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When Xiang Yang stepped into the depths of chaos, he saw the infinite chaos of the air wrapped in a large body, the Suzaku burning with a black flame.

At this moment, this Suzaku is whispering in the flames, and a strong breath is spreading out.

This is the Suzaku woman who practiced in the depths of chaos.

After sensing the arrival of Xiangyang, the Suzaku, who is huge in size and burning with the black Suzaku's fire, turns into a Suzaku girl. Her figure is elegant, like a high emperor, strolling from the flames. Come over and make Xiang Yang look at it.


Xiang Yang shouted softly, his eyes with a fascinating color, and the Suzaku woman practiced so fast, would it be the main **** of the gods?

If she is the **** of the gods, what should she do?

"what happened to you?"

The Suzaku woman frowned and looked at Xiang Yang. Her figure was still very elegant. However, one step was taken, but it was already in front of Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang shook his head gently, and he couldn’t say it.

"There is something to say."

Suzaku said, "Between you and me, this is life and death, and there is nothing to say."


After Xiang Yang listened, he nodded slightly and whispered. "Sister, do you know that the gods of the gods almost sent the Lord God to enter the fairy world?"


Suzaku nodded.

"I let all of my wives enter the Promise Immortal."

Xiang Yang organized a good language, whispered, "I am afraid..."

Having said that, he can't say it anymore. He is really afraid. He is afraid that some of the women are the main gods, and that the Suzaku woman is the main god. Moreover, according to his guess, the probability that the Suzaku woman is the main **** is actually It is too big.

If it is not the separation of the Lord God, why the growth of the Suzaku woman will be so fast, it is beyond the imagination of Xiang Yang.

Suzaku is not stupid. She saw Xiangyang hesitating and came to find herself. She suddenly understood what Xiangyang was worried about. She said softly, "You are afraid that some of the sisters are gods." Is the Lord God separated?"

"Yeah." Xiang Yang nodded.

"Do you think that my practice is too fast? I have a high probability of being the main **** of the gods, and I have practiced so fast after I have awakened the memory of the Lord God?" Suzaku continued to ask. .

Xiang Yang didn't nod and didn't shake his head. He just looked at the Suzaku girl quietly. He couldn't guess what Suzaku's heart was thinking.

As for the contractual relationship between the two people, Suzaku said, in fact, this kind of contract is not reliable, Xiang Yang is very clear, as long as the strength of the two sides can reach a very strong degree, it can be lifted at any time. This kind of contract.

"Stupid brother."

Seeing that Xiang Yang was silent, the Suzaku woman smiled and reached out and clicked on Xiang Yang’s head.

Xiang Yang did not escape, he just looked at the Suzaku woman quietly.

After Suzaku smiled, she felt that she didn't mean anything. She didn't continue to tease Xiangyang. Instead, she said, "I will show you something, and you will understand."

While talking, she stretched out her right hand, and in the palm of her hand, there was a sword flowing slowly.


This suffocating sword appeared in the chaos, accompanied by a roaring sound. It was the sound of chaos that seemed to be frightened and fled from this area.

It was like a rabbit. He was eating grass quietly. Suddenly, he was scared when he saw a hunting tiger in front of him.

An invincible breath broke out, although the Suzaku woman was as much as possible to hide the breath, but this sword is only a glimpse of the edge is already very terrible.

However, when this sword appeared, Xiang Yang’s look changed and he couldn’t help but exclaimed, “Is it the old man?”

This sword is so familiar, Xiang Yang is too familiar, is it not his master's respect left?

And this is still the sword of the sword of the king in the three kendo. Xiang Yang does not need to know and know that he can have the sword of the sword of the king in the three kendo, and only one person who has achieved perfection is his Master, the legendary invincible sword **** who can smash the chaos.

Xiangyang once understood when he saw this sword. Anyone could be the main **** of the gods. Only the Suzaku woman could not be the main god.

If even the old man can't tell if the Suzaku woman is the main god, then, does Xiaoling and Laowan have that skill?

Xiang Yangjue does not believe that Xiaoling and Lao Wan can surpass the old man.

"Sister, when did you meet the old man?"

Xiang Yang relaxed the whole person with a pleasant color on his face.

"Not long after you set up the contract." Suzaku woman put away that sword, with a faint smile on her face. "The original Master, the old man wanted me to help you before you grew up. Who ever thought that the speed of your growth is so fast, the Master is scared by you."


Xiang Yang squinted his eyes. "Does the old man accept you as a disciple?"

"Yes, I am fortunate to be a registered disciple of the Master. It is all because of your reasons."

The face of Suzaku’s face is happy, just like a little girl who got what she wanted.

Xiang Yang is also very happy. His biggest worry is that the Suzaku woman is afraid that the Suzaku woman may be the main **** of the gods, even the stronger gods and princes. Now all these worries have been removed. Under his excitement, I couldn't help but hug the Suzaku woman and said with excitement, "That's great, it's very good."

"This **** boy is taking advantage of me."

After Suzaku was held by Xiang Yang, the first thought was that she was taken advantage of Xiangyang. However, when she felt that Xiangyang was really excited and she was slightly shaking, she originally wanted to push Xiangyang. And the lesson of Xiang Yang’s meal is now stopped.

