Top Student

Chapter 368: Things Might Be Serious

The result of today's three games of chess was something they never expected.

Originally, they took the initiative to invite the artificial intelligence of the island to fight, more because they believed that the artificial intelligence of the island was not that powerful and would not dare to fight AlphaGo.

Unexpectedly, they not only readily agreed to the appointment, but also ruthlessly defeated AlphaGo.

Especially in the last round, even though AlphaGo gave up two pieces, Sea Island AI still won without bloodshed.

"Could it be that they really developed quantum artificial intelligence?"

"It seems that it is basically certain. Otherwise, it is impossible for the computing power to surpass that of AlphaGo."

Because the upgraded AlphaGo does not just run on one computer, but is based on a huge cloud computing data center.

Even if the supercomputing resources of the entire China are used, it can barely compete with AlphaGo.

In the case that the computing power is not at the same level at all, it is enough to show that this is the real quantum artificial intelligence.

"Unexpectedly, they actually solved the complex quantum programming problem. In the field of quantum computing, we have completely fallen into a disadvantage."

The birth of the sea island quantum computer directly brought the quantum computer into a new era of one thousand qubits.

The emergence of artificial intelligence on the island this time has enabled quantum computers to achieve extremely high application value.

This huge advantage in technology research and development made them feel even more desperate than the island's artificial intelligence that allowed the two sons to still defeat AlphaGo.

"Since they can develop such a powerful quantum computer and quantum artificial intelligence... why can't we? Apart from failure, at least we have determined that quantum computing is indeed a feasible path. Within a year, we must It is necessary to manufacture a quantum computer with more than one thousand qubits and the corresponding quantum artificial intelligence!"


After the end of the three games between the island artificial intelligence and Alpha Dog.

The whole network has launched a heated discussion on this matter.

Whether it's professionals or ordinary people who eat melons.

All got a lot of fun out of it.

This not only represents the victory of a Go software.

It is a manifestation of technological strength.

In the eyes of professionals, this proves that quantum computing has great prospects, and it is likely to continue to be applied to other fields.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the Mi side took the initiative to make an appointment with the island, but lost miserably.

Let everyone have something to talk about.

Over the past few years, the world's technological landscape has long undergone changes.

In many fields, China has either narrowed the gap, or directly surpassed it.

The hegemony of the bald eagle has become precarious.

Xu You did not pay attention to these discussions, but focused on the next research.

The island quantum computer has the ability to solve Go problems, which is a very significant progress.

But this is not the end, it's just the beginning.

This proves that as long as the appropriate program is written.

The artificial intelligence of the island can improve its ability to solve various problems through deep learning.

This idea can also be applied to solve other problems.

But on this day, Xu You received a bad news.

"Xu You, if you have time, can you go with me to the hospital to see Teacher Wang?"

Zhao Weijia went to Xu You on purpose and explained his request.

Seeing Zhao Weijia's expression, Xu You knew that Wang Xiangwu's condition might already be very bad.

"Teacher Wang...what's the matter?"

"I'm sorry, I kept some things from you before. Teacher Wang's disease is end-stage heart failure, and he is in a relatively dangerous state now. Because he was afraid that you would worry and affect your scientific research work, Teacher Wang didn't let me tell you too much .”

According to Zhao Weijia's story, this may be the last time he sees Wang Xiangwu.

Xu You was completely unprepared to receive such a bad news all of a sudden.

"Go, go to the hospital now!"

Without hesitation, Xu You put down all the work in hand, and hurried to the hospital where Wang Xiangwu was with Zhao Weijia.

Entering the ward, when Xu You saw the man lying on the bed, he couldn't believe it for a moment. This was Wang Xiangwu.

"Teacher Wong……"

At this time, the person lying on the hospital bed was skinny and weak.

Xu You also relied on the name on the hospital bed to confirm that this was Wang Xiangwu himself.

"Xu are here..."

After seeing Xu You, Wang Xiangwu forcefully forced a smile to make his mental state look better.

Xu You realized that Wang Xiangwu's body was very weak, and quickly said:

"Teacher Wang, take a good rest and don't talk too much."

Wang Xiangwu nodded slightly, still looking at Xu You with a smile.

But at this moment, Xu You's eyes were already filled with tears.

Just now on the road, Xu You got some specific information from Zhao Weijia.

It turned out that Wang Xiangwu had some heart problems before, but under the condition of better maintenance, there will be no problems at ordinary times, and there will be no difference compared with ordinary people.

But recently, probably because of overwork at work, Wang Xiangwu's condition suddenly deteriorated.

This deterioration is very difficult to reverse, and only with a heart transplant can it be possible to continue to sustain life.

As for heart transplantation, not to mention the high risk itself, donors are also very rare.

With sadness, Xu You called out the families of Zhao Weijia and Wang Xiangwu.

"Professor Xu, please come here specially. I heard from my father before that he has always liked you very much, so I also want you to meet my father again. After all, after the operation, no one can tell what happens not good."

It was Wang Xiangwu's son who was talking to Xu You.

Wang Xiangwu's son, who looks to be in his thirties, works as a teacher in a decent university.

After calming down, Xu You also knew that just relying on sadness cannot solve the problem.

"What is the surgical plan like? Is it a living heart or an artificial heart?"

"It has not been confirmed yet, but there is a high probability that it is an artificial heart. Because the number of living hearts is too small, it is difficult to arrange, and the matching needs to be matched. We have done everything we can to find a suitable match, but it is a pity It’s still not going well.”

Such a thing, even with enough money, is really difficult to do through formal channels.

It is also impossible for Xu You to help Wang Xiangwu find a suitable heart by exercising his privilege.

At this time, Xu You suddenly thought of Gong Rui.

"By the way, I know a heart specialist from Ji University, why don't you ask his opinion?"

But hearing Xu You's words, Wang Xiangwu's son didn't show any high emotions.

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