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Chapter 247 Deserving of the Name!

Because the announcement of the Nobel Prize was very fast, before that, the major TV stations had already started the live broadcast in advance.

This time, because of the high-temperature superconducting mechanism proposed by Xu You, Huaxia is very close to the Nobel Prize in Physics.

To this end, CCTV is also conducting simultaneous live broadcasts.

Of course, in the live broadcast room, the hosts did not mention which scientists may win the final Nobel Prize in Physics.

After all, no one can say exactly how likely Xu You is to win the award.

If Xu You was not among the final winners, it would undoubtedly be very embarrassing to make a big splash before announcing the winners.

Therefore, CCTV decided that it is better not to mention the winners, and report directly after the results come out.

If Xu You didn't win the award, he could report normally.

If Xu You really wins the award, then it can be well publicized.

At 17:45 Jijing time, the list of winners was officially released.

The host of CCTV looked very excited after receiving the news.

But he still suppressed his excitement and broadcast in front of the camera.

"Dear audience, according to the latest news from our station, the winners of this year's Nobel Prize in Physics have been announced."

This host has more than 20 years of hosting experience. He has very strong professional skills and a very calm hosting style.

Slips of the tongue have been rare for more than two decades.

But this time, for some reason, there were some emotional fluctuations in his words, and even his lips trembled a little.

"The winner of this year's Nobel Prize in Physics is a physicist from China—Xu You. Xu You became the winner of this year's Nobel Prize in Physics for his theory of the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity."

In order to ensure the objectivity of the news, the host tried not to have personal emotions when announcing the news.

But in every sentence, he showed his own emotional fluctuations.

After hearing the final award results broadcast by the host, at this moment, the cafeteria immediately boiled.

"Xu You! Xu You really won the award! This is the pride of our Ji University! No, it is the pride of our entire China!"

"Who said that Chinese physicists will never win the Nobel Prize in Physics? We won it! Xu You is awesome! Huaxia is awesome!"

"I thought I would be satisfied if there were scientists in China who could win the Nobel Physicist in my lifetime. I didn't expect to get it today!"

Hearing this news, Xu You was also stunned for a moment, even the hand holding the chopsticks froze in the air.

"I really... won the Nobel Prize?"

Even if you have a little mental preparation before.

Xu You still couldn't believe this fact.

It has only been three years since Xu You started to get in touch with scientific research.

In three years, it is already good to be able to get started with scientific research.

But Xu You won the most important award in the world's scientific community.

At this moment, Xu You had mixed feelings in his heart.

But soon, Xu You calmed down.

In any case, this is just the beginning of my own scientific research.

In the future, there are still many topics waiting for Xu You to study.

Let's continue to finish the meal.

After the news of Xu You's award was announced, Xu You's personal introduction video and a basic introduction of Xu You's award-winning achievements were immediately released in the CCTV live broadcast room.

It can be seen that CCTV has prepared these videos in advance, and is waiting for Xu You to release these introduction videos as soon as he is sure of winning the prize.

"In high school, Xu You won the first place in the National Physics Competition for Middle School Students and the first place in the International Physics Olympiad with full marks respectively, and was sent to Jida Heqing College. More than 20 papers have been published in many top academic journals at home and abroad."

"This time, Xu You's main achievements in winning the Nobel Prize in Physics are the theory of high-temperature superconducting mechanism and the discovery and research of a 150K high-temperature superconducting material. Xu You's high-temperature superconducting mechanism can solve It has solved a difficult problem in the field of superconductivity for decades. It has brought great significance to the application of superconductivity, the development of high-temperature superconductivity and room-temperature superconductivity."

"This achievement of Xu You has been recognized by many top international physicists such as the American physicist Camara and the German physicist Schulz. Xu You, who is only 21 years old, has also become a history The youngest physicist ever to win the Nobel Prize in Physics."

"In two years, Xu You completed his undergraduate studies and entered the doctoral stage. I believe that in the future, Xu You will make more outstanding achievements and bring more contributions to the progress of science and technology for all mankind."

Listening to the host's introduction to Xu You, everyone felt incredible about Xu You's achievements.

Before this, everyone knew that Xu You was very powerful, but they didn't fully understand what achievements Xu You had made.

And after knowing some of Xu You's specific achievements, they felt more intuitively how incredible Xu You's achievements along the way are.

Any one of Xu You's achievements is enough to shock everyone.

Whether it is excellent competition results, amazing learning speed, or excellent scientific research results, the quality and quantity of published papers, etc.

Not to mention, putting all these achievements on the same person.

At this time, some people suddenly realized a problem.

When the host of CCTV just announced the winner of the Nobel physicist.

Apart from Xu You, no other winners have been announced.

Is it just that CCTV didn't mention it, or...

Xu You is the only winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics this year?

With doubts, they searched for specific news on the Internet.

In the end, according to the official news released by the Nobel Committee, everyone is sure.

Xu You is really the only winner of this year's Nobel Prize in Physics!

Such a situation is not uncommon in the history of the Nobel Prize in Physics, but it has not happened for a long time in recent years.

Since 1993, the Nobel Prize in Physics has been shared between two or three physicists.

This time, Xu You broke the rule of nearly 30 years and won this year's Nobel Prize in Physics alone.

In addition, physicists who have won Nobel Prizes in recent years are often very old.

That's because, as in the rules of the Nobel Prize in Physics, the winner's contribution must "have stood the test of time".

Many physicists finally won the Nobel Prize in Physics only a few years, ten years, or even decades after the publication of their results.

It stands to reason that Xu You's high-temperature superconducting mechanism was awarded within less than two years after the results were published, which is indeed a bit unusual.

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