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Chapter 811 Fear of Proxima Centauri Civilization

These Proxima Centauri had never felt this way before.

Over the years of the development of the Proxima civilization, they have always thought that they are the only planet with intelligent civilization in the universe, and even think that they are the center of the universe.

Of course, even so, with the continuous development of aerospace technology, they are constantly exploring the universe, looking for other creatures that may exist.

The solar system closest to them is the first target to be explored.

In the process of continuous exploration of the solar system, Proxima Centauri discovered in amazement that life might really exist in the solar system!

Moreover, the possibility of this is not small, and even these lives are very likely to be highly intelligent lives.

Because they discovered the existence of the black core on the back of the moon, this kind of high-density positive and negative charge core is unlikely to be naturally occurring, and more likely to be artificially produced.

It is also because of this that they used the super quantum to change the trajectory of an asteroid and let it hit the target position on the back of the moon.

With the powerful space technology of Proxima Centauri, it is completely possible to control the asteroid to land on the target position accurately, and the error will not even exceed ten meters.

But what they didn't expect was that the trajectory of the asteroid changed unexpectedly in the end.

The reason for this result is that when the asteroid was approaching the position of the target, it unexpectedly had multiple impacts.

Even though there is a small probability of such impacts, it is obviously not a normal phenomenon for so many impacts to occur in succession.

After this incident, the Proxima Centauri civilization can basically confirm that there is life in the solar system, and it is intelligent life.

It's just that they thought that these intelligent life existed on the moon, but they didn't expect that they actually existed on the blue.

After that, a series of events occurred, such as Luo Wenkun being parasitized by a super quantum, and several super quantums have come to the solar system.

However, these attacks on Blue Star were eventually resolved one by one by Blue Star Civilization, and did not cause substantial damage to Blue Star Civilization.

"What the hell happened here?"

As Xu You gradually appeared in every corner of Proxima b, more and more Proxima people saw this strange phenomenon.

For the first time in so many years, they experienced this kind of strange event that they could not explain, and felt an unprecedented fear.

"It's Xu You! Blue Star's Xu You!"

Soon, the core organization of the Proxima Centauri civilization also got this information.

After seeing Xu You's figure appearing on Proxima b, some members of the core organization of the Proxima civilization hurriedly reported the matter to the higher authorities.

After basic confirmation, they determined that this image was Xu You from Blue Star himself.

"Hurry up and get rid of this trouble, and try our best to reduce the negative impact of this incident on the neighbors!"

After the incident has happened, it is definitely impossible to completely restore it. We can only try our best to reduce the negative effects of this incident.

Although they have not yet determined how this incident happened, there is a high probability that this incident was created by the Blue Star civilization.

"Sir, it has been confirmed that it is a holographic image made by Super Quantum."

"Catch this super quantum immediately!"

"But... sir, we can't determine the exact location of this super quantum?"

"How is it possible? It's just a super quantum. Even if it's moving at the speed of light, we can locate it right away!"

The leading Proxima star didn't understand this, but when he got a detailed understanding of the relevant information, he suddenly understood the inside story.

"There are tens of thousands of super quantum... It seems that they are fully prepared!"

Even the powerful Proxima Centauri civilization cannot determine the super quantum that emitted this holographic image, and which super quantum it is, under such strong interference.

And if all these super quantum are captured, the time and resources consumed will be huge.

After a short thought, the leading Proxima star ordered:

"No matter what, capture all these super quantum immediately! The less super quantum left, the more accurate the positioning will be!"

"Okay, sir!"

After receiving the order, the Proxima Centauri immediately began to execute the order.

For such an urgent emergency, naturally there is no time to consult every Proxima Centauri person, and a response plan must be given as soon as possible.

For the neighboring star civilization, it is not an easy task to capture such a large number of super quantum, and it needs to use most of the advanced super quantum of the neighboring star civilization.

At this time, Xu You's image still appeared in various positions of Proxima b, and kept sending out the brain waves repeatedly to each Proxima star.

More and more people from Proxima have seen Xu You's image, received the brain waves transmitted by Xu You, and felt unprecedented fear.

Although many Proxima people know that this is just a trick, they still fear this situation because it has threatened their safety.

A civilization that is more than four light-years away from them was able to reach Proxima Centauri b quietly, and in this way affected most of the Proxima Centauri.

This is enough to prove that the Proxima Centauri civilization is not as powerful as they imagined, and has no strength to rule the universe at all.

Immediately after the "sir" issued the order, the advanced super quantum of the Proxima Centauri civilization had already been dispatched, and the tens of thousands of super quantums that suddenly appeared around the Proxima Centauri b began to capture the action.

Under Severly's arrangement, these super-quantums form a more stable super-quantum array, which cannot be easily captured by advanced super-quantums.

But after all, most of these super-quantums are low-level super-quantums. Soon, some super-quantums lost their ability to resist and were swallowed by high-level super-quantums.

Severly felt this information immediately and reported the past to Xu You.

"Master, at present part of our super quantum has been devoured by them, and the probability of your third-level super quantum exposure has increased slightly."

Xu You naturally also felt this message, but he still didn't issue any orders to Severly.

Speaking of which, Xu You wasn't too worried about whether his third-level super quantum would be exposed.

After all, even if this super quantum is swallowed, Xu You can send a new super quantum right away.

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