Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3102: Counterattack

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"The cliff, don't run away, wait for death, I can wait for you to reincarnate with the real spirit. If you resist, the final result is waiting for you."

"Mo Cliff, when you grabbed my magic weapon, it was very happy, I didn't expect to have such a day?"

"Ha ha ha, not sanctified, after all, it is an ant, even if you are a cliff, it is just a big ant. Now, I am waiting for you, no matter who you are, as long as you can refine and get everything for you, then Destined to be sanctified."


Deep in the chaos, the cliff has no madness, he fled toward the front as quickly as possible.

At the back of the cliff, there are hundreds of strong people in the sub-Sacred peaks to chase down.

These people are all in order to kill the cliffs and get the strongest of the sub-Sacred peaks of the chaotic world of Panyu.

Of course, Xiang Yang is also among them.

Xiang Yang Lehe looked at this scene, he did not rush the fastest, and did not run the slowest, so he followed the other three, watching the cliff was chased by a group of Yasheng Peak.

"This guy is really worthy of the top ten peerless arrogance in Panyu's chaotic world. After the breakthrough failure, the superficial madness is actually fake, all in order to make him run faster."

Xiang Yang sighed that this cliff is not an ordinary person.

As the initiator of the tragedy of the top ten peerless arrogance in the chaotic world of the cliff, Xiang Yang did not have any psychological burden.

While watching the three men chasing and killing, he looked at the strong men who chased the cliffs and analyzed how many of these strong men, and how many treasures they would have in the hundreds of sacred peaks. After all of them have been destroyed, they will be able to get at least dozens of pieces of the day after tomorrow.

"This is a world of chaos, it is really my blessing."

Xiang Yang Yue was more surprised and surprised.

The day after tomorrow, the treasure is absolutely rare in the Pangu chaotic world. It is estimated that there are not dozens of pieces added together. However, in this exotic world, there are only a few hundred pieces of Yasheng’s hands that can make up dozens of pieces. The treasures of the day after tomorrow, it is hard to imagine that there are so many treasures in this world.

"It seems that the river of destiny has left me here in this world. It is not a big danger for me, but an opportunity."

Xiang Yang’s face is smiling, and he is thinking about himself. He has come to the world very hard. This time, he must make a big profit, at least kill dozens of chaotic saints, steal hundreds of pieces of innate treasures and even Chaos to treasure and then leave.

Xiang Yang is not worried that he can't leave. He knows very well that the river of destiny is in his own body. When the time is gone, when someone breaks through sanctification, the river of destiny will rush over and he can follow the fate. The river followed the past.

"It's not right. If this is the case, don't you say that no matter who is sanctified in the future, I will be brought to the world by the river of destiny. Then I still have freedom?"

Suddenly, Xiang Yang screamed and his face became iron.

"what happened to you?"

The three guys who formed a small alliance with Xiangyang squinted at Xiangyang.

Because of Xiang Yang’s screaming, they all looked back at Xiangyang, and everyone’s attention was on their small group.

The three guys were secretly stunned, and each one was particularly upset. They knew that they would not be with Xiangyang. The teammate who was looking for it temporarily was not reliable.

After all, the three of them are not powerful among the many great saints. Their original idea is to fish in troubled waters, and wait for those who are the strongest to kill and live with the cliffs, even after they have died.

Therefore, like Xiangyang, they followed this group of sub-strong men to kill the cliffs, but they did not fall into the final, and they followed the middle.

Who ever thought, because Xiang Yang suddenly yelled, making their plans unworkable, and instantly became the most dazzling existence among the people.

"What are you doing with this bastard?"

The guy in the middle whispered.

In his heart, he was very upset about Xiang Yang, but he did not dare to speak out loud, for fear of becoming a target of public criticism.

Xiang Yang’s face was innocent. “I didn’t do anything. I just suddenly remembered that the fruit of my planting outside the cave had already matured. It was originally intended to be used for winemaking, and I forgot it.”


The three guys almost burst into flames. Even the guy who talked a lot with Xiang Yang also looked at Xiang Yang. "You don't hurt us. If you become a target, you can't escape."

"I didn't do it first, and I didn't show any baby. How could it become a target of criticism?" Xiang Yang looked indifferent.

Anyway, in the end, I have to arrange the next squad, and all the sages of the sages will be destroyed, even if they become the target of the public.

"Be careful, otherwise, if something happens, don't blame us." The three men looked at Xiangyang coldly at the same time.

Xiang Yang said with a smile, "In this case, our alliance will be scattered."

Anyway, I will also start to kill these three guys. Afterwards, I will be familiar with it. Xiang Yang will feel embarrassed to start, but now it is better to disperse.

"Okay, wait a minute, don't blame us for not feeling good."

The three were also very decisive. They realized that Xiang Yang was weird, taking advantage of this opportunity to separate from Xiang Yang, and then away from Xiang Yang, and never approached Xiang Yang.

