Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3160: Divine world

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"Three eyes, you can't do it. You just met a **** king. You almost got beaten. I rely on it. Without Xiangyang, can we not refine the gods?"

Among the gods, Sun Monkey ran wildly with Yang Lan, and in their rear, there was a **** who was tearing the void to chase him up.

Sun Monkey and Yang Lan originally wanted to wait for Xiang Yang to enter the realm together, but later, they found that Xiang Yang was taken away by the river of destiny. I don’t know when I can come back, they can’t wait, it’s very simple. Directly into the realm of the gods, ready to kill the remaining ten gods of the gods, and then thoroughly refine the heavens and origins of the gods.

However, what they didn't expect was that they had just entered the realm of the gods. So, they encountered the most difficult space among the gods and gods. The king of God led a large number of space gods to intercept and kill themselves.

They don't know whether it is an accident or someone in the realm of God has already known that they are going to enter the realm of the gods to destroy the gods and refine the gods?

However, after a lot of killing, they killed a number of gods. Under the heavy burden of this space, the gods were seriously injured. The third eye was almost the **** of the space. The king gave a blow, and under the last resort, Sun Monkey could only escape with Yang Lan.

They want to escape from the realm of the gods, return to the fairy world and take a rest for a while and then make a comeback, but when they rush to the passage, they find that the passage has been blocked.

There is only one passage from the Divine Circle to the Immortal World. It is precisely because of this that the All Saints of that year were able to seal the Divine Realm, so that the mighty of the Divine Realm could not enter into the realm of the heavens.

Of course, perhaps in the past few years, the gods have opened up other channels, but Yang Lan and Sun Monkey do not know, they only know that their only passage to the fairy world has been blocked, and the space of the gods It's a bit weird, even the chaotic voids outside the space are blocked, just like the iron-iron bones, so that they can't go deep into chaos.

As a result, they can only escape.

However, the pursuit of the two is a god, the strength of the other side is strong, even if the heroes of the heyday, Yang Lan and Sun Monkey are not the opponents of each other, let alone after the war, both of them are deep Affected by the damage, Yang Lan even had no ability to do it.

"This is a bit of an end."

Sun Monkey sighed helplessly.

Behind him, Yang Lan was working to restore his injury, and he sighed. "Wait again, when I recover, we will kill it and destroy this god."

"You have said this many times. Every time we kill, you are seriously injured."

Sun Monkey sighed, Yang Lan has said more than once that he wants to kill back. Every time Yang Lan has recovered, the two will turn around and kill. As a result, that space is the number that Shen Wang once again waved between him. The hundred main gods were released, directly condensing a strong array of methods to kill them.

The two have been very reluctant to deal with a god, not to mention the gods who are fighting against this space system.

"Then keep running."

Yang Yu said with a muffled voice.

"When is it a head?"

Sun Monkey sighs, but fortunately, his tendon cloud itself is a **** technique, and the speed will not be slower than that of the space god, so that if his speed is slower, The two are estimated to be finished.

"When the project is coming, it will do."

Yang Lan said comfortably.

"He doesn't know whether he is dead or alive." Sun Monkey was helpless. At that time, he said that the good three brothers went forward together. Everyone went into the realm of the gods, and all the gods and kings were destroyed. Then he ate the meat and coughed. The gods and the heavens were swallowed up, and everyone went together to become a chaotic saint.

As a result, the two of them were fighting in this godland, but Xiang Yang did not know where to go.

"Run it..."

At the same time, the two still fled in vain. In the realm of the gods, Zhao Gongming and other sacred patriots who escorted the five-party Tianyu also encountered great troubles in the realm of the gods.

They met the enemies of the Lord God, and the number of these Lord Gods surpassed them, two or three times their size.

You must know that this time, in order to **** the super-Tianjiao of these real fairy peaks, come to the gods to hunt down the Lord God, to test these people and pick one of them from the strongest.

This time, the Wufang Emperor and Zhao Gongming's Yashengqiang, but there are thousands of people, it can be said that it is the power of most of the Yasheng that can be transferred in a short time.

Together with the Tianjiao of the true fairy peaks of the 100-day Tianyu, each of these Tianjiao is the existence of the Sanctuary of the Kambia, and this power can be said to be very powerful.

However, in the realm of the gods, the number of their main gods is beyond the imagination of many people. Thousands of masters of the main gods are arranged to wait for them.

At the first contact, Zhao Gongming’s strong side suffered heavy losses. In the end, they still smashed the encirclement.

However, what made them feel uncomfortable was that after they broke out of the encirclement, the civil strife started again, and the hidden gods among them broke up and began to kill the companions around them. For a time, they suffered heavy losses.

