"Zhao Peng, don't be angry!" Li Chengqian was very calm.

"I've arranged everything."

"The Shenlong optimization app has been removed from the shelves, and it is only temporary."

"Soon, the Shenlong Optimized App will become popular again. What we have to do is to wait quietly." Li Chengqian sneered, this time the Shenlong Optimized App was removed from the shelves, let Li Chengqian see clearly again .

That is, we must master the distribution channels of mobile phone software! Otherwise, any software released will be controlled by others.

Zhao Peng has absolute confidence in Li Chengqian. After turning his head, an idea popped up, "Captain, the award ceremony of the Youth Informatics Programming Contest will be broadcast live on the Internet and on TV. Do you want to participate in the award ceremony?" , to promote Shenlong Optimized App?"

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Peng frowned again, "Captain, there are actually not many viewers in the Youth Informatics Programming Contest. If you want to promote Shenlong Optimized App through live broadcast, it may not be effective."

"Okay, stop guessing!" Li Chengqian shook his head with a smile, and said, "Don't ask, at 12 noon today, the Shenlong Optimized App will be updated. After the software is updated, you can understood."

There is not much content to be updated, only 1Mb. During the development of Shenlong Optimized App, Li Chengqian adopted a modular development method, which can be hot updated without affecting the use of users.

And every update, only the changed modules are updated.

The 1Mb content this time includes an application store program and a Shenlong optimized App sharing plan!

The Shenlong Optimized App sharing plan is actually very simple. If you share the Shenlong Optimized App and have been installed on your mobile phone for more than 18 times in three days or more, you will be exempted from the software usage fee for one year.

It's a very simple plan.

Let the old users get certain rewards while promoting the Shenlong Optimized App.

If other software adopts this method, Li Chengqian can be sure that 99% of the software will be uninstalled by users after they are installed and meet the time requirements.

But Shenlong Optimized App will never!

Because after installing the Shenlong optimization app, the performance of any mobile phone will be improved, the mobile phone will become smoother, and the battery life will be longer. These changes are very obvious, and users can easily feel it.

After discovering that the software is easy to use, users will naturally stay.

Li Chengqian's expected retention rate for the sharing plan is 50%!

50% of the users will remain after installing the Shenlong Optimized App and become users of the Shenlong Optimized App.

Among the 50% of users, some people will share the Shenlong Optimized App. In this way, although the Shenlong Optimized App is removed from the shelves of major app stores, it will be spread through acquaintances, friends, circles of friends, etc.

The sharing plan is only part of Li Chengqian's plan.

After the Shenlong optimization app was taken off the shelves, Li Chengqian had been thinking about how to crack it, and then he found an extremely miraculous thing on the Internet.

National software and information technology service industry development plan.

The Shenlong optimized App can just be regarded as a software development project for basic software to make up for shortcomings.

Li Chengqian contacted Lin Xiong, an expert who reviewed the operating system of the space station, through Wang Dalin of the Secrecy Bureau.

Through Lin Xiong's recommendation, the Shenlong optimization app he developed has entered the Software Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences, and relevant experts from the software research institute are testing the Shenlong optimization app.

Dr. Wu Biao, who is in charge of this project at the software institute, has already sent a message to Li Chengqian in the morning, informing Li Chengqian to go to Longdu in the near future to answer questions related to Shenlong optimization app.

After the defense, there is a high probability that Shenlong Optimized App will be included in the national shortcoming project.

After entering the project of strengthening the weak links, although the state will not directly provide funds, it will give strong support in terms of policies.

For example, Shenlong TV's nationwide promotion. This is priceless, one minute can make an unknown company a well-known star.

Another example is the purchase of mobile phone systems by state-owned companies.

Last year, the customized phones of Shenlong Mobile Communication Company alone accounted for 60 million units a year!

As long as he eats these 60 million mobile phones, Li Chengqian can get 1 billion software usage fees every year.

This is why Li Chengqian has always been full of confidence.

"Oh, then I have to keep an eye on the updates!" To Li Chengqian, Zhao Peng unconditionally trusted, "Captain, then I'll go back, I have to go to the class to promote Shenlong Optimized App, let everyone download and use it."

After Zhao Peng left, Li Chengqian lowered his head to read the book. He had already read almost all the books on brain wave and brain that he bought at the competition some time ago, except for the last one.

The more books he read, Li Chengqian found that he knew less. Through books, he found that human beings have very shallow understanding of the brain's operating mechanism, brain waves and other brain science.

"After reading these books, I need more in-depth books to study." But Li Chengqian estimated that human beings should not understand brain waves. Even if there are in-depth books, the gains from reading should not be great.

"If it still doesn't work, you can only buy knowledge about brain science and brain waves through the job store after you get a job as a college student." In the job store, there are knowledge and skills, because it is a sci-fi background game. , extremely advanced.

Brain science, brain wave analysis, and other knowledge are available in the professional store!

But the most basic requirement for purchasing knowledge-based skills is to find a job as a college student.

Moreover, after he becomes a college student, all the knowledge he has learned now will exist in the personal panel in the form of skills.

At that time, experience points can be used to improve the proficiency of skills, so as to obtain complete knowledge of related subjects.

Just as Zhao Peng left, the incomparably alluring Zhao Na appeared at the door of Class Three and Five, like a peach.

The flaming red lips and the charming look in the eyes attracted all the boys in the class.

She swept her eyes into the classroom and saw Li Chengqian who was concentrating on reading.

"This woman is so attractive."

"Stunning woman, it's a hundred times better than those female anchors who are posing on a certain voice, on a certain hand, is this what a mature woman feels like?" Someone couldn't help swallowing.

"She's full of hormones."

"I feel like I'm in love."

"Still sexy, who is this girl?"

"This woman is not the new teacher at our school."

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, Zhao Na smiled charmingly, and said to the boy next to the door, "Student, can you do me a favor?"

"Okay!" The boy's body softened when he heard Zhao Na's voice, so it was hard to refuse.

"Call Li Chengqian out for me, I have something to do with him." Zhao Na pointed at Li Chengqian and said, in fact, Li Chengqian told her not to come to school if there was nothing particularly important.

When she came here now, she was really in an emergency, and she couldn't get through to Li Chengqian's cell phone, so she had to come here in person.

The representatives of the three BAT companies, as well as the domestic mobile phone manufacturers, have come!

It is in Shenlong Software Company.

Facing these internet bosses, Zhao Na could only go to school to find Li Chengqian.

The other boys also listened to Zhao Na's words, and when they heard Zhao Na, everyone looked at Li Chengqian with envy.

"Li Tainiu, there is a beautiful woman looking for you at the door." Before the boy at the door could speak, the students around Li Chengqian started booing.

Li Chengqian looked up, just in time to see Zhao Na who was smiling sweetly, and then, under the envious eyes of everyone, he walked out of the classroom door calmly.

"It's so beautiful, is this woman a model?"

"How could Li Chengqian know such a beautiful woman? I'm so envious."

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