Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3155: The creation of the Nine Avenues

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In the chaotic void, a space warship was captured by her. Among them, several young people appeared. It was the fifteen princess who was killed by the killing, the fire is invincible, Wu Wangwu Wuji, Yu Wang Qingkong, Jianwangjian, no evil, Xiangfeng and others.

Yes, before the killing of the road to catch the Tao Lin, the other brothers of Xiangyang were all taken away.

However, it is still good that the 108-year-old elders who killed the sinisters seized the friends of Xiangyang only for the purpose of holding enough chips to deal with Xiangyang, and did not really have any friends with these Xiangyang.

"Are we all right?"

At this moment, whether it is invincible, or Wu Wang and the Princess of the 15th, all look at the situation in the field.

After they were seized by the 108 elders who had been killed for no reason, they were still on the battleship, but they were banned and repaired, making them very puzzled. They did not know whether they should seize themselves and others. doing what.

Later, everyone knew each other and found that when they were all brothers of Xiangyang, they were all stunned.

Some people have to deal with Xiangyang, so they put their minds on them, and these brothers of Xiangyang will be gone. Even the fifteen princesses are also arrested.

They can only wait for Xiangyang to save them. Whoever thought, it was not long before they were released, and it was not Xiangyang who saved them.

"You, you are all fine, go back."

Xiang Yang’s father Wen Sheng said.

"Thank you for your help."

The princess and other princesses glanced at the 108 elders who were trembling and stumbled on the ground. They naturally understood that the pair of men and women had saved themselves and hadten their salute.

"No, no polite, you were arrested for my son. We should save you out."

Xiang Yang’s father said with a soft voice.


A few people are all stunned, Xiangyang’s parents!

The two powerful and unparalleled existences in front of him turned out to be Xiangyang’s parents.

They were staring at Xiangyang’s parents. For a moment, they didn’t know what to think and they didn’t know what to say.

At this time, Chi Xueyun glanced at the 108 elders and said coldly, "I still don't roll out my son's redemption, what are you doing here?"

"Yes, let's go right away, go right away."

The 108-year-old elders in the face of Xiang Yang’s mother did not even dare to breathe. When she heard her words, she continued to gimmick and then left at the fastest speed.

Throughout the whole process, a group of sages of the gates looked at the 108-year-old elders who died. They simply couldn’t even say a word.

The sage is going to let go of the 108 dead elders, who will dare to oppose it?

Moreover, the most important thing is that everyone knows the identity of the two, Xiangyang’s parents.

Of course, the identity of Xiang Yang’s parents is actually nothing. If you don’t know that Xiang Yang’s mother is the daughter of that one, there is nothing shocking.

The most important thing is that after the 108 elders who killed the way, everyone guessed the true identity of Xiang Yang, and even understood that Xiang Yang’s mother is very likely to be the legendary one. daughter.

In this identity, even if Xiang Yang’s mother is not a chaotic saint, the strongmen of Daomen do not dare to have any dissatisfaction with her words.

Even if Sanqing came, I would like to respect this estimate.

"The birth of the strongman is your own thing, what to do next, you solve it yourself, aging mother, coughing... we will leave first."

Later, Chi Xueyun’s mother glanced at the strongman of the door, and said very rudely.

"Yes, I am waiting for the sage."

Some people at the place, including the Aya Strong in Daomen, all respectfully bowed.

Red Snow Cloud nodded with satisfaction, and then she looked at the Nine Avenues and said with a soft voice, "I brought my two daughter-in-law to the Jiu Di Mountain, and your nine old men were counted. Polite, give you something."

While talking, gently waving, nine lights directly into the body of the nine avenues, and then, she no longer speaks, and Xiang Yang's father holding hands volley, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"this is..."

When Nine Avenues sensed the things that Xiangyang’s mother, Chi Xueyun, had passed to them, they were all very surprised.

"The foundation of sanctification!"

"God, I am waiting for sanctification."

“Thank you for the saint... the Saints are blessed.”


For a time, Jiu Dao Zun excitedly bowed down to the direction of Xiang Yang’s parental theory.

Xiang Yang’s mother, Chi Xueyun’s reward for the Nine Avenues, turned out to be the foundation of sanctification, and it was a singularity, and it was still a person’s glory, that is, they had the qualification to be sanctified.

You must know that the simplest way to open the world and want to be sanctified is to use the power of heaven to sanctify and become a saint.

Today's Sanqing, the emperor and other chaotic saints are the ancestors who gave the red and purple sanctification.

Although there is no glory, it is possible to be sanctified by itself. After all, the former Taoist priests, the sages of the heavens, the Pangu gods, etc., have no sacred sacredness.

However, it is sanctified without the help of Hongmeng Ziqi. This is a peerless arrogance, and no one can do it.

Although Daomen Nine Avenues has been following this road for a long time, it is only a way of turning into a sub-sacred place, that is, hoping to become a chaotic saint.

But they know that it is too difficult. Although they have reached the limit in the path of chemistry, and want to make further progress, it is almost impossible to enter the chaos of saints.