In this way, no one knows who is surrounded by the companion who is the Lord God, who is trustworthy.

As a result, everyone almost dispersed and fled, no one believed anyone.

"This is a big problem. We seem to have to be completely annihilated."

The Wufang Emperor and Zhao Gongming were gathering together, and they sighed with a helpless look on their faces.

"We brought the team to the realm this time, in fact, it was to find out those gods."

The central emperor Li Shentong has a cold color on his face. "This time, the Fengyun gathering, most of the main gods will gather here, especially the Yasheng strong, they will take the initiative to go to the gods, sacrifice five It’s worth it to bring out hundreds of true immortals, plus thousands of Yasheng, to be able to bring out some of the most powerful gods in the world of the gods."

"Spirit, don't talk."

Zhao Gongming shouted.

This time the decision was made by the saints of the heavens. If it is as true as Li Shentong said, then everyone is too chilling.

Xu Tian, ​​the Emperor of the East, also said, "This time the situation was not expected by everyone. Moreover, I believe that since the chaos of the heavens has made this decision, it is sure that it can cope with this situation. Absolutely It is impossible to let me wait for each other to be separated and then be killed one by one."

"Amitabha, everyone, what should I do now?"

The Western Heavenly Emperor, who is now a Buddha of the Supreme Buddha, has no sorrow on his face, but a faint opening.

"Who knows, there are no gods in the gods, we don't know, oh, according to me, everyone is better off. See who is cool and save the other person. See who is upset, simply ask for it. Wherein, they have returned to the fairyland."

It is the northern emperor who said this. He is a bohemian temper. At this moment, because of his dissatisfaction, he speaks directly. When the voice falls, he is ready to turn around and leave.


However, the Northern Emperor had just set off. Suddenly, the Southern Heavenly Emperor, who had been standing by According to him, shot out, and the most powerful attack broke out toward him.

"Bastard, what are you doing?"

Everyone's face changed dramatically.

The northern emperor seemed to have known it for a long time. His body was volleyed and he immediately escaped the attack. He laughed and said, "I finally brought you out. I know that the Five Emperors are absolutely One is the main **** of the gods, it turned out to be your old guy."

The emperor of the Southern Heavenly Emperor was a phoenix. He was also not very famous during the ancient times. However, the rise of meritorious deeds in the aftermath of the war, coupled with the powerful power behind the Phoenix family, made him the Southern Emperor.

After becoming the Southern Emperor, he was even more treacherous in dealing with the war. He managed the southern celestial world very well. However, no one thought that he was the main **** of the gods.

"Huang Huang, you are too disappointing." Zhao Gongming looked at the Southern Heavenly Emperor. At this moment, the Southern Heavenly Emperor burned a horrible flame, and a horrible atmosphere broke out.

His cultivation has reached the limit of the sub-saint, and only a little bit can completely enter the chaos of saints.

"Huang Huang, you turned out to be the Lord God?"

The other great emperors also looked at this guy in the same way, and did not expect to have the existence of the Lord God in the Five Emperors.

You must know that the Five Emperors of Heaven were hand-picked by the chaos of the heavens of the year. Even among them, there will be a separation of the Lord God. Then, who else can't be the avatar of the Lord God?

"The Lord God is separated?"

After listening to the Southern Heavenly Emperor Huang, he laughed loudly. "Is there such a point in the eyes of the ants? The king is the king of the gods, not the so-called main god, hahaha."

"You, everyone is a friend, and today the **** of the king is waiting for the road."


At the same time, the Southern Heavenly Emperor said that he would not answer the other people and directly erupted the strongest attack. In the crash, he directly went to the Northern Emperor to kill.

"I rely, what do you do against me?"

The Northern Emperor yelled, and he did not show mercy, because he was a water practitioner, and the water and fire were relative. Although the two were not enemies in the past, they were not good friends. It is even more earth-shattering, and it has directly erupted with the most powerful force to kill it.


After Zhao Gongming and the other three parties met with the three emperors, they all had sighs on their faces. They did not think of it anyway. There was actually a **** in the five emperors, and they were also gods.

"You, kill, since it is the king of the gods, they will kill him together."

Later, Zhao Gongming took the lead and he directly held a sword to kill him.

If the Southern Heavenly Emperor is the lord of the Lord, with the cultivation of the Northern Emperor, it is naturally evenly matched with the Southern Heavenly Emperor. However, the Southern Heavenly Emperor is the prince of God.

God King, that is the powerful existence of the chaos sage, even if it is only a avatar, it is not the North Heavenly Emperor can deal with.

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