Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 828: You think too much (please ask for flowers)

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In the sky, Xiang Yang still closed his eyes, his body burst into a horrible energy atmosphere, and the fascinating nine-colored light burst out, and the mighty power flowed through it.

This colorful light is almost the light of the origin of the heavens and the earth, and his own power is so insignificant compared to the temporary uplifting power, but in the process, his body' The Heaven and Earth Oven' is also running wildly, and it has swallowed almost endless powers of the heavens and the earth, making the strength of Xiangyang itself constantly enhanced. However, although his strength is strong, he is far from being able to cooperate with the origin of heaven and earth. Compared to the force.

"Does his strength continue to continue to improve? What kind of greatness did he get?"

Seeing that Xiang Yang’s body is getting stronger and stronger, it seems that there is never a tendency to stop. The giants of Daomen have retired and even retired hundreds of miles away, even though they are separated by hundreds of miles. Without affecting their sight, in their gaze, Xiang Yang’s body is full of scent, just like a real fairy, this is the true supreme power they have never seen before, even if it’s in the clouds. They have never felt such a strong atmosphere on the flying body.

"Good and strong..."

All the giants of Daomen are trembled, especially the patriarch of Tianjianzong, the master of the most powerful fighting power. He is repairing the kendo. It is reasonable to say that a sword heart has already reached the level of fearlessness. However, when he faced Xiang Yang in this moment, he was scared and trembled. It is really the smell of Xiang Yang now too strong.

"I rely on, boss, is this the rhythm of becoming a fairy?"

At this time, among the family members, all the original light columns on the top of the head disappeared. After a long period of cultivation with the power of the source, almost all of the breakthroughs have already been broken. Even the white feathers have already broken through. As for the swordsmanship in the same realm as the Golden Age, as for those who are too low, even if they have the help of the source, they will not improve in the realm. In the end, they will not be able to break through to the Golden Age, and they can only give up. .

At this moment, the origins of the world in this world are all injected into the body of Xiangyang, and the will of heaven and earth is no longer empty to control other people.

Everyone in Xiangjia’s family was staring at Xiangyang, who was full of dazzling nine-color light in the sky. Although they didn’t know the extent of Xiangyang’s at the moment, they knew that Xiangyang definitely reached The realm that they can't imagine.

At this moment, everyone in the Xiang family trembled with enthusiasm, especially the younger generation of young people, when they looked up at Xiangyang one by one, the hot light in their eyes, even to Xiangyang’s Worship has surpassed anyone they have worshipped in the past.

"This is my brother. I can't think of my Qingfeng's life. I can have a fairy-like brother. This is the blessing of my life."

Among the people in the Xiang family, Xiang Qingfeng, who has already broken through to the congenital state of the realm, has now stared at Xiang Yang in the sky. In his eyes, Xiang Yang at the moment is too strong. It can even be said that it is already strong enough to make his heart tremble.

This is really earth-shattering. Even if you tell Xiang Qingfeng that Xiang Yang is more powerful than the immortal at this moment, he will believe it.

Xiang Qingfeng is a relatively inconspicuous one among the third generation of Xiangjia. His qualifications are not very good. With his own cultivation, in his life, even the innate realm can't break through. After Yang, he was trained as a constant breakthrough under the guidance of Xiangyang. Nowadays, because of the coming of the power of the source, after absorbing the power of endless source, the repair has not only broken through to the innate realm, but also directly reached The extent of terror in the late days.

Of course, among the whole family, not only Xiang Qingfeng, but the other generations of the younger generation of the family have made a breakthrough because of the benefits of the power of the heavens and the earth, although not everyone’s repair All of them have broken through to reach the innate realm, but even the weakest has reached the level of horror of the peak of the day after tomorrow. It is conceivable that after a while, the repairs of these younger generations of Xiangjia have all grown up, the whole item The development of the family will reach an unprecedented level of prosperity.

Because the foundation of the third generation of the family has surpassed most people in the world, they are building the foundation with the power of the source. Even the disciples under the top of the comprehension of the real world can not be the chance.

This is the foundation of the real rise of the future. As long as the three generations of the project have really developed, after a hundred years, the Xiangjia will become the top level of the door.

"The boss, this is the real big brother of my family."

"The boss."


Everyone in the younger generation of Xiangjia raised their heads and looked at Xiangyang with a madness. For them, Xiangyang, who is like a real fairy in the sky, is too strong. The image of Xiangyang, who shines, has penetrated into the hearts of all the people in Xiangyang.

"I have a unicorn in my family."

The second generation of Xiangjia, who is the uncle of Xiangyang’s generation, looked up one by one and looked at the dazzling radiance of Xiangyang in the sky, all excited and trembling. The second generation of these families, almost every one of them has broken through to the extent of congenital perfection. Even, an uncle of Xiangyang, the previous cultivation has reached a master who is infinitely close to the innate level of perfection. After getting the help of the source of the source, it even condensed Jindan, becoming the first master of the Jindan period, except for Xiangyang, who did not know his father.

