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"This is the creation, the shackles of the shackles, the shackles of the Qiankun, and the original."

Xiang Yang’s gaze looked at the emperor, and he finally understood everything. The last master of this rejuvenation was not someone else, it was the emperor.

Yes, the method of the Emperor's creation is exactly what Qiankun created, but also the Qiankun dynasty. But she has already reached the extreme in the creation, even if it is the method of creation. It can't be compared to it.

Emperor Huang smiled and nodded. Obviously, Xiang Yang did not think wrong.

"Anniling, that is the best fortune..."

Xiang Yang looked at the Emperor with a sad color on his face. The original owner of Qiankun Chenghua Ding was here, and he got the best of the world, making him feel like a thief.

However, if he was allowed to return the Qiankun to the Emperor, he would not be reluctant. After all, Qiankun Chenghua Ding can be said to be one of his strongest, and he is one of his strongest magic weapons. Even Chaos Zhibao can refine How to make it, how can he be willing to make a trip to the emperor?

"Your Qiankun made a tripod." Yan Huang said with a smile.

"Thank you for your maiden."

After Xiang Yang was silent for a while, he went to the emperor to worship.

The previous master of Qiankun Chenghua Ding has acquiesced to be the master of the Qiankun Ding Ding. It can also be said to be a kind of perfection. Although Qiankun Chenghua Ding does not know why it will be broken into a mountain river Ding and a virtual air refining, but after reintegration, The power is stronger than before. Since then, Qiankun Chenghua Ding has nothing to do with the Emperor.

Moreover, Xiang Yang's acquisition not only contains the method of creation, but also the inheritance of the Emperor, but also the inheritance of space.

While Xiang Yang absorbed these inheritances, there was a boulevard running around the body. The method of space and creation was revealed in his body, which made the face of Yang Lan and Sun Monkey on one side show envious color.

"This kid's luck is really good, and it has been passed down to the inheritance of the goddess." Sun Monkey squatted, looking at the Emperor with a look of hope.

"You are not suitable for my way. Therefore, they are not passed on to you, but some insights into the heavens of the Taoist friends can be given to you. Maybe you will be useful to you when you become enlightened."

The emperor smiled and passed on some of the inheritance to the two.

"Thank you for the goddess."

Yang Lan and Sun Monkey have a surprise color on their faces. Although they can't get the inheritance of the strongest creation of the Emperor, but they can also get the insight of the Emperor's understanding of the heavens, and they are also very valuable, so they After refining the origins of the gods and the heavens, it will be much easier to advance to the chaos of the saints.

Looking at the sky, with a sigh of color, "They are a big luck, and they can get the inheritance of the sisters."

"They are the mainstay of my Pangu chaotic world. After the war, there will be heavy burdens on them, giving them more things, and it will be a boost to their lives."

"It is true."

Tongtian Shengzun thought for a moment and thought that the Emperor Huang said this. If he did not give a point, it would not look good. So, he also passed on some of his own to Yang Lan and Sun Monkey.

“Thank you for the Holy Spirit.”

Sun Monkey and Yang Lan both got the sacred inheritance out of thin air, and they were very excited.

At this time, Xiang Yang had already received the inheritance of Emperor Huang. He found that when Tong Tian actually passed on to Yang Lan and Sun Monkey and did not give it to himself, he snorted and his face was unhappy.

"Don't be unhappy, I have given them to you, and give you more comprehensive." Tongtian Shengzun said with no anger.

"Where is the saint saying, how can I not be happy? I am thinking about how to save people." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

It seems that Tongtian Laozi should have no useful things to squeeze out, but it is enough to get his inheritance of the Jianxian Kendo.

In addition, the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' refines the gods of the gods and the gods of the gods and gives back to some of the gods of the gods. Xiang Yang feels that if he is looking for a good time to retreat, he should be able to All of this is well integrated and can make your own path go further.

Think about the inheritance that I have gained during this time, and Xiang Yang’s heart is inevitably somewhat inflated.

After killing a few exotic chaos saints, the way they practiced from the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' also has a strong reference to Xiang Yang.

He feels that he is almost a boulevard that combines the Pangu chaotic world, the divine and exotic trilateral practice system, and the inheritance of the young strongman who is seen in the deepest space of chaos can also be said to be a self-contained system. .

With so many inheritance systems, even Xiang Yang is a bit inflated. He feels that he has done the wrong thing to let the Devils go to the Devils to find the Devil's Treasure. If you let the Devils get involved, they will understand these exercises. It is the biggest treasure in its own way.

"You want to start, right?" When Xiang Yang was very proud of his heart, Tongtian Shengzun looked at him.

Xiang Yang nodded. "Prepared, but I want to go down. Tell me about it...ah..."

