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Chapter 834 Death Planet Test

"Oh, so that's the case. It seems that the development directions of the Blue Star Civilization and the Proxima Centauri Civilization are indeed not exactly the same. I thought that these are the technology trees that must be lit during the development of civilization."

"Maybe there are indeed differences in the development routes between different civilizations. For example, people in the Proxima civilization can't communicate through voice. If I hadn't met Mr. Xu, I would never have thought that intelligent creatures would still have that kind of communication.”

Listening to the conversation between Lin Shi and Severly, Xu You said:

"Indeed, there will indeed be some surprises between different civilizations. But this is not the Proxima Centauri civilization, and there is no reason for the birth of a dead planet."

Hearing Xu You's words, both Lin Shi and Severly were taken aback.

"Then teacher, why didn't the Proxima civilization develop a death planet?" Lin Shi asked.

"It's very simple, because they don't have that ability. It's as if they also don't have the ability to directly transfer a Blue Star person to Proxima b through the wormhole."

Compared with Lin Shi's active questioning, Severly did not rush to ask various questions, but listened carefully to Xu You's explanation.

"As you all know, the Proxima Centauri civilization is not as good as the Blue Star civilization in terms of the energy level of the super quantum. A high-level super quantum is enough to complete the transformation of an asteroid and make it a consumable weapon. It is the death planet. The power of the death planet is very huge, and in the process of combat, it will not care about its own loss, and it has a powerful lethality that other weapons do not have..."

Listening to Xu You's explanation, Severly gradually understood some of her doubts.

"Mr. Xu, you can program the high-level super-quantum to let the super-quantum transform the asteroid autonomously, so as to make a powerful death planet? This idea is really ingenious!"

Severly has to admit that on Proxima Centauri, no one has tried to do this, nor can the super quantum have such a high level of intelligence.

After rescuing Severly back to Blue Star, Xu You continued to let X-1 Super Quantum carry out the work of transforming the asteroid.

After a month of transformation work, the transformation of the first planet of death has been completed, and Xu You is about to start testing it.

"Look, this is the asteroid transformed by the X-1 super quantum. The X-1 super quantum not only transformed it into a regular spherical shape, but also equipped it with a variety of powerful weapons. Severly, you think What kind of result will such a weapon encounter with the space fleet of the Proxima Centauri civilization?"

Xu You didn't know the strength of the Proxima civilization fleet, so he had to ask Severly.

However, although Severly used to be a Proxima Centaur, she didn't specialize in the research of weapons, and she couldn't directly give exact results.

"Mr. Xu, please forgive me for being unprofessional and unable to give an exact answer. According to my estimation, the weapons equipped by the space fleet of the Proxima civilization are still stronger, and considering that the death planet is not afraid of casualties, maybe can make up for this disadvantage.”

"Then what if... we can use tens of millions of these dead planets?"

Xu You suddenly changed the subject, and Severly was taken aback when she heard the words.

"Thousands of them... I thought it was just using a death planet to face a space fleet."

Because the radius of just a dead planet is at least a few kilometers long, such a volume is enough to fight against multiple space fighters.

If it is a dead planet with a diameter of tens or even hundreds of kilometers, its combat effectiveness is even more powerful.

"Put tens of thousands of these dead planets together...they are simply unstoppable. Their only flaw is that they are not flexible enough, and they are easily dodged by small space fighters," Severly said.

"Yes, this is an unavoidable weakness of huge weapons. The death planet itself is not a weapon that is known for its flexibility, but more of a weapon for defense and directional impact. This is suitable for the defensive arrangement of the solar system, and at the same time , can also be used as a weapon to attack Proxima b."

After Xu You said this, everyone's expressions changed.

None of them expected that Xu You had already thought of a plan to attack Proxima b while laying out the solar system defense plan.

As the saying goes, "Offense is the best defense." When facing a civilization that is stronger than himself, Xu You knows that blindly defending is not a good solution, and countermeasures must be prepared.

"This is like what the Proxima Centauri civilization did before, using a super quantum to change the trajectory of the asteroid and let it crash into the blue star. But in comparison, our dead planet is far more terrifying than the asteroid , while possessing powerful kinetic energy, it also possesses various other lethal functions."

Just an asteroid crashing into an intelligent civilization may not cause too much crisis.

But if thousands of such dead planets crash into Proxima b, then even the powerful Proxima civilization has no ability to resist, and can only find a way to abandon Proxima b and escape.

I believe that when the Proxima civilization faces such a crisis, it will no longer have the idea of ​​​​invading other civilizations.

"Teacher, in this case, the Proxima civilization will not dare to attack us! Maybe they will beg us to spare them and give us some compensation!" Lin Shi said excitedly.

"Actually, I don't have any idea of ​​attacking other planets. The universe is so big, there are so many things worthy of our exploration, we don't need to annihilate any other intelligent civilization. But we must ensure the safety of the blue star, and we must also have victory capabilities of other intelligent civilizations."

Xu You does not fully believe in the law of the dark forest, nor will he deny the objective significance of the law of the dark forest.

All that Xu You did was to show his muscles to the Proxima Centauri civilization and avoid the upcoming interstellar war.

While everyone was discussing this, Xu You had already quietly completed the test on the first death planet.

"After testing, the death planet is ready for the experiment. Now our goal is to destroy a target asteroid."

While talking, Xu You displayed the entire plan on his computer screen.

This target asteroid is even larger than the death planet in volume, if only relying on the force of its impact, it is definitely not easy to destroy it, at most it will die together.

And in the first test, Xu You didn't intend to directly sacrifice this death planet.

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