Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3044: Killing sword array

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When the Killing Temple was not in the body of Xiangyang, a message was introduced into Xiangyang’s brain, which was all about the inheritance of the killing, and the information left by his master.

"The killing path was actually created by the Master."

Xiang Yang stayed.

They thought that the 108 sacred strong people did not deceive themselves. This killing is really created by their own masters, and the one hundred and eight sacred strongs are also their own masters. Law, let them practice to the realm of today's Yasheng Peak.

The strongest of the 108 peaks of the Holy Land are all slaves of the Taoist who killed the Tao.

Yes, after Xiang Yang took control of the Temple of Killing, he was the lord of killing the Tao, and the one hundred and eight sacred sages couldn’t think of it anymore. Xiang Yang, the lord of killing the Tao, was able to take complete control. They want to kill and think about it.

One is because the practice of their practice is themselves controlled by Xiang Yangke, and the Xiangyang pulse, especially Xiner, who truly inherits the practice of Xiang Yang’s master, is able to easily Can restrain these people.

Xiang Yang is equally okay. He got the Temple of Killing, which is equivalent to controlling the lifeblood of these people. No one can betray him.

That is to say, although these people have not been planted into the magic species, Xiang Yang does not have to worry about anybody who dares to betray him.

"Yes, the old man finally left me some details."

Xiang Yang looked at the one hundred and eighty sacred strongs and showed a satisfied smile on his face.

The forces of the 108 holy people are indeed very powerful, and they can definitely compete with the super-powers such as the most old gates in the fairy world, Tongtian Group.

Of course, Xiang Yang is idle and can't compete with the forces of the fairy world. Today, all the worlds have a common goal, that is, to deal with the realm of the gods and the foreign world.

In the hands of Xiang Yang, the killing path must play its greatest role. The annihilation is the life of the gods, and the killing is the strong of the foreign world.

"The Taoist?"

At this moment, one hundred and eight strong people of the Holy Land were carefully watching Xiang Yang. The Temple of Killing was obtained by Xiang Yang. They did not know whether Xiang Yang would agree to be their Taoist.

If Xiang Yang still refuses to admit that they are the masters of his life, even the headquarters will be lost. If this is said, the faces of their 108 holy people will be lost.

"Do you really follow my teacher's meaning to be my Taoist?"

Unexpectedly, the one hundred and eighty sacred strongmen, Xiang Yang did not directly refuse, but looked at them with a faint smile on his face.


The one hundred and eight sacred strongmen nodded quickly. "The command of the old master, I will not dare not follow."

"See the Lord."

"See the Lord."


Then, the strongest of the 108 sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred squats on Xiangyang, with a respectful color on his face.

They are the elders who kill the human race, but they are also cultivated by their old masters. In those days, Xiang Yang’s masters, that is, their old masters, cultivated them, no matter how strong they are, as long as they are Order, this hundred and eight holy people can not be violated.

Maybe time can change everything, but for the strongest of the hundred and eighty holy places, they know that Xiangyang’s master, that is, their terrible vinegar, is even more aware of If they dare not follow the orders of their old masters, they will definitely not end well.

Moreover, the strength of Xiangyang today is definitely beyond them, how dare they oppose it.

"Well, remember what you said today. From now on, I can be the master of this killing, but what you have to remember is that I want your absolute loyalty. If anyone dares to swear by me, Or if there is a small movement in the back, I have an infinite variety of ways to destroy you."

Xiang Yang is carrying his hands and his eyes are light.


One hundred and eight sacred strongmen answered with respectful respect.

Of course, they didn’t take it for granted. Xiang Yang said that there are infinite ways to kill them. They really don’t think Xiangyang has any way to do with them.

The strength is stronger than them, that is normal.

In this chaos, the strength is stronger than their stronger ones.

However, those who are powerful are not willing to deal with them and can deal with them at will.

"Do you think I have no way to deal with you?"

Xiang Yang smiled softly at the strongest of the hundred and eight holy places.

He did not think about using the magic species to deepen the control of these people again, because it is not necessary, he believes his master, since he has left a way to control these people, he does not have to worry.

"Don't dare." The hundred and eight sacred powers all responded in a low voice.

"Remember what you said today, wholeheartedly serving me, whoever dares to rebel, I can let you die in one thought."

Xiang Yang said faintly, there was a vast atmosphere in his body. This breath surpassed the peak of the Holy Land. Even the strongest of the 108 peaks of the Holy Land may not be able to interact with it. ratio.

Their faces changed slightly, and they knew that the strength of Xiangyang’s Pangu was beyond their imagination.

"Get up."

Xiang Yang waved an energy between the waves, pointing out, and the Temple of Killing once again emerged from his body, suspended in front of everyone.

"Let me go to the killing temple to see."

While Xiang Yang said, he himself went into the temple of killing the gods. From this point of view, he found that this temple of killing is actually a vast space, and it also contains a hundred and eight small worlds. The one hundred and eight small worlds correspond to the site of the hundred and eight elders.

However, in the one hundred and eight small worlds, there is also a central world of heroes. This hundred and eight worlds exist around this central world.

The central world was originally in the state of seals. Even the 108-year-old elders could not open this space in the central government. Only the head of the temple, Xiangyang, could be opened with its own power.

