Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3076: I am afraid who will come

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"When you are finished, you must return it. You must not let them come out again."

The Great Emperor’s heart trembled. He knew that the Lord God of the Divine Realm would definitely return. Otherwise, it would be the same as sending the door to Xiangyang.

This is like a good example. Xiang Yang has a sickle in the mouth of the passage, waiting for the strong man of the gods to rush out of the passage, his head directly on the sickle, and Xiang Yang only needs to swing the sickle to be '咔嚓 'Stop directly killing each other.

"Must inform him."

However, when the great emperor made up his mind and must let the deity of the mind and other gods of the gods at the same time, suddenly his face changed.

Everything around him seemed to be isolated, and he could not sense the existence of the deity.

In other words, the space was banned and his connection with the deity was cut off.

"No, it’s going to be a big deal."

The great emperor's eyes widened and he was panicked. He had no faults with his deity. However, there are certain conditions for him to really contact the deity.

Nowadays, the space is closed, and he seems to be locked in the little black house. All the causal links between him and the deity are cut off, and he is unable to reach the deity.

Moreover, the deity will not know what happened to him here. He only feels that he has been very happy to go to the fairyland to refine the origins and heavens of the fairyland.

"The big prince, how did your face change?"

Xiang Yang placed the sacred swords array behind the passageway, and the big prince with a smile on his face turned pale, and the very confident big prince, at the moment, was panicked.

When I think of seeing the Great Emperor for the first time, the other person's demeanor is completely in line with the best candidate for the future Emperor, but it is also a person obsessed with spiritual practice, regardless of the power of the Emperor.

Xiang Yang did not think that such a person would be the main **** of the gods.

It’s really hidden.

"You banned the void?" After the face of the great prince changed, he calmed down. His eyes looked at Xiang Yang and Sun Monkey and Yang Lan. They thought about what they should do to escape. .

It is very difficult to rush out of the encirclement of the three people. Even if the great prince realizes that his strength is no longer weaker than that of the Eastern Emperor, he also knows that he has no hope.

However, he can wait for an opportunity.

As long as you do not anger the Xiangyang, as long as you can delay the time.

Since he can't contact the deity to let the gods of the gods retreat, then he will not care.

At that time, after waiting for the main gods to rush out, he believes that even if Xiangyang arranges the sacred swords, he needs someone to preside. At that time, both Xiang Yang, Yang Lan and Sun Monkey will also host the 诛 剑 sword array. That is his chance to come.

"I have not banned the void."

Xiang Yang looked at the big prince differently. "You don't dare to run away anyway. I am doing a ban on the void."

While talking, he looked at Sun Monkey and Yang Lan. "Are you both banned the void?"

"You can't do this kind of thing, how can we do this?" Sun Monkey said with a white eye.

Xiang Yang spread his hands and said with a smile. "Look, this has nothing to do with us. If you feel that the void is banned, then there should be a chaotic saint who notices you and is ready to deal with you."


Xiang Yang originally wanted to scare this guy. I didn't expect it to be really successful.

After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, the great emperor’s face changed greatly and the void was banned. He could not contact the deity. Since it was not a ghost of Xiangyang’s three, the only explanation was what Xiang Yang said, their business. Found by the saints.

The chaos sage personally banned the void, making the great prince unable to contact his Lord God deity, so the problem can be really big.

"It's finished." The big prince's heart really trembled.

"How is it so timid, isn't it a chaotic saint? Even if it is normal, can it be more terrible than the three of us?"

Sun Monkey looked at the big prince with a contemptuous look. "Xu Yan's old goods are still a character. Who ever thought that his son is more than one, and this guy is also the best among Xu Wei's sons. Not only is the main **** of the gods separated, but it is still so timid."

The great prince was almost scared to cry out. At this time, he had the leisure to manage what the monkey said. He even did not dare to move the whole person.

Because he knows that the chaos of the saints, since the seal of the void, then, if he dares to run, it must be a form of God, even his Lord God deity will also die.

“Is it really a chaotic saint?”

Seeing that the big prince was frightened, Xiang Yang’s eyes lit up, focusing on the feeling of the void, but he found that he could not sense the presence of a saint. He was helpless in his heart, although his strength reached the threshold of the saint. However, after all, it has not become a true chaotic saint. The saints want to hide their bodies, but they really cannot find their existence.

"Do you sense who has appeared?" Xiang Yang looked at Yang Lan and Sun Monkey.

After carefully sensing the two, they shook their heads at the same time. "I didn't notice it, it should be fake."

"Really, there really is a saint coming."

The great prince wants to cry a little. You can't feel the saints coming. It's because your realm is too weak. The causal connection between my avatar and the deity has been cut off. Obviously the saint has come.

