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Chapter 829 Low Dimensional Expansion of Super Quantum

Hearing Severly's words, everyone present became excited.

According to the inferences of Xu You and others, the Blue Star civilization is five hundred years behind the Proxima Centauri civilization.

And if the Blue Star civilization can also master the technology of absorbing star energy, it can be said that the gap between the two civilizations will be directly narrowed by three hundred years.

"Severly, tell me your specific thoughts."

"Okay, Teacher Xu."

Saying that, Severly took out her personal computer and showed it to everyone.

Before this, there had never been a mature plan on how to use the power of stars on Blue Star, so everyone listened to Severly's story very seriously.

Even Xu You was concentrating, not wanting to miss any detail in Severly's plan.

"After my understanding of Blue Star culture, I already know that Blue Star has long had some ideas on how to absorb the energy of stars. This technology is called 'Dyson Ball' technology on Blue Star, but it is too difficult to realize. , are only at the hypothetical stage. Among them, we can use a technology to help us realize this idea.”

The normal Dyson sphere technology requires a huge spherical object to wrap the sun, so that part of the sun's energy is intercepted, so that humans can obtain this energy.

And because the blue star cannot leave the energy emitted by the sun, this Dyson sphere must at least be outside the sun and the blue star, and cannot exist between the blue star and the sun.

However, to manufacture such a huge spherical shell that can absorb the energy of the sun, with the current technological level of the Blue Star humans, it is far from being possible.

Just industrial capacity, resource consumption, and automation technology, these are all unsolvable problems if taken alone.

"In fact, the key to solving this problem is very simple, that is, to use super quantum."

Hearing Severly's words, everyone present was shocked.

"Super it actually a super quantum?"

Xu You also did not expect that Severly would propose such an idea. After all, Xu You thought that he had a very deep understanding of super quantum, but he never thought that super quantum would have anything to do with Dyson ball technology.

The super quantum can indeed absorb the energy of the sun, but the efficiency is very low, so the volume of the super quantum is too small, and it can only obtain a very small amount of energy radiated by the sun.

Most of the energy required by the super quantum comes from the dark energy in the vacuum, and has nothing to do with the energy radiated by stars.

Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Severly continued:

"Of course, it is absolutely impossible to just use super quantum directly to absorb the energy of stars. We all know that super quantum is a product active in high-dimensional space, but it does not just have high-dimensional properties. Apart from these , super quantum also has properties in low dimensions."

"The nature of the low dimension... I understand!"

Hearing these words put forward by Severly, Xu You immediately reacted.

As early as before, when Severly took the initiative to send information to Blue Star, she used the technology of hiding information in low dimensions.

In the dimension transformation technology of matter and information, the Proxima Centauri Civilization far exceeds the Blue Star Civilization, and Severly is also a master of this technology.

The same technology application and super quantum can make the super quantum unfold under the second dimension and become a fan with a very large surface area!

As Xu You expected, what Severly said next was exactly the same as what Xu You had guessed.

"This is the two-dimensional expansion technology of the super quantum. Through the transformation of the material dimension, the super quantum can be made two-dimensional and appear in the universe. The volume and quality of the two-dimensional super quantum will not change, but they can have Very huge surface area. According to my calculations, we only need one hundred first-level superquanta to completely cover the sun."

While talking about her thoughts, Severly displayed the model she had created in the computer.

After these years of adaptation, Severly has gotten used to the current life. Not only can she use Bluestar's computer flexibly, but she is also very proficient in speaking Chinese.

Of course, this has a lot to do with Severly's powerful brain value. It is precisely because of Severly's extremely strong brain value that she can have such a fast learning ability and such a strong adaptability.

"I didn't expect that the super quantum has such ability... By the way, Severly, I have understood your model. How can the super quantum transfer the absorbed energy to the blue star? These energies can be Instant transmission?"

After Lin Shi listened carefully to Severly's narration, she frowned slightly and asked.

"As far as we know, super quantum cannot transmit energy instantaneously, even through wormholes. Of course, this is not an unsolvable problem. As long as we use more super quantum, we can solve it. That's the problem."

Hearing what Severly said, Xu You has fully understood how this technology is realized.

"Severly means that these one hundred super quantum are only used for energy absorption, but not all super quantum used in the whole technology. After these super quantum absorb energy, they can be absorbed by other super quantum replaced. It's like a shift in a factory."

After listening to Xu You's explanation, everyone understood the specific operation method of this technology.

"Yes, as Mr. Xu said, we still need more super quantum to participate, flying between the blue star and the Dyson sphere, responsible for the transmission of energy. This way of energy absorption is extremely efficient, even more efficient than the super quantum The quantum absorbs dark energy from the vacuum even faster."

"But, Severly, if that's the case, why don't you let the Super Quantum level up directly through this method?" Lin Shi asked.

"This involves another problem. Although this method can allow the super quantum to absorb energy quickly, the properties of these energies and dark energy are not the same, and they cannot be transformed into each other, nor can they be used for super quantum energy levels. Improvement. Therefore, these super quantum can only be used to absorb star energy and transmit energy, and can no longer improve their own energy level. "

"It turns out that's the case. It seems that the Proxima civilization's research on super quantum is indeed very in-depth." Lin Shi said.

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