Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3158: Mother-in-law (five more flowers)

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"Which is such a rough sword?"

When Xiang Yang found out that his father was full of the sword, he suddenly blinked, his face was depressed, and it was reasonable to say that his talent was so high that his father could not compare himself. It will not be weak where to go, whoever thought, his sword broke out, and it was full of loopholes.

"Hey, my father doesn't work hard, my son is sad, it seems that I should teach you a good job."

Xiang Yang sighed and felt that he really should teach his father well, and he must not let him be so abolished.

At the same time he sighed, this time he did not continue to use his mouth to breathe into the invincible sword river to fight his father, because he was afraid that his father would be too much attacked by himself, and the heart would be damaged. Really do it once, so that your father knows that he has already started, instead of defeating him in one breath.

At the same time, Xiang Yang reached out, and the index finger and **** of the right hand were pointed into a sword, and suddenly they went down with a sword.

"Bad boy, this sword made by Laozi, although it can't be compared with the father-in-law of the father-in-law, but it is also powerful, absolutely not what you can crack."

At the moment, in front of Xiang Yang, his father’s face was smug, and this sword was under the power, and it was full of power. It seemed that even the cosmic floods had to be opened by him.


However, the smug smile on his face just disappeared after a short while. When Xiang Yang shot, the sword that broke out among the **** of Xiang Yang was earth-shattering, with a terrible sword. Going down, his face changed.

"Do not..."

Xiang Yang’s father was stunned. Xiang Yang’s shot, he knew that he couldn’t stop the sword of Xiangyang. Compared with his sword, his son’s sword seems to be perfect, no matter how he looks for it. Flaws, can not find the defects in the other side of the sword, can not be broken.

Moreover, he wants to avoid it, but he can't avoid it, which makes him feel chilly.

"My son, he, his kendo..."

Xiang Yang’s father felt that his heart was full of malice, his son’s son was full of malice to himself, and his strength was so strong that he did not say it earlier, but he deliberately taught himself in front of so many people.



However, it is useless to feel uncomfortable in his heart, because at this moment, Xiang Yang shot, a sword smashed down, and instantly smashed his sword, and then squatted directly on top of his head.

Just listening to the ‘Dangdang’, Xiang Yang’s father only felt dizzy, and his son’s son was really ruthless.

He stood in the same place and touched his head. He wanted to see if his head was still there, but found that both Xiang Yang and his wife and daughter-in-law looked at him with a smile.

He suddenly understood that he did not seem to be smashed.

But what is the feeling of dizziness?


Seeing his father's face with a stunned look, Xiang Yang couldn't help but feel a little flustered in his heart. It wouldn't be a blow, and shattered his father's heart.

At the same time, Xiang Yang’s heart was a little flustered, and he quickly stepped back a few steps toward the rear. Then, before his father reacted, he rushed straight toward the direction of the Taoist tree, shouting loudly in his mouth. Thanks to the guidance of his father, the child has deep understanding, and should immediately go to retreat, hoping to break through the father's guidance to become a chaotic saint."


In the blink of an eye, Xiang Yang disappeared directly into the Promise Immortal House under the Enlightenment Tree. Even in order to prevent his father from catching up, he directly closed the Promise Immortal.

"Bastard kid."

"Inverse, I dare to beat Laozi. This is not tolerated by nature. It is too much."

When Xiang Yang left, his father’s face showed an angry color. He was crazy and roaring. He wanted to take out the pressure as a father to suppress Xiangyang. As a result, he could not find Xiangyang.

He can only squint in his eyes, thinking in his heart, this time his face is really lost, but the strength of his son seems to be really powerful.

"I should have been practicing for a while now."

Xiang Yang’s father whispered in his heart and was overtaken by his wife. After all, his wife’s gene is excellent, that is, the daughter of that, the heavens and the world, and even the whole chaos, no one’s Genes can be stronger than their wives, but their own sons, but their own species, have surpassed themselves, which is a bit unreasonable.

"Do you know that your strength is weak?"

At this time, Chi Xueyun looked at Xiang Yang’s father like a smile.

"I saw that he was my son's share and didn't want to hurt him." Xiang Yang's father said with a muffled voice.

At this moment, he did not have the same refined manner as before.

"Oh, the dead duck is hard."

Chi Xueyun taunted his man unceremoniously. However, when she found out that the latter’s face was awkward, she did not continue to say anything more, but said with a smile, “Go, go to the tree and enter the Promise. During the retreat in Xianfu for a period of time, this spiritual environment created by the son is very suitable for you. Maybe you can enlighten and sanctify under the tree of enlightenment."

"how about you?"

Xiang Yang’s father looked at his wife. Although he did not have any machismo, he still felt very uncomfortable when he was surpassed by his wife and son.

At this moment, when I saw my wife let me go to retreat, he did not immediately agree to it, but he already agreed.

