Top Student

Chapter 831: An Incredible Scene

The reason why Severly was so surprised was because Xu You's calculation results were almost exactly the same as her own.

However, Severly's calculation directly used the formulas learned on Proxima b, while Xu You did not directly use these formulas, but calculated from scratch through his own derivation.

In other words, Xu You deduced this theory directly, and made up for the regret that Severly did not grasp the basic principles.

"Ms. Xu's deduction is completely correct. After watching Mr. Xu's process, I also understand what I didn't understand before!"

Severly had to admit that the shock that Xu You brought to her was far higher than what she had expected.

In the past, Severly also had some curiosity and doubts about this knowledge, but Severly is not a person who studies this part of the profession after all, it is impossible to get to the bottom of all the knowledge, and she can only focus on her main business superior.

But Severly's ability is sufficient. Only relying on part of the calculation process given by Xu You, Severly has fully understood Xu You's thoughts.

"Yes, the teacher's idea is really ingenious! Maybe give me a month, and I can deduce these by myself, but the teacher can complete such a complicated derivation in ten minutes!"

Severly and Lin Shi stood beside Xu You, expressing their shocking feelings in different ways.

Facing the compliments from his two students, Xu You didn't express anything, but focused on the computer.

At this time, the super quantum controlled by Xu You has come to a place far away from the blue star, and has the conditions to unfold.

"This location should be fine. It's very far away from Blue Star, and it won't have any impact on Blue Star, nor will it affect other planets." Xu You said.

After all, the volume of the super quantum after two-dimensional expansion is really too large. When conducting experiments, it is better not to affect other planets as much as possible.

When the project is actually carried out later, the location chosen by the Dyson sphere will definitely be outside the eight planets of the solar system.

At this time, Xu You controlled the Super Quantum to stay still in place and stopped moving forward.

It is said to be static, but in fact, the super quantum cannot be completely static in one position, and it only moves irregularly within a certain range centered on one position.

Xu You issued an order through the computer, and in an instant, Super Quantum received the order and started the two-dimensional unfolding program.

The reason why there is such a fast response speed is that Xu You has used the super-quantum's long-distance information transmission capability, which allows the super quantum to execute Xu You's orders without any delay.

The subsequent process was much slower than everyone imagined. Even in the first few minutes, the super quantum did not change at all macroscopically, it was still just a microscopic particle that could not be seen by the naked eye.

But in the microscopic world, this super quantum has quietly undergone very big changes.

" this the process of super quantum two-dimensional expansion?"

Seeing the screen displayed on the computer, everyone was very surprised.

Because in everyone's normal understanding, the super quantum is already the smallest particle that cannot be divided. Due to the special structure of the super quantum, no external force can make the super quantum into a smaller particle.

However, in the picture displayed by the computer, the surface area of ​​this super quantum has expanded several times, apparently becoming a shape almost like a piece of paper.

"Yes, now this super quantum has begun to expand two-dimensionally. But so far, its surface area is still small enough to be seen by the naked eye. But soon, we will be able to directly observe it with the naked eye. "

From the pictures in the microscopic world, we can see that every time this super quantum is unfolded, the surface area will directly double, just like the process of unfolding folded paper.

Before you know it, the surface area of ​​the super quantum is getting bigger and bigger, and it can already be directly observed by the naked eye.

" an incredible sight!"

At this time, the super quantum is like a thin film. Although it is very difficult to observe, it can still be vaguely seen.

At this scale, the unfolding process of the super quantum is already very obvious.

Everyone can't imagine that this smiling particle can unknowingly expand into such a wide surface, receiving part of the sun's rays.

Finally, after a period of two-dimensional expansion, the super quantum has transformed into the final form, and will not continue to change.

However, Xu You knew that this was only the first step of the experiment.

The super quantum after two-dimensional expansion cannot directly absorb the energy of the sun, because the light transmittance of this almost two-dimensional material is too high, reaching nearly 100%, and the absorption efficiency of solar energy is almost zero.

It is also necessary to change some forms of the super quantum in order to be able to complete the next task.

Xu You continued to enter a series of instructions into his computer.

Immediately, the expanded super quantum plane suddenly blocked most of the sunlight, and absorbed energy into its own interior.

"The energy of the super quantum begins to increase rapidly!"

Lin Shi saw the data in the computer and said it excitedly.

It can be seen that after the mode conversion, the two-dimensional super quantum has a very high efficiency in absorbing solar energy, far exceeding the normal absorption speed of vacuum dark energy.

"It's really scary. The energy absorption efficiency of this kind of energy is already stronger than that of a large power station. If we can arrange these super quantum in all directions in the solar system, then the civilization level of Blue Star will soon be raised to A new level!"

Everyone understands how important energy is to a civilization.

The success of this experiment marks that the Blue Star civilization will continue to accelerate the pursuit of the neighboring star civilization.


After finishing the first experiment, Xu You and others officially reported the project upwards and received strong internal support.

After all, the significance of this project is too great. Once the project is successful, it will bring the Blue Star civilization into a new era, an era that can compete with the Proxima civilization.

Xu You also specifically mentioned Severly's credit in it. Although Xu You deduced the details of the two-dimensional super quantum development in the end, Xu You would not have been able to easily think of it without the ideas provided by Severly. in this direction.

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