Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3050: Look at you, how about? (Five more flowers)

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"Black Bear, what are you going to do?"

The **** sea of ​​the Gorefiend ancestors glared at the black bear essence. He originally wanted to hang a Xiangyang hand. He thought that if everyone went together, maybe there would be a possibility to destroy Xiangyang, and even Xiang Yanglian It is possible to turn it.

Who ever thought that the Black Cloud Five Saints had no action except for the shock, and Montenegro even quietly stepped back a few steps, intending to escape.

And the black bear is fine, this is the content of death, even prepared to teach himself, Te Nai Nai, is simply mad at Lao Tzu.

The **** sea of ​​the Gorefiend ancestors glared at the black bear essence. If his deity came, he was naturally afraid of the black bear essence. However, the strength of the blood sea is not necessarily the opponent of the black bear, and there is no blood. So that he can not display the characteristics of blood and sea, if it is killed, it can not really be resurrected.

"Blood sea old children, you said that your blood sea was drained by my eldest brother to consolidate Pan Guzhen, then your blood sea is still dead?" The black bear smiled and smiled at the **** sea of ​​the **** ancestors Raised the big bow in his hand.

He did not hide his malice and smiled. "Before you have the blood and the body, no one can kill you completely. Do you remember that there are several children who have been killed by you?"

"Hey, **** sea old, wind and water turn, you have thought about a day when you have lost your blood and sea. Hey, today, the black bear will shoot you with one arrow and see if you can still rise."

In the past, the black bear had several talented children, because he ran to the **** sea, and with his powerful, he got the disciples of several **** ancestors, and as a result, he was After the Gorefiend ancestors discovered it, they were directly destroyed.

Although the black bear sperm is very capable of life, there are tens of thousands of children, but there are not many real talents. All of them were destroyed by the **** ancestors’ blood seas. He was distressed and died. In the past, the **** sea of ​​the Gorefiend ancestors fought together. As a result, although he smashed the **** sea, the other side immediately reborn, and the prestige shot again. As a result, the tug-of-war between the two began. After that, the black bear fine is even the body is tyrannical, his endurance can not be compared with the **** eternal blood of the blood devil ancestors, but in desperation, had to give up revenge.

Now I am finally finding an opportunity.

The black bear's face was full of surprises, and he proudly opened his work, sneer and said, "The **** little old man, if your deity is coming, the old bear is still afraid to do it. As for your avatar. Hey, then go to hell."

"Black bear, do you dare to do it for me?"


However, the voice of the black bear had just fallen, and when he had not let go of the bowstring, he heard a roaring sound, a crack in the void, and a powerful and unmatched breath burst out. It was the deity of the Gorefiend ancestors. coming.

The Gorefiend ancestors carrying the two swords of the sword stepped out of the void, and a murderous weapon locked the black bear sperm. After the latter saw it, he took a nap and quickly put down the big bow and said with a smile. "I am joking, ah haha, the Gorefiend brother is coming back? I heard that you have learned the practice of the Heavenly Wheel in the sacred dojo, how is the practice, how can you be sanctified?"

"This is really awkward."

Xiang Yang is speechless, this black bear Jing has just been arrogant and wants to shoot the **** sea of ​​the **** ancestors. As a result, the deity of the people came directly, and this guy is so embarrassed that it is a powerful and unremarkable Yasheng. Is the peak strong?

Xiang Yang would not understand, other fleshy and powerful, super-powerful and strong, should be venting nowhere, no matter what happens, they are directly rushing to fight with each other.

This black bear has been cultivated into a demon body, and its strength is absolutely strong. Even if it is desperately with the blood devil ancestors, it will not be killed.

This kind of existence, even when I saw the strong, I would like to have a grandson, but I also said that it was a black bear, and the bears were stronger than him.

"Black bear, don't stop, keep on doing."

The Gorefiend ancestors sneered at the black bear, and he was clear about the courage of this black bear. The typical bullying was hard.


The black bear fine quickly put his magic weapon away, hehe smiled and looked at the **** ancestor, "Bloody man, you said oh, let's be a neighbor, how can I do this good person, then, your After the **** seas were broken, there were a lot of people of this age who ran to my site. The old bears accepted them very politely, and they rushed to our relationship, although they were a little stronger than you. It is impossible to do it for you."