At this moment, Xiang Yang looked at the one hundred and eight sacred strongmen. For their small world, he did not take care of it. Instead, he held his hands and decided to enter the main space.


When Xiang Yang entered it, he heard a roaring sound. In the void, there was a figure appearing. This statue was white and white, and it was ruddy, carrying a sword and standing freely in the starry sky. It is the master of the sky, the universe dominates.

He is not someone else, it is the teacher of Xiangyang.

"Old man."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but shouted loudly.

"Killing the way, for the sake of killing, is a sword that I created on the basis of the sword of killing. This killing sword is a law that specifically deals with aliens. This sword has a total of one hundred and eighty. Corresponding to the 108 elders who killed the way, in order to truly play the power of killing the sword, it is necessary to have a hundred and eight elders condensed to kill the sword array.

This is the killing sword of the level of the day after the 108th, which can be given at the appropriate time to let the 108 elders practice.

Remember, people are awesome, to ensure that these 108 elders can listen to your control at any time, otherwise, if someone is betrayed in the middle, the counter-attack of the killing swords will cause you a great harm. ”

After Xiangyang’s teacher’s voice fell, I saw him wave his hand, and there was a **** killing sword with a hundred and eight handles.

These swords are a bit similar to Xiangyang's 弑Shenjian, but they are different. If you look closely, you can actually treat this one hundred and eight knives as a sword that has been split.

When Xiang Yang saw it, he immediately understood the power of this hundred and eight killing swords. In the hands of the elders of the top of the 108 holy places, if they were condensed and killed, it would be enough to kill the chaos of the chaos.

"Old man, you are too big."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but take a breath.


However, Xiang Yang’s master is obviously only a shadow of his old man’s stay. It’s not a real person. Although Xiang Yang spoke to him, he did not seem to hear the general directing into a ray of light. in vivo.

"One hundred and eight killing swords."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, and the light that the old man had turned into his body made him understand all of this in an instant. It was the killing of the sword and the killing sword, and other killings. The inheritance of the Tao and so on.

Today's killings are the masters of the peaks of the sacred sacred scenes. Although they are all masters, they have not really inherited this one hundred and eight killing swords and killing swords.

Their power has not really come out. Only after they have obtained the sword of killing and cultivating the 108-year-old swordsmanship, can they truly exert the strength of the strongest of the 108 holy places.

At that time, a zero-eight strong can kill the chaotic saints. If they can be sanctified, then that is the real terrible existence.

"You can't believe them easily."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself.

This is what his master said. The power of this hundred and eight killing swords is endless. If you believe in the heart of the hundred and eight elders at will, you will be the one hundred and eighty Give it down, at that time, form a killing sword array, if someone temporarily reversal, then it will fall short.

"It seems that I can only enter the magic species one by one."

Xiang Yang has a dignified color on his face.

If it is normal, he still thinks that these people should be credible by their own masters. However, after his master reminds him, he thinks of the gods of the gods, even the gods and kings may send avatars. Enter the heavens and the world.

Who can guarantee that there will be no gods and kings among the one hundred and eighty holy people?

For example, the guy in the Black Tower has a small talent, the so-called physical body is powerful, but it is because he is the avatar of the **** god.

What Xiangyang can do is to enter the magical species in the body of the sacred sages on the side of these killings.

Thinking of this, Xiang Yang reached out and made a move. Suddenly, one hundred and eight handles of the sword were directly immersed in his body. Of course, this was paid to Xiaoling by his income to the Promise.

"Let's study it, try to copy it out. I can research a set of 1,080, or even 100,000 people. When it comes time, you can let the order guards display."

Xiang Yang told Xiao Ling.

One hundred and eight killing swords can only exert the strongest power in conjunction with killing swords, but Xiaoling can use this as a reference to refine a stronger magic weapon, even a sword array used by more people. At that time, let his order guards be used together, and the power can reach a very terrible degree.

"Boss, this killing sword power is very extraordinary, but it is based on the refining of the sword, but also draws on the swords of the four swords of Zhu Xian. If there is material, we can refine an expanded version of the killing sword array. ""

Xiao Ling said with a deep heart.

"How much material?"

Xiang Yang asked quickly.

"It is best to refine the killing sword array of 1.8 million people. Use the sword-like array formed by the same level of killing swords. One hundred and eighty thousand Yashengs are used in it. At that time, if it is true. In the exotic battlefield, this one hundred and eight hundred thousand strong is enough to sweep the strong under the chaos of the aliens, even those who have just become saints will also be killed."

Xiaoling with excitement, he said to Xiangyang, "Boss, I am not laughing, if you can smelt 1.8 million killing swords, you can definitely be unparalleled, vertical and horizontal universe, no one can rival. ”

"Do you think that if I have one hundred and eighty thousand handles, I will be afraid of aliens?"

Xiang Yang is looking at Xiao Ling with a black face. This little guy is more and more able to see himself.

One hundred and eighty thousand stalks are the best, not to mention yourself, even if there is so much material in the entire Pangu chaotic world, even if the entire Pangu chaotic world is refining, it is impossible to get this. More materials to refine the hundreds of thousands of handles of the day after tomorrow.

However, at this moment, it is to let Xiang Yang think of the three treasures of the demon statue, the treasure that remains in the devil world.

"The last time I forgot to take out the treasure, I can go to the devil world first."

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