Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3148: The real holy place (five more for Huahua)

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"Oh my God, a million super heroes in the world of the big heavens, this... Where are the so many strong people from this kid?"

"A million people..."

"The body of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak, the blood is so magnificent, it is terrible."

When the emergence of the Million Order Guard, everyone was stunned, not only the daughters, Yang Wanjian, but even the sacred monks in the nine-day heavenly palace of the sacred heavens, Daozu and Sanqing, etc. The same horrible smell of horror.

"This kid has secretly developed a strong player of this strength, not bad."

Xiang Yang’s master, who is his grandfather, has a smile on his face.

Although they know that Xiangyang owns the Qiankun Ding Ding, but they do not know that Xiang Yang actually used the Qiankun to refine the tower of the body repair, and cultivated the physical training of the millions of Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak.

We must know that Pangu’s chaotic world, in order to deal with the chaotic world of the exotic Panyu, has directly carried out all the physical and mental powers above the Da Luo’s territory in the entire world, in order to train them. Become a secret weapon to deal with foreign powerhouses.

Because of the war in the same year, because of the traitor of the gods in the foreign world, it is almost the same as the various magical techniques of the Pangu chaotic world. Only the physical repairers have the greatest threat to the foreign strong.

Therefore, the trotters and the soul of the society will be able to make special training for the bodybuilders of the great Luo, so that the practice of practicing the above-mentioned Daluo is interrupted, mainly because they are afraid of being left in the fairy world by the gods and the exotic. After thorough research, people made arrangements specifically for the Pangu chaotic world.

Nowadays, the strength of Xiang Yang’s men has so many strong people who are physically and mentally versatile, and it’s an unexpected surprise.

"This kid is really beyond our expectations."

When the chaotic saints of the heavens sensed the power of Xiang Yang’s men, they all showed gratitude.

They did not interfere with Xiang Yang, and even Daozu also took the initiative to help cover all the secrets of the lower bounds, so that all the strong can not see through the lower bound universe.

"The guard of order, I have seen the master."

The guardian of the order of millions, the strong body of the millions of bodies repairing the earth of the nine heavens, they are wearing uniform system armor, holding uniform soldiers, all respectfully bowed to Xiang Yang.

Such a scene is absolutely shocking, even if it was the Suzaku and Yang Wanjian who had been shocked by the zombies in the sacred place, it was even more stunned at the moment.

"This kid..."

Suzaku looked at Xiang Yang with a dull look, and her look was very complicated.

When I first saw Xiang Yang, Xiang Yang was still only a comprehension, and she was already the existence of the Da Luo Mo Zun Peak. Today, only a few decades have passed, and Xiang Yang’s strength has surpassed. She did not say, even, even so many strong men.

Even in the heart of Suzaku, she had already regarded Xiangyang as the existence of her younger brother. She regarded the entire Qingxue Universe Group as her own home and regarded the women as her relatives.

At this moment, the Suzaku woman was also shocked by Xiang Yang.

"He really grew up."

Suzaku’s heart sighed, Xiang Yang grew up, and her pressure was much smaller.

Originally, all the pressures of the entire Qingxue universe group were on her body. She faced the gods of the heavens and faced the strong people of all the heavens and bounds. She needed her to bear it, so even her cultivation was Growth is fast, and she doesn't feel enough until she becomes a chaotic saint.

Now, she is relieved, and the whole body is completely relaxed. She knows that she can practice well and be sanctified.


The Suzaku woman has reached the final stage.

She once went deep into chaos and got the true inheritance of the immortal bird, which made her heritage grow indefinitely. In addition, the secret help of Xiang Yang’s masters made her cultivation soaring. Now it’s time to prove. The juncture of the Tao.

However, before this, she did not dare to retreat, because the entire Qingxue universe group, although there are more than a dozen chaotic World of Warcraft guardian, but these guardian beasts are not smart enough, simply saying silly It is still impossible to truly protect the Qingxue Universe Group.

Therefore, even if her cultivation has reached the point of sanctification, even after she saw the Taoist tree, she was very surprised. She knew that she could take the last step when she practiced for a period of time in the tree of enlightenment. The sermon is sanctified, but she still does not dare to retreat.