As a result, Xiang Yang became a person himself. He did not care. Anyway, he followed the crowd to the cliff. He did not take the initiative to take the shot. It’s clear that I’m going to start the cliff with the most sturdy Yasheng.

"The cliff, don't run, stop, you can't run."

One of the whole body is surrounded by black runes, and the young man with a screaming scream screams. He holds a sword of the level of the sacred treasure, while chasing the past toward the cliff, it is a sword.


This sword broke out, and an unparalleled sword appeared in the air, and instantly smashed toward the cliff.

Not only him, the ten strongest Yashengs also shot at the same time, some are volley attacks, while others are offering their magic weapons and directly suppressing them toward the cliff.

The speed of the cliff is fast, and it is also impossible to attack with these powerful players who are not as strong as his weaker.

He couldn't help but turn around and shouted, "I dare to chase me because of you?"

"Give me to die."

While roaring, a black big bow appeared in the hand of the cliff. After the appearance of this big bow, the horrible black flame burned in an instant.

This is the fire of chaos, but it is also very powerful, is the flame that can threaten the strong people of the chaos sage level.

After the appearance of this big bow, the cliff did not stop at all, directly pulling the bowstring, dozens of black flames condensed into arrows, and instantly whistling out, shooting the past and the magic weapons that bombarded him.


At this moment, these attacks and magic weapons were all blocked, but after the cliff paused for a while, it was also stopped. His whole person was surrounded by the strong of the dozens of Yasheng peaks.

"It is the black **** bow, this is the magic weapon of the innate treasure level. The cliff is the strongest of the chaotic sage level that has been shot by the black **** bow."

"Be careful, the flame on the black god's bow is a fire of chaos, and it's powerful and powerful. Even if the chaos is shot, it can't be stopped."

"This guy is ready to fight."


After everyone saw this scene, the sub-strong men who had followed closely followed each other and spread away, but everyone was very acquainted to form an encirclement, trapping the cliff.

The innermost encirclement is the strongest of the dozen or so strongest sacred peaks. Their cultivation is powerful. Although they are not comparable to the cliffs, more than a dozen are united, and their magic weapons are also the same. Not weak, but the momentum is very strong, there are more than a dozen people united, not afraid of the black bow of the cliff, directly trapping the cliff.

"The cliff, let's just let it go."

One of the strongest people in the realm of Yasheng Peak said.

"Lizhan, do you have this qualification to deal with me?"

The cliff was holding a black bow, and he looked at these guys without hesitation. His face was sneer. "Do you think I was in front to escape?"

"Mo Cliff, read what you once knew, you hand over all your treasures, and I will let you go."

The strong man named Lizard ink held a squadron and said slowly.


"Mo Cliff, although you are the top ten Tianjiao, but it does not mean that your strength can rank in the top ten in our Panyu chaotic world. Now, if you can't be sanctified, you have no value, if we If you don’t deal with you, the saints will also shoot. The sages will cost you the things you cultivate on your body.”

"The cliff, you have lived for tens of thousands of years. Even, many of your own treasures have been taken from other people. You should also be aware of the rules of our world. The strong are respectful and talented. The hope that sanctification can be cultivated, and those who have no hope of sanctification are destined to be abandoned, and you are not to struggle."


The strongest of the dozens of sacred peaks all sneered at the cliffs, and they have already taken the cliff.

In the past, they were afraid of the cliff, because the talent of the cliff ranked in the top ten, claiming to have the hope of becoming a chaotic sage, there are countless saints behind.

Nowadays, the breakthrough of the cliff is doomed to be sanctified. Not only did the sacred priests who originally supported the cliff leave, but even the master of the cliff also gave up on him. By default, these sacred sages went hunting the cliffs and got everything from the cliff. .

What else are you afraid of?

Practice is to fight against the sky. They have reached the peak of Yasheng. As long as they can get everything on the cliff, they can be replaced with confidence, and it will not be long before they can become chaotic saints.

To this end, even if it is known that the strength of the cliff is very strong, they are very likely to fall into the process of competition.

"You, you all have to die."

After the cliff was silent for a while, it was raised, and there was an infinite murder in his eyes.

Although he failed in sanctification, he is still the top ten arrogant. His prestige is not brought up by some people, but by his own strength.

Moreover, everyone has forgotten that although he failed the breakthrough, he has already succeeded in eighty or ninety percent.

At this moment, the cliff is stronger than before. His strength is actually not weaker than any chaotic saint, but there is no final detachment.

"Since the entire chaotic world has abandoned me, then I have no psychological burden. After destroying you, I will kill all other people who are killing me. I will not believe that I will not be sanctified. ""

There was a cold and cold killing on the cliff, and slowly said, "Since it is impossible to sanctify properly, then I will prove that I am the strongest chaotic saint."

"not good..."


When the dozens of strong men realized what was happening at this time, the cliff had already been shot, and the black bow in his hand did not move. However, with him as the center, a corner map emerged and spread out in all directions, and instantly Everyone is covered in it.

The murderous murderous moment broke out.

Author Meng Yu said: Today four chapters

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