Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3015: Overlord! (Five more flowers)

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When Xiang Yang and Yang Lan and Sun Monkey were talking, the strong people of Gorefiend had already started.

In the face of the demon lord of the tyrannical demon, the devil of the heavens and the eight heavens, the power of the blood demon is not the slightest mercy, directly arranged the law, and launched the strongest attack.

The **** seas swept away from the beginning, and those demons who looked down on the blood demon were swept away. Then, this group of demons shot and instantly killed.

"Great courage, this is the site of the Overlord Demon, do you really dare to do it?"

After the devils saw them, they roared again and again. Although they knew that they were definitely not as good at the martial arts value as the masters of the **** demon, they were not afraid and greeted them.

For a time, the war between the two sides began to unfold, and the roar continued. The other people who were eating and drinking had already gone to the distance to watch the fun. Only the three people in Xiangyang were still sitting, and the stairs were just rushing up. The demon statue of Luo Bazhongtian is mad and trembling.

"You dare to come on the site of my house. You are looking for death."

This time, this demon statue smashed a jade slip directly, and screamed with anger. "When my army appears, it is when you guys are killed."


After the demon of the **** demon, the demon of the big Luo Jiu Jiufeng’s peak, after listening to it, he snorted and slammed his hand toward the demon of the big family.


Suddenly, this palm contains the strength of the demon sect of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, and the power of the blood sea is illusory. It is definitely not the demon of the lord of the world. Resistible.

"You dare to do it to me, my father will not let you go."

The demon statue of the big Luo Eight Heavens is roaring. Although it is not the opponent of the other party, he is not afraid. He holds a blade of war in his hand, and the volley slashes toward the palm of the blood sea.

"Overlord seven hits."

After Xiang Yang met, the whole person stood up directly.

Until now, he has completely confirmed that the father of this young demon is the tyrant of the family.

"I finally found the tyrant ancestor, so the old guys of Xiangjia should be very excited and."

Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled, Rao is at this moment, he is already the super strong person of the peak of the Holy Land. When he thinks that he can see the tyrannical ancestor immediately, he can't help but feel excited.

As descendants of the family, they grew up listening to the legend of the legend of the tyrants of the family.

In their hearts, they have been very admired for the tyrannical ancestors of Xiangjia from an early age. This is rooted in the hearts of every descendant of the lower bounds.

Even if it is Xiang Yang, although he does not have a very ardent worship, he also wants to see the tyrannical ancestor who opened up the lower bound.

At this moment, the youth's expression is with a cold color, even if his own knife is not the opponent of the other side, he is not afraid at all, but cold channel, "the guy who is a **** demon, you dare to be in my home's territory. It’s just looking for death.


With his voice falling, he shot again, and the overlord seven hits one after another. It is stronger than a knife. Even his seven-hit is a modified practice. Stronger and more overbearing.

However, it is useless. His opponent is a group of sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacs. Even if the demon statue of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak came, it could not resist.

"How come my father hasn't come yet? Is it true that my Xiang Yunlong generation is arrogant, is it really going to die here?"

Although this young demon statue is stunned on the surface, but seeing the other side of the palm of the hand, no matter how much he can not block, and his father has not yet arrived, his face is becoming Very difficult to look at.


At this time, he chose to retreat.

"It’s too late to go now."

The strong man of the Gorefiend of the shot sneered a sneer, his whole person's breath became terrible, and there was a tendency to surpass the big Luo Jiuzhongtian.

Then, the **** seas waved, the waves crashed into the sky, like a long snake, and instantly swept away toward Xiang Yunlong.

Even the entire hotel was shrouded in the power of the blood sea, even if the young people want to escape and escape, they can't avoid the power of this palm and the power of the blood.

"I have to plant."

Xiang Yunlong still tried to retreat toward the rear, but his heart was complaining. He knew very well that unless his father could come over in time, he would die.

"I don't want to show up before I know."

Xiang Yunlong has no choice but to smile.

At this moment, the blood sea has surrounded him, as if he had become a **** long snake. He wants to wrap his whole person, and the palm of the hand is still pushing with a powerful and unmatched force. Instantly broken, terrible power, even if Xiang Yunlong is the demon of the Da Luo Bazhong Tianfeng Peak, the scalp is numb.

"It's over..."

He smiled a bit, remembering his identity and the origin of his father.

Although he and his father are not old enough, even in the level of the demon of the devil, it can be said to be the youngest, but they can dominate a city and suppress countless strong.

Nowadays, his father did not appear to save himself in time, and he was about to be destroyed. He only felt that his heart was shaking and he regretted it.


However, he also knows that even if he regrets, it will not last long, because this power with the ability to destroy the earth has already rushed toward him, and the next moment he will be smashed and destroyed. .

He widened his eyes and whispered in a low voice. "If you are a dead family, you must stand still and die, but you must also open your eyes and die, instead of closing your eyes and waiting to die."

