a lot of talks. In the past, the Terran was discriminated against in the Devil, and it was in a weak state. However, after the rise of the Terran Powerhouse, some of the sacred masters changed and changed all this. The situation has made the Terran have a very powerful force in the Devil," said Yang Lan.

"It turned out to be."

Xiang Yang nodded, remembering the demon that appeared not long ago, couldn't help but ask, "I see that the demon of the demon is like a saint, but it is a little weak, he is really a demon. ?"

"You are talking about Black Lotus. The old boy is indeed the devil, and it is also the demon that has just been promoted recently."

When he heard that Xiang Yang asked about the black lotus demon, Sun Monkey suddenly had a topic. He laughed and said, "Hei Lian was originally a demon ancestor. The strength is in the most peak of Yasheng, but this is The old boy is not satisfied with becoming a sub-saint. Therefore, he has taken another path and integrated himself into the 12-piece black lotus. He accidentally broke into the sage. However, he only achieved the realm, but he was still very Weak, let's be jealous, each can easily beat him."

"The existence of Heilongjiang is really a shame among the saints." Yang Lan said while dissipating the wine while drinking.

Xiang Yang was curious. "Incorporating into the twelve black lotuses, will it be sanctified? Is there such a sanctified method?"

This is really strange. If you can just sanctify yourself by integrating it into the twelve black lotuses, wouldn't it mean that the chaos sage is not worth much?

"No, it's not simply integrated into the black lotus. You think that the black lotus is just easy to integrate into it. Is it directly sanctified? This old boy integrates himself into the black lotus and turns the black lotus into Thousands of thousands of people have been integrated into the countless souls of the demon world, making these souls worship the black lotus day and night, and introduce the air transport into the black lotus. For a long time, he was able to rely on powerful gas transportation for tens of millions of years. Sanctification, it can be said that he was sanctified and exhausted the air of the devil. It is almost impossible to have a second black lotus."

Yang Lan said.

"It turns out that the air transport can really be sanctified."

Xiang Yang nodded, all of which made him feel very shocked. It is no wonder that the last time the Wanzhou Destiny Women’s War, many Asian saints were so excited to **** Mei Xiaoniu, but they saw the opportunity of black lotus sanctification. After that, they also want to follow the example of Black Lotus, and want to plunder the qi of Yun Xiao Niu.

Thinking of this, Xiang Yang remembered those of the sub-sacred strong, with a smirk in his mouth.

In the past, he was not strong enough. Although he could deal with Yasheng, he still has not been able to crush the level of the strong. So, he has not been concerned with those guys, only after occasionally met, he really shot. Deal with those guys.

Nowadays, his own strength has really grown up, even if the saints like Heilongjiang are not afraid, let alone those who are holy.

Xiang Yang feels that it is time for him to settle accounts with those guys.

"Xiang Yang, do you want to marry? Do you want to teach Black Lotus?"

When Sun Monkey discovered that Xiang Yang had a smirk on his face, he suddenly felt his heart. He looked at Xiang Yang curiously, and he looked at him with enthusiasm. He said, "If we find someone who has no one, it will be black. Lotus fight?"


Xiang Yang is speechless. "I don't have any hatred with the black lotus saint, do you want to fight him?"

"Then you just had a smirk, I thought you wanted to teach someone."

Sun Monkey has a disappointing color on his face.

On the one side, Yang Lan is drinking alcohol and laughing without speaking.

Xiang Yang rolled his eyes and said, "I just thought that there was a group of Yasheng who bullied me and wanted to unite against me. Now I am better than them. I should find an opportunity for each of them to offer three or five pieces to make up for it. I."

"Oh, this is a good idea."

When Sun Monkey heard Xiang Yang’s words, his eyes glowed and he was more excited than Xiang Yang. “Whoever has bullied you, let’s go to the door one by one, without any three or five pieces of treasure, directly grab all the treasures from them. Light again."


This monkey is more vicious than himself.

Actually, I intend to take away all the treasures of the masters of the Yasheng.

However, this temper is a appetite for me.

Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled and hooked the shoulders of Sun Monkey. "Monkey brother, you are my confidant."

"That is of course, the brothers have things, and the old grandson must have tried his best."

Sun Monkey said very happy.

"You two people with a bad stomach together, it is a perfect match." Yang Yan is speechless, the original Sun monkey is a bad stomach, like to play, idle, nothing to think about everywhere to find trouble.

Now there is another Xiangyang. Their trio is very powerful, but if they are not careful, they will smash the sky.

"Ah, haha, rest assured, let's go to the gods first, and the rest of the twelve gods will be killed. Then, when we take away the source of the gods and refine the heavens, we are almost the same." Can be enlightened."

Sun Monkey said with a smile.

"This is feasible, but we can't worry. We must plan carefully. At least we must discuss it with Sanqing Shengzun. Otherwise, if we are surrounded by the realm, even the three of us will die. Yang Lan said calmly.

"Is the king of the gods the right place for the saints?"

Xiang Yang lightly coughed and asked.

"Yes, it is the saint." Sun Monkey nodded, with a look of indifference on his face.

"Since it is a saint, the three of us are not sanctified, and we intend to go to the gods to kill the king of God. Do you think that we have a chance of winning?" Xiang Yang looked at the two.

Before, when he heard that the two men planned to kill the king of the gods and mentioned the swordsmanship of the Taishang and Tongtian sages, he thought that the two were preparing to invite Sanqing sages, so Just say that this is feasible.

Who ever thought that these two people were so daring to personally deal with the gods of the gods, but also wanted to destroy the whole gods, this is crazy.

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