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Chapter 821: All Failed

"Lord! It is the Lord who protects me behind my back!"

After trying to understand the reason of the matter, Severly became excited all of a sudden.

Xu You is the only one who can have such a powerful force that even the punishment devices of Proxima Centauri civilization are ineffective.

At this time, the executioners of the Proxima civilization also noticed the problem, and they were all surprised.

"Why is Severly feeling a little bit excited instead of suffering a little bit? This is impossible!"

Under this level of punishment, no matter how strong the willpower is, it is impossible for the Proxima Centauri to remain indifferent.

They sensed Severly's abnormality, but they couldn't find the reason.

"Could it be that Severly has made preparations in advance? However, after our inspection just now, there is no difference on the surface of her body?"

At this time, Severly was only wearing the most common prison uniform of the Proxima civilization, without any other equipment on her body.

Seeing that the first punishment did not play any role, the core organization of the Proxima civilization had no choice but to start the next punishment.


The prisoner is burned with flames, causing the prisoner to suffer severe burns and scalds.

Of course, because Severly suffered the most serious punishment, this time the fire torture will not directly threaten Severly's life, but will only make Severly feel endless pain.

Seeing that the next punishment was about to begin, Severly felt a little scared, and at the same time prayed to Xu You.

"Lord, please save me from these pains!"

At this time, the Proxima people watching the live broadcast in front of the screen also had different feelings in their hearts.

Many Proxima Centauri people expect Severly to receive the most severe punishment, because Severly's actions betrayed the entire Proxima Centauri civilization, which is an unacceptable result for all Proxima Centauri people.

But there are also some people from Proxima Centauri who, seeing that Severly is about to receive such a severe punishment, feel a little scared in their hearts, and even dare not look at the screen, after all, this kind of punishment is too terrifying.

"X-1 Super Quantum, continue to protect Severly's safety."

Seeing that the next torture was about to begin, Xu You gave the order to X-1 Super Quantum again.

As a high-level super quantum with an unknown level, the X-1 super quantum is very powerful, and it can rely on its powerful ability to allow Severly to resist various harsh punishments.

Sure enough, after the flame rose, not only did Severly not feel the burning pain, but she even felt her whole body was a little cool.

"Fire didn't work!"

Seeing that the second round of punishment still had no effect on Severly, the executioners seemed a little overwhelmed.

"Don't hesitate, continue to execute Severly's punishment!"

"Okay, sir!"

After receiving the order from the chief, they no longer cared about Seveli's reaction, and continued to carry out the next round of punishment.

However, under the protection of the X-1 super quantum, Severly was still safe and sound. Not only was she not injured, she didn't even feel any pain.

This made Severly feel extremely grateful to Xu You, and lamented Xu You's greatness.

After experiencing multiple consecutive rounds of punishment, Proxima Centauri's mood has changed significantly.

The punishment live broadcast, which was originally intended to serve as a wake-up call to many Proxima Centauri, has lost its original meaning.

Even, the effect of this live broadcast has backfired.

People in Proxima Centauri know that such a result is unreasonable.

This proves that Severly really has some special abilities, or that she really got help from the Blue Star civilization.

At this time, some Proxima Centauri have already wavered, and feel that it is indeed not a rational choice to attack Blue Star again.

"I'm Xu You, stop your stupid punishment! Severly is a great Proxima, and she should be a role model for the entire Proxima civilization!"

Xu You's projection suddenly appeared in the sky above Proxima b, and sent his own brainwaves to all parts of the Proxima civilization.

The sudden appearance of Xu You once again shocked and frightened the people of Proxima Centauri.

"The Blue Star Civilization... actually has such terrifying power!"

"It's incredible to be able to protect Severly from the slightest pain of punishment."

"Impossible, this is impossible..."

Xu You took advantage of this opportunity to exert mental pressure on the neighboring stars.

Xu You knew that when what Severly did was exposed, people in Proxima Centauri would think that what happened before was just a bluffing smoke bomb, and it could not prove that the Blue Star Civilization really had strong strength.

This will also cause the Proxima Centauri civilization to once again launch a space fleet bound for the Blue Star to attack the Blue Star Civilization.

But this time, Xu You showed the strength of the Blue Star Civilization to the Proxima Centauri Civilization.

Under the circumstances that the Proxima Centauri civilization cannot understand, protect Severly from any harm.

Such a thing subverts every Proxima Centauri person's perception of technology.

However, Xu You also knew that even if he could temporarily protect Severly from harm, he could not take Severly away directly and get rid of the control of Proxima civilization.

After all, no matter how strong the X-1 super quantum is, it is just a quantum, and it does not have such a powerful force.

"How to rescue Severly so that she can be completely safe?"

At this time, Xu You could not directly come to the Alpha Centauri galaxy four light-years away, and could only display his own projection through the super quantum.

As for letting Severly escape from Proxima b... Sorry, Xu You really can't do it.

"It would be great if Severly is also a super quantum, then I can come out of the wormhole directly... By the way, that's the way of thinking!"

At this time, Xu You suddenly had another idea.

In fact, if you want to bring Severly to Blue Star, you don't need to bring Severly's body back, you only need to bring back Severly's consciousness.

At that time, when Xu You went to the moon for the first time, he had uploaded his consciousness and was ready to recreate himself.

Although this plan has never been really implemented, Xu You knows that this plan is already feasible.

In the same way, as long as Xu You can upload Severly's consciousness, enter the wormhole through the super quantum, return to the blue star, and then let Severly's consciousness enter a new body, it is equivalent to taking Severly's consciousness into a new body. Severly brought it back to Blue Star.

After all, if it is just to transmit information, the speed can completely exceed the speed of light.

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