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In the space outside the new world, a vast expanse of spacecraft comparable to the small half of the real world, jumped out of the void.

As soon as this space warship appeared, the surrounding void was instantly crushed and exploded. Even the new world of floods was affected, as if it were to explode.


At this time, I heard a screaming sound, and a black-streaked Suzaku woman appeared in front of the space battleship, with both hands pinching the law, a horrible breath erupted, and instantly the fluctuations of the spaceship Repressed.

In the blink of an eye, everything is calm.

However, in such a small practice, many people have been shocked in the new world.


The two monkeys, who are talking about love and talking about love, both raised their heads and looked at the chaotic space outside the new world. At this point, they suddenly widened their eyes.

"Oh my mom, what kind of battleship is this, how is it so huge?"

Sun Monkey exclaimed, on the surface, he yawned and said to a few beautiful women, "Baby, let's go to sleep."

While talking, there was a sweat on his body that fell off and transformed into his appearance, and his deity was already in the void of the universe, standing in front of the Suzaku woman.

"Three eyes, is this spaceship ship a fairyland?"

When the granddaughter arrived, Yang Lan also arrived, and in front of them was the serpent-faced Suzaku woman.

Sun Monkey looked at Yang Lan. For the various forces on the side of the fairy world, Yang Lan knows a lot more than him.

"I don't know."

Yang Lan shook his head, his body flashed, and he directly took the three-pointed and two-edged knife in his hand. His body burst into a horrible atmosphere, and he rushed to the Suzaku woman.

"Who is you? The strongest in the Devil?"

When Yang Lan approached, he found that when the Suzaku woman was very powerful, his face suddenly changed.

Although the channel between the devil and the fairy world has almost opened, there is not much hatred between the two, and there is no real opening of the fairy battlefield. However, the realm of cultivation is always the site of the immortal world, and the devil must not invade. The super powerhouse of the devil world has come here, how can he not feel shocked.

"It’s so strong, it seems to be the fall of Suzaku. Why didn’t you hear about the powerful fallen Suzaku in the Devil?”

Sun Monkey also showed a dignified color on his face. He took the wishful golden hoop in his hand and jumped into the golden flame in his eyes. It was also the eyes of the fire.

The eyes of Sun Monkey can see that the Suzaku woman should be the body of the fallen Suzaku, but, because of this, his heart is more shocked.

The strength of the patriarchs of the Suzaku family is quite clear, but nowadays, there is such a fallen Suzaku also appears here, which is a bit shocking.

Suzaku looked at Yang Lan and Sun Monkey with a headache. Although she was not familiar with the two, she naturally recognized that these two guys are famous ancient war gods in the fairy world. Who can think of these two guys? It also ran to the new world of floods.

Nowadays, the warships of the Qingxue Space Group have returned to the new world, but they have encountered these two guys. This is a bit of a hassle.

Moreover, it is said that this guy, Yang Lan, is very unwilling to see the strongest in the devil world. Although the Suzaku woman is not the strongest in the devil world, she is the fallen Suzaku.

"Suzie Sister."

However, when the two had not yet opened, they saw another sound in the new world, and Yunfeiyang and his wife appeared in the void with the cloud.

Yun Ruoxue looked at the Suzaku woman with excitement, and rushed straight over, and plunged into the arms of the Suzaku woman.

"Sister, are you not in the fairy world? How come here?"

"Is your sisters all coming back too, yes, Xiangyang, is that **** finding you?"

"My sisters are me, I am Cher, I am coming back."


Yun Ruoxue said with the Suzaku son, and then shouted at the battleship of the Qingxue Universe Group.


However, when she shouted, she found that there were several beasts in the Qingxue universe group. Then, a dozen chaotic behemoths of the Yasheng Peak were jumping out of the void, each head Staring at Yang Lan and Sun Monkey.

"Wow, how come so many monsters?"

When Yun Ruoxue saw these monsters, he was shocked.

The Suzaku woman gently touched the hair of Yun Ruoxue and said with a smile, "These are the guardian beasts of Xiangyang surrender, don't be afraid."

"What about Xiangyang?"

Yun Ruoxue asked curiously.

"He is still in the fairy world, and it will take a long time to come back."

While the Suzaku woman was talking, she looked at Sun Monkey and Yang Lan. At this moment, their faces were already stiff.

"What's special, isn't this a dozen or so chaotic warcraft in the Black Forest? How can it be surrendered?"

"Rely, how can this be played?"

"And, this seems to be the power of Xiang Yang's boy. We made a mistake. Dashui rushed to the Dragon King Temple..."

Sun Monkey and Yang Lan stayed for a long while, and they understood from the tone of Yun Ruoxue that the Suzaku woman is definitely related to Xiang Yang, and these chaotic behemoths are Xiangyang surrender.

They are very fortunate in their hearts. Fortunately, Yun Ruoxue’s little girl appeared in time. Otherwise, if they couldn’t help but directly with Suzaku, they would face more than just this powerful and unparalleled. The attack of the fallen Suzaku strongman, and the siege of a dozen chaotic Warcraft.

Of course, these are not afraid of them. After all, the two have magical weapons of chaos and treasures. They are too confident in their combat effectiveness.

