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Chapter 842: Traces of Life on Mars

"Yes, Severly, we do want to build the moon into the largest space station, and a space station that can move. In the future, we don't rule out the possibility of interstellar travel on the moon, but the possibility of this has not yet been determined. "

Xu You didn't talk too much, and Severly didn't give any doubt when she saw Xu You said that.

After all, judging from the current development of Blue Star, Xu You's statement is completely tenable.

"Mr. Xu, if the moon deviates from its original orbit, it will also affect the movement of the blue star. After that, the moon will no longer be visible from the blue star."

"Of course, so we will not easily implement this plan, but these problems are not unsolvable. We only need to place a mass point with the same mass as the moon in the original position of the moon, and this problem can be solved theoretically. It’s just that in the actual implementation process, there are still many details to be resolved.”

"Mr. Xu, can you leave this problem to me to solve? I am still very interested in this problem."

"Of course, Severly, if you have time, you can study this issue." Xu You said.

Now Xu You has completed the design of the overall plan, as for the details, there are still many places that need to be adjusted.

If Severly can complete these tasks, Xu You is naturally very happy, and this is also a good opportunity to exercise Severly's ability.

"Okay, Mr. Xu, I will definitely finish this work seriously."

It was the first time that Xu You gave this task, and Severly seemed to attach great importance to it, and she was determined to do a good job in the research of this subject.

At this time, Lin Shi seemed to have received some information suddenly, and became a little emotional.

"Lin Shi, what's wrong?"

Xu You noticed Lin Shi's emotional changes and asked Lin Shi.

"Teacher, our probe on Mars has detected some new data. On Mars... may there really be life?"

Hearing Lin Shi's words, Xu You also felt excited.

Because once the news is confirmed to be true...

In the solar system, there are at least two planets with life!

This new discovery will undoubtedly cause a huge shock in the biological world.

Excited, Xu You quickly checked the information that Lin Shi saw.

"Is this... a trace of DNA?"

After seeing the core content of the message, Xu You couldn't help but frown.

If traces of DNA can be detected on Mars, it is enough to show that life must have existed on Mars.

Of course, only the data from the Mars probe cannot draw definite conclusions.

After all, there are errors in the detection of the Mars rover. If you want to get accurate conclusions, you must send these soil samples back from Mars.

"According to the detection accuracy of the Mars probe, the possibility of life on Mars has reached at least 90%. Lin Shi, if you can, contact the China Space Administration and try to bring the samples back for testing."

Xu You attached great importance to this news, and naturally wanted to further confirm this possibility.

Once it is confirmed that life once existed on Mars, Xu You is willing to go to Mars in person to conduct field exploration.

Although Xu You's main task at present is to prevent the invasion of alien civilizations, Xu You has already arranged for the construction of the death planet, and Xu You does not need to do too much.

The exploration of the origin of life is also of great significance in the development of civilization, and will not conflict with the defense of the planet.

"Teacher, the China Space Administration has already arranged this matter. It is estimated that we will be able to ship the samples back in a month."

Due to the rapid progress of Blue Star's aerospace industry, transporting soil samples between Mars and Blue Star will not be as troublesome as before.

"Great, after a month, we can confirm the accuracy of this information." Xu You said excitedly.

Severly also heard the conversation between Xu You and Lin Shi, and leaned over and said:

"Actually, the Proxima civilization has been searching for signs of life on other planets. For similar situations, the Proxima civilization has also been found on other planets, but only traces of life have been found on some planets, and no higher planets have been found. intelligent creatures."

Hearing Severly's words, both Xu You and Lin Shi were taken aback.

"Severly, what do you mean, it's actually quite common for there to be traces of life on the planet?"

"Yes, it can be said that there is life on the planet. It is not a particularly rare thing. As long as the conditions of the planet are not particularly bad, there may be traces of life. Of course, life does not necessarily appear, and it may be Just some large organic molecules, or the structure of proteins. In contrast, it is more difficult to continue life."

Xu You quickly understood Severly's words, and combined this phenomenon with mathematics and physics knowledge.

"It can be understood in this way. In fact, the series of reactions from inorganic matter, to organic matter, to organic macromolecules, and then to protein structure, as long as conditions permit and time is sufficient, there is a high probability that it will happen. It's just that the more Later, the conditions for the formation of matter became more and more harsh, and the formation of life in the end was a time with a small probability..."

Xu You's words sounded a bit abstract, but Severly and Lin Shi probably understood what Xu You meant.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, it can be understood in this way. The formation of organisms is still a relatively easy process, but it takes a very long time, perhaps in units of hundreds of millions of years. But under the drastic changes in the environment, organisms are very difficult. The phenomenon of mass extinction is prone to occur, and I mean the kind of devastating mass extinction, not the kind of mass extinction event that has occurred five times on the blue star."

In the history of Blue Star, there have been five mass extinction events that wiped out most creatures, but they did not completely wipe out all creatures on Blue Star.

In every mass extinction event, some tenacious and lucky creatures will survive in the end, and until the emergence of human beings, they become the new rulers on the blue star.

"To a certain extent, the creatures that can survive the mass extinction are indeed tenacious enough, but this can also prove from the side that the power of these mass extinction events is not enough. These creatures are not considered intelligent creatures. If they really If there is a particularly destructive event, there will be no creatures on the blue star that can survive, and naturally there will be no human beings."

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