Top Student

Chapter 554 We must act

"Of course I remember. I have been paying attention to this matter, including the recent academic conference held in Jijing, which is closely related to the interest rate hike by the Sam Fed."

Xu You knew that Lou Song was a smart person and could understand the connection between them.

"Xu You, I know what the root cause of Sam's Fed rate hike is."


Xu You was taken aback when he heard the words, and hurriedly asked Lou Song:

"Tell me about it!"

Immediately afterwards, Lou Song told Xu You all the news he had learned.

After listening to Lou Song's narration, Xu You couldn't help feeling a chill run down his back.

"Sam Space Agency... actually wants to restart the Apollo project?"

As for how Lou Song knew the news, Xu You didn't make any inquiries, because this was already a tacit understanding between the two of them that didn't need to be explained.

Even so, Xu You was very surprised by this news.

"Yes, that's why the Sam Fed suddenly raised interest rates so violently. They want to use all the money in the world to help them build the Apollo spacecraft again."

Xu You quickly went through the whole thing in his mind.

After careful deliberation, Xu You determined that there was nothing wrong with such a conclusion.

"The reason why they are so eager is probably because we are already preparing to establish our own scientific research base on the moon. Under the premise that the space launch system needs to be redesigned, replicating the Apollo project is undoubtedly a faster option. "

According to Sam's way of acting, what they want to do now is to re-realize the manned moon landing in the shortest time.

Relying on Xu You's own strategy, Sam's space agency's moon landing plan was somewhat affected, but he couldn't completely stop Sam's moon landing plan.

Once Sam realizes the manned moon landing again, it is bound to take some action on our lunar scientific research base plan.

"Damn, why didn't I think of this at the beginning..."

At this time, Xu You blamed himself for not discovering this earlier.

Otherwise, Xu You can take more actions to curb the impact of this incident.

Fortunately, Lou Song, a friend, reminded Xu You of this in time.

"Lou Song, thank you for your timely reminder."

"The two of us are so polite. Besides, this is not just about the two of us, but concerns the whole world. We must not let them use the money of the whole world to support their moon landing project."

If Sam is only working on the Space Launch System, then there's nothing wrong with that.

By raising interest rates, harvest the wealth of the world, restart the expensive moon landing project of the last century, and threaten our lunar scientific research base.

Faced with such behavior, we must take some countermeasures.

"Lou Song, what do you think about this matter?"

Xu You knew that Lou Song was not that interested in other things except mathematics.

But since Lou Song was the first to know the news, he must have his own opinion on this matter.

"The first one is to continue to curb the global status of the rice dollar and increase the influence of the Chinese currency in the world. On this point, we can't be too gentle, we must be tougher."

"Secondly, we need to develop rapidly in terms of technology and economy. We can't say what the future will look like, but the strength of technology and economy will help contain Sam and improve our own strength. It will be of some help.”

"The third is to study some powerful space weapons. It is not so easy to prevent Sam from landing on the moon. In order to be able to deal with all possible things in the future, we must prepare for the worst."

Lou Song doesn't like to analyze this kind of problem, but when analyzing it, he is very thoughtful.

Smart people like Lou Song can do whatever they want as long as they want to.

"Well, except for telling jokes and cooking." Xu You thought.

"Okay, this is just my shallow opinion, the final way to deal with it is up to you to decide." Lou Song said.

"Anyway, I have to thank you for the news."

"By the way, don't say that I revealed this matter."

After all, Lou Song's information did not come from formal channels. If you tell others that this is the information provided by Lou Song, it will inevitably bring some unnecessary troubles to Lou Song.

"Don't worry, I will definitely not mention you."


Not long after Lou Song left, Xu You hurriedly reported the news.

Regarding the source of the news, Xu You did not expressly stated, but only said that based on his own inference, this conclusion is very likely.

We also attach great importance to this matter internally, because it is indeed a matter that can affect the world situation.

After analysis, everyone agreed that such a possibility is indeed very high.

It is very unusual to raise interest rates suddenly, and this happened just after we announced our plan to establish a lunar scientific research base.

Between the two things, and may be closely related.

After discussions, a series of countermeasures were determined internally.

Among them, there are two main things that Xu You needs to be responsible for.

The first thing is to accelerate research on controllable nuclear fusion projects.

If commercial controllable nuclear fusion is successfully developed, we will become the natural energy center of the world.

Breaking the dominance of Mi Yuan is also a matter of course.

The second thing is to develop powerful space weapons.

The reason for Sam's eagerness to go back to the moon is too early to say for sure.

However, in order to prevent Sam from threatening our lunar scientific research base, it is not wrong to make the necessary preparations.

At this time, conventional earth weapons are no longer useful.

There must be more powerful weapons similar to aerospace fighters.

Our purpose of manufacturing these weapons is not against any country or individual, but for self-preservation and peace.

As long as Sam does not take any excessive actions, these weapons will definitely not be used.

"It's time to pay attention to Tohnichi's controllable nuclear fusion project."

These days, Xu You's main focus is on the moon landing project, and he doesn't care too much about other projects.

In terms of space weapons, Xu You doesn't have much inspiration yet, while Dongri's controllable nuclear fusion project has completed construction and is in the experimental stage.

In previous experiments, the Q value of Tohnichi's controllable nuclear fusion project has created a new world record, realizing the self-sustaining discharge process of energy.

As long as the Q value is increased a little more, commercial controllable nuclear fusion can be realized.

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