Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3011: Strong confrontation

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Among the devils, on a mountain peak, Bai Yu was covered in blood, and he was running fast with a sword. Behind him, there was a group of demons in the demon world who were chasing him.

His face was resolute, his face was murderous, and after rushing forward, he turned back and yelled, "kill and kill, the sword is turned nine times, and the sin is destroyed."

The violent swords broke out, and a group of demons and strong men also smashed toward the white feathers. "Bastard, because it is you, ruining the blood, killing me, etc. is the teacher, if not killing You, we swear not to be a demon."



A big war began in this way. In the face of these powerful invincible demon statues, the strength that Yang Wanjian provided to Bai Yu is indeed only the world of Da Luo.

After an endless fight, Bai Yu was squatting, and the swords and swords rose together and continued to flee in the distance.

"Catch up with him and kill him."

In the back of Bai Yu, a group of martyrdoms in the realm of the road continued to chase. A group of people chased one of Bai Yu, but they did not kill each other. Some of them were seriously injured and almost killed by the other side. It’s just too shameful.

A tug-of-war was unfolding in the Devil's territory. Although Bai Yu provided Yang Wanjian's strength to him, Yang Wanjian did not give him more power to hone him, causing him to suffer serious injuries several times.

At the beginning, Bai Yu thought that his master would shoot at a crucial time. However, he found that he was wrong. Yang Wanjian was determined to let him grow up. Even if Bai Yu was separated by human beings, Yang Wanjian also ignored it.

In the end, Bai Yu was desperate. He knew that he could only use Yang Wanjian as his own source of energy, and he could not feel that the other party would save himself.

This is his path to growth.

Sword repair is the way to kill, want to grow fast, only the real kill can grow up quickly.

Yang Wanjian can become a Juggernaut step by step. It is definitely not by chance. How can he grow up quickly, he is a little bit groping.

The white feather at the moment really started the road of asceticism.

The devil world, this is a place full of killing, although in some cities in the devil world, as well as the fairy world and the comprehension, there is not much killing, but outside the city, it is a chaotic place.

For those who practice kendo and killing, the devil is definitely the best place to hone.

Xiang Yang did not pay much attention to Bai Yu, because he knew that Yang Wanjian was at least not worried before Bai Yu became Yasheng.


At this moment, Xiang Yang is in the depths of chaos. After he has a punch with Sun Monkey, his body shape is still motionless. Similarly, the King Kong giant who has become a million-foot tall in his opposite side also has no retreat. Instead, he roared in the sky and still rushed toward Xiangyang.

At this moment, Xiang Yang has already displayed Pan Guzheng. His body has reached a height of one million feet, and the whole person has become a chaotic saint, just like a small Pangu.

The breath of his body, with the feeling of Pangu's hurried chaos, even the sacred sacred in the nine heavens also felt.

At this moment, the saints of the heavens are paying attention to the war in chaos. They are too incompetent. He smiles and shakes his head, saying nothing, and Tongtian and Primitive are with a color of interest.

Especially the Tongtian Holy Respect, he laughed and said, "This kid is good, it fits my mind, and he is still a kendo. If he really shows his kendo, I am afraid that the monkey will lose."

"The golden monkey's golden hoop has not yet been used." The original sage said faintly.

"Hey, do you think his golden hoop can match the one's kendo?" Tongtian Shengzun said with a smile.

"The one of the kendos is unrivaled, but it is only in the hands of that one that is truly invincible. It is not necessarily in the hands of his disciples." The original sage shook his head.

"I am very optimistic about him." Tongtian Shengzun did not hide his optimism about Xiangyang.

"And Yang Lan did not start to see how the results of their wars would be repeated." The original sage did not want to talk to Tongtian. Although the two were brothers, there were disputes in ancient times because of the different teachings, although later It’s good, but the two of them sometimes look at each other often.

Whether it is the Sanqing sacred or the other sub-saints in the Chaos Jiuzhong Tiandaochang, they all watched the battle between Xiangyang and Sun Monkey.

However, other people are optimistic about the play, and when the Gorefiend ancestors saw Xiangyang's Pangu real body, his heart trembled, only feeling that his heart and liver hurt uncomfortable.

This is Pan Guzhen, from where he came, he can know without thinking.

It is the infinite Pangu blood contained in his **** sea that has been swallowed up by Xiangyang, and then the high-grade can be smelted into such a Pangu real body.

Originally, it was all his.

However, nowadays all of them have fulfilled Xiangyang, and Xiangyang will not have any gratitude.

"But it's gone, broken and then standing, not breaking, but lost the blood, but if the deity can break through to become a chaotic saint, it is worth it."

The Gorefiend ancestors came to an eyeless eyes, and closed their eyes again to get to know the wheel of Heaven.

However, all other saints have watched this battle.

"Look, Sun Monkey is going to be defeated."

At this time, there is a sub-sheng excited to say.

As soon as he said this, all the sacred sacred vibes were incomparable. Even those who were already enlightening the wheel of heaven also opened their eyes and applied special martial arts to look deep into chaos.

However, there are some special sacred sacred sacred sacred ones who can't see the deep chaos. They can only scratch the ears and ask people around them. "How are you going, have you lost?"

"Sun Monkey can't be alive. I was beaten by him as a predecessor. This time he was going to be beaten. Brother, let me have a look, please, I want to see him being beaten."