However, this time, after seeing the foundation of Xiangyang, she realized that she could break through at any time.


As the Suzaku woman relaxes, she feels that she can finally retreat for a while. At the same time, when she relaxes, the road moves with her heart. Her body has a sacred morality that spreads out, making Xiang Yang’s eyes bright and can’t help. Excited to see the Suzaku woman, "Congratulations to my sister, I will soon prove that I have become a sage."


Yang Wanjian was originally standing next to the Suzaku woman. He did not sense the sage rhythm that was sent out from the Suzaku woman. At this moment, after listening to Xiang Yang’s words, his expression changed greatly. He looked at the Suzaku woman with amazement and only felt that the Suzaku woman The breath turned out to be beyond him, and he had a feeling of incomprehension.

"Shengwei, she really wants to break through."

"God, even this Suzaku must break through, and I, the Juggernaut of the invincible hands of the heavens and the realm, can not break through to become a saint, certainly Xiangyang, this guy is unparalleled, everything can be It is definitely the son of the whole world of the heavens. I just want to make a good relationship with him, and I can break through quickly."

Yang Wanjian’s heart is in a mess, and he feels that he should have a good relationship with Xiangyang.

At this time, Suzaku smiled and said to Xiang Yang, "It is still early, and it takes a while to see if it can really impact the chaos of saints."

"Sister is assured that it will definitely impact the chaos of the saints."

Xiang Yangchang smiled and took out nine yin and yang enlightenment fruits in one go and sent them to the Suzaku woman. "Sister, this is the yin and yang sacred fruit that grows on the tree of enlightenment. You take it down, and after all nine are used up, It’s almost as good as sanctification.”

After the Suzaku woman took over the fruit, she sensed it and looked at Xiang Yang with a strange look. "Do you let me alone take this enlightenment and realize the road?"

"Yeah, what happened?"

Xiang Yang’s face looked at Suzaku with an incomprehensible color, and realized that she could not be alone.

Some time ago, he was in a place of emptiness, in order to be able to comprehend the roads of the sub-sacred strongmen who were obtained in the chaotic world of Panyu, and to take a few more enlightenments in one breath.

Facts have proved that the effect of Enlightenment is very good. He almost comprehend the strongest of those who are the great saints. The rest are some useless, or they overlap with others. .

Suzaku's face looks strangely at Xiang Yang. "Yin and Yang realize the fruit. Naturally, it is necessary to integrate yin and yang, and you can truly realize it. You don't even know this point. I really don't know how much you have wasted by yourself."

At the same time, she seemed to be a sly look with a white eye. "When you have time to come to me, we will take care of the fruit and retreat."


Xiang Yang stunned, remembering that in the chaotic world of Panyu, the magic fairy also said that if the two get the yin and yang to realize the Tao, they can realize the same, and then they may break through to the chaos sage at the same time.

At that time, I didn’t care. After I got the Taoist tree, I took all the enlightenment fruits from the Taoist tree. Because there are so many, there are hundreds of them, so I didn’t care. I ate as much as a snack. Enlightenment, the result now seems to be that I have used it wrong.

He laughed a few times and looked at the Suzaku girl. The latter gave him a white look and gathered the Gou fruit. He said to Xiang Yang, "You will gather together with your sisters and then come to me."

While talking, he no longer pays attention to Xiangyang, but directly returns to the branches of the Enlightenment Tree, and gives a gift to the Enlightenment Tree, and then continues to retreat to enlighten the Avenue.

Xiang Yang looked at Suzaku's white eyes and couldn't help but stunned her heart. In her heart, "Suzaku's sister actually wants me to join her with her understanding. It won't be....hey..."

At the thought of this, he had a little boy who was like a newborn, and met a super beauty who appeared in front of him. The first time he felt that kind of heartbeat, he felt that his heart could not stop.

"Xiang Yang."

At this time, Yang Wanjian suddenly appeared in Xiangyang's side. He was very excited to hold Xiang Yang's arm and said loudly, "I want to worship your brother with you. From then on, you are my brother. We will die together." ""

"What do you say?"

