Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3019: How to decide

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"What is this, the Imperial Palace?"

"How do I feel that this name is very familiar, right? Isn't that the Imperial Palace of Tianhai City? In the legend, the Imperial Palace was founded by Xiangjia. Although it is not operated outside, it has been standing still, but Why did you suddenly have such a sacred place to inherit the palace? What is this?"

"God, the Imperial Palace, the inheritance of the Holy Land, if you enter the Imperial Palace, you can become a nine-day immortal, I must go to the Imperial Palace to practice, I want to become a fairy."


Xiangyang's powerful and unparalleled strength has spread the world, making the whole world abominable. Everyone knows the existence of the Imperial Palace.

In the Tianhai City, because the original imperial palace still exists, countless people have linked the newly-built spiritual sanctuary to the emperor's palace. They are very curious to know what is the difference between the emperor's palace and the imperial palace such as today's maritime market.

However, this person who cut off Xiang Yang's closeness, no one knows what the Imperial Palace is.

"It is a teacher."

"The Master is back."

"The Imperial Palace, the Master must come back."


At the same time, in the wild world, among the dangerous places far from the source stars tens of millions of miles away, the three tyrants are practicing, suddenly heard the sounds appearing in the brain, and they burst into tears with excitement.

"Walk away, go back, after the Master returns, it must have appeared in Xia Guo, we have to go back to find the Master."

Then, the three men who had reached the robbery period rushed back in the direction of Xia Guo at the fastest speed.

At the same time, among the family members, Xiang Laozi and others also stunned, and then, it was ecstasy. "The stinky boy is back, very good, haha, this kid has been here for so many years, and now he is finally willing to come back." ”

"However, after he came back, it was not too much to go home immediately, but to do something messy."

"Bad boy, I know that you can hear what I said, hurry back and let your grandfather see if you are getting thinner."

The old man shouted in Yangtian, and he was very excited and laughed. On this day, everyone in the family saw the real master of the family. The old man walked around with his hands and smiled. Whenever he saw people, he laughed. Said, "My grandson is coming back, haha, are you excited? Happy?"

Everyone in the heart is tired, and when your grandson comes back, we are of course excited. After all, when this young man comes back, it will bring countless benefits to the family. No, it seems that the holy place of the family has begun to change, although they can’t change their details. Seeing, but they really felt that the holy place of the family began to change.

If Xiang Yang’s voice does not appear in everyone’s mind, they still don’t think it has anything to do with it, but when Xiang Yang’s voice appears, they understand.

Others need to break their minds, and they need to pass the test of their own minds before they can enter the sanctuary and accept the inheritance. However, the people of Xiangjia certainly do not need it.

Because the family is a spiritual sanctuary, it is even possible to go beyond the palace.

After the grandfather’s excitement took a trip in the space world of Xiangjia, it seemed that he was not addicted. He also left the Xiangjia, went to the outside world, and went to some of his old friends to show off one by one.

It is shocking to make those who have made good friends with the project, but they are shocked. Even if they think about it, do they want to find a way to connect with Xiangyang through Xiang’s father, so that Xiangyang can open a back door for himself. Enter the imperial palace and practice it.

Of course, Xiang’s father is not stupid. Although his friend will take care of him, he can’t do anything that makes Xiangyang difficult. He just shows off and runs away, making those guys a Nothing to do.

Xiang Yangcai does not care about this. Although the Imperial Palace is limited, he has entered the law of time and space in each of these imperial palaces, and he has left an endless inheritance, so that those who enter the Imperial Palace can accept enough. Grow up and grow up.

Of course, in order to get his inheritance, he must go through enough tests. He has set up a number of levels, especially on the mind, and it is very serious.

Because the Imperial Palace is actually a land of no one, no one has taught it. If you want to get everything, you must have enough talents.

After these last night, in the entire world of the wild, hundreds of thousands of imperial palaces have officially opened, and each person’s mind will have the location of the imperial palace. No need for any letters or qualifications. As long as it is a living being, you can go to the Imperial Palace to receive trials. The mentally-passed passers can enter it. The mind is not too good. If you have a strong background, your talents will be good, and you will not be able to enter the Imperial Palace.

For a time, the practitioners of the entire wilderness world rushed to the Holy Land to practice the Holy Land and go to the test.

For these, Xiang Yang carefully examined the situation of each imperial palace by himself as the owner of the world of the wild, and found that although every imperial palace was full of people, but there was no trouble, he let go of his heart.

"Although it's too simple and straightforward and rude, there is no time for you to get used to it. After a few years, you will get used to it."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself.

Later, he did not pay attention to the situation of the imperial palace, but found Li Huan and others.


"I have seen the master."

Li Huan and all the immortals of Xian Wang are all respectful to Xiang Yang.

"Get up."

Xiang Yang looked at Li Huan and others. At this moment, Li Huan is the strongest of the Da Luo Bazhong Tianfeng Peak. If it is placed before this, Li Huan’s strength is already very strong, and it is the existence that makes him look up.

However, nowadays, my own growth is too fast, and the strength of the people he needs is growing indefinitely. Li Huan’s strength is already too backward.

"I have a place where you can get into the flesh and wait for it to go to the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak."

Xiangyang has no nonsense, directly to Li Huan and other immortal battlefields, such as Xian Wang and Xian Zun, who are all included in the tower of physical repair. They rely on the origin of the wild world to unite the flesh, and each body is Very powerful, but it saves the Xiangyang quenching spirit liquid.

"It's time to reshape all the spirits in the battlefield of the fairy."

Xiangyang felt a little troublesome when thinking about the infinite heroes in the battlefield of the fairy, even if it was his current strength, it would be very difficult to help so many people reshape the flesh.