"The last blow, the overlord seven hits one, let me burst out of the last strength."

Xiang Yunlong snorted, and the blood of his body burned. Even his **** was burning, bursting out the strongest force and preparing for the last stroke.

"Don't hurry to find death."

However, at this time, I heard a faint sound, and then the young man was shocked. A slender figure appeared in front of him. The other person swept him. He only felt that there was a terrible horror. Weineng suppressed it on its own body, and the power of the blood that had already been ignited and the power of the gods were all suppressed at this moment.


Then, standing in front of him, this figure slammed into a bullet, and the huge **** palm collapsed instantly, and the **** river also directly turned into fly ash.

Even the blood-sea array that wraps the entire restaurant is also broken.

"this is..."

Xiang Yunlong stunned. He saw it very clearly. The other party just slammed it. It was a shame to directly arbitrarily arrange the strong people of the **** sea. This is incredible, even if it is his Father, the one who is the most enchanting genius in the devil's world for thousands of years can't do this.

"Bastard, who dares to break my battle?"

After the **** demon, these magical deities were broken, they all looked at Xiangyang with a murderous look. However, at first glance, their faces changed at the same time, and they trembled, directly toward Xiang Yang is going down.

"Forgiveness... The saints are forgiving, I don't know if the saints are coming, and the saints are forgiving."


These guys are transforming too fast. They are still arrogant, but a blink of an eye is actually falling down on the ground. It’s incredible to ask for mercy.

Xiang Yunlong stared at this scene, and then looked at Xiangyang again. When he remembered that these powerful people of the Gorefiends actually called Xiangyang a 'sage', he changed his mind and quickly moved toward Xiangyang. Go on, "Xiang Yunlong, I have seen the saint."


"This, is my devil really coming to the saint? Is it a saint?"

"I have seen saints..."

Others are also embarrassed. They guessed in the end which Xiangyang was a saint, and did not dare to hesitate to go straight to Xiangyang.

"Get up, I am not a saint."

Xiang Yang shook his head and sent out an energy. He first pulled Xiang Yunlong up, then looked at the strong man of the Gorefiend, and so on. He said, "It’s rare, you can recognize me." ”

"The saint is forgiving, forbearing..."

The group of magical strongmen who were still very hard, all of them shivering and squatting on the ground.

He was the disciple of the Gorefiend ancestors who were watching while watching the battle between Xiang Yang and Sun Monkey in the **** sea.

They saw the **** sea of ​​their own Gorefiend ancestors and they were not the opponents of Xiangyang. Even the **** seas were all divided by Xiangyang. In their hearts, Xiangyang is not a true saint. Almost the same.

"go away."

Xiang Yangshuo snorted, and a powerful and unmatched force broke out in his mouth. In an instant, all the powerful devils in the field would fly out. In a blink of an eye, the powerhouses of these devils did not know where to go.

Xiang Yunlong stared at Xiangyang with a sigh of relief. When he ate and drank, he let countless powerful people fly away. Even his father, the first enchanting figure in the devil world, is far from being able to do so. Is it possible? Is this young man really a chaotic saint?

However, why do you feel that the other person has a familiar feeling, as if the person you met is your own family?

Is the other person's blood connection with himself?

"Your father is Xiang Yu?" At this time, Xiang Yang looked at Xiang Yunlong and asked curiously.

"how do you know?"

Xiang Yunlong’s face was astonished. After his father came to the devil world, he just claimed to be the overlord and never told the name of Xiang Yu.

Even the other strong people in the devil's world who have made good friends with his father do not know the real name of the father.

However, the young man in front of him knows who the other party is.

"I am also a surname."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice.

At this moment, he breathed a sigh of relief, did not expect that he entered the devil world for the first time, and actually found the ancestor of the family in the devil world.

Overlord, the pioneer of the lower bounds, and even the ancestors who lived the longest now, is the biological son of Bawang, the same as Xiang Yunlong.

And myself, in fact, according to the seniors, it should be the younger generation of Xiang Yunlong.

Of course, Xiang Yang will never tell this guy at this time, he is a younger generation who does not know how many bags.

"you are?"

As the only son of Xiang Yu in the demon world, Xiang Yunlong knows very well that his father's roots are from the source of the comprehension, and there is also a family in the fairy world. This is the true inheritance of the family.

Nowadays, when he heard that Xiang Yang was also an item, his first thought was that Xiang Yang was definitely the strongest of the fairyland.

"Your father is here."

Xiang Yang did not answer Xiang Yunlong's words, but whispered a smile, stepping out of the window, looking into the distance in the void, I saw a arrogant breath from afar.

"Who dares to hurt my son?"

Along with the overbearing sound of the overbearing, the sky, a burst of incomparable light burst out, and instantly went outside the restaurant.

The creator of the lower bounds of the family, known as the supreme tyrant of the supreme tyrant, the overlord.

The author Meng Yu said: Today is five more finished, ask for flowers. . . .

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