Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3024: Difficult brother

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"the host."

The tens of thousands of sacred corpses are all respectfully respectful to the Xiangyang ritual. Although they are the zombies made by the corpse of the sacred body of the sacred peak of the sacred peak, the spirituality is the same as the average person.

After Xiang Yang controlled these sacred corpses with the magic species, these corpses have completely become his people.

He looked at the group of holy bodies with a smile on his face and said happily, "Good, very good."

This is the tens of thousands of zombies at the peak of the holy world. It can be said that it is the strongest of the zombies today. Their bodies are absolutely strong. Even Xiang Yang can sense the terrible flowing of these zombies. The power of the flesh.

Although one or two are not Xiangyang's opponents, even if this sacred corpse is shot together, even Xiangyang does not have the slightest grasp of being able to escape from the hands of this 10,000 people.

Not sure to beat the other side, but not sure to escape.

Escape can't escape, let alone defeat the other party.

"Do you have a practice method?" Xiang Yang asked.

"Back to the master, I have to wait for the practice of life. These exercises are carved into the flesh and have been running autonomously, but there is no memory of the last life."

One of the sacred corpses replied.

"No problem, you are new, and have nothing to do with the past life. I am wearing a practice for you, which is the best for your family."

Xiang Yanghe smiled and passed the method of sending souls to the 10,000 sacred martial arts, and gave them a set of tactics called Wanxian Dafa. Of course, now it is standing up and becoming The 10,000 corpse was out.

He believes that if 10,000 sacred corpses are displayed at the same time, it is not possible to kill the chaos saints, but it should be possible to trap the chaos sage.

"This is where my real heritage lies."

After Xiang Yang met, he couldn’t help but sigh.

"Boss, how should these corpses be handled?" Lao Wan and Xiao Ling are curious to look at Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang smiled softly. "Nature is to let them follow me, or else what do you think?"

Lao Wan Shen Sheng, "Boss, although they are the saints in the zombies, but the body of the body is not strong enough, you can send them to the corpse, let them practice in the source of the corpse, absorb After the corpse of the corpse, they can make their repairs rise again."

"Good idea."

After Xiang Yang listened, it was a twinkling of light. The corpse was not famous among the heavens. However, it was the place where the real zombies were gathered. It was said to have been created by the zombie ancestors. Later, in the ancient times. In the midst of the war, the minister was missing, and the corpse was closed. It is precisely because of this that the zombies are rarely seen in the vast world of today.

However, the corpse is a real existence, and it is also a wonderful world among the heavens.

"Walk, go to the corpse now."

Xiang Yang did not think much, and took the crowd out of the battlefield of the fairy.

"Boss, the magical battlefield... was broken by the sword."

When the crowd came out, the spirits of the immortal battlefield cried and looked at Xiangyang. The eyes of the people looked at the past. Only a large hole appeared above the battlefield of the fairy, which was torn by the sword of the sword.

"No problem, a small problem, let Xiao Ling re-melt the fairy battlefield, maybe it can promote the fairy magic battlefield to a congenital magic weapon." Xiang Yang did not care, but said with a smile.

"Yes, thank you boss."

After listening to the old man, he suddenly showed excitement. In the Promise of Immortality, he pleaded for the little spirit many times. He hoped that Xiaoling could help him to re-melt the battlefield of the fairy with the help of Qiankun. Just ignore him, making his heart uncomfortable.

What he didn't expect was that after this time, the battlefield of the fairy devil was torn by the sword of the sword, Xiang Yang even promised to let the Qiankun dynasty re-melt it again. This is a blessing in disguise.

"The guy himself hasn't had much success. He wants to be a forerunner, and he can only put some treasures in it." Xiaoling muttered, looking very unhappy.

"Well, well, there are any treasures to use casually, as long as the fairy magic battlefield can be upgraded to the innate treasure." Xiang Yang is crying and laughing at Xiaoling.

He has increasingly discovered that Xiaoling is clearly an instrumental spirit that chaos to the Qiankun Ding Ding. However, looking at what he is today, he has become his own big housekeeper.