"Are you stronger than me?"

The Gorefiend ancestors sneered at him.

"Cough, a little bit..."

The black bear extended his hand. Although he became a half-man and a half-bear, but his hands were full of hair, he licked with two fingers, indicating that he was only stronger than the Gorefiend ancestors. Little by little.

The Gorefiend ancestors still sneered, "Are you sure?"

"Cough, we are almost two." The black bear snorted, no longer verbally taking advantage of it, but looking at the crowd, screaming, "You, since everyone is here, then wait The children's channel is open. Regardless of whether this is where the treasure of the first demon is located, everyone rushes in together. Whoever gets the treasure depends on their chances."

"Little black bear, here is not your turn to be the master."

His voice just fell, and he heard the dark laughter of Heiyun Wusheng.


The old demon of Montenegro is also not a ghost of a man or a woman. "Little black bear, the **** devil, this brother is here, where is your turn to talk, you stand and go."

"Damn, the dark clouds of the five holy and the old demon of Montenegro, the old bear can not be afraid of you, there is a kind of single-headed." The black bear screamed.

"Ha ha..."

"We are ashamed to see you with this coward."

Whether it is the black cloud five saints or the Montenegro old demons have a voice with contempt, although the black bear fine is very strong, but the black cloud five saints are united and fearless, the Montenegro old demon also has his own skills, how can you be afraid Black bear fine.

The black bear couldn't hang on his face, only snorted, and he was very uncomfortable standing there.

At this time, the deity of the Gorefiend ancestors looked at Xiangyang. He couldn’t see any emotions on his face. He just said faintly, "Little friends don't come innocent."

"Well, let's say that the ancestors are ruddy today, and it must have been very comfortable."

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the **** ancestors.

"If there are some little thieves who broke into the blood of the ancestors and steal the blood of Pangu in the blood, the ancestors will be more comfortable." The **** ancestors looked at Xiangyang sharply and sneered.

"is it?"

Xiang Yang did not care, he said with a smile, "Panggu Jingxue belongs to a lover. Since the ancestor has already obtained it from the beginning of the world, but can not use it, it proves that it has no connection with you, why not give it to someone. However, it doesn't matter if you don't give it, because it doesn't belong to you anymore."

"Kid, steal the ancestors' baby, you dare to speak out madly, are you looking for death?" Gorefiend ancestors were finally angry, he screamed at Xiangyang, swearing, "Junior, I thought you were a Pangu Real body, can you be invincible?"

“Can the ancestors remember the agreement between us?”

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the Gorefiend ancestors. "If the ancestors want to fulfill the agreement now, I don't mind. However, after this war, the ancestors may not be the Gorefiend ancestors, but My hand is down."


The **** ancestor was shocked and even forgot about this. He had actually agreed with Xiang Yang before. In a few years, Xiang Yang can challenge him at any time. When Xiangyang wins, he wants Feng Xiang is the main one.

Before Xiang Yang had just cultivated into Pan Guzheng, he was raging in the **** sea. He was afraid to appear when he was afraid that Xiang Yang would co-operate with Sun Monkey and Yang Lan.

Later, he also avoided directly appearing in front of Xiangyang. Who ever thought that this time after Xiang Yang appeared, Xiang Yang actually mentioned it directly.

"I don't know if I know it early."

The Gorefiend ancestors regretted it in their hearts. They knew that they should not come here for this so-called first magic treasure. When Xiang Yang really asked him to challenge the fulfillment of the agreement, his chances of winning were not big. Lost, by then, unless he can escape into the depths of chaos, no longer appear, or else, it is estimated that he can not get rid of Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang smiled at the **** ancestors. "Or, come and learn from now?"

"The beginning of the magic treasure is about to open, and today does not care about you." The deity of the Gorefiend ancestors is a cold-sounding voice.

"This is really a pity."

Xiang Yang laughed, and did not poke the mouth of the Gorefiend ancestors, because he also obviously sensed that the passage that broke out with the beginning of the magic has stabilized, that is, they have to enter it. It is.


Sure enough, after a while, in that passage, the power of the space that had originally provoked horror and the beginning of the magic gas finally stopped.

