Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3034: I'm old

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On a hill outside Tianhai City, with a space channel slowly closed, there is a woman standing next to Xiangyang, she is not someone else, it is Jiujie Mu Yunping.

"Young Master."

Mu Yunping stood silently beside Xiang Yang, her face with a happy smile.

Although the women had let her stay in the Qingxue Universe Group before, but this time, the women volunteered to ask her to follow Xiangyang, let her look at Xiangyang, and prevent Xiangyang from screaming everywhere.

It is really the women who are afraid of Xiang Yang.

How long did it leave, and even sent a woman to the Qingxue Universe Group.

Although the Qingxue Universe Group has a big family and does not care about one person, the key is that this woman is Xiangyang’s request to let the other party enter the Qingxue Universe Group. Obviously, the other party has a relationship with Xiangyang.

Ever since, the women sent Mu Yunping to Xiangyang and supervised Xiang Yang.

"Cloud screen, don't call me a young master, call me the name." Xiang Yang smiled a bit, but did not expect it would be such a result, he is not just seeing Liu Sheng's confession to himself, he can't bear it, think Anyway, the Qingxue Cosmos Group also needs talents, so it gives Liu Sheng a hope to let her go to the Qingxue Universe Group?

The women actually let Mu Yunping follow themselves.

"I, I am still used to calling you a young master." Mu Yun screen whispered.

"Okay." Xiang Yang is helpless, and Mu Yunping is already used to it. He can't force the other party to change it.

However, there was a time when Mu Yunping followed him. In fact, Xiang Yang himself was a little used to it. After he sent Mu Yunping to Suzaku’s side to practice, Xiang Yang became accustomed to himself.

Now, Mu Yunping has returned to his side again. For Xiang Yang, his heart is a little bit sneak.

"Young master, are you angry?" Mu Yunping saw Xiang Yang not talking, and thought that Xiang Yang was angry, and quickly looked at Xiang Yang carefully.

"What do you think, how can I be angry?"

Xiang Yang reached out and touched Mu Yunping's head and said with a soft voice. "Following me will be a certain danger. However, you can rest assured that you will not be in danger before I die."

"Young master, there is danger, it should be cloud screen first."

Mu Yunping said with a red eye.

In front of this man, after bringing himself out of the **** practice world, he has seen a vast world that is different, and he has also given himself the inheritance of the Daluo Jiuzhong Tianxianzun. Everything is not asking for return, nowadays, I even said that I want to protect myself with my life.

Mu Yunping's heart trembled, her eyes looked at Xiang Yang with ecstasy, and she couldn't help but reach out and hold Xiang Yang.

"Well, how can you let me go first, of course, I am by your side." Xiang Yang smiled and held Mu Yunping, softly said.

He is a man, no matter what the situation, in any danger, it is impossible to let the woman around her take risks.

Mu Yunping did not speak, but excitedly held Xiang Yang tightly.


At this time, there was a light cough coming over, only to see not far away, the incarnation of a beautiful young monkey, followed by two beautiful women, standing there with a smile.

The two beautiful women looked like grandchildren like a bird, and they didn’t leave the monkey for a second.

Obviously, these two beautiful women have been deeply rooted in the roots of Sun Monkey, and it is only a day.

"I rely on Sun Dasheng, you are the true love."

Xiang Yang only felt stunned. A monk, a monkey, used a day to make two women deeply rooted in his love. This is incredible.

Sun Monkey said softly, "Xiao Xiaozi, you don't understand, this is the invincibility of the old man's personality."


Xiang Yang gave him a thumbs up.

Sun Monkey glanced at Mu Yunping, who had just got up from Xiang Yang Huai, with a strange color on his face. He said to Xiang Yang, "In fact, the most cattle is you."

“Cloud screen has been known to me for decades.”

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Well, my old grandson misunderstood, forget it, don't waste time with you. I am here to find you. I want to tell you that you should go to vacation with these two big babies." Remember to call me when you want to leave."

Sun Monkey said with a smile.

At this moment, his appearance is really handsome. With a slight smile, he can be fascinated by a large number of women. When he talks to Xiang Yang, his face shows a smile, and the two beautiful women around him see it, his face is red. The eyes are blurred.

"I said the monkey brother, although you are a red dust refining heart, but you can't lie to the beauty of the heart. After the end of your red dust refining, how do you deal with these two beautiful women?" Xiang Yang gave a message to Sun Monkey. Road.

He can see at a glance that these two beautiful women are really deeply rooted in the roots of Sun Monkey, and really like the monkeys.

What should the two women do if the granddaughter leaves the wilderness world?

"Do not worry, my grandson has already said to them, and the old grandson can't stay in this world for a long time. Anyway, everyone is just playing." Sun Monkey said indifferently.


Xiang Yang couldn't help but sigh, and attracted three women to look at him at the same time.

He finally pressed down the anger in his heart and said, "Monkey brother, they are clearly rooted in your love. I don't care if you are a red dust, but you have to know that it is very important to let a woman fall in love with you." It's not easy. After falling in love with you, you won't leave you easily. Do you end up leaving your own red dust and leave your pain?"

