Early the next morning.

Li Chengqian lay down on the table listlessly, staring blankly at the podium.

His eyes were bloodshot, and his eyelids were fighting all the time. If he hadn't been determined to hold on, he would have fallen asleep a long time ago.

Last night, because of writing code, Li Chengqian stayed up late.

It was after three o'clock in the middle of the night that he finished writing the code and completed the writing of the core part of the new operating system.

After his modifications and additions, this new operating system core runs extremely efficiently, and can tap 100% of the computer hardware's capabilities.

10 times faster than the core of liunx!

20 times faster than Windows core!

However, this is just an operating system core, not an operating system!

Even because most of the code was written in assembly, even if Li Chengqian posted the code on the Internet, few people could understand it.

Li Chengqian has a detailed plan for this operating system.

In addition to the core code, the new operating system has five modules, namely the file system module, the memory transfer system module, the network module, the process scheduling module, and the inter-progress communication scheduling module.

After all the modules are developed, it can be used as a complete operating system.

"One month, I need a month to finish writing this new operating system!"

"I have to find a way to ask for leave from the school. Sitting in the classroom every day like this is a waste of time." Li Chengqian widened his eyes, trying to support his increasingly heavy eyelids.

In the end, he failed!

Drowsiness hit, and I couldn't hold it anymore.


Li Chengqian's eyelids were closed.

He has completed all the high school courses, and he knows the contents of the teacher's lectures clearly.

It's just because listening to the class can gain experience points, so he has been insisting on listening to the class carefully, and he is reluctant to waste a minute of time.

But after working as a farmer and a worker.

There are more ways for him to gain experience points.

If you let your hands and feet go, the peasant profession will go all out, and you can get a lot of experience points in a day.

Even if he is not currently a strong worker profession, when he writes the operating system at home, Li Chengqian can still get 1,000 experience points per hour.

After completing the writing of the core hardware scheduling module of the operating system yesterday, he even got a lot of experience rewards.

Therefore, the way of gaining experience points by listening to lectures has become less important.

Seeing Li Chengqian lying on the table and starting to sleep, Jian Qingli shook her head with a sneer on her face.

"After the second-model exam, Li Chengqian returned to his previous appearance."

"I guess I feel like I have no hope!"

"Anyway, I will be assigned to the aggressive class."

On the podium, teacher Wang Jianjia is giving a lecture, and the content of the lecture is the English test paper for this time.

The content is difficult, so Mr. Wang Jianjia lectured very carefully.

When he saw Li Chengqian sleeping directly on the table, she frowned unhappily at first, and then sighed in her heart after thinking about the school's classification policy this time and Li Chengqian's grades.

"Forget it, this child must be very sad now, I'd better not provoke him."

"Hey, Li Chengqian, a few days ago, he worked so hard and earnestly in class every day."

"Being hit by the school's classification policy, I lost all enthusiasm for learning."

The time for a class is not long, and it will pass quickly.

After the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Wang Jianjia did not leave directly, but walked down from the podium and walked to the side of Li Chengqian who was soundly asleep.

"Li Chengqian! Wake up!" Then,

She pushed Li Chengqian hard.

Li Chengqian opened his eyes with a displeased face, and looked over sleepily. After realizing that it was Wang Jianjia, he shook his head vigorously, forcing himself to wake up.

"Li Chengqian, come out with me, I have something to talk to you alone!" Wang Jianjia said very seriously.

She didn't want to see Li Chengqian sink down like that, so she wanted to have a final heart-to-heart talk with Li Chengqian before the results were announced.

"Li Chengqian, I know that this two-model exam has dealt a big blow to you."

"I also know that the school's class placement policy is particularly unfair to you."

"However, the arms cannot twist the thighs. When we are weak, the only way we can do it is to accept it."

"The teacher still said the same thing. After the grades come out, even if you are assigned to the progressive class, you are still my student. If you have any questions, you can come to me!"

"The teacher hopes that you can resume your previous study status, study hard, and not affect your study because of external conditions."

"It doesn't matter if you don't get into a university this year, as long as you maintain the motivation you have been studying for a while, I believe you will be able to get into a good university next year." After arriving at Wang Jianjia's office, she spoke in a gentle voice, doing work for Li Chengqian, I hope he can return to his previous learning status.

Will the exam hit him? !

It doesn't exist at all!

There is indeed a problem with the classification policy, but what does it have to do with him, Li Chengqian!

"Teacher, you misunderstood. I slept in your class today not because I was hit."

"Teacher, you know that I participated in the Informatics Programming Contest for Teenagers. I learned programming last night. The inspiration came and it was too late, so..." Li Chengqian told the situation honestly.

"Besides, I don't care about class division now." In his last life, he was really annoyed by the class division policy.

At that time, he begged the teacher to ask his parents to find someone. He didn't want to leave the third and fifth classes of high school, and he didn't want to go to the aggressive class that was synonymous with poor students.

Finally he went!

But now, this problem does not exist for him at all, because with his current grades, no matter how he is divided into classes, it is impossible to be assigned to him.

Even if he is divided into classes a second time, he will only be assigned to Class 1 of the third year, and he will become the envy of everyone in the class.

"Teacher Tian Wenming has already told me about your participation in the Youth Informatics Programming Contest!" A look of surprise flashed in Wang Jianjia's eyes. In fact, Li Chengqian won the first place in the school test, which she did not expect.

When teacher Tian Wenming asked her to talk about Li Chengqian, she asked her carefully. At that time, Tian Wenming said that Li Chengqian's computer theory was very good, but he had zero practical experience!

The possibility of passing the preliminary round is also zero!

Even from now on, it will be difficult to pass the preliminary competition if we continue to train the actual computer operation level and programming level non-stop.

Therefore, Wang Jianjia does not agree with or is optimistic about Li Chengqian staying up late to learn programming.

"Your theoretical foundation is very solid, but in actual operation, there are still some deficiencies, and you really need to improve it."

"But the Youth Informatics Coding Contest is important, and so is learning!"

"You can't affect your learning status because of the competition."

"The gains outweigh the losses!"

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