Top Student

Chapter 241 The classic repair of water pipes, the more repairs, the more leaks

Luo Wenkun still remembers that when they were doing Daiso experiments, supercomputers were needed to find the accretion flares of primordial black holes.

At that time, Luo Wenkun was still trying to find a master's degree through his own contacts, and borrowed a supercomputer from his instructor through him.

But in the end, it was Xu You who let them use the supercomputer through his instructor.

Luo Wenkun really didn't expect that not only was he inferior to Xu You in terms of study and scientific research, but he was also left behind by Xu You in terms of network resources.

"During the Wujing national training camp, Xu You was not like this." Luo Wenkun said heartily.

At that time, besides studying every day, Xu You had relatively little communication with others.

Luo Wenkun didn't understand how Xu You knew so many professors in college.

In the following time, Peng Jun talked to Xu You and the others about some points that need attention in app development.

Due to time constraints, it is impossible for Peng Jun to speak in detail. He can only briefly talk about the process, and pick out a few key points to give key explanations.

Even so, the four of them learned a lot during these few hours.

After coming out of Peng Jun's office, Luo Wenkun said to Xu You:

"At first, I thought that we were all computer novices. I didn't expect Xu You to have learned this knowledge long ago. No, I will definitely drag you to my company in the future and let you type the code for me."

"Haha, of course it's okay. It just happened that one of my childhood dreams was to be able to make my own software."

"But Xu You, to be honest, what level has your computer reached? Are there any programmers I poached from those big factories that are as good as they are?"

"This... I can't say well. I really haven't done any pure programming work. I just use my computer knowledge to assist some scientific research work."

Luo Wenkun knew that Xu You had always been used to describing his abilities lightly.

If Xu You said so, it is very likely that his ability is no worse than those old programmers.

If you encounter problems in software development in the future, you may really need to ask Xu You for help.

On this day, Luo Wenkun invited Xu You and others to visit Luo Wenkun's company.

Everyone is still very interested in this kind of technology company, and readily accepted Luo Wenkun's invitation.

Luo Wenkun's company was not far from Jida, and it only took 20 minutes for Luo Wenkun to pick them up from Jidakai to the company.

This is a very nice office building with a good location, and it can be seen that the rent should not be cheap.

What Xu You and others didn't expect was that Luo Wenkun actually directly rented the first floor of the building as the company's office.

The entire company already has dozens of employees, and it can be considered a fairly large-scale company.

"Now the development of the Android version of our Xueba Community app has basically been completed, and it is in the process of testing. If there are no major problems, we should be able to release the Android internal test version in the near future."

The mobile phones currently on the market are mainly Android and iOS systems.

Because of the difference between the two systems, the languages ​​required for development are also different.

In terms of the number of users, there are more Android users than iOS users, which is why Luo Wenkun preferred the Android version for development.

Of course, if the Android version is successfully developed, the development of the iOS version is only a matter of time.

At this time, a programmer said to Luo Wenkun:

"Mr. Luo, after we fixed the last bug, this bug seems to have become more serious."

Hearing the word "bug", Xu You and Lou Song felt very excited for some reason.

Although neither Xu You nor Lou Song majored in computer science, their computer proficiency surpassed most computer major students.

Since there is a bug, it means that the bug can be fixed.

This feeling of locating and fixing bugs will give them an inexplicable sense of refreshment.

As the company's boss, Luo Wenkun naturally didn't want to hear the word "bug".

"Mr. Wang, is this bug serious?"

This programmer is called Wang Zhi, a programmer Luo Wenkun hired from a large factory with a high salary, and he is also one of the current leaders of the company.

"Didn't you say before that when we are testing, there will be occasional freezes. The probability of this kind of freeze is very small, and it will only be encountered once in tens of thousands of times, which may have a certain impact on the user experience. , Of course, if it is released directly, it should not be a big problem, and the products we have made before will also have such a situation."

It is indeed quite common that the app freezes.

In addition to being stuck, there are even cases of getting stuck directly.

But Luo Wenkun thought about it, and still felt that such a direct release would not work.

If the number of users increases in the future, the frequency of freezes will become higher and higher, which will definitely affect the user experience.

"Then after this bug was fixed, what new situation appeared?"

"After the repair, the probability of freezing is indeed much lower. But then, the energy consumption of this app has become very high, almost twice as much as before. And this situation is not an isolated case, but the overall existence general situation."

Hearing this, Luo Wenkun felt a little helpless.

Dare to fix a small bug, but a bigger bug appeared instead.

At this time, in Xu You's mind, the classic animation of repairing leaky water pipes became more and more leaky.

It turned out that the water pipe was only leaking a little, dripping a drop of water in a few seconds.

After completing the first repair, the pipes developed a second leak, and the leak became faster.

And after many repairs.

The water pipe finally collapsed completely, and the whole house became flooded with water.

The entire animation vividly describes the sad journey of the programmer to fix the bug.

"Mr. Wang, let's continue to fix this bug. If there are a bunch of bugs just after the app is released, it will greatly affect the user experience. For a new app, it is too discouraging."

"Okay, I see, Mr. Luo."

Wang Zhi knew that this young company boss had a very complicated background.

Not only is he a student of Ji University, but he is also worth hundreds of millions.

You must not think that he is easy to provoke just because he is young.

"Well, this problem still needs to be fixed as soon as possible. The release of our app has been delayed for a long time. If it continues, this semester will soon be over."

At this time, Xu You and Lou Song looked at each other.

Both of them are very interested in solving this problem.

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