"What kind of creation did this kid get? He went straight to the sky and became a fairy. Is this too horrible?"

A group of Jin Dan Yuan Ying ancestors of Xiangjia also had their eyes wide open and incredulously looked at Xiang Yang in the sky. At this moment, among the ancestors of the Xiang family, several of them had already reached the peak of Jindan. The masters of this time have already broken through to reach the level of the Yuan Ying period. Some of them have not achieved breakthroughs in the big realm, but they have also made breakthroughs in the small realm. Even, it can be said that the current Jindan period of the Xiangjia Among the masters, no one is less than the late Jindan, and the weakest is the later stage of Jindan. Even most of them have reached the peak of Jindan. Only when their mood is reached can they break through. The super strong in the Yuan Ying period.

The ancestors of Xiangjia’s hearts are very clear. The reason why they can possess the power of the origin of the heavens and the earth is all the reason for Xiangyang. The shock that has brought them has been very robbed, but at this moment, Xiangyang’s body belt The power of destroying the earth and destroying the earth can even be said to be truly earth-shattering. While their hearts are shaking, they have raised a sense of awe in Xiangyang. This is a respect for the strong.


In the sky, Xiang Yang still bursts into the colorful light of the whole body. The void around him has all collapsed. This is not shattered by him, but the power of the world that emerged from the void to squeeze. Broken, and the power of the origin of the embarrassment broke out, the mighty power of the world circulated among them, and the infinite power of the world continued to flow into the body of Xiangyang, making Xiang Yang’s cultivation seem to be unrestrained. The same as climbing.

"It should be equivalent to the power of the real immortal."

Inductive to the body came a powerful and unmatched power, coupled with his own body has felt a feeling of pain, Xiang Yang could not help but tremble, he said in his heart, knowing that his current power has broken through The limit that the comprehensible can reach reaches the real realm of immortals.

"I am afraid, even now the brothers can't compare with me in terms of energy." As soon as he thought of this result, Xiang Yang suddenly had an excitement in his heart.


However, at this time, Xiang Yang’s body suddenly heard a broken voice, and his expression suddenly changed.

"what happened?"

Xiang Yang’s heart trembled. When he had not figured out what was going on, he only listened to the sound of '咔嚓' and thought of it. This was transmitted from inside to outside of his body, and then it was a sharp pain. Passed from the whole body.

"Oops, it has reached its limit."

Xiang Yang’s face has changed greatly. He knows that today’s strength has surpassed the limits that his body can bear. If he continues, his body will probably directly explode. He looks at his own hands. Seeing a crack in the hands of crystal clear glass, it is conceivable that his whole body has become like a hand, all filled with cracks, just like the porcelain that is about to be broken.

"Stop quickly."

Xiang Yang’s heart was screaming, and a will was spread directly through the void. Suddenly, between the silent and the silent, the void of his body was instantly healed, and the power of the origin that emerged constantly stopped. It is obviously the will of heaven and earth. Directly stopped the power of Xiangyang to deliver the source.

“It’s already very good to be able to reach the level of the fairy just a little bit.”

At this moment, Xiang Yang’s mind came with the voice of the will of heaven and earth. Although this voice was dull, Xiang Yang heard the amazement in it. Obviously, with the body of Xiang Yang, there is no will in heaven and earth. Under the special protection, I was able to withstand such a strong source of power, so that the power that he could burst out reached a level comparable to that of the heavens, and it was also very pleasant for the will of heaven and earth.

"There is no break up."

Xiang Yang didn't say anything, looking at the cracks in his body, he suddenly showed a guilty color, just if it wasn't that he reacted quickly, and if the heavens and the earth would withdraw the power in time, I am afraid there is no more. This person has already been blown into pieces directly.


While talking, Xiang Yang has a nine-color real thing, which is the power of the origin, but also his own strength. Anyway, at this time, the power of his body has been integrated, even if he himself does not divide Whether these forces are clear is the strength of their own cultivation or the power of the source.

A powerful vitality broke out among the nine colors, which is the power of the wood attribute among the powers of the nine attributes that Xiang Yang is responsible for, representing the power of the origin of life. After the whole body, all the cracks in his body recovered instantly.


Then, Xiang Yang's whole body broke out with a ray of light. As soon as he made a fist, he felt an amazing power flowing in it. He couldn't help but show his excitement and whispered. "Good strength, I can feel if If the whole force breaks out, the entire worldly world will not be able to withstand it."

"you think too much."

When Xiang Yang’s low-pitched voice just fell, suddenly a cold voice rang in his ear, and then the void in front of Xiang Yang was distorted. A white glamorous beauty was like a emptiness. Stepping out of it.

Author Meng Yu said: The third chapter, ask for flowers.

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