Their acquired talent limits their growth.

However, with Hong Meng Zi Qi is not the same, they can be sanctified.

Nine Avenues did not think of it anyway. They were because the mother of Xiangyang’s mother, Xue Xueyun, was the one who did not dare to refuse Sun Qingya and Monica, and personally received the apprentice, and she got such a rich return. This is a return that has changed their way of doing business.

With Hong Meng Zi, their road to sanctification is in front of you, how can you not be excited?

After seeing the other Yasheng strongmen of Daomen, they all looked at the Nine Avenues with envy in their faces.

Sanctification, this is the ultimate goal of any practitioner, especially after the restoration to the sub-Holy, all their efforts are to become a chaotic saint who is immortal.

However, sanctification is too difficult, and it is difficult to see hope.

For the Nine Avenues, their roads have been paved, and even the door to sanctification has appeared. Just push the door and walk in and you will be completely sanctified.

After they were excited, they looked at the crowds of the Afro-Asian strong, and then looked at the strong people who watched the bustle outside. After a moment of indulgence, the first priest said, "The door is temporarily closed."

After all, the nine avenues also shot at the same time, and opened the gates of the gates again.

Everyone from the outside world couldn't see what happened next to the door. They stood in the air and watched the door that had raised the protective cover. They all sighed.

This giant behemoth, the most powerful existence in ancient times, is now stronger.

Not only because of the birth of more than a thousand Yasheng strongmen, but also because the mother of Xiangyang gave the foundation of the nine avenues to the sanctification at the last moment, it is even more likely that there will be nine chaotic saints in the gate.

In this way, it is not a source of Taoism, even if Sanqing and Daozu are not counted in it, if there are nine chaotic saints in Daomen, what a terrible existence?

If there is no such killing to attack the gate, I am afraid that the foundation of the gate will be unknown. Not only that, but the nine-avenue of the gate may not be able to get the foundation of sanctification.

However, people who watch the lively can only envy them. Not everyone is a nine-way lord. It is impossible for anyone to get the foundation of sanctity out of thin air. They can only envy and then turn away.

At this time, inside the gate, Jiu Avenue Zun, even the other Yasheng strong people could not attend to say hello, and very enthusiastically called the Tao Lin.

"Lin Xian, you have also cultivated to Da Luo Seven Heavens this year, and you are near the realm of Eight Heavens?"

The first priest asked very eagerly and looked at Lin Xian.

"Returning to the road, Lin Xian dumb, repairing is still stuck in the seven heavens, it is really embarrassing." Lin Xian answered a little nervous.

He really didn't know that Jiu Dao Zunwei was so good to himself, and he was nervous. He thought that Jiu Dao Zun was prepared to settle for himself after the fall because he had to find trouble in the past.

"It won't be dull. You are the way of my door. The talent is the amount that few people can compare. At a young age, it has reached the peak of the big seven heavens. How can it be dull?"

The fifth Taoist continued to talk.

"Yeah, Lin Xian has ten good children. I want to treat him as a close disciple. What do you think?"

The first sigh sighed and said.

"It is extremely polar."

"However, I think it would be better to accept Lin Xian as our common disciple. I should train him well. In this way, after we are sanctified, he will have nine masters of saints. This is the best."

"I agree."


All other Taoist priests also catered to, and all agreed to collect Lin Xian as a disciple.


After Lin Xian listened to it, he was embarrassed. At the same time, Jiu Daozun had to accept himself as a disciple. How does this sound like a dream?

The status of the disciples of Jiu Dao Zun is very honorable in the Daomen. This point, from the two gimmicks of Sun Qingya and Monica, become the disciples of the Nine Avenues, they can be rampant in the gates, no matter who bullies No one dares to resist and can see it.

Needless to say, now that the Nine Avenues have reached the foundation of sanctification, they can immediately become a chaotic saint. If they can become their disciples, they will become the pro-disciples of the nine saints. What a glorious thing?

Although Lin Xian is the Taoist Taoist, his identity is worse than that of the disciples of Jiu Dao Zun.

He only felt that his head was awkward. Nine Avenues did not pass his consent. He took his hand and announced to the door. "Since then, I will save one, except Sun Qingya and Monica. The disciple is the Taoist Lin."

“Congratulations to the Tao, congratulations to the Tao.”

"Congratulations to the Tao, congratulations to the Tao."


For a while, the strong people below all continually congratulated, Lin Xian felt as if he was in a dream, and did not know what it was.

The nine avenues are satisfied with the smile. They glanced at Lin Xian, and they were deeply impressed. This is the brother of Xiangyang, who can cultivate it in the future.

Even Xiang Yang’s mother gave the nine foundations of sanctification, will Xiangyang be worse for his brother?

Lin Xian, the future will become the tenth saint of today's Taoist.

Moreover, Xiang Yang’s achievements will certainly exceed that of others. Now, to cultivate Lin Xian well, it is equal to paying good Xiang Yang. This is absolutely not wrong.

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