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Xiangyang and the magic fairy walked side by side. They walked like a leisurely walk. They met the majestic mountains and stopped to watch the scenery. They also stopped to watch the encounter with the Haotian Waterfall. They also curiously gathered in the strange scenery. Go ahead.

The two stopped and stopped, walking in the chaotic world of Panyu.

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

As they walked through the ground, they could be seen everywhere. They would also help each other when they saw the road. When they saw some cute little animals or plants, they would also take it.

Although the scope of their walking is only a very small corner in this chaotic world, it has made Xiang Yang have a rough understanding of Panyu's chaotic world.

"The Panyu chaotic world is actually similar to the Pangu chaotic world. No, it should be said that there is not much difference between the big worlds that have been opened up in chaos. Although the world's living beings have different places, but the overall The same is similar, even the mountains and rivers, in fact, there are similar places."

Xiang Yang thought in his heart, suddenly felt that if he really destroyed the chaotic world of Panyu, would he become an aggressor in the hearts of the powerful people in the chaotic world of Panyu?

Just as Pangu’s chaotic world was invaded by Panyu’s chaotic world, everyone who knows is talking about aliens and discolors. He feels that aliens are a very hateful world, but if you invade Panyu’s chaotic world, even when you are The strength is strong enough to directly destroy the origin and the heavens of the whole world. What about yourself?

At the same time, Xiang Yang couldn't help but sigh and looked at the magic fairy and asked, "What can the fairy know about the world in the battle with the Panyu world?"

"Are you talking about an exotic world?" asked the fairy.


Xiang Yang lost his mind for a while. In his own heart, the Panyu chaotic world is a foreign world. However, in the heart of the Panyu chaotic world, the Pangu chaotic world is exotic.

All of this can only be said to be different.

"Xiangyang brother, what's wrong with you?" The magic fairy looked at Xiangyang curiously. She found that every time she talked about the exotic, her very cool and talkative Xiangyang brother would be silent for a moment.


Xiang Yang whispered softly. "It should be a foreign country. However, I heard that the world is called the Pangu chaotic world. It is the same as the Panyu world. Even in the legend, the strong people of the Panyu chaotic world invaded the ancient chaotic world. Want to devour the ancient chaotic world...呜呜..."

When Xiang Yang’s words were not finished, they were stopped by the magic fairy.

Xiaotoutou looked at Xiangyang’s mouth nervously, nervously looked around, whispered, “Xiangyang’s brother, this can’t be said indiscriminately, after some time was discovered, or after monitoring the saints in the world, We can die."

Xiang Yang blinked, arranged some arrays, isolated all the explorations, and then opened the little girl's hand holding his mouth, curiously asked, "What is this? Why are there saints to monitor the world? In order to prevent me from saying these words?"

The magic fairy looked at Xiang Yang, and the small face with a tangled color, could not help but say, "In fact, it is not a big thing, just heard that after the war, some exotic creatures sneaked into our world, thinking Ways to walk some news that is unfavorable to our world, trying to divide the ordinary creatures of our world, so there are saints who monitor the world and destroy those who spread rumors, but how many people are killed and how many are left Next, no one knows, or even, it is said that there are still some descendants of the exotic world left in our world. If we say good things about the exotic world, if we are accidentally treated as descendants of the alien world, then we will be finished."

At the same time, Xiao Shantou looked at Xiang Yang seriously. "Xiang Yang brother, promised me, I can never say anything about foreign countries in the future, or else I can't save you even if I can."

"Okay, then don't say it, the province will be tired of the time."

Xiang Yang smirked and promised, and his heart was a dark road. "In the past, Pangu’s chaotic world actually had strong people staying, but I don’t know if anyone is still alive...”

Just as the strongest of Panyu's chaotic world entered the Pangu chaotic world, it created a source of civil disturbance in the world of Pangu in the Pangu chaotic world, which erodes the Pangu chaotic world like a tumor.

If the Pangu chaotic world can also create such a mess in the chaotic world of Panyu, maybe this can cause unexpected damage.

Just, it’s too hard.

Xiang Yang shook his head and did not continue to think about these things. Instead, he smiled softly and continued to move forward.

They entered a city. The city's customs and customs are somewhat similar to the Pangu chaotic world. This makes him feel amazed and even feels that he has come to a small world in the Pangu chaotic world.

"Xiangyang brother, we have a good rest and rest. After a while, Wudao Mountain is open. We can go to Wudao Mountain to play and play, maybe we can enlighten and realize the realm of saints."

The magic fairy smiled and held the arm of Xiang Yang.

This girl is small and cute, very clever. If she is not the creature of Panyu's chaotic world, Xiang Yang may like her and treat her as her sister.