"Me too, this stinky monkey is holding a body that is invincible, and the body is sanctified. When I was chasing me to challenge, I will not let me go." This time, I must Let the kid beat him."

"I only hate to see it with my own eyes."


There are so many Asian saints in the field, there are dozens of strong people who have been taught by the grandchildren. At this moment, seeing the grandchildren are defeated, they are all very excited, one by one looking forward, waiting for the grandson of the monkey to be Xiangyang Beat a meal.


At this moment, in the chaos of the void, the million-foot-tall King Kong giant screamed and screamed, his fist banged toward Xiangyang, and the terrible power on his fist made the chaos instantly collapse.

At the same time, the other hand of King Kong's giant python was caught in the air, and a golden stick appeared in his hand. It was the wishful gold hoop.

This is the wishful golden hoop at the level of the day after tomorrow, although it is not innate treasure, but over the years, Sun monkeys have gone everywhere to burn and rob, some people in the realm, the aliens, and even the chaos have been robbed by him, plus The treasures he got from traveling to chaos were all integrated into the golden hoop.

The power of this wishful golden hoop is not even weaker than any innate treasure.


Two roars rang in succession, and the fists of the million-foot King Kong and the wishful golden hoops simultaneously slammed toward Xiangyang.

However, at this time, Xiang Yang still did not use any magic weapon, he still used his own physical strength to shoot, punched a fist in the monkey's fist, and 10% of the power burst out.

At the same time, in the acupoint space in his body, all the gods also broke out with the strongest force to make a punch.

The mighty atmosphere is integrated into it, and a terrible force is like a river that bursts into the sea.


In the bang, Sun Monkey’s fist burst open, and his million-foot tall King Kong’s body was instantly blasted out and directly into the depths of chaos.

At the same time, the wishful gold hoop is continuing to move towards Xiangyang.

In Xiangyang’s eyes, the cold light flashed, and the left hand also shot, directly pointing to the sword, instantly turning into a sword without a sword, with a swordless mans, with an invincible sword meaning, instantly colliding with the wishful golden hoop .


With a roaring sound, Xiang Yang's **** turned into a blood mist explosion, and the wishful golden hoop was beaten on Xiang Yang's arm, instantly breaking his arm.

However, when the wishful gold hoop is chasing and chasing, and wants to continue to bombard the body of Xiang Yang, he only hears a squeak of 呛 呛.

In the body of Xiang Yang, the sword of a supreme sword is like a sword from the scabbard. It instantly turns into a terrible sword, and with the killing, the king, and the invincible sword, it immediately greets the wishful golden hoop.

It is the Promise Sword.

The two stalks of the soldiers suddenly had numerous collisions in the chaos, and the infinite swords and sticks exploded, making the chaos a little annihilated.

At this time, Xiang Yang’s broken arm and the finger that exploded into a blood mist were restored again. All the blood mist was not wasted. After all recovered, the shape of his body suddenly rushed, and he grasped, suddenly, the Promise The sword was caught in his hand.

"Haha, Xiang Xiaozi, come, pick up the old grandson."

The million-foot-tall King Kong giant clam also appeared in front of the wishful golden hoop. His hands were holding the wishful golden hoop. This one was originally only the wishful golden hoop of the captain, and instantly became hundreds of thousands of feet. With a terrible power, he slammed down towards Xiangyang.

"Ha ha ha, good, come well."

Xiang Yang haha ​​laughed, and the Promise Excalibur in his hands also skyrocketed, turning into a giant sword of hundreds of thousands of feet long, and the same million-foot tall Pangu real body broke out with a terrible force toward the grandson. The monkey killed.


For a time, the melee of the two did not know how many times, only the sound of the collision of the magic weapon was transmitted to the depths of chaos, and each voice caused a big explosion in the depths of the chaos.

There are some Chaos World of Warcraft, although the distance is very far, but accidentally being affected by these sounds, even the same explosion directly.

Not to mention the place where the two men fought, the place where the two men fought, the chaos has completely disappeared, turned into a void space, everything does not exist, all the rules of the avenue, all the chaos, all The energy is all broken.

They are roaring and fighting.

Rao is Yang Yu who can't help but be surprised after seeing him. "This kid has just condensed Pan Guzheng, and the nine-turn Xuan Gong is only practicing to the seventh turn, but his body is even stronger than the Sun Monkey. Three points, and, the effort on the blade is not weaker than the golden monkey of the Sun Monkey, and the Sun Monkey is defeated."

Yang Lan’s words seemed to be heard by Xiang Yang and Sun Monkey. He only heard a loud bang from the bang, and Xiang Yang and Sun Monkey both retreated toward the rear.

They stepped on the void step by step, Xiang Yang said with a smile on his face, said to the monkey, "Monkey brother, how is the final victory?"

"Well, my grandson is doing this." Sun Monkey laughed at the same time, his body began to skyrocket again, from the previous million, began to climb.


With a roaring sound, King Kong's giant cockroach changed, the chaos of the whole body rolled, all the golden hairs turned into a gray chaotic gas, and a terrible breath of the sky spread from him.

At this moment, the power of the outbreak of the Sun Monkey has surpassed before and reached a higher level.

"This is, Chaos Konjac."

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