"These things are handed over to you, and the magical battlefield is for you. You are responsible for reshaping the flesh of those spirits."

Then, after Xiang Yang thought about it, he took out the entire battlefield of the fairy, and threw it into the will of the world.


The heavens and the earth in the wild world will be paralyzed. When he sees the dense spirits in the battlefield of the fairy, he feels that his consciousness is a little trembling. Is this busy with his own rhythm?

"The old man came out."

Xiang Yang also shouted out the old man who was hiding in the Promise Immortal. "The spirits of these fairy devils are handed over to you, so be sure to let them condense the flesh."

While talking about it, regardless of his face and his will, he looked at the depths of the battlefield of the fairy, the continent with the axe of the axe, and the sacred world. The physical body of the strong.

"You are also born out of time."

Xiang Yang’s eyes were dignified and his body shape flashed directly into the battlefield of the fairy.

Through the chaos of Chaos and Thunder, as well as Jianqi, he stood on the axe of the open axe directly. At this moment, when he stood on this continent, his feelings were different.


Just listening to a roar of sound on the land under his feet, the whole land was shaking, countless land was evaporated, and a terrible atmosphere of horror slowly rose, sharp and boundless, thick and boundless, can smash chaos, open up the earth The breath of the axe.


At the same time, Xiangyang's Pangu real body was also stimulated by this breath. His whole body exudes powerful and unparalleled energy, and his body shape is rising, turning into a giant giant with a height of 100,000 feet. The breath broke out, and this is the atmosphere of Pan Guzhen.


After the Pan Guzheng of Xiang Yang was displayed, the axe of his open axe had been fully revealed, and the huge open axe had a horrible atmosphere.

The open axe is shaking, it is excited to want to return to the shaking of Xiang Yang's hand.

Although the open axe is broken, this axe is the largest area. Although it does not have its own spirit, it has an instinctive sentiment to Pangu.


At the same time, in the depths of an inexplicable chaos, the original face of Sanqing changed, and a long scorpion appeared on his body. This long and chaotic air flow turned, and he could wear the void at any time. It is a congenital treasure chaos, but it is based on the axe handle of the Pangu axe.

The chaos trembled as if to break away from the control of the original sage. However, the cultivation of the original sage was earth-shattering, and naturally it was impossible for the chaos to escape. He grabbed the chaos and whispered. The axe of the axe was born, and is calling other parts of the axe in reverse."


The side of the side also opened his eyes, only to see a golden taiji figure on the top of his head, which is also the innate treasure of Pangu.

At this moment, the Taiji diagram is also trembled gently, apparently receiving the call of the axe of the open axe.

"Haha, I said, do you want to complete the axe and let the Father's open axe reappear in the world?" Tongtian Shengzun laughed happily, he was the most relaxed, because he had no open axe at all. The treasures that have been made.

The strongest baby on his body is the four swords of the immortals. These four swords have nothing to do with the open axe.

"This treasure has been finalized, and the Pangu open axe cannot be reproduced."

The sage also has selfishness. Even if it is too inactive, it is impossible to re-create the Taiji figure with its infinite years as a Pangu opener, not to mention the original holy sage. The two directly control their own magic weapon, and then do not Take care of it all.

For these, Xiang Yang did not know that he only knew that the axe of the open axe had recovered. A strong atmosphere was associated with his own Pangu real body. As long as he was willing, he could control the open axe instantly. Axe.

"My current choice is to make the axe of the open axe like this, or to integrate it into the Promise."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself.

Although the open axe only leaves the axe, but the power is still strong and unmatched, it is definitely not comparable to the Promise Excalibur, and the essence of the Promise Excalibur is too weak, and it is more difficult to grow, unless the axe is The body is merged with the Promise Sword.

However, Xiang Yang always feels that it is not the best choice to integrate the open axe with the Promise Sword. It seems that in the distant chaos, there are other treasures that can be merged with the axe of the open axe.

"It should be the other part of the open axe in Sanqing."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself.

Let Sanqing hand over the treasures that have been turned into axe?

Unless Xiang Yang’s head is teasing, or he doesn’t want to live, he wouldn’t dare to do this.

"But now it is the best time to change the shape of the axe of the open axe. If you don't do it now, it will be easier to wait until the axe of the open axe becomes the image it wants."

Xiang Yang Yue thought more and more headaches.

A great opportunity, is it necessary to miss this?

"Boss, Sanqing’s only Taiji figure and the original Pangu Fan are the ones that have been turned into axe. However, as far as I know, when Pangu’s axe was broken, there was still a thing. The same is the innate treasure, if you can get it, into the axe axe, plus we use the remaining chaotic mother gold, you can let the open axe restore the power of chaos to treasure."

At this time, Xiao Ling and Lao Wanlian appeared.

"What is it?"

Xiang Yang looked at Lao Wan.


The old sighs, "This sword is the axe blade of the ancient axe of the year, but because the chaos of heaven is broken by the axe blade, killing too many chaotic gods, making this The sword is mad, and the power is unmatched. Although it is only innate, the power has surpassed too many innate treasures."

"where is it?"

After Xiang Yang listened, his eyes brightened and he asked quickly.

"Oh... I don't know." Lao Wan was silent.

"Rely, if you don't know, what do you say so much nonsense?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he almost slaps a slap in the face. What's special, Lao Wan, this **** is too much. Since I don't know where the sword is, I will say it just right. This is intentional. Seducing yourself?

"I, I just told you that there is this method, so that you don't make decisions too early." Lao Wan whispered.

"Don't talk, I'm afraid I can't help you." Xiang Yang blackened his face, and after glanced at Laowan, he was in a state of contemplation.

"How should we deal with the axe of the open axe, and what should be done with these tens of thousands of sacred corpses? Is it really necessary to consolidate them into shackles?"


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