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Chapter 826 Unsolvable Problem

"I will take the lead in the next work." Xu You said.

Originally, this kind of work did not require Xu You to do it himself, and could be handed over to experts in biology and medicine.

However, in order to maximize the success rate of the experiment, Xu You still decided to leave this matter to himself.

Although Xu You did not specialize in the study of biology and medicine, Xu You's attainments in this field are not small, even surpassing many experts in the industry.

And after the continuous strengthening of the body by nano-robots, Xu You can also concentrate his attention to a high degree, ensuring that there will be no mistakes.

Seeing that Xu You took the initiative to do it himself, everyone didn't have any opinions, and handed over the control to Xu You.

Lou Song watched the situation quietly from the side, while Lin Shi stayed in front of the equipment, ready to help Xu You at any time.

"Okay, the experiment has officially begun."

Xu You said solemnly to everyone, saying that he was going to start the experiment now, and at the same time reminded others to concentrate and pay attention to the progress of the experiment.

Xu You used medical equipment to determine the location of each brain function of this human body.

After zooming in, Xu You could even see every neuron in the brain.

What Xu You did next was to transfer the consciousness stored in the super quantum to this new brain.

And because different parts of the brain are responsible for different functions, Xu You must also set up partitions when performing consciousness transfer, so as to ensure that after the experiment, Severly can use various body functions in a very coordinated manner.

This process is a bit like the process of installing a computer system and partitioning a hard disk, but the actual principle is much more complicated.

Xu You turned on the deep learning state and focused all his attention on this work.

Almost instantly, Xu You successfully entered a more powerful state of flow, raising his state to another level.

After the vitality system was unlocked again and the learning level continued to increase, Xu You's various abilities have improved again, and the whole person is stronger than before.

In this state, Xu You could hardly feel any external interference, and was working on this work with all his strength.

At this time, Xu You's accuracy is not even inferior to that of a computer, and he has a strong autonomous ability that a computer does not have.

Before he knew it, Xu You had completed part of the consciousness transfer work.

The body lying on the bed seemed to be infused with a soul at this time, and the fingers began to move unconsciously.

This is a reaction of this body becoming conscious, which proves that this body can already produce dreams, and is no longer just an empty shell with heartbeat and breathing functions like before.

Others also noticed these details and were excited by the results of the experiment, but they didn't dare to discuss it loudly, fearing that it would affect Xu You's operation.

But Xu You didn't pay attention to these trivial things at all. Now Xu You can already filter out all irrelevant information, and concentrate on continuing his own operations.

"Severy's consciousness has been successfully transferred in, and there are still some memory locks that have not been successfully transferred..."

Therefore, the special way of super quantum storage information, when uploading Severly's consciousness, actually packs all the memories together.

But in the process of consciousness transfer, these memories cannot be transferred directly, otherwise it will easily cause Severly's amnesia.

"Not good... Some of these memory fragments cannot form a whole memory... This is a problem that cannot be solved yet."

During the experiment, Xu You suddenly realized this problem.

Because of the difference in brain structure between Proxima Centauri and Blue Star people, some of Severly's memories appear in other forms of encoding.

This does not affect the storage of these memories in the super quantum, but it cannot be stored in the brain of the blue star's human body.

And because the understanding of the brains of neighboring stars is not enough, Xu You didn't discover this problem before.

However, it was too late to stop the experiment at this time.

This experiment is irreversible. If the experiment cannot be completed within the normal plan, there will be problems with both the human body and Severly's consciousness.

It's just that if the body can't be used, it can take a few more months to create another body.

But if there is a problem with Severly's consciousness, then the whole experiment will fail completely.

Thinking of this, Xu You temporarily stopped his operation and hesitated.

"Teacher...what's the matter?"

Lin Shi noticed Xu You's abnormal reaction, but didn't know what happened.

Lin Shi knew that with Xu You's ability and prudence, there would be no mistakes.

Xu You's expression like this can only show that this sudden situation is very special, something Xu You never thought of before.

However, in order to prevent herself from disturbing Xu You, Lin Shi did not dare to talk to Xu You without authorization.

Unless Xu You took the initiative to ask them for help, otherwise, Lin Shi believed that Xu You could solve the problem by himself.

After a brief hesitation, Xu You quickly made a decision.

If the price is only the loss of some memory fragments, Xu You thinks this price can be borne.

According to Xu You's brain simulation, this will only make Severly's memory blurred, and will not affect Severly's core ability.

Thinking of this, Xu You made a decisive decision and continued with his operation.

After several hours of continuous work, Xu You finally let out a soft breath.

"Okay, prepare to wake up Severly." Xu You said softly.

At this time, Xu You, because of continuous long hours of work, was almost covered in sweat all over his body, and his energy was also severely exhausted.

Although Xu You's physical fitness is excellent, he still feels tired after working hard for so long.

"Okay, teacher, you can take a rest, I can arrange the next work." Lin Shi said.

Xu You nodded lightly, indicating that Lin Shi could take over his leadership.

Lin Shi arranged for experts to inject some medicine into Severly's body to release Severly's dormant state.

After arranging these tasks, Lin Shi finally mustered up the courage to ask Xu You:

"Teacher, did any accident happen during the operation just now?"

Hearing Lin Shi's question, Xu You replied lightly:

"There may be some problems with Severly's memory, which is an unsolvable problem."

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