"I naturally want to have fun with my daughter-in-laws. We will live in the Qingxue Universe Group in the future. Right, let Xiaoyang and my baby daughter-in-law have a few big fat boys. At that time, I can play with my grandson every day."

Chi Xueyun said with a smile.

"Okay, then, I am going to retreat."

Xiang Yang’s father wanted to stay with his wife, and by the way, look at how powerful the Qing Xue universe group that these daughter-in-laws have made over the years. Even the fairy world has the reputation of the Qing Xue universe group.

However, remembering that the most important thing for you now is to cultivate well, and to be sanctified is the right way. So, after he said it, he flew directly toward the tree of enlightenment.

"Stinky boy, open the door quickly, Lao Tzu goes in to practice sanctification."

However, when Xiang Yang’s father came to the Promise Xianfu, he found that the gate of the Promise Immortal Palace was closed tightly, and even the prohibition was opened. He almost suffocated.


Xiang Yang came to avoid him. It is impossible to respond to him whether he heard him or not.

"Xiaoyang, open the door and let you go to practice for a while, rest assured, even if he is sanctified, it is not your opponent."

Or Xiang Yang’s mother, Chi Xueyun, couldn’t see it, and said.

"who said it?"

After Xiang Yang’s father heard it, he was dissatisfied and made up his mind. After he was sanctified, he must take back the majesty of the head of the family.

"Mom, you still have a sight, I didn't think about it."

At this time, the gate of the originally closed Promise Xianfu was instantly opened. Xiang Yang’s figure appeared from the Promise Xianfu. He smiled and glanced at his father and looked at himself. Mother, smiling to the father, said, "Father, practice, I will come to educate me after you are sanctified, or else you are too weak, it doesn't mean to fight."


Xiang Yang’s father was about to vomit blood. He snorted and glanced at Xiang Yang. “Kid, it’s crazy, you wait, wait until Laozi is sanctified, just hit your ass.”

"Oh, I am waiting." Xiang Yang smiled disdainfully, instead of looking down on his father, he really felt that his father could not be his opponent even if he was sanctified.

He walked out of the Promise Immortal Palace and passed through his father. He thought about it and passed on the most essential part of the avenues he had obtained in the foreign world to his father.

Then I swayed and left.

Xiang Yang’s father snorted, his heart was warm, and the dark road was worthy of his own son. Although he in turn educated himself, he still gave himself something useful.

At the same time, he made up his mind in his heart. This time he must prove his sanctification. Otherwise, he will never come out.

You must know that his wife can give the foundation of the nine avenues to be cherished. He naturally can't use it. As long as his realm is enough, he can be sanctified by the red and purple.

Xiang Yang’s father went to retreat and went to practice. Xiang Yang was laughing and coming to his mother’s side, laughing and saying, “Mother, the boss is not working hard, less sorrowful, I can do it, Can the father be sanctified at this time, but see his luck."

"It’s almost enough. You can almost prove that he is sanctified, right. These are the sorrows of the people. Together, you will be useful when you are sanctified in the future."

When Xiang Yang’s mother, Chi Xueyun, said, he reached out and there were countless purple rays flowing in his palm. This is the most precious sermon in the chaotic world of Pangu and even the whole chaos. The introduction, Hong Meng Zi Qi, known as the foundation of sanctification.

"Where is it so much?"

Xiang Yang’s eyes widened, and he had to reach out to catch those humilis, but his mother turned his hand and did not give it to himself.

She glanced at Xiangyang. "You don't need to be ignorant, don't mess, or you can't control yourself when you get it. When you get it, you will be directly sanctified. These are for my daughter-in-law." of."

At the same time, she slammed the bullets and bounced them all to the women. Not only did the women who had already confirmed the relationship with Xiangyang had a bliss, but even Suzaku and Zheng Yunqi also had a Hong Meng Ziqi.

Suzaku’s face with a sly color, whispered to Xiang Yang’s mother, “Sister, I, I’m just Xiangyang’s sister...”

"I am the mother of Xiner, nor is it..." Zheng Yunqi also spoke. She sighed in her heart. Although she has been with the women all the time, she has been keeping a distance from Xiangyang. Her heart is intentional, however, she also knows that she and Xiangyang are impossible.

"It's all good, it's a good girl. I understand your mind. It doesn't matter. It will always happen in the future."

Xiang Yang’s mother said with a smile, then said to the women, “Women, take the mother to go and have a look.”


"Wow, let's take the lead, we must have fun with the mother."


The daughters who are usually in the middle of the Qingxue universe group, in front of Xiangyang’s mother, are incarnate as a little girl, rushing to take the queen of the queen toward the clear snow universe, even, Even the Suzaku woman is also around.


Xiang Yang looked at it all and stunned. When all the women disappeared in front of them, he reacted and seemed to have been abandoned.

The author said: "Today's five is over, Valentine's Day is here, do you have to send flowers to your dreams...

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