She looked at Xiangyang and found that Xiangyang had the feeling of the rest of her life. She only felt that the soft part of her heart was touched. She couldn’t help but gently hold Xiangyang, softly, "Nothing." Don't be afraid, no matter what, I will accompany you."

"Well, thank you, my sister Suzaku."

Xiang Yang whispered, after a long time, he really recovered, feeling that he still holding the Suzaku woman, he could not help but be shocked, quickly released his hand, instinctively jumped to the rear, to prevent the Suzaku female When he beat himself, he found that Suzaku did not do it to himself. He was blind and curious. "It seems to be fine."

When Suzaku saw the appearance of Xiang Yang, she had a smile on her face.

"Let's go, don't let a few sisters wait in the Promise Immortal for too long."

Then Suzaku woman took the initiative to remind Xiang Yang.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang nodded, remembering that when the women were not checked, he was a little confused.

When the Suzaku woman felt his panic, he reached out and grabbed Xiang Yang’s hand and whispered comfortably. “Reassure, I have been observing them all the time, although I am not sure if any of them are there. It is the reincarnation of the Lord God, but, at least, no one is awakened."


Xiang Yang nodded and felt a lot of peace when the hands of Suzaku's hand were conveyed with a cool breath.

Then, the two entered the Promise Immortal. Together, the girls had already waited in the Promise Immortal. They didn’t know that Xiangyang had to check them, but they saw that Xiangyang’s resolute and painful In a difficult way, they know that if they are found to be bad, it is definitely a big problem for them and Xiang Yang.

For a while, there were some doubts in the hearts of several women.

In the void above the Promise of the Immortal House, Lao Wan and Xiao Ling are hiding in it. Wan Wanzhong and pro-Akun are floating on top of their heads, hanging down the light and illuminating the entire Promise.

"How, do you feel anything?" At this time, Xiang Yang appeared with the Suzaku female at the side of the two.

Suzaku’s eyes looked at Qiankun’s creation of Ding and Wan’s robbery, revealing a shocking look, and Shen Shen, “This is...”

"Sister, this is Xiaoling and Laowan, and Qiankun made a trip to the Ding and Wanjuan."

After Xiang Yang introduced the two, Rao was based on the heart of Suzaku. When she realized that these two treasures turned out to be chaotic and treasure, her face still had a shock that was difficult to conceal.

Qiankun Chenghua Ding and Wanjuezhong, these two chaos to treasure is definitely one of the strongest treasures in chaos, Rao is also facing the sinister face of anything, the Suzaku woman is also scared.

Lao Wan and Xiao Ling saw Xiang Yang and Suzaku women appear directly in front of them. Their eyes were picked, and they suddenly knew that Suzaku had already got the affirmation of Xiang Yang. They had a respectful color on their faces. The Suzaku female took a gift, while the latter was a quick return.

"Okay, it's all people, don't care about it."

After Xiang Yang waved his hand, he looked at Xiao Ling and Lao Wan and asked them, "Is there something to find out?"

At the moment, when he was asking questions, his face was also with a nervous color. In case, if Xiao Ling and Lao Wan explored what would happen to the women, then what should he do, even if he is not himself? know.

"Boss, according to our exploration, there is no one in the hostess who has the reincarnation of the gods of the gods. However, we only have 80% of the grasp. If you want to be 100% certain, although there is no Sansheng mirror, it is oily. Check the red life and death book again."

Lao Wan said quietly.

"Life and death book!"

The Suzaku woman has not yet reacted from the shock of the chaos and the treasures of the Qiankun Ding and Wanjue, and she heard that Lao Wan let Xiang Yang take out the life and death book, and she could not help but stay.

"Is it?"

Among the incomparable eyes of Suzaku, in the sea of ​​consciousness of Xiang Yang, a black and white flame instantly flies out and turns into a book, with a mysterious atmosphere. It is the legendary Netherland. The treasure book that you can have.

"How are you, so many treasures?"

Suzaku looked at Xiangyang dumbly. Although she knew that Xiangyang’s magic weapon was definitely quite a lot, she did not expect that Xiangyang not only had two chaos and treasures, but even the legendary treasures of life and death. .

We must know that although the book of life and death is not a chaotic treasure, it is very powerful, capable of mastering life and death, and being able to see through the cycle of life and death of others.

This is the treasure of the sages of the Netherland. With this treasure, you can truly become the master of the Netherland, and you can control the Netherland.

This treasure appeared in the hands of Xiang Yang, that is to say, Xiang Yang is not only the owner of the new world, but has become the master of the Netherland?

At the thought of this, even the Suzaku woman felt that her head was a bit too reactive.

"A life and death book that was accidentally obtained."

Xiang Yangxiao smiled and immediately took a picture of the life and death book against the Suzaku woman. Suddenly, she found that the body of the Suzaku woman was shining, as if there were countless people who should fall back in time. One blink of an eye is her life. Hundreds of years have passed.

While Xiang Yangxiao smiled, he continued to look at the past life of Suzaku, and suddenly his eyes gazed, and only the figure of the birth and death book shone.

A vast and incredible situation appeared in front of Xiang Yang.

"this is..."

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