However, this is the person of Xiangyang.

In case they hurt the other party, Xiang Yang will go crazy after a while, even if they are more confident, they don’t feel that they have the ability to fight against Xiangyang.

They did not dare and did not want to confront Xiang Yang.


The two looked like a thief, then put their magic weapon away, and then looked at the surrounding air in a serious way, sighed and said, "The weather is really good today."


However, the words of Sun Monkey just fell, and they saw that Yunfeiyang, who had been carrying Yun Ruoxue, couldn’t help but laugh.

"Laughter, have you seen this handsome guy?" Sun Monkey gave a look at the two.

"Cough, please forgive me, I am rude." Yunfei Yang quickly apologized.

"A fairy king has actually played in this new wild world. You are very interesting. What kind of pulse are you under?" Yang Yu curiously looked at Yunfei Yang.

The strong king of the fairy king level is definitely the existence of the giant level in the lower bound. Generally speaking, there are very few Da Luo strong people staying in the lower bound, but Yun Feiyang is because the family has just reunited, and then they play around. It just happened to be in the new world of floods.

"This one..."

Yunfei Yang’s face with a distressed look, he is of course the descendant of the legendary pulse, if it is said, it will definitely scare people, but the origin of this pulse can not be casually said.

When he hesitated, the Sun Monkey was dissatisfied. "Is the origin of your pulse very large? There is nothing to say."

"Sorry, the teacher rules, can not arbitrarily reveal the origins of the division." Yunfei Yang had to hold a fist.

"Oh, this is interesting. In front of us, you actually said that you can't reveal the origin of the teacher's door. You are more and more curious."

Yunfei Yang did not say okay, he said that Sun Monkey is even more unwilling.

"Bad guy, do you still want to force my father?"

On the other side, Yun Ruo Xue is angry and shouts.

"Cough, that's right, sister, grandson is not forced to persecute, just curiosity, curiosity."

Sun Monkey quickly smiled.

If he sipped him like this, Sun Monkey couldn't help it anymore, but the key is that the person who sipped him just had a bit of a Xiangyang, obviously a woman of Xiangyang.

How does Sun Monkey dare to fight against Xiangyang’s woman?

"Dad, don't worry about him, these two guys I look sneaky, and when Xiang Yang comes back, let him handle the two guys."

Yun Ruoxue ran to the hands of Yunfeiyang and Zhantai Hyunyue, and took them toward the direction of the Qingxue Universe Group. "I will take you to see the Qingxue Space Group, the CEO of this group. Xiang Yang."

"It was originally created by the younger brother." Yunfei Yang smiled softly.


He said it is simple, but Sun Monkey and Yang Lan are both stunned. Your sister's, it's no wonder that you can't tell the story. It turned out to be Xiang Yang's brother.

“Is this true?” Sun Monkey turned his head to look at the three eyes.

At the moment, they are still very handsome and handsome, but the Sun Monkey is scratching his head and it seems that it is too mismatched.

"How do I know." Yang Lan shook his head. He was glad that he didn't have the same mouth as the Sun Monkey, and he didn't do it. Otherwise, maybe he would be desperate to go with him.

Moreover, he seriously doubts that although this Xiangyang's brother seems to be only the realm of Xianwang, it is actually possible that Yasheng Peak and even Chaos Saints are possible.

This is the disciple of that one. It is Xiang’s brother. It’s so weak, it seems a bit unreasonable.

"This is the site of Xiangyang, we still can't be too arrogant."

Sun Monkey is sighing. He feels that he should not be too busy with his business. In particular, in this new world of hunger, here is the site of Xiangyang. If the offender is related to Xiangyang, even If the person of Xiangyang’s vein is a person, he can’t explain it to Xiangyang.

Yang Wei deeply nodded with the same feeling. He also felt that Sun Monkey said it was not unreasonable.

Not to mention their relationship with Xiang Yang, they are directed at the power behind Xiang Yang, and absolutely no one can provoke it. Of course, they can't provoke Xiang Yang.

"Sisters, we are all good friends of Xiangyang. If you have any needs, you can always tell me."

Sun monkey with a smile on his face, facing the Suzaku woman and Yun Ruoxue, as well as the women who came out of the Qingxue universe group, at the same time, they greeted Yang Lan, "Let's go."

After all, they both fled and seemed to have escaped.

They don't want to stay, they just want to be arrogant and want to do something to Suzaku. If Suzaku wants to find trouble with them, then they won't fight, don't fight or not, it's better to rush.

"How can these two guys be friends of Xiangyang?" Yun Ruo Xue said with a sigh.

"They are very strong. They should be Yang Lan, who is known as the first **** of the celestial world, and the first fight against the Buddha in the West." Suzaku said with a dignified face on her face.

"What, turned out to be a legendary figure?"

After Yun Ruo Xue listened, it was shocked.

"No problem, now Xiangyang is stronger than them."

At the same time as the Suzaku woman said, it was to invite Yun Ruo Xue to enter the Qingxue universe group. Now, the space warship of the Qingxue Space Group has just appeared outside the new world, and needs to connect with the new world. There are still many Things are going to be busy.

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