Xiang Yang smiled at the big prince. "I said the big prince, do you want to die, or want to live?"

"What do you mean?"

The great prince is blind, is this not nonsense, as long as he can live, who would want to find death? Even if he is only a avatar, but he has his own independent consciousness, it is impossible to die.

"We will join hands to make a big vote, enter the realm of God together, you take us to the origin of the gods, and then, how do we let you go?" Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the big emperor.

"This is impossible."

In the heart of the great emperor, he was shocked by the courage of the three people of Xiangyang. He dared to sneak into the power of the gods who had more than a dozen gods to steal the source. This is simply a dead end.

At the same time, he shook his head and said, "The origin of the realm of the gods has always been the king of the king of the king, and it is absolutely impossible to quietly enter the place of origin."

"There was a **** king who was sitting in the origin of the gods." Xiang Yang frowned, looking at Sun Monkey and Yang Lan, both of them shook their heads and said that they did not know this.

"Do you know that there are several **** kings who are sitting in the roots of the country all the year round?" Xiang Yang asked again.

Asking this guy some questions, even getting some useful things for himself, this is still very good.

"I don't know." The great prince shook his head and said.

"You are the main **** of the gods?" Xiang Yang is not angry, but smiled and looked at the big prince asked.


Anyway, everyone already knows this question. At this time, there is no point in denying it. The great emperor gave Xiang Yang a very positive answer.

"You must know a lot about the gods, so let's wait for the saints to come. I will keep you alive. How do you take me into the realm?" Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"I am just a avatar."

The big prince’s face showed an ugly color.

In fact, Xiang Yang’s words made him feel excited. He knows that since there are chaotic saints who have noticed this, they must be dead, and if Xiang Yang is really willing to protect his life, he will not have to die.

However, he is very worried in his heart, because he is only a avatar, the deity is still in the channel of the gods, at this moment should be rushed out, and later the deity is dead, his avatar may not live.

"Do you mean that your deity and avatar are one? If the deity dies, the avatar can't live? It's just that, after a while, your deity will also rush out of the passage?"

Xiang Yang suddenly understood the meaning of this guy.

The great emperor was silent and did not speak, confirming that Xiang Yang said it was true. After Xiang Yang met, he was unhappy in the heart. He said, "Do you really want the black tower to lead the way?"

The Black Tower was conquered by him. It is already the top 100 of the Mega-Emperor in the Eastern Tianyu. If the Black Tower is led, it is naturally no problem.

However, since the big princes have appeared, this guy’s deity is killed by the sacred swords, and the dying is about to die. If it’s too bad, the black tower’s deity is also smashed, and the avatar will also be destroyed. What should I do?

"Actually, if the sage banned the void, it will remain until the deity of my deity is such a situation, and I can cut off the causal line between me and the deity. Even if the deity has an accident, I will not have anything."

The great prince said hesitantly.

After Xiang Yang listened, he looked at the big prince and smiled at the big prince. "I understand what you mean. Although you are a avatar, you want to kill the deity, and then you are independent. This is not the case." Impossible, we can cooperate well."

"it is good."

The great emperor is also a wise man. He knows very well that if he does not cooperate with Xiangyang, he will definitely be dead. If he can cooperate with Xiangyang, he may survive without accident.

Of course, the premise is that Xiang Yang can help the chaos saint to help break the causal line between him and the deity. Otherwise, everything will be avoided.

"Which saint came, please show up."

Xiang Yang looked up at the void and shouted directly.

He didn't know if there was any saint in the void, but since the great emperor said that someone had banned the void, he felt worthwhile to try.

Maybe it is really a saint who has come.

It is best to let the heavenly sage come, and if there is anything wrong with this squad, you can let him give pointers.

However, if I found out that I had imitated his 诛 剑 sword array and made a set of counterfeit 诛 剑 剑 丝 丝 丝 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Yourself.

At the same time, Xiang Yang felt that he would not let the sky come. Otherwise, he might be a bit dangerous. Although he would not be killed by Tongtian, it is estimated that the guy would not give himself a good look.

"It is best to come to Amitabha. The old monk of Amitabha is familiar with me."

Xiang Yang is stunned, although Amitabha’s skill is general, but after all, he is his own old acquaintance. Facing him, he doesn’t have to worry about what he does, but it’s a bit dangerous to come through the sky, and he’s estimated that he can’t beat it. Not familiar with that guy.

At the same time as Xiang Yang thought, in the chaos of the void, a sword gas flashed away, and Xiang Yang sensed that there was a burst of smoldering, sin, phlegm and scorpion in the surrounding void.

His face suddenly changed. "No, is it really coming through?"

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