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Chapter 425 The quantum race begins!

In the weather forecast we usually use, it is very common that the weather forecast is inaccurate.

Even sometimes, it has already started to rain outside, but the weather forecast still shows that today is sunny.

Inaccurate weather forecasts can often catch people off guard.

"Not bad, basically in line with our forecasted data." Xu You said calmly.

Regarding this news, Xu You acted a little too calmly.

After all, in the previous simulations, Xu You has confirmed that the accuracy of this weather forecast model is extremely high.

Such a high prediction accuracy is inseparable from the nearly perfect model constructed by Xu You.

In addition, the terrifying calculation speed of "Sunjing" is also another key.

The same prediction model, even with the computing power of the island quantum computer, is simply unable to complete such a huge amount of calculations.

The "Suan Jing" quantum computer is connected with this weather prediction model with a very high degree of fit.

Half a month later.

More detailed statistics are out.

Because there are too many factors that affect the weather, with the extension of the forecast cycle, the accuracy of weather forecasts has also decreased to a certain extent.

But the overall accuracy is still above the theoretical value.

Even other weather forecast platforms cannot successfully predict the weather one day in advance, and "Suanjing" can accurately predict the weather one week in advance.

Such a result shocked the entire project team.

"Professor Xu is really amazing. Without any verification, he can confirm the prediction accuracy of this model. It's not an exaggeration to say that it is predictable, right?"

"At that time, Professor Xu really shouldn't be doubted. He is the person who knows the performance of 'Analyses' best. No matter how powerful the vulture is, it is impossible to reach the level of 'Analyses'."

"This time I'm predicting the weather. Maybe even the evolution of the universe can be simulated in the future. It's not possible to achieve 100% accuracy now. It's not that the computing power is not enough, it's just that the information obtained is not enough. If the radar satellites If the technology can be more developed, the weather after a longer period of time can also be accurately predicted.”

Han Shubin was also amazed by the achievements of "Suan Jing".

Even though Han Shubin had unconditionally supported Xu You before, he never had such high psychological expectations for the performance of "Analysis".

For a genius like Xu You, it is really impossible to look at it with ordinary eyes.


Another half month has passed, and the performance of "Suanjing" in weather forecasting has still satisfactorily met expectations.

During this period, Xu You also continued to summarize, and continued to slightly increase the success rate of "Suanjing" in weather forecasting through fine-tuning the details.

It can be said that "Suanjing" has already exerted its computing power to the extreme within the scope of its existing capabilities.

If you want to improve the accuracy rate, you should not make adjustments in computing power and models, but in satellites and radars.

Although with the prolongation of the forecast period, the forecast accuracy rate of "Suan Jing" will decline to a certain extent.

However, "Suan Jing" can still continuously update the weather forecast information according to the latest situation to improve the accuracy of weather forecast.

In the forecast of the weather within three days, "Sunjing" can be almost completely trusted.

And with the passage of time, the "quantum race" between Huami and Huami is finally about to begin.

This quantum race, to some extent, feels like the space race of the last century.

Not only Huami and other countries, people in other countries in the world are also very concerned about this quantum competition.

This represents the highest level of computing in the world and is likely to change people's lives in the future.

For this reason, a number of mainstream media in the world will broadcast the entire quantum competition live.

"The first phase of the quantum competition will take the weather forecast as a consideration standard, and the competition will last for a month. The quantum computers of the two parties will analyze the weather of more than 10,000 cities around the world based on the radar satellite data of their respective countries. Forecast. Factors such as the accuracy of the weather forecast and the length of the forecast period will be used as criteria for consideration.”

In terms of specific performance evaluation, the two sides have unified a scoring system as a standard.

Roughly speaking, the more accurate the weather forecast and the longer the forecast period, the higher the score will be.

For various reasons, the quantum competition in the first stage cannot be completely fair.

Except for the contingency of the weather, the two sides did not use the same radar satellite system, and the data they can obtain are different.

But both sides trust their own radar satellite data more, insisting that their own data is more accurate.

As long as both parties have no objection to this, such "unfairness" can be regarded as relatively fair.

"Tomorrow at 00:00 in Jijing time, the Quanjing Quantum Computer and the Vulture Quantum Computer need to submit their respective weather forecast data on time. The real-time data refresh interval is 24 hours. During this period, data modification cannot be performed."

After all, this is a game, and it will not be like a real weather forecast, where data can be refreshed in real time based on the latest situation.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to judge the outcome.

Before the data submission deadline, many people around the world have been waiting for this moment.

It is even midnight in some places, and everyone still wants to read the data submitted by both sides before going to sleep.

To know these two quantum computers, the local weather forecast is secondary.

What everyone wants to know is how many differences there will be in the prediction reports of quantum computers in the past two days.

Because this is the key to deciding the outcome.

At midnight, Suanjing and Vulture respectively submitted their weather forecast data for major cities around the world for the next month.

At the same time, this information will be published on the Internet simultaneously for inquiries by netizens from all over the world.

Although every 24 hours, both sides have the opportunity to update the data.

But this weather forecast report has largely determined the outcome of both sides.

"After data comparison, the weather prediction data of Suanjing and Vulture for the next 24 hours overlap as high as 95%. This shows that the weather predictions of the two parties within 24 hours are highly consistent. But with the extension of the forecast period, both sides The overlap is getting lower and lower. Only 80% are left in three days, and only 60% are left in seven days. The overlap is very low for data within one month."

Such a difference in data can explain that the models used by the two sides are completely different.

The reason for this is probably not because of the difference in the radar satellite data.

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