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"Grandpa, you are the owner of the family, you should get the inheritance of the family. Today, I will return the inheritance of the project to you." Xiang Yang whispered at the same time, directly in the hands of the overlord The blade is in the hands of the father of the item.


"Good weight."

The overlord's blade is seven feet long, and I don't know what material I used to refine it. It weighs thousands of pounds. At this moment, once placed in the hands of the old man, there is a weight like a mountain. After the suppression, the old man was almost overwhelmed by the overwhelming defense. Fortunately, his repair was a breakthrough in the Jindan period. He had a real element running, and he was able to hold the overlord's blade. His face was full of horror. Whispered to himself, "If it wasn't for me that I had just broken through to the Golden Age, I would have been crushed to death by the previous one."

Although the strength of congenital perfection is the most powerful in the secular world, it is only the lowest level in the realm of comprehension. In addition, the lord is not a foreign practitioner. If he is still a great conscience, one is not Under the circumstance, it is really possible that it will be crushed to death by this tyrannical warlord. Fortunately, he has reached the Golden Age, and the body is not ugly.

Xiangyang’s mouth has a faint smile. “My family’s practice is overbearing. The overlord’s blade is the inheritance of the family. Naturally, the word “overbearing” is used to the extreme, if it is weight. If you don’t reach a level of horror, how can you be overbearing?”

"This is true."

After listening to the old man, the man nodded with an understanding smile on his face, but his smile was a bit reluctant. After all, he almost made a foolish appearance in front of his grandson, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

"Grandpa, taking advantage of the power of the world, the power of the world has not yet dispersed. I will help you refine the battle of the overlord. You can quickly get the inheritance, and then you can take this opportunity to practice, and maybe you can make another breakthrough. "Xiang Yang looked at the original light column of the old man, although the old man has finished the cultivation, but the original light column is still there, this can not be wasted.

The power of the source is a great fortune for anyone. Although the lord has already condensed Jindan, there is no way to condense the original Jindan of perfection, but continue to absorb the power of the source to cultivate, but it can also be his own. The strength has once again improved, surpassing the general masters of the same realm.


After listening to the old man, the face suddenly showed hesitation, and then shook his head gently. "This treasure is the inheritance of my family. My repair is too low. I should not put it in my hand. Children. Grandpa of your heart understands, but this treasure is still given to the ancestors."

"This is what I am looking for. I want to give it to anyone." Xiang Yang was not happy when he heard it. In addition to his parents, his closest person is naturally his grandfather. If the treasure does not give to his grandfather, he will not be willing to whom, even if the other is the ancestor of the family.

"But..." The lord is very concerned about the thoughts of the ancestors. After all, he has always been a good-natured owner of the family. The concept of respecting the family's elders has penetrated into his heart, even though he is very eager for the overlord. But first thought of the ancestors of the Xiang family, I think that if there is a good thing, it should be handed over to the ancestors, otherwise it would be a bully to destroy the ancestors.

"There is nothing wrong with it. Since this treasure is bought by the kid, and you are the owner of the family, it is natural that you should get it. From now on, the inheritance of the family is naturally placed in the family patriarch. On the body." Just as the old man was indulging, a voice with a smile came over, and the old man turned his head and looked at it. It is the oldest ancestor of the Xiang family, the strongest of the Yuan Ying period. .

The old ancestor still sat under the light column of cultivation. While practicing, his eyes looked back at the warlord's blade in the hands of the old man. He whispered, "How many years have passed, finally seeing it again, really good. ""

"The ancestors, this treasure is the magic weapon of the tyrants of the tyrannical ancestors. You are the only son of the tyrant's ancestors, and you should naturally have your income."

The father of the project is busy to take the overlord's blade to the ancestors.

"Remember, you are the owner of the family, the master of a family. The inheritance of this family should be in your hands. This cultivation has nothing to do with the generation, even if it was In the hands of my father, it is also because my father is the patriarch of the family. Therefore, Hugh will talk more nonsense, and quickly refining and getting the inheritance inside. If you have the heart, you only need to pass the family’s inheritance to you. We will do it one or two." The ancestors of the Xiang family squinted and smacked the temper of his ancestors.

The overlord's blade, this is the inheritance of the family. If the ancestors don't want it, it is impossible. However, the key is that this magic weapon is given to the family by Xiangyang, and it is still directly From the here, the ancestors of the Xiang family have already understood that he must not covet this magic weapon. Otherwise, it will definitely cause Xiangyang’s dissatisfaction. Today’s Xiangyang is not the same as before. The ordinary descendants of the family regard it, and his every move will affect the future of the family, and he must not be as cautious as his family.

Although there were not many times with Xiangyang, the ancestors of Xiangjia also had a bit of understanding of Xiangyang’s personality. He knew that Xiangyang was definitely a kind of lawless person. If he was not happy, even if he was not happy, It is useless to be the ancestor of the family.

Moreover, Xiang Yang’s current strength is the most crucial thing. The ancestors of Xiang’s family just realized the horror of Xiangyang and even provided them with heaven and earth. They still don’t understand why Xiangyang can control the creation of heaven and earth. They provided the power of the source, and the heart actually raised a sense of awe in Xiangyang. Therefore, when he saw Xiangyang directly giving the fighter to the father, he quickly stood up and showed his attitude.