When Xiang Yang’s words were not finished, he felt that he was wrapped up by a powerful force and fell down. In his rear, Tongtian Shengzun clap his hands and smiled. “This kid is very talented. Strong, strength is not weak, it is too slippery."

While talking, looking at Xiangyang below, Tongtian Shengzun is still a little nervous, below is his favorite three disciples Sancha.

"However, how does the younger sister know that there is still a million robbers in this kid's body?" Tongtian curiously looked at the emperor.

Although the home of Xiang Yang’s body is not a secret to the chaotic saints of the heavens, everyone knows that Xiang Yang’s inheritance of the tens of thousands of robes is a catastrophe, but he does not know that Xiang Yang has also received 10,000. The power of robbery is immortal.

"I just guessed it." Yan Huang said softly.


After listening to the heavenly sage, it was stunned. "Sister, you..."

My own sister, but the Virgin of the Terran, is the best for the human race. It is also very gentle. It is actually a guess. What is guessed is clearly deceiving Xiangyang.

"That, those three embarrassed..." The Heavenly Saint is a little panicked, and a yang wants to use all his strength to force out the infinite force of the body to resurrect the three scorpions, but finds that the looting is not in his What should he do if he leaves the so-called eternal power in the body?

"His annihilation has been practiced to a very high level, and the endless body has almost become a big one."

Emperor Huang said with a soft voice, "His annihilation is not as good as Pan Guzhen, but it is already very strong. It is enough to resurrect Sancha with his eternal power."

After listening to the words of Emperor Huang, Tongtian Shengzun suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, he also understood that the reason why Xiang Yang really began to enter the eyes of the chaotic saints of the heavens was precisely because Xiang Yang sucked up the blood of the Pangu in the blood, and truly condensed the ancient body of Pangu, and he was comparable to the chaos of the chaos. The reason for combat effectiveness.

However, no one knows, to what extent Xiang Yang will not practice the body, and no one knows that Xiang Yang knows the Eucharist and so on...

The sage is not omnipotent. It is impossible to keep an eye on Xiang Yang and not know everything about Xiang Yang.

At this moment, Xiang Yang did not know whether he had the immortal power of the inheritance of the tens of thousands of robbers. After he reached the desert, his feet just stepped on the desert and found that the desert was hollow, and the whole person directly faced Falling down, and the power of the banned desert still exists, his eyes flashed and fell directly under this force.

"Three sisters, are you okay? I am your teacher, respecting the little old man, please come and help you to resurrect."

Xiang Yang is down to earth, his eyes are shining, but on the surface is a smile.

At this moment, there is a great dragon vein in front of him. This is the dragon vein of the immortal world. No, it should be said that it is a relatively powerful dragon vein in the eastern Tianyu.

Although it is not a gathering of the dragons of the entire Eastern Tianyu, it is also very powerful.

The source of the gathering of dragon veins is a white jade altar with a chaotic air flow. The altar is full of strong atmosphere. Moreover, the dragon vein fairy force is turned into three strands, each carrying three women's bodies, and the powerful energy continues from the dragon veins. Did not enter the body of these three women.

The three women were dressed in white, blue and blue skirts. Their faces were beautiful. The woman wearing white was calm and calm. At first glance, she knew that she was a calmer woman, wearing cyan and blue. The color of the woman is more playful, just look at it, you can imagine the two women's usual naughty look.


As Xiang Yang approached, he could hear the powerful beating of the hearts of the three women. This is clearly a living woman, not a remnant or a disability.

"Tong Tian harm me?"

Xiang Yang was alert and stood outside the altar. He carefully looked at the white jade altar and found that although the altar was made up of white jade, in fact, Xiang Yang could sense the atmosphere of creation, which is the soil. Known as the mother soil of all things, it is the source of life.

The three women have the source of life, the soil of the motherland of all things, absorbed the power of creation, and then nourished with dragon veins, and the heavenly runes are integrated into their bodies, so that they are recovering In this endless years, not only the life of oneself is restored, but also the infinite growth.

According to Xiang Yang’s observation, the cultivation of Sancha has been infinitely close to the sage.

"Even if Tongtian will lie to me, but the niece should not lie to me, so let me come to help them recover, actually help them sanctify, but what kind of capital I have can help them sanctify ?"

Xiang Yang with an incomprehensible color, looking at the three squats lying on the altar, facing the three beautiful and super beautiful, he has no distractions, just thinking about how he should wake up these three.

Yes, although the three have returned to a complete state, their consciousness should be caught in a deep sleep, or in a state of enlightenment, causing them to never wake up.

What Xiangyang has to do is to wake them up from the state of slumber.

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