"Well, it's cheaper for you." Xiaoling glanced at the old man.

"Thank you boss, thank you Xiaoling Big Brother."

The old man with a smirk on his face, constantly bowing to the two.

What he dreamed of was finally realized, how can he not be excited?

Xiang Yang shook his head gently, and then his eyes looked at the sword in his hand, his face still with excitement.

This sword can be said to be a reduced version of the Pangu open axe can not be overestimated, with the strongest axe blade and axe in the Pangu open axe, with infinite edge, but beyond the level of innate treasure, although Chaotic treasure has not yet been reached, but as it evolves slowly, it will not be long before it will become a real chaos.


Suddenly, a void crack primaries, a golden little monkey that was covered in blood fell from it. When he appeared, he shouted. "Xiang Yang, help, my three eyes are in distress, Go to the rescue."


After the avatar of Sun Monkey shouted a sentence, because of the injury, he directly turned into a golden monkey hair floating in the air.

"Monkey and Yang Lan have an accident."

Xiang Yang’s face changed greatly. What he didn’t think of anyway was that Sun Monkey and Yang Lan would actually be in distress in chaos. You know, the strength of these two people is earth-shattering, unless you encounter a real chaotic saint, it is absolutely impossible. There will be any danger.


Lao Wan and Xiao Ling looked at each other at the same time.

"If you don't want to be late, you will go back to the Promise, I will save people."

Xiang Yang waved directly between Lao Wan and Xiao Ling in the Promise of Immortality. Even the broken fairy battlefield was also collected by him and the old man. Then he shouted at the sacred corpse. "You, your first battle is coming, and let me see how your strength is."


The tens of thousands of corpses all responded loudly.


Xiang Yang directly tore the void, with a thousand corpses rushing into chaos.

In the blink of an eye, the origin of the new world is empty, and only the heavens and the earth will be staring at the direction of Xiangyang’s departure. He can’t help but wipe his eyes and shout. “I’m wrong. Well, the tens of thousands of men that the kid followed seemed to be the strongest in the world of Yasheng Peak?"

"Just, how is this possible?"

Then he shook his head and said, "Impossible, even in the era of the flood, it is impossible to have so many strong people in the realm of the Yasheng Peak. Is this kid training himself?"

"No, it may be his men, because he is the disciple of that one, as long as the one wants, let alone the 10,000 sacred peaks to give to his disciples, even 10,000 saints can estimate Get it out."

Then, when the heavens and the earth would think of Xiangyang as the disciple of that one, he felt that it was normal no matter what magical things happened in Xiangyang.

In the memory of the wild world that the heavens and the earth will receive, it is too much worship for that one, and that one person is omnipotent.


Regardless of how the heavens and the earth want to think about Xiangyang, at this moment, Xiang Yang rushed into the chaos with the sacred corpse of the 10,000-sacred peak. His right hand grasped the sacred sword, and the sacred sword seemed to sense Xiangyang’s Murderous in general, a stunned outburst, so that wherever he passed, all chaos was smashed by infinite murder and sword.

His other hand is holding a monkey hair. With the induction of this monkey hair and granddaughter monkey, driving the chaos through the clouds at the fastest speed, with 10,000 sacred corpses is finally I found Yang Yu and Sun Monkey in the depths of Chaos.


In the depths of Chaos, Sun Monkey and Yang Lan were both blasted at the same time. At this moment, the appearance of the two is really terrible. Their bodies are filled with countless cracks, just like the ceramics that are about to be broken.

The mace in the hands of Sun Monkey has long since been abandoned. His hands are bloody, and his bones are visible.

Yang Lan is also the same, wearing silver-white armor on his body, the armor is ruined, the right hand has even disappeared completely, and the whole body is blood.

The blood of the two dripped down and gathered into a blood river rolling around them.

It is hard to imagine that the strength of the two is so strong that they will end up like this.