"Grandpa, the words of the ancestors are orders, you can't help but listen, and the repair of the ancestors has reached the peak of the Yuan Ying period, just by the power of this source to break through to the expiration period, you can not let He was distracted, and he promised to come down soon." Xiang Yang was very satisfied with the words of the ancestors of the family, and then he took the opportunity to talk to the father.


After listening to the ancestors of the family, he suddenly pointed his head. However, he looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes with a look of hope. His repairs have indeed reached the peak of the Yuan Ying period, but he wants to break through to reach the flood season. You are such a simple question. Even if you have the power of the source, it is not easy to break through. Otherwise, there will not be so many monks in the gates that you can’t break through to the expiration. .

After seeing that Xiang Yang was able to manipulate the rules of heaven and earth to give birth to the power of the heavens and the earth, the ancestors of the family raised their hopes for a breakthrough in their own strength. It was derived from the hope of Xiang Yang, who was already stuck in the Yuan Ying period. At the peak of the millennium, I saw that Shouyuan was going to run out. If I hadn’t broken through to the expiration period, he could only run out of life and die. So he looked at Xiangyang’s The eyes are full of hope, and it can be said that all the hopes of his breakthrough are all in Xiangyang.

"The old ancestors went to practice and adjust their own state to the peak state. Then, if necessary, I will help myself." Xiang Yang also understood the ideas of the ancestors of his family. His eyes looked at the ancestors of Xiangjia. I gently nodded. After the latter met, I was so excited that I gave Xiang Yang a look that was 'all by you', and then quickly sat down and entered the state of cultivation.

After Xiang Yang saw the eyes of Xiang’s ancestors, he suddenly became speechless. This old guy was really fighting for his ability to break through the cultivation. He even turned his eyes on himself. However, Xiang Yang had already decided to help. The ancestors of the ancestors broke through to the expiration period. Because a family and juniors are not enough to make breakthroughs, at least they need to be guarded by a strong strongman. In today’s Xiangjia, the ancestors of the Xiangjia ancestors are the highest. After he broke through to the expiration period, he was barely able to have enough strength to protect the family.

"Grandpa, let go of your mind, I will help you refine the battle of the overlord." Xiang Yang made up his mind to help the ancestors to break through to the expiration period, he is looking at the lord.

"it is good."

Originally, the father of the lord was full of love for this tyrannical warlord. Since even his ancestors let him refine, he naturally did not reject the truth, so he immediately began to refine with the warlord.


Xiang Yang’s mind was moved, and a small part of the body’s power directly turned into the energy of the seven kings of the overlord. The mighty power broke out and directly carried the power of the heavens and the earth into the body of the lord, helping him to refine the battle of the king. blade.

The strength of Xiang Yang can be said to have reached an earth-shattering level, and his strength is also enhanced all the time. In this blink of an eye, the effort has reached the peak of the peak period of the fit, plus he is the former overlord. The master of the blade, who is familiar with the warlord's blade, is very helpful in this way. Helping the master to refine the warlord's blade is a light-hearted road. In the blink of an eye, he helps the master to complete the preliminary refining process, and, in this process. In the middle, the lord also got the inheritance of the seven battles of the Overlord.

The seven-hit of the Overlord is both a combat skill and a practice method. It is the cultivation practice of the master’s realm on the foundation of the overlord. After the father’s inheritance, the body of the body is extremely fast. Rotating, all the energy began to run with the command of the seven kings.


A high-level practice can often determine the difference between the strengths of the two practitioners in the same realm. Just like the old man, he is now practicing only the martial arts of the family, the tyrannical law, although it is equally extraordinary. However, it is only for the secrets of the secular world. It is not really a very strong practice in the realm of comprehension; and the seven-hit of the Overlord is an upgraded version of the 'Overlord Law', which is the applicable gold. The practice of cultivation above the Dan period, and it is still a powerful and unconventional method. When the old man transforms the exercises into the energy of the seven-hit of the Overlord, his cultivation will have a very big leap.

"Grandpa, run the exercises, integrate the source, I will help you improve Jindan." After Xiang Yang lowered his voice, he repaired it and broke it out. He helped the master to refine the battle of the fighter, and directly helped the master to practice. At this moment, the mighty power of the same origin, together with the power of the origin, broke out and turned into a trend that directly rushed toward the body of the lord.


With the help of Xiang Yang, Xiang’s father was shaking all over the body, and a powerful and unmatched force broke out. His whole body shone with silver brilliance, and the part of the silver that broke out in Xiang Yang’s hand flashed alternately. It is the breath of the law of the seven kings of the Overlord. With the help of Xiang Yang, the energy in his body is rapidly transformed into the high-level energy of the Seven Commandments of the Overlord.

"The strength of this kid is really strong."

Not far away, when the ancestors felt the exuberance of Xiangyang, he suddenly felt his heart and heart, and he was more confident that Xiangyang could help him break through to the expiration period.

"Boom... ancestors, it’s coming to you."

After a while, in the eyes of Xiang's ancestors, Xiang Yang's figure flashed in front of him and finally began to help him break through.

"Good... haha..."

Author Meng Yu said: The second chapter is late, continue to write the third chapter

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