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Chapter 814: The Laws of the Universe

Severly is still in awe of Xu You's attitude. After all, this is the most intelligent creature that Severly has encountered in her life, which impressed Severly the most.

As for Xu You, like the previous few times, he didn't say any unnecessary words to Severly, but quietly waited for Severly to report to him.

Seeing that Xu You didn't intend to speak to her anymore, Severly took the initiative to say:

"Lord, after what happened last time, more and more Proxima people felt the strength of the Blue Star civilization. Due to the full voting system of the Proxima civilization, more than half of the Proxima people agreed to withdraw the space fleet. I hope the Lord can Feel our sincerity, and no longer pursue what the Proxima Centauri civilization did to the Blue Star civilization."

Listening to Severly's narration, Xu You felt more relieved.

After these days of hard work, the space fleet of the Proxima civilization was finally temporarily retreated, and the blue star civilization was provided with valuable development time.

Although these times may not last for a long time, considering the current development speed of the Blue Star civilization, every day, or even every hour, is extremely important.

Being able to buy more time will greatly increase the probability of the Blue Star Civilization winning when the Blue Star Civilization and the Proxima Centauri Civilization collide head-on.

Of course, if the Blue Star civilization can really develop to the point where it can confront the Proxima Centauri civilization head-on, there is a high probability that this war can be avoided.

When the strengths of the two civilizations are very close, a war will undoubtedly hurt both sides.

However, at this time, Xu You thought of something else.

The peaceful result this time is actually based on the premise that the Proxima civilization believes that the Blue Star civilization is a powerful civilization.

If the Blue Star Civilization is just a weak civilization, then Proxima Centauri Civilization will definitely attack the Blue Star Civilization without hesitation.

Thinking of this, Xu You couldn't help but said to Severly:

"Severly, do you think this result is based on your kindness, or is it based on the strength of the Blue Star civilization?"

Hearing Xu You's question, Severly also seemed a little at a loss.

In fact, Severly did all these actions without thinking too much, but relying entirely on her instinctive thoughts.

Severly's rational decision to allow the two parties to reach a peaceful result is the most ideal result.

As for if Blue Star is a weak civilization...

That Serfly would probably choose to attack the Blue Star civilization like most Proxima Centauri.

At this time, in Severly's heart, there was an idea that had never appeared before.

" this a quality that living things should have?"

In the genes of Proxima Centauri, the rule of "the weak eat the strong" has always been adhered to.

This kind of cannibalism is not the same as that of Blue Star. There is no so-called kindness in the emotions of Proxima Centauri.

And it was not until today that Severly really understood some of the meanings of this word for the first time.

"Severly, kindness is not a quality that creatures should have, but a quality that intelligent creatures should have. If there is no kindness in the genes of an intelligent life, then this intelligent civilization will eventually perish .”

Listening to Xu You's narration, Severly began to understand the meaning of Xu You's words more and more.

As a Proxima, this is the first time Severly has learned of a similar point of view.

However, after careful consideration, Severly felt that intelligent life should not just think rationally.

"Lord, like our civilization maintained by artificial intelligence, it is too monotonous after all. If I have the opportunity, I really want to go to the Blue Star Civilization and feel the great Blue Star Civilization. .”

"Severly, there will be this opportunity."

After saying this, Xu You wanted to go back directly to Blue Star, but suddenly thought of something.

"Severly, if you encounter any danger in the future, please send such an electromagnetic wave to the wormhole. After I receive it, I will come to help you immediately."

Xu You thought that once the Proxima civilization found out the truth of the matter, Seveli's safety would face a big problem.

These days, Severly has helped Xu You a lot. Regardless of the reason behind it, Xu You owes Severly a lot of favors.

"Okay, Lord, I get it. Hopefully it doesn't come one day."

After finishing these last words, Xu You controlled the super quantum and returned to Blue Star through the wormhole.

"Lord, may we have a chance to meet again in the future!"

Severly stared blankly at the place where Xu You disappeared, unable to let go of her heart.


After returning from Proxima Centauri, Xu You also felt mixed feelings in his heart.

Lin Shi has already understood the whole process through the computer, and said to Xu You:

"Teacher, the Proxima Centauri civilization can withdraw their fleet, which is really great news for us. At this moment, at least we have a few more years of development opportunities."

"Yeah, anyway, this is a good thing." Xu You said.

Although such a peaceful situation may only be temporary, Xu You and Lin Shi are still grateful for this difficult developmental time.

At this time, Xu You wanted to discuss some philosophical issues with Lin Shi, but thinking that Lin Shi was not good at philosophy, he still restrained himself from speaking.

After reporting this news to the China Space Administration, the entire China Space Administration was also very excited.

This time, Xu You didn't even cost a single soldier to cause major changes in the Proxima civilization.

In the evening, Xu You and Lu Zhiyao returned home together.

On the way, Xu You had roughly told Lu Zhiyao what happened today.

"Yaoyao, tell me, is the essence of the universe purely the law of the jungle, or is there some kindness and humanity in it?"

Hearing this question from Xu You, Lu Zhiyao also fell into deep thought.

Lu Zhiyao thought for a while before answering:

"I think there should be no absolute answer to this question. According to the law of the dark forest, the law of the universe is that the weak are prey to the strong, and there is no so-called human nature. But in the development of the Blue Star civilization, human nature has always existed."

"Then Yaoyao, do you think there is so-called human nature in the civilization of Proxima Centauri?"

Due to the special system of the Proxima Centauri civilization, people in this civilization never do anything based on their emotions.

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