However, he understands that the magic fairy is the arrogance of Panyu's chaotic world, and it is still the top arrogance. It is destined to exist in opposition to the Pangu chaotic world in the future.

He must not have any affection for the magic fairy.

Then, after they entered a restaurant and ordered a table to eat, the two chatted about the sky while eating, and at the same time, watching the people on the side of the street come and go.

For all of this, they have experienced it many times during this time, and there is nothing strange about it.

Xiang Yang listened to the chat with the people who ate in the same restaurant, and said that there was a ride with the magic fairy. The magic fairy suddenly asked, "Xiang Yang brother, your repair is definitely not weaker than me. What kind of pulse are you from?"

"I am just a mess."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice.

Ask yourself which is the originator of the pulse, and where do you know it?

Although in the Pangu chaotic world, he claimed to be the descendant of ‘that pulse’, for the people of Pangu’s chaotic world, the words “that pulse” are supreme.

But in this world, who knows you ‘that pulse’.

At this time, I still acted as a mess.

"Xiangyang's brother is so strong, it is just a mess, and Xianer is really unexpected." Xianer said softly.

"The practice of scattered repair is too painful." Xiang Yang is not only as if he has exhausted all means to practice to the present level.

"Wu Daoshan is open. If we can find a yin and yang to realize the Taoist fruit, it is possible to enter the chaos of the saints. From then on, Xiangyang's brother can be sanctified as an ancestor."

The magic fairy extended a small hand and gently grasped Xiang Yang’s hand, with a love in his eyes, whispering.

Feeling the coolness of the magic fairy's little hand, Xiang Yang's heart trembled, he knew that the magic fairy seemed to feel himself, which made his heart feel very tangled.

Only after knowing the magic fairy for a month, during this time, the magic fairy actually looked at himself. What should he do? Is it a direct decisive rejection of this gimmick, or is it just that?

If you really reject this gimmick directly, you may even reveal your identity.

Moreover, there is a yin and yang enlightenment on the Wudao Mountain. If it is really what the magic fairy said, the two will get together and then enlighten themselves. It is even possible to raise the realm to the sage, which makes Xiang Yang heart.

He silently said, softly laughing, "Enlighten the mountain to open, definitely have to take a good look, but now eat first."


The magic fairy smiled happily. She didn't know what Xiangyang thought in her heart. Instead, she smiled and looked at Xiangyang while eating something.

After the two had finished eating, they went shopping together in the city. When the time was almost the same, they moved directly and appeared at the foot of the mountain.

Wu Daoshan, in the chaotic world of Panyu, is also a very strong forbidden place.

In the mountains, there are three chaotic saints sitting in the town, but these three chaotic saints are only to guard the tree of enlightenment on the mountain, to prevent the Taoist tree from being destroyed. Usually, these three chaotic saints will not appear.

When the two appeared, hundreds of thousands of sacred strong men gathered at the foot of the mountain.

They all waited for Enlightenment Hill to open, and when they could go up the mountain, they rushed up.

However, at this moment, there is no peace of content. Because who can get the fruit of the Tao on the mountain of Enlightenment, it is not relying on the competition, but on the opportunity, that is, luck.

Enlightenment Tree is a living creature. It is said that it is the avenue of the avenue. It will take the initiative to select others. If someone can be seen by the Enlightenment Tree, it is even possible to give all the enlightenment fruit by Enlightenment Tree.

As long as the Enlightenment Tree does not look at each other, even if all the people are killed, only the last person will stand in front of the Enlightenment Tree, and the Enlightenment Tree will not manifest itself, nor will it give you the Goose Fruit.

Moreover, the opportunity on the mountain of Enlightenment is not only the opportunity to realize the Tao, but it has also evolved into a grand meeting of the Tao. This is a grand meeting for the Asian holy.

Innumerable enlightenment on the mountain to seize the opportunity, hope that you can get the fruit of the Tao, but also sit on the ground, and can also benefit from mutual exchange.

After Xiang Yang knew this from the magic fairy, his eyes glowed, and he laughed and walked forward. He was very enthusiastic about sitting with a group of young people who were enlightening and began to talk to them.

"You, the Tao can be said, can not be named, the Tao is not the way, can not be described, but also visible, my way, is a force to break the law, I call it the power avenue, I am invincible, a punch, let you hold It’s impossible to break my defense after the day.

Xiang Yang laughed and said.


At the same time, he directly banged out, suddenly, the front of the void directly hit him a black hole.

The people around him were secretly scared after seeing them, but they were not convinced in their hearts and they spoke.

"My way is to be supreme, and all kinds of gods communicate with each other. Is it comparable to some savage husbands?"

"My way is a sword, a sword is thrown out, and all power and magical powers must be broken."

"My way..."

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