In front of the two, the chaotic Warcraft exclaimed with excitement. "This king will not eat you immediately. The king will crush you a little bit, then imprison your soul and god, let your The gods and souls are thoroughly integrated into every flesh and blood of you, and then your flesh and blood are swallowed up a little bit."

"In the Eastern Fairy, the flesh and soul of the two little guys who are most hopeful to be sanctified, what a delicious food."

When the head of Chaos Warcraft was talking, he licked his lips and still lifted his front paws slowly and slowly.

The strength of its physical defense is too strong. Even if Yang Lan and Sun Monkey do their best, they can only cause very little damage on it. As a result, when faced with two people, there is no such thing. Stress, like playing, feels too easy.

"How to do?"

Sun Monkey and Yang Lan looked at each other. Although there was still no reduction in the fire in their eyes, they were a little hesitant.

They did not think about escape, but they could not escape.

Because this World of Warcraft is too odious, it has blocked everything around, so that the two will escape if they want to escape. The next moment it will violently hit the two back.

"Desperately, I hope to persist in Xiangyang to save us." Sun Monkey is standing up again at the same time.

"Continue to fight."

Yang Lan also shook his head helplessly, they lost in the magic weapon is not strong enough, if the Sun Monkey's wishful golden hoop has been refined into a chaotic treasure and in the hands of Sun Monkey, if Yang Hao's three-pointed two-edged knife is also the same If Chaos is the treasure, the defense of this Warcraft is no longer strong enough to stop them.

However, the magic weapon of Sun Monkey is still smelting in Xiangyang's Qiankun Ding Ding, and Yang Lan's three-pointed and two-edged knives have been disabled. As a result, their flesh is even stronger, and there is no real proof. It is impossible to be the opponent of this Warcraft before the sanctification.

Of course, if Xiang Yang is coming, it may not be the same.

The two men are very hopeful about Xiangyang’s Pangu real body. However, they were able to find a chaotic continent to help Xiangyang integrate into the new world of floods. They have gone deep into chaos, even if Xiangyang rushed over, it will take time. .


Then the two killed again.


However, the Werewolf rushed to the past very fast, but they flew back faster, their body's cleft palate was getting bigger and bigger, the blood was almost drained, and the mouth was constantly spitting blood. .

"Three eyes, we may really have to plant this time." Sun Monkey said with a smile.

"That is your own thoughts, we are invincible, as long as we do not want to die, no one can destroy us." Yang Hao cold channel.

"Yes, we have the belief of invincibility, we are invincible." After listening to the monkey, Sun Monkey also realized his mistakes. He shouted loudly and rushed to the past.

"Two ants are also arrogant."

The Chaos Warcraft was a sneer, and did not care about the two people yelling, still rushing toward the two.


Sun Monkey and Yang Lan still rushed out, and the two exhibited a variety of ancient warfare techniques. All kinds of magical martial arts were displayed. However, it was useless. The gap between the two sides was too great, even if they did their best. May be the opponent's opponent.


In the blink of an eye, after re-engagement, Sun Monkey and Yang Lan were smashed and fell into chaos, and they could not get up for a long time.

"It's over, it's dead."

There is such a thought in the minds of the two people, they know that this time, they seem to be really dead.

"too weak."

The Chaos Warcraft shook his head. "The Supreme God still let the King come to deal with you. You ants, you need the King to take the shot, really insult the King."


At the same time, this Chaos World of Warcraft has no mercy shot, directly shot to the two people.

Its size is very large, it is shot in one palm, covering the sky, covering chaos, and in its palm, there is a strange energy bursting out, spinning, and sealing everything around it. So that Sun Monkey and Yang Lan could not rush out.

"Three eyes, we can really become a difficult brother and brother today, and die together." Sun Monkey said helplessly.

"Don't really die until you die, don't say so much nonsense." Yang Lan said coldly.

"In the last blow, I will inject all my strength into your body and give you my holy body. When the time comes, gather the strength of both of us, you will definitely be able to kill."

Sun Monkey is grinning.

While laughing, he suddenly grasped the hand of Yang Lan.

"what are you doing?"

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