Xiang Yang frowned and looked at Yang Wanjian. The old guy suddenly made a crazy madness. He suddenly said that he had to worship his brother with himself, and he had to die with his own life. Think too much.

"Brother, when I first saw you, I had a strong feeling in my heart. I knew at the time that you must be the brother of my life, but I didn’t say it right away because I was afraid that it would be too sudden. To you, but this time, I decided, I want to tell you about your heart, we are going to worship the brothers, taking heaven as a guide, we become brothers and sisters."

Yang Wanjian was excited to look at Xiang Yang. He thought for a long time and felt that the only way he wanted to get along with Xiang Yang was to become Xiangyang’s brother.

However, this person has always been relatively lonely. Don't look at him for millions of years, but he doesn't know how to lie. When he talks, he is dry and makes people know what he is saying. The ingredients are too fake.

Xiang Yang looked at Yang Wanjian with a strange look. "Do you believe that what you said is true?"


Yang Wanjian stunned, and this was reflected. His words seemed to be too rigid. However, he really wanted to be Xiangyang’s brother, and he touched Xiangyang’s air, so that he could prove himself. Chaos saint.

He smiled awkwardly and said to Xiang Yang, "I, I really want to be with you..."


His words have not been finished yet, Xiang Yang was almost scared by him. "Don't tell me, I am impossible with you, I have a group of wives, I love my wife, who do you like, yourself Go, yes, Xiaobai’s wife, Yiyi?”

While talking, he quickly looked at Bai Yu.

"Boss, Yiyi is in the clear snow universe group." The white feathers in the rear originally looked at this scene with a smile. At this moment, when Xiang Yang cared about his wife, he was moved and said quickly.

"That's good."

Xiang Yang nodded, then glanced at Yang Wanjian, who was on the sidelines. "Don't talk, I am afraid that if you speak again, you will fly out."


Yang Wanjian was unhappy and felt that he had been hit hard by a million points. When he felt the rich sacredness of the Suzaku woman on the back of the tree, he was in a hot heart and wanted to continue to have a relationship with Xiangyang.

However, at this time, Xiang Yang did not want to pay attention to him, but looked at the women. "Good wife, the leaders of these order guards are all acquaintances of everyone, and what to do directly tell them."

While talking, gently swaying, the leader of the orderly guard, the twelve brothers, the wolf king, and the Weir, all stood up, and they respectfully bowed to the women, "I have seen you."

The girls nodded, they were no strangers to the three, and there was nothing to be chilly.

"You are stationed near the Enlightenment Tree with the guard of order, and let the Enlightenment Tree open up a separate space for you to practice."

Xiang Yang said to the three.

Enlightenment tree is the root of the chaotic sacred level of Hongmeng Ling. Its ability is very extraordinary. Although it does not make a world, it is very simple to open up a space in the place where the enlightenment tree shines.


The guard of order did not follow the principle of Xiang Yang’s command. They all flew to the tree of enlightenment. They arranged the ranks neatly and orderly, and they were more orderly than the fairy tales. I don’t know how many times I am strong.

Then, Xiang Yang shouted out the two old Chaos and the small gold Chaos Warcraft. These two Chaos World of Warcraft have been practicing in the Promise of Immortality. At this moment, the body shape has been reduced to only a million feet, but they are The momentum has reached a very terrible degree, even if Yang Wanjian met, he was shocked.

As a result, there is no one in Xiangyang’s Promise Xianfu. Of course, his first demon avatar is still practicing in the Promise.

He did not immediately accompany the women back to the Qingxue universe group, but after considering the half a mile, he took out the entire Wuji Xianfu and directly placed the Wuji Xianfu under the tree of enlightenment.

"Since then, the Promise Immortal is the place where everyone practiced. The Tao of the Taoist Tree can also enter through the Promise Immortal. Within the Promise, there is endless energy and various places of practice, and time is accelerating. One day outside, the tens of thousands of years in the Promise, and it will not affect the enlightenment of heaven, this is the true supreme holy land."

Author Meng Yu said: Today, five more, ask for flowers...

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