A few people did not stop at all and rushed straight toward that passage.

Xiang Yang's speed is also very fast, the deity is the beginning of the devil, and regardless of the Moroah holy, instantly rushed to the passage.

Black bear fine, the deity of the Gorefiend ancestors and the **** sea, the black cloud five holy, the Montenegro old demon also rushed at the same time, they are very fast, and did not start with each other, just want to take the first opportunity Rush into it.

However, no matter how fast they are, there is no Xiangyang fast.

Xiang Yang blinked directly into the passage of the passage and rushed in.

However, at this time, some people did not think of it at the place. Even Xiang Yang did not expect that there would be a change at this time. When he rushed in, it was accompanied by a terrible Holy Power, and the next one. The black twelve black lotus rotates to block the passage. Xiangyang’s whole person hits the black lotus, and a rebounding force erupts, not only blocking Xiangyang, but also shaking him out.

After seeing such a situation, everyone in the rear stopped quickly.

"Black Lotus Devil!"

All the powerful parties looked ugly and looked at the twelve black lotuses that had Xiangyang Zhen flying out. In this demon world, even the ordinary demon who is a big heaven in the world is also very clear. There is only one person who can possess twelve black lotuses, that is, it takes millions of years to unify the whole demon world, and use the power of the demon world to become the black lotus demon of the first chaotic saint in the devil world.

The black lotus demon, actually shot at this time, and one shot is the twelve black lotus, and the Xiangyang bomb will fly out.

Above the twelve black lotus, the figure of the black lotus demon is sitting cross-legged. His face is not well-known, and he looks at the overlords of the demon world in a light manner. Then he looks at the bombs and flies out. Xiang Yang.

Although Xiang Yang was unable to fly out of the Twelve Black Lotus bombs, he stopped without being bombed out. He burst into a horrible atmosphere, and he began to enter the Promise. Among them, his deity is turned into a small giant with a height of ten feet, volleying, step by step toward the black lotus demon.

"Black Lotus, although you are a chaotic saint, but you dare to insult me ​​so much, do you really think that I dare not do it for you?"

Xiang Yang is cold and cold, with a bloodthirsty murderous body.

The black lotus demon has arrived long ago, and hidden in the void, deliberately waiting for himself to rush to fly when he flies, it is simply sin.

Although Xiangyang is powerful, but his Pangu real body is so powerful, after all, the realm has not really followed up. It is natural to find the chaotic saint hidden in the void.

However, at this moment, after the black lotus demon appeared, he was not afraid of the other party to escape.

Xiang Yang's cold face went to the black lotus demon, and every step in the void made the void explode, and a horrible force was brewing on him.

"Xiang Yang, I didn't mean to target you."

Seeing that Xiang Yang wants to move with himself, the black lotus demon stunned his face. Although he is a chaotic saint, it is not necessarily Xiang Yang’s opponent.

He quickly explained, "As far as I know, the original demon did not leave any treasures, and this may be a trap."

"Ha ha..."

Xiang Yang sneered, still strolling toward the black lotus demon, but his eyes were staring at the twelve black lotuses that Black Lotus sat down. He had already got nine blood lotuses, and the twelve black lotuses were also Can be obtained, and integrated into their own devil's armor, the demon armor can completely restore the power of chaos to the level of the treasure, and even stronger.

However, the twelve black lotus should be the sanctification of the black lotus devil. It seems a bit difficult to get this twelve black lotus.

If it is before, there is no intersection with the Black Lotus Devil, and there is no grievance. Xiang Yang naturally does not think about robbing a chaotic saint of sanctification, but the black lotus demon is actually a saint bullying. By himself, Xiang Yang cannot tolerate it.

"Black Lotus Devil, although you are a chaotic saint, you can't bully people."

Xiang Yang sneered, "I have grown so big, I have never been so obsessed with it. If you come over and let me kill you, this thing will be fine."

"Junior, you are not sanctified, but dare to say that you want to kill this holy?"

After the black lotus demon listened, he was angry. Although he was sanctified by the power of the devil, he could be said to be the weakest of the chaos, but he was also a chaotic saint. Xiang Yang dared to look down on him. This grievance, he can't bear it.

"I just look down on you?"

Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete, ask for flowers...

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