"Then, what should I do?"

Sun Monkey whispered, even if he was very confident, after listening to Xiang Yang's words at the moment, he felt that if he left after the end of the red dust, he seemed to be a bit cruel.

"Be serious, just treat them well, otherwise, stop early, or else, even if you are a brother, I don't want you to use the way of hurting people to red dust." Xiang Yang said.

"Okay, I understand."

Sun Monkey nodded solemnly, and he obviously had already made plans.

Seeing this, Xiang Yang did not continue to say him, just watching Sun Monkey hold two beautiful women and turned away.

"Who is this..."

Until Sun Monkey left, Mu Yunping’s face was shocked. She whispered, “Young Master, I feel that there is boundless energy in his body, even stronger than Suzaku’s sister.”

The strongest person touched by Mu Yunping is the Suzaku woman. In her opinion, the Suzaku woman is already invincible in the world, and the grandson monkey in front of her makes her heart shocked and makes her feel a transcendence. The powerful power of the Suzaku woman.

"She is the first battle in the Three Realms, and can rival the chaos of the chaos." Xiang Yang whispered.

"Can rival the chaos saint."

After Mu Yunping listened, it was shocking. Even if the Suzaku woman is so strong, it is impossible to compare it with the chaos saint. It is incredible that the Sun Monkey can reach such a degree.

Xiang Yang chuckled softly, pulling Mu Yunping's little hand and whispering, "Let's go."

"Where to go?"

Mu Yunping asked.

"Go to my home in the secular world, have you forgotten that this is the secular world?" Xiang Yang smiled softly.

After Mu Yunping left Xuexu to practice the world, he came to Daomen. Later, after she passed the catastrophe, she also entered the secular world, which is now the wild world.

Although she knows the world of the world, she has changed her appearance. For a time, she really did not recognize it.

"This time I forgot to bring my dream back." Xiangyang stroll and Mu Yunping walked in Tianhai City. When I remembered it, I also met with Chen Mengqing in Tianhai City. I have been from Chen Mengqing twenty years ago. When he left Tianhai City, he promised that Chen’s father would bring Chen Mengqing back to see them. As a result, he has not brought her back yet, and he is a little guilty.

"Forget it, find a time to go to the capital city, big time to open the space channel, let them meet."

Xiang Yang is stunned.

His and Mu Yunping continued to walk and found that they had come to Tianhai Yizhong. At this moment, he stood at the door of Tianhai, and looked at the people around him who were coming and going, and could not help but feel a thousand emotions.

After a lapse of twenty years, all changes are too big.

If they were standing at the gate of the school, they were also students coming in and out, but they were just ordinary teenagers. Nowadays, they are also students, but they are all repaired. The strongest people have already reached the gold. The peak of the peak of Dan.

"This is Tianhai Yizhong. When I first came back, I was here as a teacher."

Xiang Yang said to Mu Yunping.

At the same time, his face showed a smug color. "In this sea of ​​heaven, I can say that it is a good harvest of love and career. I am glad that my wife is the headmaster of Tianhai Yizhong, and there is also a girl who is arrogant, oh, don't worry. You said that she is still my student."

"I know, I know, they all said it."

Mu Yunping said softly on one side.

"Do you know everything?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he stayed and stayed. I didn’t expect Mu Yunping to know.

"Yeah, I know all the sisters of the Qing Xue Universe Group." Mu Yunping smiled and looked at Xiang Yang.


Xiang Yang felt that she had over-blowed her head. She quickly coughed a few times and looked at the side. She found three teenagers who were running away from the school gate and giving them items. Yang is a familiar feeling.

"Is it my three children?"

Xiang Yang smashed.

"What's wrong?" Mu Yun screen asked softly.

"I suspect that the three children may be the sons of my three registered disciples, no, they have already been confirmed." Xiang Yang said, while watching a few more eyes, it has already been confirmed.

The practice of the three children's practice was exactly the same as the incomplete absorption of the essence of the sun and the moon in the world. The practice was not very weak, but it did not reach it. In a satisfactory state, it was passed to the three tyrants.

Later, the three tyrants were passed to their respective children.

"My disciples already have children."

Xiang Yangshuo was born and only felt a little unbelievable.

At that time, when I first returned to Tianhai Yizhong, the three tyrants were just the children of the school. Now, after several decades, their disciples, the three **** have already had children.

Although before that, I took Xiner in this Tianhai City for ten years, but I didn't pay attention to the things of the Three Heba at that time. I don't know that the Three Bages already have children.

"I am old too, and my apprentices have grown up."

When I thought of the three little children, they were their own grandchildren. Xiang Yang’s heart was awkward. He always felt that he was very young. Especially in the fairy world, the people around him lived for hundreds of thousands of years. Even when he was an old guy for millions of years, he felt that he was very tender.

However, when I really returned to the new world, I came to Tianhai Yizhong and he really understood that he was actually old.

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